cwi考試1parta 練習(xí)題及答案

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1、CWI考試1PARTA 練習(xí)題及答案Welding Inspection TechnologyWorkbook焊接檢驗技術(shù)練習(xí)題(練習(xí)題按教材10章的順序排列,后附:美國慣用單位制和公制轉(zhuǎn)換表,答案附于最后)第1章 焊接檢驗和取證Q1-1 Why is there an increasing need for weld quality?為什么焊接質(zhì)量的要求越來越高?a. safety安全b. economics經(jīng)濟c. 1ess conservative design較少保守的設(shè)計d. government regulations政府規(guī)定e. all ofthe above以上皆是Q1-2 W

2、hat AWS document describes the rules for the CWI certification program?哪份AWS文件闡述了CWI 證書程序規(guī)定?a. AWS 5.5b. AWS D1.1c. AWS QCld. AWS 5.1e. AWS 14.1Q1-3 Weld quality control should begin after welding has been initiated.焊接質(zhì)量控制應(yīng)在焊接已經(jīng)開始后進行。a.true正確b.false錯誤Q1-4 What are the three welding inspector certifi

3、cations covered in AWS QC l?AWS QC1中包括的三種焊接檢驗證書是哪三種?a.CAWI, CWI, BWIb.CWI, CAWI, SCWIc.SCWI, CWI, ACWId.Levels I,II,and IIIe.None of the above以上都不是Q1-5 What is generally considered to be the most important quality of a welding inspector?焊接檢驗員最重要的素質(zhì)是什么?a.graduation from a welding vocational program 畢

4、業(yè)于焊接專業(yè) engineering degree 工程師職稱 associatesdegree 助理職稱d.professional attitude 職業(yè)態(tài)度e.hold a certified welder certificate 擁有注冊的焊工證書Q1-6 The vision requirements for a CWI are near vision acuity on:CWI 視力要求與哪一項最接近:a.Jaeger J1 at not less than 24 in Jaeger J1不少于24英寸b.Jaeger J2 at not less than 12

5、in Jaeger J2不少于12英寸2c.Jaeger J2 at not less than 12 in, with or without corrective lenses Jaeger J2不少于12英寸,矯正與否都可d.the inspector cannot wear glasses 檢驗員不能佩戴眼鏡e.20/20 vision 20/20 視力Q1-7 The acronym KASH stands for:縮略語 KASH表示:a. knowledge,attitude,skills,and habits 知識,職業(yè)態(tài)度,技能和習(xí)慣 b. knowledge,applicat

6、ion,skills,and habits 知識,應(yīng)用,技能和習(xí)慣c. knowledge,attitude,skills,and honesty 知識, 職業(yè)態(tài)度,技能和誠實 d. knowledge,application,skills,and honesty 知識,應(yīng)用,技能和誠實e. knowledge,attitude,sincerity,and honesty 知識, 職業(yè)態(tài)度,真誠和誠實Q1-8 The welding inspector should have a basic understanding of:焊接檢驗員應(yīng)掌握的基本知識為:a.welding processes

7、焊接方法b.nondestructive testing methods無損檢測方法c.a and b above以上a和 and standards規(guī)范和標準e.all of the above以上皆是Q1-9 The term used to describe a delay in the production schedule to permit inspection is:用以描述推遲生產(chǎn)計劃以允許檢驗的術(shù)語是:a.NDE 無損檢查b.hold point 停止點c.preinspection 預(yù)檢測d.reference point相關(guān)點e.arc strike電弧觸

8、發(fā)Q1-10 Inspection report corrections should be made by:檢驗報告的修改應(yīng)這樣進行:a.rewriting the entire report 重寫整份報告b.reporting the correction to the welding foreman 將修改部分給焊工領(lǐng)班 c.telling the welder what was done 將修改的內(nèi)容告知焊工d.ignoring the original error忽略原先的錯誤e.single-line out the error,correct the error,date,and

