2020年高考英語 語法復習高分巧突破 第2部分 動詞和動詞短語

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《2020年高考英語 語法復習高分巧突破 第2部分 動詞和動詞短語》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《2020年高考英語 語法復習高分巧突破 第2部分 動詞和動詞短語(13頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、動詞和動詞短語(共3組,每組限時8分鐘)1(2020廈門第一次適應性考試)How everything _ in your life all depends on how hard you work; there is no such thing as a free meal.Abreaks outBgoes outCturns out Dthrows out解析:選C考查動詞短語辨析。句意:在你生命中,事情結果如何完全取決于你的努力程度,天下沒有免費的午餐。break out“(戰(zhàn)爭、火災、疾病等)突然爆發(fā)”;go out“外出;熄滅”;turn out“最終結果是;最終成為”;throw

2、out“扔掉,丟棄”。根據(jù)句意應選C。2(2020皖北協(xié)作區(qū)高三一模)Do you know his daughter will _ the project?Really? I dont know it yet.Alook up to Bget across toClive up to Dget down to解析:選D考查動詞短語辨析。句意:“你知道他的女兒將開始做這個計劃嗎?”“真的嗎?我還不知道?!眊et down to“開始做”,符合句意。3(2020大連市一模)As its name _, the Volunteer Farm relies on volunteers to weed

3、, plant and harvest.Asuggests BinsistsCpredicts Dpossesses解析:選A考查動詞辨析。句意:正如它的名字所表明的那樣,志愿者農(nóng)場依靠志愿者來除草、栽種和收獲。這里用suggest“表明”,符合句意。insist“堅持”;predict“預言,預告”;possess“擁有”。4(2020石家莊高三一模)Overuse of computers will _ to the failure of our eyesight, which is a warning to us all.Acontribute BturnCdevote Dadjust解

4、析:選A考查動詞辨析。句意:過度使用計算機會使我們的視力下降,這是對我們大家的一個警告。contribute to“促成,造成”,是固定搭配,符合句意。5(2020昆明一模)The landlord wants to _ the rent by $ 30 a month, which I think is unacceptable.Amake up Btake upCcut up Dput up解析:選D考查動詞短語辨析。句意:那個房東想把房租每個月提高30美元,我認為這是不能接受的。make up“編造;化妝”;take up“開始從事;拿起”;cut up“切碎”;put up“提高,增加

5、”。根據(jù)句意可知,D項正確。6(2020山西四校聯(lián)考)No matter how much money you possess, it cant _ a healthy body.Acompare BsuitCdefeat Dmatch解析:選D考查動詞辨析。句意:無論你有多少錢,它都比不上一個健康的身體。match“與相匹敵,和不相上下”,符合句意。compare“比較,對比”;suit“適合”;defeat“打敗,戰(zhàn)勝”。7(2020江西六所重點中學一模)Tom has played a lot of computer games recently.Yes, that might _ hi

6、s failure in the midterm examinations.Aaccount for Banswer forCask for Dstand for解析:選A考查動詞短語辨析。句意:“湯姆最近玩太多電腦游戲了。”“是的,這也許是他期中考試失利的原因?!盿ccount for“是的說明(或原因)”,符合句意。 answer for“對負責,因受到譴責”;ask for“要求,請求”;stand for“代表”。8(2020皖南八校第一次聯(lián)考)Do you believe that opportunities always _ the prepared minds?I couldnt

7、 agree more.Amake BchangeCkeep Dfavor解析:選D考查動詞辨析。句意:“你認為機會總是青睞有準備的人嗎?”“我非常同意這個說法?!眆avor“較喜歡,偏袒”,符合語境。9(2020南平一模)Adopting the doctors advice, he _ coffee and cigarettes and ate a balanced diet.Acut down Bbroke downCturned down Dput down解析:選A考查動詞短語辨析。句意:他采納了醫(yī)生的建議,少喝咖啡,少抽煙并均衡飲食。cut down“削減”,符合句意。break

