八年級英語下:Module 4 New technology 全模塊教案外研版

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1、Module 4 New technology一、教學目的本模塊的中心話題是技術。通過本話題的學習,要求能理解簡單的科技產品說明書,能簡單說明操作步驟。并掌握以下知識:1單詞:press, button, video, instruction, copy, memory, lend, recorder, second, lady, gentleman, bite, dish, appear, hide, cool, chest, hurt, wrong, medicine, suggest, text等。2短語:turn on, come on, save ones life, turn of

2、f, connect to, send sb. sth., pick up, bite sb. on the hand, stay + adj., the next day, on holiday, text a message等。3語法:if引導的條件狀語從句()二、重難點知識講解1If you want to play back, press the green button.如果你想重播的話,按綠色的鍵。play back指的是“播放(已錄制的錄音帶、錄像帶等)”。e.g.I recorded Mikes voice, then played it back to him. 我把邁克的聲

3、音錄下來,然后放給他聽。2Youve done that. 你做對了。這句話字面的意思是“你做過了?!痹诒疚闹斜硎菊f話者的肯定,意思是“你做對了/你的操作是正確的?!?If the red light doesnt come on, wait for thirty seconds.如果紅燈沒亮,等待30秒。come on在這里的意思是starts working or functioning“(燈或機器)打開,開動”。come on 常用在口語中表示一種敦促,意為“來吧、拜托、幫幫忙、動手吧”等。come on 還可表示“來臨、生長、進展、茂盛、偶遇、邂逅”等多種含義。e.g.Sing us

4、just one song, Marie, come on!給我們喝首歌?,斃?,拜托啦!Come on, Lucy. You can tell me. I wont tell anybody else. 露西,拜托啦,你告訴我吧!我不會告訴別人的。Come on. Or youll be late 快點兒,不然你就要遲到了。Snow came on toward evening. 黃昏以前就下雪了。The rice was coming on. 水稻長得很好。I came on an old friend yesterday. 昨天我邂逅了一位老友。4Well, shes my friend,

5、 and its important for her.- 1 - / 9恩,她是我的朋友,而且這對她很重要。Its important for sb.意思是“對某人很重要”,Its important for sb. to do sth.的意思是“做某事對某人很重要”。e.g.Its important for him to pass the exam. 對他來說通過考試很重要。Its very important for us to study a foreign language well. 對我們來說,學好一門外語很重要。拓展:Its + 形容詞 + for sb. to do sth.

6、 做某事對來說此句型中的it是形式主語,真正的主語是后面的動詞不定式短語。這是一個非常實用的句型,希望同學們務必掌握,在需要的時候信手拈來。e.g.Its good for people to do morning exercises. 晨練對人是有好處的。Its dangerous for children to cross the busy street. 小孩們穿越繁忙的街道是很危險的。5If you want to turn on the recorder, press the blue button.如果你想開錄音機,按藍鈕。turn on 擰開、打開(自來水、電燈、收音機等)e.g

7、.Turn on the radio, please. 請打開收音機。反義短語:turn off關掉(自來水、電燈、收音機等)e.g.Please turn off the flow of water. 你請把水關掉。Turn off the tap. 關上水龍頭。Dont forget to turn off the light before you leave. 在你走之前,別忘了關燈.拓展:turn up 提高,調大(聲音等)I cant hear clearly, please turn up the radio. 我聽不清,請把收音機聲音調大。turn down 減弱,降低,壓低(力

8、量、聲音等)e.g.Please turn the television down a bit. 請把電視機音量關小點。to turn down the gas關小煤氣6He picked up a dish from the table, and suddenly a snake appeared 他從桌子上拿起一個盤子,這時突然出現(xiàn)了一條蛇。pick up 在這里是 lift sth. up 的意思。e.g.Mr.Black picked up his hat and went out. 布萊克先生拿起帽子走了出去。pick up還有很多其他的意思:(1)(在無線電中)收聽、接收e.g.I

9、 was able to pick you up on the short wave radio. 我能用短波收音機收聽到你的信號。(2)(用車)來接(可以是到某處去接某人或載貨,也可以是中途順便把人或物帶走)e.g.Mr. Brown stopped his car in front of the shop to pick up the empty boxes. 布朗先生在店門前停下車,順便把空箱子帶走。Ill pick you up at your home tomorrow. 明天我會開車到你家接你。(3)收拾;整理e.g.Youd better pick up the tools af

10、ter finishing the work. 完成工作后你最好把這些工具收拾起來。(4)恢復精神 / 健康;(生意)好轉、恢復e.g.This old man is beginning to pick up now. 現(xiàn)在這位老人開始恢復健康。(5)跌倒后(自己)站起來e.g.The little girl slipped and fell, but she quickly picked herself up. 這個小女孩滑倒了,但很快就站了起來。7 and suddenly a snake appeared and bit him on the hand. 突然,一條蛇出現(xiàn)了并咬傷了他的手

