備戰(zhàn)2018年高考英語一輪復習 書面表達??妓夭乃儆?話題02 興趣與愛好(含解析)

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備戰(zhàn)2018年高考英語一輪復習 書面表達常考素材速用 話題02 興趣與愛好(含解析)_第1頁
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備戰(zhàn)2018年高考英語一輪復習 書面表達??妓夭乃儆?話題02 興趣與愛好(含解析)_第2頁
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備戰(zhàn)2018年高考英語一輪復習 書面表達常考素材速用 話題02 興趣與愛好(含解析)_第3頁
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《備戰(zhàn)2018年高考英語一輪復習 書面表達常考素材速用 話題02 興趣與愛好(含解析)》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《備戰(zhàn)2018年高考英語一輪復習 書面表達??妓夭乃儆?話題02 興趣與愛好(含解析)(15頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網上搜索。

1、興趣與愛好興趣愛好指音樂、舞蹈、表演、體育運動、游戲(包括網絡游戲)、集郵、閱讀、烹飪、看電影、看電視、聽收音廣播、欣賞戲劇、音樂會、觀光旅行、招待客人、訪問博物館、飼養(yǎng)寵物等。關于“興趣愛好”這一話題,就基礎寫作而言,命題人可能要求考生介紹某一項興趣愛好,寫一份校園比賽的海報,給英國筆友寫一封信描述自己如何度過課余時間等。就讀寫任務而言,命題人可能就家長如何培養(yǎng)孩子的興趣愛好、電影與電視的優(yōu)劣比較、現(xiàn)場看表演和看電視轉播的比較、極限運動興起的原因分析等話題發(fā)表看法。如:(1)你班進行了一次以“我的愛好”為主題的演講比賽,請你談談你的愛好及緣由,并號召同學和你一起發(fā)展這項愛好。 (2)假設你有

2、一位英國筆友叫Jack,請你給他寫一封信簡介你在課余時間的興趣愛好,并詢問他在課余時間的興趣愛好。 (3)你想約志同道合的同學一起去參觀自然博物館,請你在布告板上寫一份邀請函,包括自然博物館的特點和參觀博物館的好處等。 (4)現(xiàn)在很多學生都是“追星一族”,他們密切注視著明星們的一舉一動。試分析當下流行文化對青少年興趣愛好的影響。一.話題常用單詞1.hobby愛好2.interest興趣3. adore喜愛4.appreciate欣賞5.admire敬佩,欣賞6. affection喜愛7. adventure冒險8. collection收集9. explore探索10. amusement娛

3、樂11. architecture建筑12. adaptation適應13.ambition決心14. taste口味15. assessment評估16. availability有效;有益17. amusement娛樂18.attend參加19.favorite最喜歡的20. appetite 嗜好二.話題常用短語1.surf the internet上網 2.chat online 在線聊天 3. enjoy popular music 喜歡流行音樂4. be fond of/be keen on喜歡 5. have some hobbies有一些愛好 6. be interested

4、in對感興趣 7. take an interest in對感興趣 8. be crazy about. 對著迷 9. come to like. 越來越喜歡 10. develop a great liking for. 漸漸愛上 11.be addicted to對上癮12.be hooked on喜歡13.fall for喜歡上14.prefer doing to doing與做某事相比更喜歡做某事15.would rather do than do寧愿做某事而不愿16.have a gift for有天賦17. feel like doing想要做18.participate in參加

5、19.spare time空余時間20.have a taste in有品位21.develop an interest in培養(yǎng)某方面的興趣22.read novels讀小說23.play football/basketball踢足球/打籃球24.play games玩游戲25.collect stamps集郵26.make e-friends交網友27.climb mountains爬山28. watch TV看電視三、參考語句 話題常用句型1. I prefer watching a TV show to going to a concert.我寧愿看電視表演,而不愿去聽音樂會。 2.

6、He goes for playing on-line games. 他喜歡玩在線游戲。3. Shopping is my favorite hobby in my spare time. 購物是我閑暇時最喜歡的愛好。 4. I hate visiting museums, for I think they are boring.我討厭參觀博物館,因為我覺得它們讓人感到無趣。5. The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.最近的調查顯示相當多的孩子對家

7、庭作業(yè)沒什么好感。6. Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a persons physical fitness.許多專家指出體育鍛煉直接有助于身體健康。7. A proper parttime job does not occupy students too much time. In fact, it is unhealthy for them to spend all of time on their study. As an old saying goes: All work and

8、 no play makes Jack a dull boy.一份適當?shù)臉I(yè)余工作并不會占用學生太多的時間。事實上,把全部的時間都用到學習上并不健康,正如那句老話:只工作,不玩耍,聰明的孩子會變傻。8. People equate success in life with the ability of operating computer.人們把會使用計算機與人生成功相提并論。9. It must be noted that learning must be done by a person himself.必須指出學習只能靠自己。10. An investigation shows that