8、down“出故障;垮掉”;turn down“拒絕;把調(diào)低”;put down“寫下,記下”。10(2020銀川部分中學高三一模)Schools in China are required to _ at least one “Sports Day” per academic year.Aset aside Bset downCset out Dset off解析:選A考查動詞短語辨析。句意:中國的學校被要求每學年留出至少一個“運動日”。set aside“留出,撥出”;set down“寫下,記下”;set out“動身,出發(fā)”;set off“出發(fā),爆炸”。根據(jù)句意,應選A。11(2020

9、泰安一模)Dont be so discouraged.If you _ such feelings, you will do better next time.Acarry on Bget backCbreak down Dput away解析:選D考查動詞短語辨析。句意:不要如此氣餒,如果你拋開這些情緒,下次你會做得更好。carry on“繼續(xù)”;get back“回來”;break down“出故障”;put away“把收起來”。根據(jù)句意應選D。12(2020哈爾濱四校高三一模)In fact fuels we burn and plant food we eat _ their ch

10、emical energy in the form of heat.Agive in Bgive offCgive away Dgive up解析:選B考查動詞短語辨析。句意:事實上我們燒的燃料和食用的植物性食物都是以熱量的形式釋放出它們所含有的化學能。根據(jù)句意可知應選give off,表示“放出,發(fā)出”。13(2020福州市高三一模)Our governments plan to fight against air pollution will focus on _ information and handling PM2.5.Aexpressing BrepresentingCgather

11、ing Dacknowledging解析:選C考查動詞辨析。句意:我們政府同空氣污染作斗爭的計劃將以收集信息和控制PM2.5 為重點。express“表達”;represent“代表”;gather“收集”;acknowledge“承認;感謝”。根據(jù)句意選C。14(2020長春市第一次調(diào)研)According to the arrangement, the athletes of our school _ at the gym for two hours every day.Awork out Bcarry outCtake in Dset aside解析:選A考查動詞短語辨析。句意:根據(jù)安排

12、,我們學校的運動員每天在體育館鍛煉兩個小時。work out“鍛煉”,符合句意。carry out“執(zhí)行,實施”;take in“理解,領會”;set aside“留出,撥出”。15(2020安徽省蕪湖三校一模)If you dont take time to review each interview you go on, youre bound to _ the same mistakes.Acorrect BrepeatCcommit Dimprove解析:選B考查動詞辨析。句意:然而,如果不花時間去回顧你所經(jīng)歷的每次面試,你一定會再犯同樣的錯誤。repeat“重復”,符合句意。corr

13、ect“改正”;commit“致力于”;improve“改進”。1(2020四川省宜賓五校二調(diào))A recent study has _ an unexpected conclusion that the African elephant should be divided into two different species.Akept up with Bmade up withCcaught up with Dcome up with解析:選D考查動詞短語辨析。句意:最近的一項研究得出一個意外結論,非洲象應被分成兩個不同種類。keep up with“跟上”;make up with“和好

14、”;catch up with“追上”;come up with “提出”。D項符合句意。2(2020南昌二模)Thanks to the great efforts by netizens and the journalists determination to _ the truth, anticorruption has been accelerating.Atake out Bcheck outCpick out Ddig out解析:選D考查動詞短語辨析。句意:由于網(wǎng)民的極大努力和記者挖掘真相的決心,反腐工作加快了。dig out“找出,發(fā)掘”,符合句意。take out“獲得”;c

15、heck out“核實,檢查(是否一切正常)”;pick out“精心挑選”。3(2020遼寧六校高三二模)Those who want to say anything more _ your hand and then _ to speak.Aarise; raise Braise; riseCraise; arise Drise; raise解析:選B考查動詞辨析。raise是及物動詞,此處表示“舉起”;rise是不及物動詞,此處表示“站起來,起立”。arise表示“出現(xiàn)”,是不及物動詞。故B項正確。4(2020江西重點中學二模)This picture was taken twenty

