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1、介 詞 和 介 詞 短 語 2011.4.5 那孩子見到一條大狗,害怕地往后退。lThe child caught sight of a large dog and drew back with fear.lSeeing a large dog, the child stepped back fearfully.lThe child stepped back in fear at the sight of a large dog. 看到他滿臉不情愿的樣子,她心里一沉,知道這回說不動他了。lSeeing the unwillingness written all over his face, s

2、he realized with a sinking heart that it was impossible to persuade him this time.lAt the sight of the reluctant look on his face, her heart sank as she realized it was impossible to bring him around this time. 法律面前人人平等。lAll people are equal before the law.lAll people are equal in the sight of the l

3、aw.lLaw is no respecter of persons. 盡管他在法律上是無罪的,但他的行為應(yīng)該在道德上受到譴責。lThough he was not guilty in the sight of the law, his conduct was morally reproachable.lThough he has not broken the law, his act should be denounced on moral grounds. 那孩子出于好奇把鐘給拆開了。lThe child took the clock apart out of curiosity. 因為感

4、謝他的幫助,我送給他一份昂貴的禮物。lGrateful for his help, I gave him an expensive present.lI gave him an expensive present to thank him for his help.lI sent him an expensive gift out of gratitude for his help. 我想他是不得已才向我求救的,因為他不想讓家里人知道這件事。l I think came to me for help because he had no choice, for he wanted his fam

5、ily to know nothing about it.l I think asked me for help out of necessity, for he didnt want his family to know about this. 當時歐洲許多人出發(fā)去新大陸尋求更美好的生活。lAt that time many people left Europe for the newly discovered America to search for a better life.lAt the time many Europeans set out for the New World i

6、n search of a better life. 你早上在飯桌上說的那些話弄得她一整天都情緒低落。lYour remarks at the table this morning put her in a bad mood all day.lShe was in low spirits all day on account of what you said at the breakfast table. 火警請撥119.lDial 119 if there is a fire.lDial 119 in case a fire breaks out.lDial 119 in case of (

7、a) fire.lDial 119 to report a fire. 這臺計算機內(nèi)部裝有電池以防停電。lThe computer has a built-in battery in case electricity fails.lThe computer has a built-in battery in case of power failure. 我們的房子安的不是保險絲,而是安全電閘,它可以在線路超載時自動斷電。lRather than a fuse, our house is equipped with a safety switch that disconnects automat

8、ically when the circuit is overloaded.lInstead of a fuse, our house is fitted with a safety switch that automatically disconnects in case of circuit overloaded. 土匪們利用暗道逃跑了。lThe bandits fled by means of secret tunnel.lThe gangsters escaped through a secret tunnel. 通過經(jīng)常性的鍛煉和嚴格控制飲食,她在四十歲時仍然波愛吃很好的體形。lAt

9、 forty, she has maintained a good figure by means of regular exercise and a strict diet.lRelying on regular exercise and a strict diet, she has kept her nice figure although she is forty years old. 孩子不肯吃飯,表示抗議。lThe child remonstrated by refusing to eat.lThe child refused to eat as a gesture of prote

10、st.lThe child refused to eat as a kind of protest.lThe child refused to eat by way of protest. 他送女友一件禮物,以示友好。lHe gave his girlfriend a gift by way of reconciliation.lHe tried to make up with his girlfriend by giving her a gift. 她回頭向他抱歉地笑了笑。lShe turned and smiled at him apologetically.lShe turned to

11、him and smiled by way of apology.lShe turned to him and smiled to show she was sorry.lFor some women, a successful career is achieved at the expense of marital happiness. 某些女性犧牲了婚姻幸福才獲得事業(yè)上的成功。l Some women achieved success in their career by sacrificing marital happiness.l For some women, a successfu

12、l career is achieved at the expense of marital happiness. 無論對于一個國家還是整個世界,以損害環(huán)境為代價來維持經(jīng)濟的快速發(fā)展絕非長久之計。lWhether for a country or the entire world, fast economic growth cannot be maintained in the long run at the expense of the environment.lWhether in the case of a country or the whole world, fast economi

13、c growth cannot be sustained at the expense of the environment. 一想到那天晚上的事情,他就心情沮喪。lHe was distressed when he remembered the incident the other night.lThe moment he thought of the incident that night, he felt very despondent.lHis heart sank at the thought of what had happened that night. 孩子害怕打雷,把頭埋在毯