9、many older people express a strong desire to continue studying in university or college.一項調查顯示許多老人都有到大學繼續(xù)學習的愿望。11. For the majority of people, reading or learning a new skill has become the focus of their lives and the source of their happiness and contentment after their retirement.對大多數(shù)人來講,退休以后,閱讀或

10、學習一項新技術已成為他們生活的中心和快樂的來源。12. For people who want to adopt a healthy and meaningful life style, it is important to find time to learn certain new knowledge. Just as an old saying goes: it is never too late to learn.對于那些想過上健康而有意義的生活的人們來說,找時間學習一些新知識是很重要的,正如那句老話:活到老,學到老。13. From what has been discussed a

11、bove, I am fully convinced that the leisure lifestyle is undergoing a decline with the progress of modern society, it is not necessary a bad thing.通過以上討論,我完全相信,隨著現(xiàn)代社會的進步,悠閑的生活方式正在消失并不是件壞事。14. The problem of international tourism has caused wide public concern over the recent years.近些年,國際旅游的問題引起了廣泛關注

12、。15. Furthermore, people who addict to fashion clothes have to spend more time going shopping and pay more attention to the impression they make on others. 而且,沉湎于時尚服裝的人們不得不花費更多時間逛商店,更加注意自己給別人的印象。16. As a result, it is impossible to devote enough time and energy in their study and job.因此,他們不可能有足夠的時間用

13、于學習或工作?!镜淅?1】(2017新課標卷II)假定你是李華,想邀請邀請外教Henry一起參觀中國剪紙(paper-cutting)藝術展。請給他寫封郵件,內容包括: 1.展覽時間、地點; 2.展覽內容。 注意: 1.詞數(shù) 100 左右; 2.可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。_【寫作指導】檔次?!痉段馁p析】Dear Henry,It must have been heard by you that therell be an art exhibition organized to display elegant Chinese paper-cuttings. Remembering your

14、 devotiontoChinese culture, Im writing to invite you to come with us.As for the timetable and specific information, the activity will be held next Wednesday at the stadium. One graphic scene to which you might readily relate is numerous charming paper-cuttings of distinctive appearance shown togethe

15、r along with splendid history of China. Owing to frequent media coverage, it is paper-cutting that has arousedhugeattention. Not only will the worksproducedby eminent craftsmen beoffered, but alsosomecreated by kids in kindergarten are planned to be included.Were I you, I wouldnt miss this opportuni

16、ty. What a delightful day itll be if you can come!YoursLi Hua【典例02】 (2016四川卷)某中學生英文報正舉辦“The Season I Like Best”的征文活動。請用英文寫一 篇短文投稿,內容包括: 1. 你最喜歡的季節(jié); 2. 你喜歡該季節(jié)的兩條理由(如:氣候、景色、活動、感受) 。 注意: 1. 詞數(shù) 100 左右; 2. 題目已為你寫好; 3. 行文連貫,語篇完整; 4. 文中不得透露個人真實信息。 The Season I Like Best _【思路點撥】當?shù)倪B接成分以使語意更連貫?!緷M分范文】The Seaso

17、n I Like Best Spring, the symbol of beauty and hope, is the season I like best. I am fond of spring because it treats me poetic scenery of nature. Blooming flowers add vivid colors to my sight. Also, the symphony of all kinds of insects and birds brings aesthetic (美學的) harmony to me. Whats more, the

18、 gentle rain makes spring a fantasy world. And its because spring arouses everyones hope that Im keen on spring most. Look! The frozen ice is melting. Listen! All living creatures are waking up. Spring pictures a world where cold and death are fading away while warmth and life are coming back. Thus,

19、 everyone is bound to be filled with hope and love. I love spring, which cant be too admirable and cherished.【典例03】你們班同學打算周六去爬香山。請給外教Chris寫一封英文信,邀請他參加此次活動。具體內容如下: 1. 時間:8 a.m5 p.m;2. 集合地點:校門口; 3. 交通工具:公交車; 4. 攜帶物品:雨具,午餐,相機。 注意:1. 詞數(shù)不少于50; 2. 可適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫; 3. 開頭和結尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。Dear Chris,_Yours,Joe【思

20、路點撥】【滿分范文】Dear Chris,We are planning to climb the Xiangshan Hill this Saturday and sincerely invite you to go with us.We will get together at the school gate at 8 am and probably come back at 5 pm. To make it a green travel, we will take the bus there. Youd better take your camera to record the beau

21、tiful scenery. And dont forget to take some food, because we plan to have lunch on the top of the hill. Remember, take your umbrella or raincoat in case it rains.If you can join us, we will be very happy.Yours,Joe【典例04】(2016北京卷)假設你是紅星中學高三學生李華。你的英國朋友Jim在給你的郵件中提到他對中國歷史很感興趣,并請你介紹一位你喜歡的中國歷史人物。請你給 Jim 回信