9、 initial用單線標出錯誤,修正錯誤,注明日期并簽名Q1-11 A definition of ethics is:道德的定義是:a.using common sense and honesty 常規(guī)的誠實觀b.1iving by the rules 按規(guī)定辦事c.being fair and impartial 公平并公正d.basing decisions on facts 依據(jù)事實作出結(jié)論3e.all of the above以上皆是Q1-12 For communications to be effective,it should form a“continuous loop.”為

10、使溝通有效, 應(yīng)使之形成”連續(xù)循環(huán)網(wǎng)絡(luò)”a.true正確b.false錯誤Q1-13 The welding inspector must often communicate with:焊接檢驗員應(yīng)經(jīng)常與之溝通的是:a.welders焊工b.supervisors監(jiān)督人員c.welding engineers焊接工程師d.members of management 管理人員e.all of the above 以上皆是Q1-14 NDE personnel (other than CWIs) are typically certified to what document?NDE人員(而非CW

11、I) 依據(jù)哪份文件頒發(fā)證書?a.AWS QC lb.AWS D1.1c.API 1104d.ASNT SNT-TC-1Ae.certification is not needed無需證書Q1-15 You must have a high school diploma to become a CWI.你要想成為CWI, 必須有高中的學(xué)歷證書。a.true正確b.false錯誤Q1-16 The CWI exam has several parts;these are:CWI考試有幾部分,它們是:a.fundamentals,practical,code 基礎(chǔ), 實際操作, 規(guī)范b.fundam

12、entals,basic,code 基礎(chǔ), 要素, 規(guī)范c.basic, vision test, fundamental 要素, 視力檢查, 基礎(chǔ)d.code,vision test,practical 規(guī)范, 視力檢查,實際操作e.none of the above 以上都不是Q1-17 The CWI exam requires that the AWS D1.1 Code be used for the open book codetest.CWI考試中, AWS D1.1規(guī)范用作規(guī)范開卷考試使用的書本。正確錯誤Q1-18 The CWI exam contains three par

13、ts.4CWI考試包括三部分。a.true正確b.false錯誤Q1-19 The title of the AWS standard A3.0 is:AWS 標準A3.0的標題是:a.Filler Metal Specifications填充金屬技術(shù)條件b.Standard Welding Terms and Definitions 標準焊接術(shù)語和定義c.Guide to CWI Certification CWI取證指南d.Requirements for CWI Certification CWI取證要求e.none of the above以上都不是Q1-20 API Standard

14、 1104 covers the fabrication of cross-country bridges.API 標準1104包括橫穿全國的橋梁的制作。a.true正確b.false錯誤Q1-21 Some of the approved codes/standards for the open book portion of the CWI examare AWS D1.1, API 1104,AWS D1.5, and AWS D15.1.得到批準的CWI開卷考試的一些規(guī)范/標準為:AWS D1.1, API 1104, AWS D1.5和AWS D15.1.a.true 正確b.fal

15、se 錯誤Q1-22 Prior to starting a job assignment, the welding inspector should determine:開始執(zhí)行分配的工作前, 焊接檢驗員應(yīng)確定:a.what code,standard,or specification applies 使用何種規(guī)范,標準或技術(shù)條件. b.what inspections should be conducted 應(yīng)該進行什么檢驗.c.when inspections should be conducted 應(yīng)該何時進行檢測d.where records are maintained 記錄保存于

16、何處e.all of the above 以上皆是5第2章 安全操作和焊接檢驗Q2-1 The welding inspector is exposed to which of the following safety hazards:焊接檢驗員暴露于以下何種安全危害之中:a.radiation輻射b.falling objects墜落物c.electrical shock 觸電d.eye hazards眼睛傷害e all of the above以上皆是Q2-2 A document which covers safety in welding and cutting is:包括焊接和切割的