11、。bit him on the hand的意思是“咬傷了他的手”。在這個句子中,含有這樣的句型“動詞+賓語介詞the身體某一部位”。e.g.They hit him on the head. 他們打了他的頭。He hit the boy on the nose. 他擊中了那個男孩的鼻子。8Anyway, Mr. Jackson stayed cool and he took a photo of the snake with his mobile phone. 不過杰克遜先生保持冷靜,用手機拍下了蛇的照片。(1)cool“涼爽的”,它的反義詞是warm.注意 cold“寒冷的”,它的反義詞是h

12、ot。e.g.Its cool in autumn. 秋天天氣涼爽。Lets sit in the shade and keep cool. 我們坐到樹蔭下去涼爽涼爽吧。冷靜的He has a cool head 他有著冷靜的頭腦。He is cool in difficulties. 他在危險與困境中鎮(zhèn)定自如。形容人的行為“酷”, 屬于流行用語。He was trying to be really cool.(2)stay在句中用作系動詞,意思是“保持(某種狀態(tài)),維持” (=remain, keep),后面常接形容詞或名詞作表語。e.g.The weather has stayed war

13、m all the week. 一周來天氣都很暖和。The shop stays open till night. 這家商店一直營業(yè)到晚上。9 they could give Mr. Jackson the right medicine, and he left hospital the next day.當他們了解到那條蛇的類型后對癥下藥,杰克遜先生第二天就出院了。(1)right在這里是形容詞,意思是“合適的, 恰當?shù)模╩ost suitable)”,它還有“正確的”的意思。e.g.He is the right man for the job. 他是擔任這份工作最合適的人選。You we

14、re right in deciding not to go. 你決定不去是正確的。(2)可用作副詞,意為“正確地,一直地”。e.g.Put it right in the middle. 把它放在正中間。(3)可用作名詞“正確;權利;右邊”。e.g.We should know the difference between right and wrong. 我們應該明辨是非。10If you want to send your recording by email, connect the recorder to your computer.如果你想通過電子郵件發(fā)送錄音的話,把錄音機和你的電

15、腦連上。(1)by email 通過電子郵件注意類似短語:by bus/ train/ bike/ plane/ air/ car“乘公共汽車/火車/自行車/飛機/小汽車”名詞前沒有冠詞。當具體到某一交通工具時,前面要加冠詞或形容詞性物主代詞,并且不用by.e.g.I went there by bike.=I went there on my bike. 我騎自行車去的那兒。Tom went to school by car. Tom搭出租車上學。Tom went to school in his fathers car. Tom坐爸爸的車上學。(2)connect在這里表示“連接”,后面可

16、以接介詞to或者with,變?yōu)閏onnect sth. to/ with e.g.Could you connect the printer to the computer? 你能將打印機連在電腦上嗎?Will you connect this wire to the television?你把這根電線和電視機連上好嗎?Connect the gas stove with the gas pipe.將煤氣爐和煤氣管接起來。三、語法點撥if從句()1if從句的構成我們會用漢語說“如果想去的話,請告訴我”、“如果你想了解更多的內容,請打電話給我們老師”,其中“如果”后面可以有主語,也可以沒有。那么

17、用英語該如何說呢?首先看幾個例子:If you want to go, please tell me.如果想去的話,請告訴我。If you want to know more about it, please telephone our teacher.如果你想了解更多的內容,請打電話給我們老師。If the green light isnt on, wait a minute.如果綠燈還沒亮,就等一下。從例句中可以看出,if所引導的是一個完整的句子,一定要有主語。2if從句的位置本模塊我們接觸的都是“if從句+祈使句”的句子。if引導的條件從句表示“如果”,條件狀語從句可置于祈使句前或后,如

18、上面的例句;也可以放在主句之后。e.g.Print the photo if you like it. 如果喜歡這張照片就把它打印出來。Look at our website if the camera does not work.如果相機出故障就到我們網站上查看。Tell him to make a phone call to me if he comes here tomorrow.如果他明天來這兒的話,叫他給我來個電話。3注意if引導的條件狀語從句和賓語從句的區(qū)別if可以用來引導賓語從句也可以用來引導條件狀語從句,主要是要弄清if引導從句的時態(tài)。if在引導賓語從句時,意為“是否”。要根據(jù)