14、子地下。lThe little child buried his head under the blanket for fear of the thunder.lScared by the thunder, the little child buried his head under the blanket. 他犯了個嚴重的錯誤,這使他的政敵很高興。lHe made a serious mistake, which greatly delighted his political enemies.lHe made a grave mistake, much to the joy of his p

15、olitical opponents.lHis political adversaries were delighted when he made a grave mistake. 他喝湯時發(fā)出很大聲音,讓我很討厭。lHe ate his soup with a loud slurping noise, which made me feel disgusted.lHe made a loud slurping when eating his soup, much to my annoyance.lI hate the way he slurped his soup. 我們驚愕地發(fā)現(xiàn)你方交付的貨

16、物在質(zhì)量上遠不如樣品。lWe were shocked to find that the goods you delivered were far inferior in quality to your samples.lWe found to our dismay that the goods you delivered were of much lower quality than your samples. 他總是用錢來很來那個一切。lHe judges everything by money.lHe uses money as the yardstick for everything

17、as the yardstick to measure everything.lHe thinks everything in terms of money. 我現(xiàn)在的工作在收入上令人滿意,課時我并不喜歡我所做的事情。lI am satisfied with the pay of my present job, but I dont really enjoy what Im doing.lMy present job is satisfactory in terms of salary but not in terms of what I have to do. 我們公司的經(jīng)濟實力和知名度都比

18、不上競爭對手。lOur companys financial strength and public recognition cannot compare with those of our competitor.lWhether in financial strength or public recognition, our company pales in comparison with competitor.lWhen it comes to the financial strength and name recognition, our company is no match for

19、our rivallOur company compares unfavorably with our rival in terms of financial strength and public recognition. lNinety percent of the directors voted to accept the proposal to appoint Steve to the presidency.lNinety percent of the directors voted in favor of the appointment of Steve as general man

20、ager.lThe board of directors approved the appointment of Steve to general manager, with ninety percent of the votes I his favor.百分之九十九的董事投票贊成任命史蒂夫為總經(jīng)理。 考慮再三,他決定不接受那份外企工作,而是與選擇的雇主續(xù)約合同。lAfter considerable deliberation, he decided to reject the job offer from the foreign company and renew his contract

21、with his present employer.lAfter much deliberation, he decided to reject the job offer from the foreign company in favor of renewing his contract with his present employer.lAfter careful consideration, he decided to renew his contract with his present employer rather accept the job offer from the fo

22、reign company. 經(jīng)過頭天晚上的空襲,街上行人稀少,多數(shù)商店沒有開門。lAfter the air raid the night before, there were few pedestrians in the street, and most shops remained closed.lIn the wake of last nights air raid, there were few people in the street and few shops opened for business. 根據(jù)公司在過去一年的經(jīng)營狀況,董事會批準了一批新的投資計劃。lIn view

23、of the companys performance in the previous year, the board of the directors approved a series of new investment plans.lThe board approved a series of new investment plans on the strength of the companys performance in the previous year. 出于對妻子身體的考慮的考慮。他在鄉(xiāng)間買了所房子。lOut of the consideration of his wifes

24、 health, he bought a house in the country.lHe bought a house in the country for the sake of his wifes health. 看在往日的交情份上,請幫我一把。lGive me some help for the sake of our old friendship.lLend me a hand for old times sake. 出于安全考慮,他每天離開辦公室時都關(guān)掉電閘。lFor safetys sake, he always switches off the power when he le

25、aves the office at the end of the day.lFor safety reasons, he always cuts off the power when leaving the office at the end of the day. 我們經(jīng)常吵架,但仍然好似好朋友。lThough we often quarrel, we remain good friends.lIn spite of frequent quarrels, we are still good friends.lWe remain good friends despite frequent q

26、uarrel. 被告的律師顯然掌握著某些我們一無所知的證據(jù)。l Obviously the defense attorney has some evidence we know nothing about.l The defense lawyer is apparently in possession of some evidence that we know nothing about.l Clearly, counsel for the defense has in his possession some evidence we know nothing about. 被告的律師顯然掌握著