22、,內容包括: 1. 該人物是誰; 2. 該人物的主要貢獻; 3. 該人物對你的影響。 注意: 1. 詞數(shù)不少于50; 2. 開頭和結尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。 Dear Jim, Its great to hear from you. _Yours, Li Hua【思路點撥】【滿分范文】Dear Jim, Its great to hear from you. I feel proud to know your interest in Chinese history. As for my favorite figure in Chinese history, it must be Wei Yua

23、n, a great thinker in the late Qing Dynasty. He, in his book, Haiguo Tuzhi(Maps and Records of the World), introduced modern technologies and ideas to China. That opened our eyes to the world. In fact, he inspires me to major in English in college and to be a bridge between China and the world. Inte

24、rested in knowing more? I can find you some books! Just let me know. Cheers! Yours, Li Hua(1)假設你是李華,你們學校下周舉辦英語藝術節(jié)。請根據(jù)下邊的節(jié)目安排調整表,給外教老師Dave寫一封100詞左右的電子郵件,告知他調整的內容并給出你認為恰當?shù)睦碛伞chedule for English Art FestivalDateTime ActivitiesPlaceJan 6th14:0015:0013:3014:30English Talk ShowArt Theater15:0016:00Englis

25、h Speech ContestLibrary16:0017:00English CornerPlayground_【范文】Dear Dave, Im sorry to inform you that there are two changes to the schedule for English Art Festival. First, there will be a very important meeting after lunch in our school, so English Talk Show will be put off by 30 minutes. That is, i

26、t starts at 14:00 and ends at 15:00. Second, the place where the English Corner will be held is to be changed from Playground to the School Hall because the weather report says its going to rain that afternoon. In order to have the Festival going well, we have to do the changes. Please come and join

27、 us on time. We are all expecting you!Yours,Li Hua【寫作指導】自然流暢,還要注意關聯(lián)詞、插入語的使用?!舅夭姆e累】此文語言流暢,言簡意賅,要點齊全。關聯(lián)詞語運用得恰到好處,使整個語篇銜接緊密,邏輯清楚。而短文中較多高級詞語和句式的使用也提升了文章的得分檔次。關聯(lián)詞語:first, second, finally等。亮點詞匯:schedule, gain, in order to, on time, put off,that is等。高級句式: because引導的原因狀語從句; says后面是賓語從句等。(2)假如你熱衷集郵,但家長并不支持,于

28、是你向一個學生心聲的專欄寫信咨詢解決的辦法。內容包括:1.你的意見:(1)增長知識;(2)減壓;(3)掙錢。2.家長意見:(1)浪費錢;(2)占了學習時間。注意: 1. 詞數(shù)不少于100;2. 可以適當增加細節(jié)。_【范文】Dear Sir,However, my parents are strongly against it for they consider it as a waste of money and they also think that sorting out my stamps may take up too much of my time, which should be

29、 spent on my studies.I dont want to argue with them any more. Could you help me out? Looking forward to your early reply!A Worried Reader【寫作指導】這篇書面表達是書信類寫作,語言一定要準確簡潔、通俗易懂、邏輯性強、結構多變、節(jié)奏感強。題目已經要求內容包括你的意見和家長的意見,每個要點又包含次要點,因此重點是將所要表達的語言點都表達到位,不要遺漏了某一點。同時應盡量選擇自己最熟悉的單詞、句型來表達自己的意思。在寫作過程中注意使用起承轉合的連詞和高級詞匯,這樣作

30、文就能得到比較高的分數(shù)?!舅夭姆e累】高級句式:helping me to know a lot.現(xiàn)在分詞作狀語,not onlybut also結構;my parents are strongly against it for they consider it as a waste of money and they also think that sorting out my stamps may take up too much of my time, which should be spent on my studies.which引導非限制性定語從句等。(3)培養(yǎng)孩子的興趣愛好是非常必

31、要的,但現(xiàn)在有很多家長一味地追求子女的多才多藝,迫使孩子學習他們不感興趣的東西,請你以大約120個詞談談對這種現(xiàn)象的看法,內容包括:(1)你是否贊同上述家長的做法;(2)以你或你朋友的經歷說明你的觀點;(3)呼吁家長們要尊重孩子的意愿。_【范文】Todays children are lucky to have many opportunities to develop their talents. But on the other hand, a lot of parents push their children too hard.(26 words)In that case, I don

32、t envy them. It is true that good hobbies make life more colorful and enjoyable. However, things are different if children take no interest in the “hobby” that their parents choose for them. Without interest as motivation, they find it a burden rather than a hobby. My 6-year-old neighbour often crie