16、years ago. I wonder if you can _ my younger brother.Afind out Bpick outClook out Dspeak out解析:選B考查動詞短語辨析。句意:這張照片是20年前拍的。我不知道你能否認出我弟弟。find out“查明,弄清(情況)”;pick out“辨別出,認出來”;look out“當心,留神”;speak out“公開地說出來(尤指冒險,表示抗議)”。故B項符合句意。5(2020江西十所重點中學高三二模)Many people headed for the water to _, including rivers,

17、bays in the seaside of the country.Aput off Bcut offCpull off Dcool off解析:選D考查動詞短語辨析。根據(jù)空格前面的water可知,人們?nèi)ビ兴牡胤經(jīng)隹?,因此cool off“變涼,冷卻下來”,符合句意。put off“推遲”;cut off“中斷”;pull off“脫下”。6(2020江西撫州五校二模)Its a headache trying to _ in a strange, new town. I will just take a taxi and avoid all the trouble.Asettle dow

18、n Bwork outCget around Dhold out解析:選C考查動詞短語辨析。句意:想要在一個陌生的小鎮(zhèn)各處走動是件令人頭痛的事。為了避免麻煩,我會乘坐出租車。get around“各處走動”,符合句意。settle down“定居下來;開始專心于”;work out“解決;算出”;hold out“維持;堅守”。7(2020安徽合肥二模)The cars give off a great deal of waste gas in the streets.Yes. But Im sure something will be done to _ air pollution.Ared

19、uce BremoveCcollect Dwarn解析:選A考查動詞辨析??仗幩诰渥拥木湟猓旱俏掖_信一些舉措會被實施用以減少大氣污染。reduce“縮小,減少”;remove“清除”;collect“收集”;warn“警告,提醒”。根據(jù)句意應選A。8(2020石家莊市高三二模)A smile _ the mothers face when the son walked onto the platform to receive the prize.Alit up Bbrought upCput up Dtook up解析:選A考查動詞短語辨析。句意:當兒子走上臺領獎時,媽媽臉上露出了喜色。l

20、ight up“喜形于色,喜氣洋洋”;bring up“提出;嘔吐”;put up“提高;張貼”;take up“占用;開始從事”。故A項正確。9(2020福建南平二檢)Does he work hard at his lessons?Yes, he _ no effort, as far as I know.Awastes BsharesCspares Dmakes解析:選C考查動詞辨析。句意:“他學習努力嗎?”“是的,據(jù)我所知,他不遺余力地學習。”spare no effort (to do sth.)“不遺余力(做某事)”,是固定短語。10(2020齊魯名校二模)Though the s

21、uspect refused to admit that he had stolen the precious diamond at first, he _ and admitted everything when he was shown the videotape.Abroke off Bbroke awayCbroke down Dbroke into解析:選C考查動詞短語辨析。句意:盡管犯罪嫌疑人一開始拒絕承認偷了這顆貴重的鉆石,但當他看到監(jiān)控錄像時他精神崩潰并承認了一切。根據(jù)句意可知,應選break down“(健康、精神) 垮掉”。break off“中止,中斷”;break aw

22、ay“強行逃脫”;break into“闖入”。11(2020成都第二次診斷)As the road to the airport is under reconstruction, wed better _ early to avoid the traffic jam.Apay off Bset offCput off Dtake off解析:選B考查動詞短語辨析。pay off“還清”;set off“動身,出發(fā)”;put off“推遲”;take off“脫下,起飛”。此處表示早點動身以避免堵車,因此選B。12(2020浙江寧波二模)The twin sisters were shoppi