17、安全的文件是:a.AWS D1.1b.API 1104c. ANSI Z49.1d.ASME Section VIIIe.ASME B31.3Q2-3 The most important component of an effective safety and health program is:有效的安全和健康程序中最重要的是 rules 安全規(guī)則 procedures 安全程序c.protective eqmpment 保護工具d.welding helmet 焊接頭盔 support 管理層的支持Q2-4 Safety trai

18、ning is mandated under provisions of:安全培訓(xùn)基于哪項標準:a.AWS“Safe Practices” AWS的”安全操作”b.OSHA OSHAc.ASME Code ASME 規(guī)范d.Welding Handbook,Volume 2 焊接手冊第二卷e.none of the above 以上都不是Q2-5 The abbreviationMSDSmeans:縮略語 MSDS表示:a.Management Support and Daily Safety 管理支持和日常安全 b.Material Strength and Discontinuity Sh

19、eet 材料強度和缺陷報告單 c.Material Safety Data Sheet 材料安全數(shù)據(jù)單d.Material Strength and Data Sheet 材料強度和數(shù)據(jù)單6e.none of the above 以上都不是Q2-6 The abbreviationTLVmeans:縮略語TLV表示什么:a.Total Linear volume總線性量 b.Threshold Limit Value 限值c.Tack Length Value 定位長度值d.Threshold Limiting Valve 極限數(shù)據(jù)e.none of the above 以上都不是Q2-7 E

20、mployers must make all applicable MSDS data available to their employees.雇主必須將所有適用的MSDS數(shù)據(jù)告知其雇員。a.true正確b.false錯誤Q2-8 Personnel must be trained to recognize safety hazards.人員必須進行培訓(xùn)以認知安全危害。a.true正確b.false錯誤Q2-9 AHot Work Permitis required for:“高溫許可”適用于:a.all welding operations 所有焊接操作b.all cutting oper

21、ations 所有切割操作c.all preheating operations 所有預(yù)熱操作d.areas where a fire hazard may occur during a welding,cutting,or preheatingoperation所有可能引發(fā)火災(zāi)的焊接,切割或預(yù)熱操作區(qū)域中.e.all of the above以上皆是Q2-10 Eye hazards found in welding operations include:焊接操作中對眼睛的傷害包括:a.flying particles飛濺物b.radiation輻射c.smoke and fumes煙塵d

22、all of the above以上皆是Q211 Protective equipment not suitable for eye protection from welding radiationincludes:對于焊接輻射,不能保護眼睛工具是:a.welding helmets with filter plates 裝有濾光鏡片的焊接頭盔b.clear safety goggles 透明護目鏡 goggles with filter plates 裝有濾光鏡片的護目鏡7d.protective screens 保護屏障e.properly positioned barr

23、icades 合理設(shè)置的屏蔽Q2-12 Suitable clothing materials for welding and cutting are:焊接和切割時合適的衣著材料為:a.65%cotton,35%polyester65%棉, 35%滌綸b.Wool 羊毛c.chemically treated cotton 經(jīng)化學(xué)處理的棉d.b and c above 以上b和ce.none of the above以上都不是Q2-13 Before working on equipment where machinery guards have been removed,aLock,Tag,

24、and Tryprocedure should be completed.在機械保護已拆除的設(shè)備上工作之前,應(yīng)該完成“關(guān)斷、標識和嚴禁啟動”。a.true正確b. false錯誤Q2-14 In avoiding fumes during welding, the most important factor is:避免焊接煙塵, 最重要的要素是:a.the type of base metal 母材的種類b.the type of filler metal 填充物的種類c.the type of welding process 焊接方法的種類d.the position of the weld

25、ing machine 焊接機器的位置e. the position of the welders head 焊工頭部所處位置Q2-15 It is not important to consider ventilation during welding and cutting operations.焊接和切割操作中通風(fēng)并不重要。a.true正確b. false錯誤Q2-16 When entering confined spaces,astandbyis not required.進入密閉空間, 無需設(shè)置救援人員。a.true正確b.false錯誤Q2-17 Some of the toxi