27、某些我們一無所知的證據(jù)。lObviously the defense attorney has some evidence we know nothing about.lThe defense lawyer is apparently in possession of some evidence that we know nothing about.lClearly, counsel for the defense has in his possession some evidence we know nothing about. 這幅唐朝的繪畫被故宮博物館收藏。lThe Palace Mus

28、eum is in possession of this Tang dynasty painting.lThis Tang dynasty painting is in the possession of the Palace Museum.lThis Tang dynasty painting is owned by the Palace Museum. 這些中國的珍貴文物如何被大英博物館收藏,說起來恐怕不是一段光彩的歷史。l How these precious cultural relics from China came into the possession of the Briti

29、sh Museum would not make a palatable story.lHow the British Museum came into possession of these precious cultural relics of China would not be a pleasant story to tell. 情況看來很糟,她快要哭出來了。l The situation seemed so despairing that she almost broke into tears.l The situation seemed so desperate that she

30、was on the verge of tears.l The situation seemed so hopeless that she was on the point of crying.l Things looked so bad that she was brought to the verge of tears. 父親長期失業(yè)使我們陷入近乎絕望的境地。lWe were on the verge of despair because of fathers long-time unemployment. lFathers long-time unemployment drove us

31、to the verge of despair. 這束花是一個叫做羅伯特的人送來的。lA men by the name of Robert sent this bunch of flowers.lThis bouquet of flowers was sent by a man named Robert. 他化名李云,在當?shù)貓蠹埳习l(fā)表了一系列諷刺文章。lHe published a series of sardonic articles in the local newspaper using the assumed name of Li Yun.lHe uses the pseudonym

32、 of Li Yun on his satirical pieces in the local newspaper.lHe wrote a series of derisive articles for the local paper under the name of Li Yun. 縱觀世界歷史,人們打算著真理和正義的旗號實施過無數(shù)暴行。lThroughout history man has repeatedly committed atrocities while flaunting the banner of truth and justice.lWorld history is fi

33、lled with atrocities perpetrated the banner of truth and justice.lThroughout human history numerous atrocities have been committed in the name of truth and justicelWorld history is filled with atrocities perpetrated the banner of truth and justice.lThroughout human history numerous atrocities have b

34、een committed in the name of truth and justice 因為缺乏信息,我們在此階段無法得出任何結(jié)論。lAs we do not have information, we cannot reach any conclusion at this point.l Lacking information, we cannot reach any conclusion at this stage.l Lack of information makes it impossible for us to come to any conclusion at this mom

35、ent.lFor lack of information, we cannot draw any conclusion at this stage.lNo conclusion can be draw at this stage to lack of information. 由于定罪證據(jù)不足,費盡周折抓到的嫌疑人被釋放了。lFor lack of incriminatory evidence, the suspect who had been caught with so much difficulty was released.lCaptured after a lot of work,

36、the suspect was freed for want of incriminating evidence. 從目 前形勢考慮,我覺得我們最好與他們達成妥協(xié)。lIn view of the present situation, I think we had better try work out a compromise with them.lConsidering the current situation, I think it advisable for us it to try to reach a compromise with them. 從最新統(tǒng)計報告來看,我認為我們因該調(diào)

37、整營銷策略。lJudging by the latest statistical report, I think we should readjust our marketing strategy.lIn view of the latest statistical report, I think we should readjust our marketing strategy.lOn the basis of the latest statistical report, I think our marketing strategy needs to be adjusted. 關(guān)于該產(chǎn)品的規(guī)

38、格與保修條列,用戶手冊上有詳細說明。lWith respect to specifications and terms of warranty of the product, a detailed account is given in the users manual.lThe users handbook provides explanation regarding the specifications and terms of warranty of this product. 你的第一個要求是合理的。至于第二個要求,那可完全沒有可能了。lYour first request is qu

39、ite reasonable. As for your second request, it is out o the question.lWhile your first request is quite reasonable, your second one is totally impossible. 隨著新世界的臨近,環(huán)境問題再世界范圍內(nèi)受到越來越多的關(guān)注。lAs the new century drew near, more and more people in the world were paying attention to environmental issues.lAt t

40、he approach of the 21st century, people all across the world were paying more attention to environmental issues.lOn the threshold of a new century ,the world showed increasing concern over environmental issues.lIn the countdown to the new millennium, environmental issues were attracting more and more attention worldwide. Call it a day!See you next time!Thank you!

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