23、ng for hours on Womens Day and managed to _ bags of bargains.Acome across Bpick upCdeal with Dtake in解析:選B考查動詞短語辨析。句意:在婦女節(jié)這天,那對雙胞胎姐妹外出購物了幾個小時,設法買到了幾袋子減價品。come across“偶遇”;pick up“買到”;deal with“處理”;take in“收留,收容”。根據(jù)句意可知應選B。13(2020山東淄博二模)Maria _ the interviewers with her knowledge and experience, and a

24、s a result she was offered the job.Aprovided BinspiredCpersuaded Dimpressed解析:選D考查動詞辨析。句意:瑪麗亞用知識和經(jīng)驗給面試官們留下了深刻的印象,因此她得到了這份工作。impress sb. with sth.“用某物給某人留下深刻的印象”,符合題意。provide“提供”;inspire“鼓勵,激勵”;persuade“說服”。14(2020鄭州二模)A college is going to _ a students ability based on grades and then make the decis

25、ion to admit or refuse an applicant.Aexperiment BparallelCassess Dobserve解析:選C考查動詞辨析。句意:大學將根據(jù)分數(shù)對學生的能力進行評估,然后決定是否錄取。assess“評定,評估,估算”,符合題意。experiment“試驗”;parallel“與相似”;observe“觀察;遵守”。15(2020山東濟寧二模)The fight would have been avoided if either of you had been able to _ your anger.Aput down Bhold backCkee

26、p up Dcut off解析:選B考查動詞短語辨析。句意:這場爭斗本來可以避免的,如果任何一方能控制住怒火的話。hold back ones anger“抑制住怒火”,符合題意。put down“放下;鎮(zhèn)壓”;keep up“保持,繼續(xù),使不低落”;cut off“中斷”。1Yesterday, I came across my former classmate, but his name _ me, which made me embarrassed.Aforgot BmissedCescaped Dreminded解析:選C考查動詞辨析。句意:我昨天偶然碰到我以前的同學,但是我記不起來他

27、的名字了,這讓我非常尷尬。escape表示“被忘掉”,符合句意。2WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was in court today, and when asked for his address he said he didnt want to _ that information.Agive out Bkeep outChold out Dbring out解析:選A考查動詞短語辨析。句意:維基解密創(chuàng)始人Julian Assange今天出庭,當法官問他住址時,他回答說,他不想公布這一信息。give out“公布,宣布”符合句意。keep out“阻止進入

28、”;hold out“堅持”;bring out“出版”。3The famous actor keeps fit by _ for an hour every morning.Asticking out Bstanding outCmaking out Dworking out解析:選D考查動詞短語辨析。句意:這個著名的演員通過每天早上鍛煉一個小時來保持健康。stick out“突出”;stand out“顯眼”;make out“理解”;work out“鍛煉身體”。故D項符合句意。4Many people are beginning to reflect on why we pay so

29、much to study abroad and what kind of consequences it will _.Abring out Bbring downCbring about Dbring up解析:選C考查動詞短語辨析。句意:很多人開始反思,我們付出這么多到國外留學是為了什么?這又會帶來什么結果?bring about“導致,引起”,符合句意。bring out“出版;使顯現(xiàn)”;bring down“降低”;bring up“撫養(yǎng)”。5With economy developing at great speed, our city has _ quite a few chan

30、ges in recent years.Awitnessed BaccumulatedCarisen Dintroduced解析:選A考查動詞辨析。句意:隨著經(jīng)濟的快速發(fā)展,在最近幾年我們的城市已經(jīng)變化了很多。witness“目擊,見證”;accumulate“積聚,積累”;arise“出現(xiàn),產(chǎn)生”;introduce“介紹”。根據(jù)句意應選A。6Why didnt Mr.Smith arrive on time for the meeting?He must have been _ on his way here in the traffic jam.Aheld up Bput upCtake

31、n up Dgiven up解析:選A考查動詞短語辨析。答句意為:他一定是在來這兒的路上因為交通堵塞耽擱了。hold up“延遲;阻礙”,符合句意。put up“建造;張貼”;take up“從事;占據(jù)”;give up“放棄”。7Drinking water, having a healthy diet and taking exercise are all positive ways to _ you when you are working on a tight schedule.Arelieve BrefreshCliberate Dcomfort解析:選B考查動詞辨析。句意:當日程安