26、c materials the welder may be exposed to are焊工可能暴露于一些有毒物質(zhì)中,它們是:a.cadmium鎘b.chromium鉻c.nickel 鎳d.1ead 鉛e.all of the above以上皆是Q2-18 Proper usage and handling of compressed gas cylinders include:8確當?shù)厥褂煤筒僮鞲邏簹馄堪ǎ篴.not welding on cylinders 不在容器上進行焊接b.not including the cylinders in the ground or electrica

27、l circuit不將容器作接地用,或不將其接入電路.c.securing them properly 合理地保護d.identifying the gas prior to use 在使用氣體之前進行確認 e.all of the above 以上皆是Q2-19 Acetylene becomes unstable above what pressure?乙炔高于什么壓力時會變得不穩(wěn)定?a. 5 psib. 10 psic. 15 psid. none of the above 以上都不是Q2-20 Oxygen is a flammable gas.氧氣是可燃氣體。a.true正確b.fa

28、lse錯誤Q2-21 Electric currents above approximately 6 milliamperes are considered:6毫安的電流被認為是:a.not harmful 無害b.primary currents 主要電流c.harmful 有害d.secondary currents 次電流e.b and c above 以上b和cQ2-22 When operating gas cylinders ,the primary valve should be opened:操作氣瓶時,主閥應(yīng)打開:a.all the way on an acetylene c

29、ylinder通向乙炔氣瓶的所有通道 turn on an oxygen cylinder 開啟一個氧氣缸 turn or less on an acetylene cylinder 轉(zhuǎn)一圈或更少的開啟乙炔瓶 d.a11 the way on an oxygen cylinder to backseat the valve所有由氧氣瓶通向次要的閥門e.c and d above c和d9第3章 金屬連接和切割的方法Q3-1 Which of the following is a function of the flux coating of a SMAW electrod

30、e? 以下什么是SMAW焊條藥皮的作用?a.insulating 絕緣b.alloying 合金化c.deoxidation 脫氧d.shielding 保護e. all of the above 以上都是Q3-2 In the AWS system of SMAW electrode designations, the next to the last digit refersto:AWS標準里規(guī)定SMAW的焊條標識中最后一個數(shù)字之前的數(shù)字表示什么意思:a.impact strength 沖擊強度b.electrode coating 藥皮特性c.welding position 焊接位置d

31、.strength 強度e.none of the above 以上都不是Q3-3 Which of the following is an incorrect statement about a SMAW electrode designatedas E7024?SMAW焊條標識E7024中各符號和數(shù)字表示的意思不正確的是以下哪個?a.It is a low hydrogen type.這是個低氫型焊條b.The weld deposit has a minimum tensile strength of 70 000 psi.熔敷金屬的最小抗拉強度為70 000 PSI.c.It is s

32、uitable for use in the flat and horizontal fillet positions only.此焊條只適用與平焊和角焊縫橫焊位置.d.It is an electrode for welding carbon steel.焊條適用于碳鋼焊接e.none of the above以上都不對Q3-4 Of the following which is not an essential part of a typical SMAW system? 以下哪部分不是典型的SMAW特點?a.constant current power supply 提供恒值電流b.wi

33、re feeder 采用送焊條裝置c.covered electrode 藥皮焊條d.electrode lead 焊條接電 lead 工件接電Q3-5 Which of the following welding problems is the result of a distorted magnetic fieldthat deflects the welding arc?在磁場發(fā)生扭曲時產(chǎn)生的電弧偏斜會導(dǎo)致以下哪些問題的發(fā)生?a.cracks 裂紋b.short circuiting 短路c.arc blow 電弧偏吹d.insufficient welding curr

