2021-2022年三年級英語下冊 Unit6(2)教案 人教PEP

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《2021-2022年三年級英語下冊 Unit6(2)教案 人教PEP》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《2021-2022年三年級英語下冊 Unit6(2)教案 人教PEP(6頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網上搜索。

1、2021-2022年三年級英語下冊 Unit6(2)教案 人教PEP一 教學目標1.知識目標: 學生能聽懂,會說本課對話。 學生能在設置的情景中靈活運用句型:“It has ”;“ Look at”;“Its so”。2.技能目標: 培養(yǎng)學生在一定的語境中運用所學語言進行交際的能力。 培養(yǎng)學生的觀察力和想象力,激發(fā)學生的思維,培養(yǎng)學生運用語言的創(chuàng)造能力。3.情感目標:培養(yǎng)學生愛護動物和欣賞大自然的情感。二 教學重點和難點重點:句型“Look at”;“It hasand”;“Its so”。難點:單詞children和funny的正確讀音。 表示身體部位單詞,單復數的運用。三 教學媒體設計英語


3、學生布置任務,讓學生先聽,跟讀并朗讀??词痉哆M行小組合作表演,然后創(chuàng)編對話,循序漸進,逐步提高,讓學生在參與、協(xié)作、交流中展示自己的才華,讓他們充滿自信,感受成功。四 教學過程復習熱身1 師生一起表演唱英語歌曲Hello。 T::Hello,Children.do oh do! Ss :Hello,Miss Zhang,do oh do!T: Hello,children,do oh do!T and Ss: Hello,Hello.Hello!【設計意圖】教師采用歌曲對唱的方式活躍課堂氣氛,并讓學生初步感知生詞children2 觀看光盤,師生一起做Lets do。Tall,tall,tal

4、l,Make yourself tall.Big,big,big,Make your eyes big.Long,long,long,Make your arms long.Short,short,short,Make yourself short.Small,small,small,Make your eyes small.Short,short,short,Make your arms short.【設計意圖】利用光盤呈現生動的畫面,和著有韻律的節(jié)奏,用歌謠形式活躍課堂氣氛,復習和鞏固所學的形容詞,并為本課教學做鋪墊。呈現新課1 呈現新句型觀看動畫聽描述猜動物,呈現句型“It has”聽示

5、范,跟讀兩次。T:Boys and girls,lets play a guessing game,listen; It has a long nose and a short tail,It has big ears and small eyes.Whats the animal?Ss:Its a/anT:Very good.T:It has(教授句型It has)T:Please listen to the sally and repeat.Ss:Ok.繼續(xù)猜迷,比較圖片,呈現句型“Its so big.”“Its so funny.” 然后聽示范并跟讀。T: Look at the el

6、ephant, Its so big.Look at the mouse ,Its so small.Look at the monkey, Its so funny.【設計意圖】三年級小學生的好奇心強,通過觀看動畫,用猜的方式不但能充分調動他們的積極性,而且輕松又準確的呈現了本課的教學重點.兩人一組利用單詞圖片進行猜動物游戲S1:It has a long tail and big eyes.Whats the animal ?S2;Monkey.S1:Yes, here you are.S2:Thank you.【設計意圖】游戲是學生們喜愛的活動之一,通過游戲活動進一步鞏固本節(jié)課的重點內容

7、,同時注重小組間的合作與交流,發(fā)揮英語的交際功能,培養(yǎng)學生的英語口語交際能力。2 呈現會話觀看動畫片,布置任務,讓學生記住動畫中動物的特征,然后讓學生聽示范并跟讀,再朗讀對話內容。T:Do you love animals? Do you like the zoo? Today, Mike and Sarah go to the zoo, Lets listen to their dialogue and then answer the following question:“What can you see in the zoo?”S: 【設計意圖】讓學生在觀看過程中完成一項任務,讓學生記住

8、動畫中動物的特征,看完后作匯報比賽。此項活動激發(fā)了學生的學習興趣。觀看游戲示范,小組戴上頭飾表演會話T:Look at the screen then act this dialoge out in your groups.T:Your turn,please.Ss:【設計意圖】利用頭飾創(chuàng)設語境,通過小組合作,把機械模擬變成有意義的表演,培養(yǎng)了學生樂于表達,樂于傾聽,樂于分享的品質。趣味操練1Lets chant(把全班學生分成男,女生兩大組,配合動作進行歌謠對唱)Look at the elephant. Its so big!Look at the mouse . Its so small