32、排緊張的時候,喝水、健康飲食和鍛煉都是恢復精力的好辦法。relieve“緩解,減輕”;refresh“使恢復精力,使感覺涼爽”;liberate“使解脫,使解放”;comfort“安慰”。根據(jù)句意應選B。8Most of the people present at the meeting think poorly of the proposal, which they think will_ the worsening of the environment.Aadapt to Brefer toCsubscribe to Dcontribute to解析:選D考查動詞短語辨析。句意:大多數(shù)與會

33、者都不看好這一提議,他們認為它會導致環(huán)境的惡化。contribute to“導致,是的原因之一”,符合句意。9John said he wasnt disappointed at the result of the basketball game, but the look on his face _ him _.Aturned; down Btook; inCmade; out Dgave; away解析:選D考查動詞短語辨析。句意:John說他對籃球比賽的結果不失望,但是他臉上的表情使他露餡了。turn down“拒絕”;take in“留宿;吸入;包含”;make out“應付;弄懂”;

34、give away“泄漏;暴露”。根據(jù)句意應選D。10New computers are soon out of date since newer models are _ constantly.Aturned up Bturned outCturned down Dturned over解析:選B考查動詞短語辨析。句意:由于更加新型的電腦不斷地被生產(chǎn),新電腦很快就會過時。turn up“出現(xiàn)”;turn down“拒絕”;turn over“翻身,翻轉(zhuǎn)”。turn out為及物動詞短語,意為“生產(chǎn)或制造”。newer models與turn out為被動關系,故需用被動語態(tài)。本題易誤選A項,

35、但turn up作“appear(出現(xiàn))”講時為不及物動詞短語,沒有被動語態(tài)。11He will have to find some other work, for he cant _ this loud noise any more.Acome up with Bput up withCmake up with Dkeep up with解析:選B考查動詞短語辨析。句意:他將不得不另外找一份工作,因為他再也忍受不了這種巨大的噪音了。come up with“想出”;put up with“忍受”;make up with“(與某人)言歸于好”;keep up with“跟上”。根據(jù)句意,選B

36、。12A good speaker is supposed to manage to _ the listeners what he means.Amake sense to Bappeal toCattach to Dget across to解析:選D句意:一個好的演講者應該設法讓聽眾明白他的意思。make sense的主語往往是something,意思是“有意義,有道理,進得通”;appeal to相當于attract“吸引”;attach to“把附在/系在上”;get across to sb.:to be communicated or understood“被傳達,被理解”。故選

37、D。13The two countries agreed to _ their differences and work together for peace, which has a positive effect on the international situation.Aset down Bset outCset aside Dset about解析:選C考查動詞短語辨析。句意:兩國同意擱置爭議,共同為和平努力,這對國際形勢有積極的影響。set aside“把放在一邊;留出”,符合題意。set down “記下,寫下”;set out“出發(fā),動身”;set about“著手做,開始做

38、”。14What attracted you to our university?You have a great basketball team and I can _ for it.Awork out Blook outCtry out Dcarry out解析:選C考查動詞短語辨析。句意:“是什么吸引你到我們的大學?”“你們這里有一支很好的籃球隊,我可以參加這支隊伍的選拔賽?!眞ork out“解出,算出”,carry out“執(zhí)行”,以上兩項均不能與介詞for構成固定短語;look out for“小心”;try out for“參加選拔(或試演)”。故選C。15Getting your students _ in classroom activities is vitally important.Atrapped BdevotedCstuck Dinvolved解析:選D考查動詞辨析。句意:使你的學生參與課堂活動極其重要。trap“使陷入困境”;devote“獻身”;stick“(在某物中)卡住”;involve“參與”。根據(jù)句意,選D。

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