34、ent 焊接電流不足e.all of the above 以上都不對Q3-6 Which of the following is not considered a type of metal transfer for GMAW? 以下什么不是GMAW的熔滴過渡類型?a.short circuiting 短路b.spray 噴射c.globular 球狀d.droplet 小滴e.pulsed arc 脈沖弧Q3-7 Which of the following types of metal transfer in GMAW provides the lowest amountof heat t

35、o the work piece,and therefore is prone to incomplete fusion?以下哪種GMAW的熔滴過渡,會使工件熱量最低,并導(dǎo)致未熔合?a.short circuiting 短路b.spray 噴射c.globular 球狀d.droplet 水滴e.pulsed arc 脈沖電弧Q3-8 Which of the following gases can be used as shielding gases for GMAW?下列哪些可以用做GMAW的保護氣體?a.carbon dioxide 二氧化碳b. argon-oxygen 氧氣-氬氣c.

36、argon-carbon dioxide 氬氣-二氧化碳d.argon 氬氣e.all of the above 以上皆是Q3-9 What type of welding process is pictured below?下圖所示的是哪種焊接方法?.a.SMAWb.GMAWc.FCAWd.SAWe.ESW11Q3-10 Which of the following is not considered an arc welding process?以下哪些焊接方法不是電弧焊接?a.SMAW 藥皮焊條電弧焊b.GMAW 熔化極氣體保護焊c.FCAW 藥芯焊絲電弧焊d.ESW 電渣焊e.none

37、 of the above 以上都不是Q3-11 In the electrode designation system for FCAW,the second digit (1) in an electrodemarked (E71T-5) refers to:FCAW的焊絲標號系統(tǒng)中,E71T-5中的第二個數(shù)字(1)表示的是什么意思?a.strength 強度b.welding position 焊接位置c.chemical composition 化學(xué)成分d.usability 適用性e.none of the above以上都不是Q3-12 Which of the following

38、 is not always an essential element of an FCAW system? 以下哪些不總是FCAW焊接系統(tǒng)的基本要素?a.constant voltage power supply 恒壓b.tubular electrode 管狀焊絲c.wire feeder 送絲裝置d.external shielding gas 外部保護氣體 lead 工件接電Q3-13 What aspect of the GTAW and PAW processes makes them different from the other arc welding proce

39、sses?鎢極氬弧焊與等離子弧焊與其它電弧焊接的不同在于?12a.nonconsumable electrode 非消耗電極b.power supply 電源c.shielding 氣體保護d.all of the above 以上皆是e.none of the above 以上都不是Q3-14 Shielding for the GTAW and PAW processes is primarily accomplished through theuse of:鎢極氬弧焊與等離子焊的保護主要用什么來實現(xiàn)?a.granular flux 顆粒焊劑b.slag 熔渣c.1nert gas 惰性氣

40、體d.oxygen 氧氣e.none of the above 以上都不是Q3-15 A green stripe on a tungsten electrode designates:在鎢電極標識上的綠色條紋表示的是a.pure tungsten 純鎢b.1% thoriated tungsten 含1%的的鎢c.2%thoriated tungsten 含2%的鎢d.zirconiated tungsten 氧化鋯鎢e.none of the above 以上都不是Q3-16 When welding aluminum with the GTAW process,what type of

41、welding current ismost commonly used?當使用GTAW焊鋁時,哪種類型的電流使用最廣泛?a.DCEP 直流,電極接正極b.DCEN 直流,電極接負極c.AC 交流電d.a and b above 以上 a和be.b and C above 以上 b和cQ3-17 SAW and ESW processes are similar in that:埋弧焊和電渣焊的相似處在于:a.both are an arc welding process 都采用電弧焊接方法b.both use shielding gases 都使用保護氣體c.both use a granu