9、!Look at the cat, Its so short!Look at the monkey, Its so funny!【設計意圖】教師利用學生熟悉的歌謠節(jié)奏,對歌謠內容進行創(chuàng)編,有利于讓學生進一步掌握本節(jié)課的短語和句型,使操練內容富有趣味性。2.創(chuàng)編對話T:Boys and girls, Do you have toys?Take them out.Describe your toys in your group.You can do like this;Look at the rabbit, Its short,It hasT:Ok,lets visit the zoo.三人小組情

10、景會話:把學生帶來的動物玩具擺放成一個“動物園”的形式,每小組可根據自己的喜好參觀其他小組的動物園,并用所學語言進行交流,再請小組上前表演,評選出優(yōu)秀小組?!驹O計意圖】教師通過信息傳遞活動,培養(yǎng)學生聽說能力,創(chuàng)設游動物園情景,讓學生活用語言,自由創(chuàng)編對話,體現了教學的開放性和學生學習的主體性。課外活動1.畫出你喜歡的動物并涂色2.向你的朋友,家長介紹、描述你喜歡的動物?!驹O計意圖】作業(yè)的設計既是課堂教學的延伸,又為下一節(jié)課做好準備。附送:2021-2022年三年級英語下冊 unit7 Lesson 4教案 北師大版1.Introduce hard /c/and soft /c/ Student

11、 Book page 74 (Uncle Bookys ABC)Write the letter c on the board. Explain that you are going to say two words with the letter c in them. One word has a hard /c/ sound (cat) and the other word has a soft /c/ sound (cent). Ask the children to listen and watch as you model hard /c/ and soft /c/. Ask the

12、m to listen for the difference between the two sounds, and then have them repeat the two sounds after you.Turn to Uncle Bookys ABC at the back of the Student Book and point to the hard /c/ and soft /c/ words. Say each word in turn and model the hard and soft sounds.Repeat the procedure with the lett

13、er k.2.Sounds and letters Student Book page 8Draw the childrens attention to the pictures at the bottom of the page. Play the tape for kite and camera. Ask, “Do these words have a hard /c/ sound or a soft /c/ sound?” Play the tape again and have the children say the words aloud. Repeat the procedure

14、 for the soft/c/words.3.Listen for /c/ Student Book page 8 Direct childrens attention to the middle of the page. Show your copy of the page and point to the first row of words. Say that one of the words have a different /c/ sound. Play the first four words on the tape and have the children point to

15、each word as they hear it.Play the tape again. This time the children cross()the word that has a different /c/ sound.Repeat the procedure for the second row. 4.Read with Uncle Booky Student Book page 8 Direct childrens attention to the two rows of words at the bottom of the page. Show your copy of t

16、he page and point to the first row of words.Play the tape for the first 5 words. Have the children point to each word that they hear in the tape.Ask the children if they can find that the letter c in all the words has the same sound.Tell the children to find out how to read the last two words.Play t

17、he tape for the last two words and have children repeat after the tape.Repeat the procedure for the second row of words.5.Model the structuresHold up the flashcard for hot dog. Ask one of the children, “Do you like hot dogs?” The child should answer either, “Yes, I do.” or “No, I dont.”Pin up the ne

18、cessary drillcards on the board to form the question and answer. Read the sentences aloud to the children, pointing to each word as you do so. Have the children repeat the question and answer after you.Now ask another child the same question. Continue until you find a child who gives a different ans

19、wer from the first child.Substitute the necessary drillcards to form the new answer. Repeat the procedure used to model the first answer. Then have the children repeat the question and answer after you.Now review the question, What food do you like? Pin up the necessary drillcards on the board. Repe

20、at the procedure used to model the first question.Repeat the procedure for the sentences, I like (fruit). and I dont like (vegetables).6.Uncle Bookys blackboard Student Book page 9 Have the children open their books at page 9. Model the structures on Uncle Bookys Blackboard by reading them aloud to

21、the class. Have the children repeat the structures in a class drill. Use all possible binations.7.Touch, ask, and answerStudent Book page 9 Draw the childrens attention to the pictures at the bottom of the page. Show your copy of the page. Point to Kens name and the six pictures below it. Explain th

22、at Ken likes all the foods with a black check (?) next to them. He doesnt like the foods with a red cross () next to them. Review the names of each kind of food pictured (chicken, hot dogs,corn,apples, watermelon, and French fries). Now point to the question, Does Ken like apples? Read the question

23、aloud. Point to the picture of the apples. Then elicit the answer, “Yes, he does.” Have the children read the answer. Substitute the other foods pictured for apples and repeat the procedure. Draw the childrens attention to the second collection of pictures (beans, hot dogs, bananas, pears, chicken, and corn). Repeat the procedure used for the first question and picture. Put the children into pairs to practice the questions and answers

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