19、實際情況來確定時態(tài),而if在引導條件狀語從句時意為“如果,假設”,要用一般時代替將來時。e.g.I want to know if he will come here tomorrow.我想知道他明天是否到這兒來。if在上句引導的是賓語從句,從句中有很明顯的表將來的時間狀語tomorrow,所以if從句要用一般將來時。e.g.If it rains tomorrow, well put off the sports meeting.如果明天下雨,我們就推遲運動會。if在上句引導的是條件狀語從句,盡管從句中也有表將來時的時間狀語tomorrow,從理論上講也應該用一般將來時,但是在if引導的條件

20、狀語從句中要用一般現(xiàn)在時代替一般將來時,故從句謂語動詞用rains而不用will rain. 一、單項選擇:1I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please _? Aturn it on Bturn it down Cturn it up Dturn it off 2I want to see a TV play. Can you _ the TV set? Aturn on Bturn off Cturn up Dturn down 3Liu Ying told me _ for her at home. Awaits Bwaited Cto wa

21、it Dwait4Well stay at home if it _ this afternoon. Arain Brains Cto rain Draining 5We will go to the Great Wall if it _tomorrow. Awont rain Bisnt raining Crained Ddoesnt rain 6I dont know if he _.He will come if it _. Acomes; wont rain Bwill come; doesnt rain Ccomes; doesnt rain Dwill come; wont rai

22、n 7Do you know what time _? Athe train leave Bdoes the train leave Cwill the train leave Dthe train leaves 8Do you think _ an English film tomorrow night? Ais there Bthere is going to have Cthere is going to be Dwill there be 9Will you please tell me _? Awhere Pudong Airport is Bhow far Pudong Airpo

23、rt was Chow can we get to Pudong AirportDwhen was Pudong Airport built 10Mike wants to know if_ a picnic tomorrow.Yes. But if it _, well visit the museum instead. Ayou have; will rain Byou will have; will rain Cyou will have; rains Dwill you have; rains 11Why didnt Nick come to school yesterday?_ he

24、 was ill. AAfter BWhere CWhen DBecause 12This box is _ heavy _ I cant carry it. Atoo; to Bso; that Cvery; that Dtoo; that 13I dont know _ he still lives here. Awhere Bwhat Cwhen Dwhether 14You should exercise to stay _. Ahealthy Bhealth Chealthily Dunhealthy15As he didnt have much money, he had to _

25、 a second- hand computer for his work. Apick up Bgive up Clook up Dtake up二、翻譯下列短語。1挽救某人的生命2拾起,撿起3咬了某人的手4打開(電源)5回放6第二天7把連接到8送某人某物9通過電子郵件10保持冷靜三、用括號里動詞的正確形式填空。1We dont go shopping if it _ (rain) tomorrow.2If you _ (be) in danger, _ (ask) the policeman for help.3If it _ (not, rain) tomorrow, _ (go) wi

26、th me.4_ (press) “delete”if you_ (not, like) this message.5If they _ (be not) here, _ (call) them.6Im sorry _( hear )that. 7Its important for you _ (learn) Japanese.8Do you know if she_ (come) tomorrow? If she_ (come) tomorrow, I will tell you.四、補全對話。Jim: Good afternoon, Doctor.Doctor: Good afternoo

27、n, Jim._ (1)?Jim: Ive got a headache and a cough.Doctor:_(2)?Jim: Since last night.Doctor: _(3)?Jim: Is it terrible?Doctor: No._(4) Drink plenty of water and stay in bed for two days.Jim: But I have a lot of work to do.Doctor: You should do your work later. Take this medicine,_ (5), and you will be

28、better soon.Jim: Thank you, doctor. Bye!Doctor: Goodbye!五、翻譯下列句子:1愛好可以使你們成長。2我知道外國人發(fā)現(xiàn)中國與自己的國家很不一樣。3我問過你的秘書她是否可以一起來。4你知道薩莉麥克斯韋爾到了沒有?5如果要打開錄音機,按藍色按紐。6如果紅燈不亮,等三十秒。答案:1-5 CACBD 6-10 BDCAC 1-15 DBDAA答案:1save ones life2pick up3bite sb. on the hand4turn on 5play back6the next day7connectto/with8send sth. t

29、o sb./send sb. sth.9by email10stay cool答案:1rains2are, ask3doesnt rain, go4Press, dont like5arent, call6to hear7to learn8will come, comes答案:1Whats wrong with you/ Whats the matter with you/ Whats your trouble?2How long is it/ When did it start3Why not come early4It doesnt matter5three times a day1Hob

30、bies can make you grow as a person.2I know that foreigners find China very different from their own countries.3I asked your secretary whether she could come or not.4Do you know if Sally Maxwell is here yet?5If you want to turn on the recorder, press the blue button.6If the red light doesnt come on, wait for thirty seconds. 希望對大家有所幫助,多謝您的瀏覽!

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