42、lar flux,which becomes molten都使用顆粒狀焊劑,它們成為熔化狀態(tài)d.a and b above 以上a和be.a and c above 以上a和cQ3-18 The diagram below depicts what welding process?下圖描述的是哪種焊接方法?a.SMAW13b.ESWc.FCAWd.SAWe.GMAWQ3-19 Solidification cracking due to improper width-to-depth ratio of the weld bead is aserious problem primarily wi

43、th which welding process?用以下哪種焊接方法會因為熔敷焊道不合適的寬深比產(chǎn)生結(jié)晶裂紋? a.SMAWb.OFCc.SAWd.all of the above 以上皆是e.none of the above 以上都不是Q3-20 Which one of the following processes is typically used in the fiat position unlessspecial apparatus is employed?除非使用特殊裝置,否則,以下哪種焊接方法一般用于平焊位置?a.GMAWb.SAWc.FCAWd.SMAWe.GTAWQ3-2

44、1 Which of the following are not common to both GTAW and PAW?對于GTAW和PAW,以下什么不是它們共有的?a.nonconsumable tungsten electrode 非熔化鎢極b.constricting orifice 壓縮噴嘴c.shielding gas nozzle 保護氣體噴嘴d.externally applied filler metal 外部施加填充金屬e.none of the above 以上都不對14Q3-22 What technique is employed with PAW to produc

45、e full penetration welds without abevel edge preparation?PAW的什么技術(shù)能在不制備坡口情況下達到完全熔透?a.stringer beads 窄焊道b.weave beads 擺動焊道c.keyhole 小孔d.back-step 襯墊e.none of the above 以上都不是Q3-23 What welding process produces welds in a single pass,with the progression uphillalong the joint?什么焊接方法沿著接頭向上,以單道焊縫的形式上完成焊接過

46、程?a.SAWb.ESWc.FCAWd.a and b above 以上 a和 be.b and c above 以上 b 和cQ3-24 Which of the following is not an advantage of the ESW process?以下什么不是ESW的優(yōu)點?a.high deposition rate 高熔敷率b.ease of setup 設(shè)置簡單c.capable of joining thick sections 能焊接厚板 tendency for angular distortion 無角變形趨勢e.none of the above 以上都不

47、是Q3-25 Which welding process is considered to be a chemical welding process?以下哪種焊接方式被認為是化學(xué)焊接方法?a.SMAWb.ESWc.SAWd.OAWe.none of the above 以上都不是Q3-26 which arc welding process provides a very efficient means of joining attachments tosome planar surfaces?以下哪種焊接方法在某些平整表面上高效率地焊著附件?a.0AWb.SWc.GMAWd.GTAWe.S

48、MAW15Q3-27 Brazing differs from welding in that:釬焊與其他焊接不同的在與 filler metal is used 不用填充金屬 oxyfuel flame is used 使用氧焰c.the base metal is not melted 母材不熔化 d.all of the above 以上皆是e.none of the above 以上都不是Q3-28 For satisfactory results,a braze ioint should have:為了得到良好的效果,釬焊接頭應(yīng)具備:a.clean joint su

49、rfaces 清理接頭表面b.a small clearance between pieces to be joined 連接件間小的間隙 c.a large surface area for the joint area 接頭有大的連接面 d.heat source 熱源e.all of the above 以上皆是Q3-29 Which of the following is an advantage of brazing?釬焊的優(yōu)點是?a.ease of joining thick sections 容易連接厚截面b.ability to ioin dissimilar metals 能

50、連接兩種不同的金屬 c.ability to join thin sections 薄板連接容易d.a and b above 以上 a和be.b and c above 以上 b和 cQ3-30 Of the following metals,which cannot be efficiently cut using OFC? 不能有效的使用氧氣切割的金屬是?a.high-carbon steel 高碳鋼b.1ow-carbon steel 低碳鋼c.medium-carbon steel 中碳鋼d.austenitic stainless steel 奧氏體不銹鋼e.none of the

