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A kangaroo kept getting out of his enclosure at the zoo. Knowing that he was a good jumper。The object(賓語)。How much do you know about plants。


1、Reading,Zhang Guozheng weight lifting,Liu Xiang hurdling,These pictures have been taken at the end of events. How do you think the participants are feeling? Give reasons.,exultant(狂喜) , exciting,12.88,On July 12, a day before his 23rd birthday, Olympic champion Liu Xiang sent himself a wonderful gift by setting a world record of 12.88 seconds in the mens 110-metre hurdles in Lausanne.,Luo Xuejuan swimming,boxing,Pre-reading,hula hooping,pogo stick jumping,doing jumping jacks,somersaultin。

2、Reading & Writing,Fastest average speed, Tour de France,France,1999, 2003,Lance Armstrong,1. Read the profiles from a sports magazine and complete the summary of each sportspersons (Guinness) record(s).,what,where,when,who,Yongest female to win the womens world title for platform diving champion of all time; first,Australia, Barcelona, Atlanta, Sydney,1991, 1992, 1996, 2000,Martin Strel,2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,The Danube River in Europe; the Mississippi River in USA。

3、Revising useful structures,1. Underline the predicates in the sentences.,1. James Cook was a great English navigator and Pacific Ocean expedition leader. 2. He had not only an outstanding ability in navigation and exploration, but also a real concern for sailors health. He carried out compulsory dietary reforms that were copied by many other ship captains.,3. He had led three great Pacific voyages during his life. 4. In his first Pacific voyage in 1769, James Cook rounded Cape Horn, then s。

4、Learning about language,Discovering useful words and expressions,1. Replace the words underlined by ones of similar meaning from the reading passage.,1) Seeing the dark clouds above him, George hurried for home. 2) Sailing a boat alone far way from the shore made Floras parents worry about her safety.,overhead,offshore,3) Clare, would you please put your bicycle next to the others in the shed? 4) “Why dont you plot a more simple route with the smallest number of stops?” asked Mary. 5) Setting。

5、Listening,1. Read these words and then listen to the tape. Circle those aids that early sailors used to find their way.,2. Listen to the tape again and fill in the chart.,Norway,Pacific,Studied the waves of the ocean,Watched birds to find land,3. These are some Viking sailing directions from Norway to Greenland.,Sail west but keep to the north of the Shetland Islands so you can hardly see them in good weather. Stay far enough south of the Faroes so that their steep mountains are just halfw。

6、Reading,The four basic instruments for navigation: Sinan, Inch Astrolabe, Sextant and nautical map.,Sinan, the ancient Chinese compass.,It was invented by Zhang Heng in the Han dynasty. It is made up of a bronze foundation (青銅地盤) and magnetic spoon(磁勺) which is made of natural magnet, positioned right in the central of the foundation.,The handle of the spoon points to the south, while the other side points to the north. When the Sinan is in the still, the handle of the spoon points to the 。

7、In pairs discuss these questions: 1 What is a navigator? A navigator explores new routes across the sea. 2 What is the difference between a navigator and an explorer? A navigator explores the sea; an explorer discovers new places on land.,Warming Up,3 Look at these famous people. Are they navigators or explorers? What do you know about them? Navigator sea nautical instruments find new islands or continents Navigator is someone who finds the position and plots the course of a ship, an。

8、Listening on P67,Task 1 Discuss with a partner what is happening in each of the photographs below.,Surf lifesaving clubs are popular all over Australia. They were originally formed to provide a rescue service for swimmers who get into danger on beaches. The clubs are voluntary organizations whose members patrol the beaches for free. As well as carrying out lifeguard duties,Background information,the clubs hold many social events and competitions related to the beach and swimming. Children betwe。

9、1 vary vt variety n various / varied adj vary from to 由到情況不等 vary with 隨而變化 vary from 不同于 Teaching methods vary greatly from school to school . Prices vary with the seasons . The meaning of life ______according to the nature of ones life style . A moves B changes C varies D turns,C,2 effect (n ) / affect (vt) be of no effect have a positive/ good / bad / no effect on / upon in effect take effect Electronic games dont have much effect on grown-ups but affect students a great deal。

10、A kangaroo kept getting out of his enclosure at the zoo. Knowing that he was a good jumper, the zoo authorities increased the height of the fence around him, but, the next morning, the kangaroo was out of his enclosure again.,Revising useful structures,So the keepers solution was to build an even higher barrier. However, the next morning, the result was disappointing- the kangaroo was not in his enclosure. The authorities, being desperate, increased the height of the fence again and again a。