33、s while practicing the piano. She is busier on weekends than on weekdays because she has to attend many extracurricular activities. Her mother complains that she even sleeps in class.Therefore, parents should see the bad effects from their over-effort to cultivate childrens talents. Parents are supp

34、osed to help children learn what they are interested in. Only in this way can they learn well and be happy!亮點點擊:關聯(lián)詞:however, on the other hand,therefore等;亮點詞匯:push their children too hard, find it a burden等;高級句式: what引導賓語從句;Only in this way can they learn well and be happy!倒裝句等。(4)假定你是李華,你的英國筆友Helen

35、正在寫一篇關于各國中學生課外閱讀情況的調查報告。她給你發(fā)了一封郵件,想了解相關情況。請你根據(jù)以下提示,給她回一封電子郵件:1. 你校學生課外閱讀的現(xiàn)狀;2. 原因分析;3. 你的看法。注意:1. 根據(jù)所給提示,適當發(fā)揮,要求內容充實,語意連貫;2. 詞數(shù)120左右。開頭和結尾已經寫好,不計入總詞數(shù);3. 郵件中不得提及考生所在的學校和本人姓名。參考詞匯:課外閱讀extra-curricular readingDear HelenThank you for your email. Now I would like to tell you something_Best wishes!Yours,L

36、i Hua【范文】Dear Helen, Internet. However, reading has many benefits. Through reading we can learn more about the world. Reading can help us think better and make our life more colorful. So it is quite necessary for the students to take up reading and for the teachers to limit the amount of our homewor

37、k so that we can have more time to read. Best wishes!YoursLihua【寫作指導】考查半開放性作文寫作。半開放性作文給出了一個話題,并有部分的文字提示。給考生自由發(fā)揮的余地較大。對于考生的綜合能力要求較高,要求考生有很強的謀篇布局的能力和組織要點的能力。這篇作文是關于中學生課外閱讀情況的調查報告??忌梢詮谋拘W生的閱讀情況入手,每天閱讀時間為多少,一個月要讀多少本書等等。分析原因可以從學習的時間太長,留給閱讀的時間不夠等。在保證內容要點全部概括的基礎上可以充分發(fā)揮自己的想象,進而用自己的語言來表達某種觀點或看法,增添了寫作的靈活性,同時

38、能較好地考查考生的想象能力和英語語言表達能力。首先要選擇自己熟悉的短語或者句型,在你的能力范圍之內,選擇句式時要賦予變化,因為這樣你才可以更好的駕馭。同時也要選擇合適的連接詞,把各個要點組織成一個完整的整體,如besides, further, last but not least等。在發(fā)表個人觀點的時候,可以使用諺語來提升整個文章的檔次和文采,也能增加得高分的可能性?!玖咙c說明】所給范文語言簡潔,應用了一些較好的詞組和句子: as a result因此, prefer to do rather than do寧愿做而不愿,be burdened with負擔, form a habit of

39、 形成,the time and energy students devoted to reading are very limited.這句話用了定語從句, So it is quite necessary for the students to take up reading and for the teachers to limit the amount of our homework so that we can have more time to read. 這句話用了it做形式主語和so that句型。還有范文使用了Besides, First of all, However,這樣

40、的關聯(lián)詞使文章更加連貫。(5)假設你是王磊,最近,你的筆友David沉迷于網絡小說,難以自拔,他向你求助,請按下列要點給對方寫一封信:1. 闡述網絡小說的危害;2. 提出建議和解決辦法;3. 表達信心。詞數(shù):120詞左右??梢赃m當增加細節(jié),使行文連貫。Dear David,Im worried about the situation you are faced with._Yours,Wang Lei【范文】Dear David,students, must take advantage of every minute every day. You can relax yourself by

41、reading some materials in a certain period of time, for example, lunch break. For the rest of the day, youd better value it more efficiently. Im willing to wait for your good news, and you can make it, cant you?Yours ,Wang Lei【寫作指導】本題要求寫一則關于書法展的通知,要點包含1. 闡述網絡小說的危害; 2. 提出建議和解決辦法; 3. 表達信心。使用第二人稱和一般現(xiàn)在時

42、。寫作時考生需注意適當?shù)厥褂靡恍┻^渡性的連接詞, 使行文流暢貫通。同時也要注意整個語篇的層次,即要分好段落,不能是一段式的。最后,在用詞上盡量做到準確達意,,并選用一些高級詞匯,句式要豐富多樣,避免單調。亮點詞匯:suffer from, be faced with, deserve to do, make it等;高級句式:As we all know, we, senior 3 students, must take advantage of every minute every day. (as引導非限制性定語從句),in which引導非限制性定語從句),Slightly as reading online might relieve us, spending too much time on it is a waste of time. (as引導倒裝句)。15

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