51、 above 以上都不是Q3-31 Which of the following gases can be used to perform OFC? 以下什么氣體能用于氧氣切割?a.methylacetylene-propadiene(MPS) 乙炔-丙烯b.propane 丙烷c.acetylene 乙炔d.methane(natural gas) 甲烷e.all of the above 以上皆是Q3-32 Which of the following cutting processes can cut any metal? 以下哪種切割方法可切割任何金屬?a.OFC 氧氣切割16b.CA

52、C-A 空氣碳弧切割c.PAC 等離子弧切割d.a and b above 以上 a 和be.b and c above 以上 b和 cQ3-33 The width of a cut is referred to as the:切割寬度和什么有關(guān) 空隙b.dross 割渣c.kerf 割痕d.drag 后拖量e.none of the above 以上都不是Q3-34 The SMAW power source can be:手工焊的電源可以為:a.DCEN 直流反接b.AC 交流c.DCEP 直流正接d.all of the above 以上皆是e.a and c above

53、以上 a和cQ3-35 Of the following,which is a noncontact welding process,requires no electrodes,andis not influenced by the presence of magnetic fields?以下哪種焊接方法是非接觸焊接方法,不需要電極,并且不受磁場的影響?a.ESWb.PAWc.LBWd.a and b above 以上 a 和be.none of the above 以上都不是Q3-36 Which of the following uses a focused beam of electr

54、ons as a heat source for fusionwelding?以下哪種焊接方法采用聚焦電子束作為熔化焊熱源?a.EBWb.ESWc.EGWd.a and c above 以上 a 和ce.none of the above 以上都不是17第4章 焊接接頭形狀和焊接符號Q4-1 Which of the following is not considered a type of joint?以下哪一項不屬于接頭形式?a.butt 對接b.T T型接c.fillet 角焊縫d.corner 角接e.edge 端接Q4-2 The term for the type of joint

55、 formed when the two pieces to be joined lie in parallelplanes and their edges overlap is:當兩塊板呈平行連接,且它們的棱邊搭接,這種類型的接頭的術(shù)語是:a.Corner 角接b.T T接c.edge 端接接頭d.1ap 搭接e.butt 對接Q4-3 The term for that portion of a single bevel butt joint where the two pieces to be joinedcome closest together is:兩塊單面坡口的板對接,被連接的兩

56、片,表示其位置靠得最近的術(shù)語是:a.radius 坡口半徑b.joint root 接頭根部c.bevel angle 坡口面角度d.groove angle 坡口角度e.none of the above 以上都不是Q4-4 In a single V-groove weld,the term for the sloped surfaces against which the weldmetal is applied is:在單面V型坡口焊縫中,表示要填充焊縫金屬的那個斜面的術(shù)語是:a.root face 鈍邊b.root 焊縫根部c.groove faces 坡口面d.groove ang

57、le 坡口角度e.bevel angle 坡口面角度Q4-5 The term for the type of weld produced by filling an elongated hole in an overlappingmember attaching it to the member beneath is:兩塊重疊的板,疊在上面的部件上開長孔,在孔中焊接而填滿得到的焊縫,這種焊縫的術(shù)語是:a.plug weld 塞焊縫 weld 點焊c.seam weld 縫焊d.slot weld 槽焊縫e.none of the above 以上都不是Q4-6 The ter

58、m for the type of weld configuration formed when the length of a round bar isplaced parallel against a flat surface is:當一根圓鋼沿長度方向平行地放在平面上,所形成的焊縫術(shù)語是:a.double-flare-bevel-groove 雙面喇叭型坡口b.single-flare-V groove 單面喇叭-V型坡口c.edge flange 卷邊d.corner flange 角卷邊e.none of the above 以上都不是Q4-7 The term for the type of weld having a generally triangular cross section and which isapplied to either a T,comer,or lap joint is:具有三角形橫截面,可以用于T形接頭,角接接頭或搭接接頭中任一種接頭,用

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