(江蘇專用)2020高考英語二輪復習 專題限時檢測(二十七)任務型閱讀(二)

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《(江蘇專用)2020高考英語二輪復習 專題限時檢測(二十七)任務型閱讀(二)》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《(江蘇專用)2020高考英語二輪復習 專題限時檢測(二十七)任務型閱讀(二)(7頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網上搜索。

1、專題限時檢測(二十七)任務型閱讀(二)(限時24分鐘)A(2019蘇州一模)Public SpeakingPublic speaking can be defined as the act of making a speech in front of a group of listeners.Compared with conversation, usually public speaking is more of a “oneway” talking.There are three types of public speaking.An informative speech has a pu

2、rpose to inform, or give knowledge to its audience about something that they probably did not know of before.The important thing to watch about is not to put in too much information.Besides, the speaker would try to change the mindset, perception, or behavior of the audience for their own good.The s

3、peaker needs to look for common ground with the audience and try to relate to what they might agree on.Third, and the last type is a ceremonial speech.It tends to be less formal and more personal than the other types of speeches.No matter how well you know the person you are giving speech about, try

4、 not to say bad things about them, even if it is meant to be a joke.The key of perfecting anything is through practice, including public speaking.Aside from it, a speaker is to know who the audience will be.Try to get as much information as possible regarding this particular area.Knowing the “battle

5、field” in advance will give the speakers a huge advantage.They would be able to plan beforehand, for example, where they want to stand, and how they are going to face the audience.Last, as is mentioned above, practice is necessary.Sparing some time to practice will help build confidence and help det

6、ermine how long the presentation will last.Language is the main aspect a speaker needs to pay attention to while giving a speech.It needs to be used clearly.A speaker needs to choose their words carefully and make it clear to the audience what they mean by it.Often, when given a speech, the audience

7、s look up to the speaker to give them something new and useful.Thus, the speaker needs to know how to deliver their speech to fulfill the audiences expectation.Language and delivery alone will not be sufficient if the speaker does not have the body language.The movement and gesture of a speaker also

8、 affect the audience.For example, if the speaker keeps pacing around the room, it will distract the audience from the topic and confuses them.When speaking in front of a small audience, you can look briefly from one person to another, but in a larger audience, it is not better to do so.While closing

9、 the speech or presentation, speakers can restate their main points, just to remind the audience of the important things that has been said.They can also end it with a special message and encourage the audience to ask questions.Public SpeakingCommon phenomenonIn public speaking, often a speaker give

10、s a talk, others just listening, without (1)_ information.Types of public speakingAn informative speech is to (2)_ the audience with an appropriate brand new knowledge.A persuasive speech is used to convince audience.Therefore, finding (3)_ between a speaker and the audience is important.A ceremonia

11、l speech is relatively (4)_ and private.However, dont say sad things even if they are acquaintances.Making(5)_for the speechKnow the listeners identities and get much information about the topic.Know how the “battlefield” is (6)_ out in advance to plan beforehand.Spare time to practice to build conf

12、idence and decide the (7)_ of the presentation.Presenting thespeech(8)_ using ambiguous words and know how to meet the audiences expectations.Use the body language, (9)_ glancing at small audience from one person to another.Restate important points when closing the speech to give the audience a deep

13、 (10)_End a speech with a special message and encourage the audience to ask questions.語篇解讀:本文主要講述了公共演講的概念和種類,如何為演講做準備以及演講時的注意事項。1exchanging/sharing/swapping根據第一段的第二句“Compared with conversation, usually public speaking is more of a oneway talking.”可知,在公開場合發(fā)表演說,大家只需要聽,不需要發(fā)表任何意見。沒有信息的交換。2provide/equip根

14、據第二段第二句“An informative speech has a purpose to inform, or give knowledge to its audience .”可知,信息科普類講座是為了給聽眾提供信息和知識。provide sb.with sth.“向某人提供某物”。3similarity/similarities根據第二段第四、五句“Besides .The speaker needs to look for common ground with the audience and try to relate to what they might agree on.”可知

15、,說服類演講,演說者要找到和觀眾的共同立場,或者共同的利益點,才可以做出來。4informal/casual根據第二段倒數第二、三句“Third .It tends to be less formal and more personal .”可知,第三種類型的演講正式程度會少很多,更私人化,也就是更隨意些。5preparations第三段講一個完美的演講需要練習,也需要了解受眾和話題本身等,也就是做準備。Make preparation for .“為做準備”。6laid根據“battlefield”定位到第三段第四句“Knowing the battlefield in advance wi

16、ll give the speakers a huge advantage.”可知,提前了解場地怎樣布置可以幫助演說者做更多準備。lay out“陳列,布置”。7length/duration/time本題是第三段最后一句中“. and help determine how longthe presentation will last.”的信息轉換,故將long 轉化成length。8Avoid根據第四段第二句“It needs to be used clearly.”可知,演講要正確使用語言,即避免使用含糊不清的詞語。Avoid doing .“避免做某事”。注意句首大寫。9like根據最后

17、一段倒數第四、五句“The movement and gesture of a speaker also affect the audience.For example,.”可知,看著觀眾是體態(tài)語之一。10impression重復闡述重點的目的是為了讓聽眾留下更深刻的印象。B(2019無錫一模)Time for Americans to act on climate changeThe climate crisis is worsening at a rate that is becoming harder and harder to ignore.For more than two deca