11、Language points,1. Which of the pictures below do you associate with the following places in Australia. 你把哪些圖片與澳大利亞的下列地方聯(lián)系起來?,associate vt. to join (people or things) together to connect (ideas, etc.) in ones mind,associate,associate sb. /sth. with 把某人/物與聯(lián)系起來,Bear them in your mind!,be associated with 與有關, 與有瓜葛,eg. Ive never associated you with this place. 我從未把你和這個地方聯(lián)系在一起過。 These problems are associated with cancer treatment. 這些問題與治療癌。

12、詞組翻譯,說服某人做某事 出于尊敬 把歸功于, 欠 與通信 把聯(lián)系,talkinto,out of respect,oweto,correspondwith,associate with,6. 受到的歡迎 7. 一小撮, 一把, 少數(shù) 8. 遠非 9. 對負責 位于, 坐落于 預定,be popular with,a handful of,far from,be responsible for,be located in,make a reservation,單詞拼寫,1. The thief s_______ the handbag and ran away. 2. The wool was w_____ round the back of the chair. 3. One of the new governments p______ is to control public spending.,natched,ound,olicies,4. Several h_______。

13、Unit 3 Australia,Warming up,Today we are going to learn about a country. It is a country and also a continent. It is surrounded by oceans. While many other countries are having winter, it is in summer.,In this country, you will see many plants and animals that cannot be found anywhere else, such as the kangaroo, koala bear, etc. Do you know which country it is?,Australia is in Oceania, the smallest continent in the world. The capital is Canberra. Sydney is a famous city, which has the well-know。

14、Language points,1. date back to 追溯到; 始于,This town dates back to Roman times. The castle dates back to the 14th century. These societies dated as far back as a century.,date from 追溯到; 始于,The dress dates from the 19th century. This custom dates from the 17th century. My interest in stamp collecting dates from my schooldays.,Insurance dating from the 17th century now profits a lot. The present harmony in the factory dates from a sensible agreement on wages and productivity.,dated adj. 過。

15、Grammar,Object,The object(賓語),1. 賓語是及物動詞后的一個成分,表示動作的對象,承受者或結果.可作賓語的有: 1.名詞,代詞,數(shù)詞.名詞形容詞 a. They collected seeds from trees. b. Would you like something to eat? c. They fired one-third of their works. d. We should respect the old .,動詞不定式作賓語 I expected to spend the holidays in France. He refused to accept any physical limitation. -ing 形式作賓語 I love going on walks and looking at plants. They enjoyed sharing their work experiences.,從句做賓語 D。

16、Listening,1. How would you describe each plant? What do you think is unusual about each plant? 2. One of the pictures shows pitcher plants and another shows “l(fā)iving stones”. Which picture shows which plant? The name of the plant in the other picture is Rafflesia.,Listening on P36,Look carefully at the photos of the plants and answer the questions.,living stone,Rafflesia,pitcher plants,Pitcher plant,Now listen to Mark, Gordon and Andrea telling their class about these plants. Which student talk。

17、Reading,Warming up,How much do you know about plants?,DISCUSSION:,Did you know that:,1. some plants do not have flowers?,2. some plants have roots that live in the air?,3. some plants eat meat?,4. some plants need animals to pollinate them?,5. some plants grow on other plants?,6. plants are adapted to live in specific environments?,7. people buy plants that come from other countries for their gardens?,8. a new plant does not always grow from a seed?,Special plants,Pre-reading,Do you have a。

18、Reading on P78,CoEvolution,yucca 絲蘭,yucca moth,The Travellers Palm 棕櫚樹,The Madagascar black lemur,The Ophrys Orchid 蘭花,wasp,Warming up,Discuss the question: Whats the relationship between plants and animals?,Pre-reading,Before you read the text, glance quickly through it and answer these questions. 1. Whats the topic of the text? 2. What three plants are featured? 3. What do the photos show you? 4. What three animal pollinators are featured?,Whats the topic of the text?,2. What three plan。

19、Reading and discussion on P37,Flowers and their animal pollinators,Bee,Humming-birds,Butterflies,moth,Difficult words and expressions,evolve evolution attach to bat tube odour give out,發(fā)展;進展;進化,發(fā)出;分發(fā),氣味,管子,演變;進化,附上;貼上,蝙蝠,What is the text about? What do pictures show you? What is the chart about?,1,The text is about flowers and their animal pollinators. The pictures show different kinds of animal pollinators and their flowers. The chart lists animal pollinators and th。

20、Experiment reports,Writing,Look at the pictures in Exercise 1 and guess the answers to the questions:,What materials are being used in this experiment? What do you think the purpose of the experiment is? What order do you think the pictures should go in?,Listening on P79,Number the pictures in the order you hear about them.,2,3,1,5,4,Listen to the first part again and answer the questions.,What is the purpose of the experiment? To find out three important conditions that seeds need in order to。

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高中英語 Unit 4 Exploring plants課件 新人教選修9
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高中英語 Unit1Breaking recordsLearning about language課件新人教選修9
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