18、des, scientific reports have made it clear that global warming is real, that humans cause it and that the consequences will be disastrous.The scientific community has become increasingly panicked over the past year.The latest assessment from the UN.Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change painted a

19、 far more terrible picture than its previous analyses, and the longawaited National Climate Assessment made clear that climate change represents a severe threat to human health as well as our economic security.Out of this panic came the treaty (條約) reached this past weekend by world leaders to keep

20、the Paris climate agreement alive.Yet many Americans still dont regard the threat as a key priority for our government, and support President Trumps decision to withdraw from the Paris treaty.Campaign contributions from fossil fuel companies have convinced elected officials to look the other way.A c

21、ertain amount of despair has resulted in widespread apathy (漠然)But there is another reason that has been discussed far less openly.While a growing number of people understand that climate change will have significant worldwide consequences, many Americans have an intuitive (直覺的) belief that their na

22、tion is more capable than others of adapting to a changed environment.Why? Because they have before.This historical success, however, resulted from the federal government taking science seriously, and making investments to urge revolution and innovation.But these innovations did not happen by themse

23、lves, or simply because of the United States rich resources.They depended on consistent support from the leaders about the need to take action when faced with crises.This has been especially true in the environmental crisis.President Bill Clinton had a shockingly modest record of advancing climate s

24、ecurity, particularly given that his vice president, Al Gore, had been one of the most outspoken environmentalists in Congress.By far Clintons biggest accomplishment was assigning Gore to participate in the Kyoto Protocol negotiations.Clinton chose, however, to avoid what surely would have been a te

25、rrible fight in the Senate to gain approval of the treaty.While this effort probably would have failed, it would have signaled to the American people how seriously the Democratic Party took climate change.Thus, the time has clearly arrived for progressive candidates to start campaigning on a platfor

26、m built around the need for a sustainability revolution.Such a plan should include a carbon tax, wellfunded clean energy research, evolved agricultural policies and smarter public transport.Given that Generation X and millennials(千禧一代) never bought into the fiction that the United States is immune t

27、o the dangers of global warming, the time is ripe to make climate security a crucial government responsibility.Only by doing so can we begin the longoverdue (拖延好久的) campaign to save the planet.Title:Time for Americans to act on climate changeIntroductionMore and more people have become (1)_ of the s

28、everity of climate crisis.It is human beings that are to (2)_ for the real global warming and should (3)_ for what they have done.WorldwideeffortsGiven that human health as well as our economic security is (4)_ a severe threat caused by climate change, Paris Climate Treaty has been reached by world

29、leaders.Current Americans responsesA negative attitudeUnable to grasp the seriousness of the threat, many Americans are in (5)_ of President Trumps decision to withdraw from the Paris treaty.(6)_ For responses Elected officials turn a deaf ear to the threat on account of their (7)_ relationship with

30、 fossil fuel companies.A certain amount of despair has resulted in widespread apathy.Many Americans are wildly (8)_ about their ability to a changed environment.EarlierAmericans responses A(n) (9)_ attitudeWisely assigning his vice president to participate in the Kyoto Protocol negotiations, Preside

31、nt Bill Clinton took climate change seriously.Inspiration form responses The Democratic Party used to take adequate notice of the potential crisis of the climate change.(10)_ It is high time for Americans to begin the longoverdue campaign to save the planet.語篇解讀:雖然全球氣候變暖的問題正在變得越來越嚴重,但是現在美國人卻忽視這個問題。作

32、者比較了美國人以前對待氣候變暖的態(tài)度和現在的態(tài)度,并分析了產生這些變化的原因,最后呼吁美國人要行動起來保護地球。1aware/conscious第一段第一句,氣候問題太過嚴重難以忽視,也就是引起了人們的注意。be/become aware/conscious of .“意識到”。2blame根據第一段第二句“. that human cause it . the consequences will be disastrous.”可知,氣候問題是人類導致的,人類應該對這個問題負責。be to blame for“應對負責”。3answer同上一題。answer for意思和be to blame

33、 for差不多。4under根據第二段第二句中“.climate change represents a severe threat to human health as well as our economic security.”可知,氣候問題已經成為人類健康和經濟安全的威脅。under a severe threat“受到嚴重威脅”,固定搭配。5favo(u)r根據第三段第一句“.and support President Trumps decision to withdraw from the Paris treaty.”可知,一些美國人沒有認識到氣候問題的嚴峻性,仍然支持特朗普總統(tǒng)撤

34、離巴黎條約的決定。in favo(u)r of是support的同義轉換。6Reasons根據表格后面對應的內容可以看出此處是羅列了美國人對待這個問題消極的態(tài)度的原因。reasons for .“的原因”,習慣用法。7interest根據第三段第二句“Campaign contributions from fossil fuel companies have convinced elected officials to look the other way.”可知,石油公司對已競選活動的捐款使得被選拔的官員對環(huán)境問題的看法和以往不一樣了。所以當選官員對這一威脅充耳不聞,因為他們與化石燃料公司的利益關系。8sure/certain/optimistic根據第四段第二句“.have an intuitive (直覺的) belief that their nation is more capable than others of adapting to a changed environment.”可知,美國人本能地相信他們比別的國家能夠更好地適應變化的環(huán)境。9positive從該題右欄內容可知,以往的美國人對氣候問題的態(tài)度是積極的。10Conclusion作者最后得出了結論,美國人不能再拖延拯救地球環(huán)境的行動了。7

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