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.可編輯修改,可打印別找了你想要的都有! 精品教育資料全冊教案,試卷,教學課件,教學設計等一站式服務全力滿足教學需求,真實規(guī)劃教學環(huán)節(jié)最新全面教學資源,打造完美教學模式Unit1Lessons1-6  Going to BeijingLesson 1   I am excited!教學目標:1 知識目標:要求學生掌握四會單詞:look, see, point  體會表演looking, seeing, pointing;鞏固食物名稱單詞和動物單詞;2 能力目標:能靈活使用句子 I see _.能運用所學的英語詞匯和句式解決描述觀察中所看到的東西。3 情感目標:培養(yǎng)學生觀察能力,提高學生對事物的探究興趣。教學重、難點:要求四會的單詞look, see, point和要求掌握的句式I see _.。教具、學具準備:1 單詞卡片。2 錄音機或課件。教學過程:Class Opening and Review1. 做游戲:“Colour point”Unit1Lessons1-6  Going to BeijingLesson 1   I am excited!教學目標:1 知識目標:要求學生掌握四會單詞:look, see, point  體會表演looking, seeing, pointing;鞏固食物名稱單詞和動物單詞;2 能力目標:能靈活使用句子 I see _.能運用所學的英語詞匯和句式解決描述觀察中所看到的東西。3 情感目標:培養(yǎng)學生觀察能力,提高學生對事物的探究興趣。教學重、難點:要求四會的單詞look, see, point和要求掌握的句式I see _.。教具、學具準備:1 單詞卡片。2 錄音機或課件。教學過程:Class Opening and Review1. 做游戲:“Colour point”教師提前在黑板上放上不同顏色的紙,指明幾個學生到前面做游戲,其他學生一起說歌謠,指顏色。(設計意圖:這個環(huán)節(jié)的設置既復習了一些顏色,又引出了本課中提到的顏色。)2. 做游戲“Name it”教師說出顏色名稱和表示詞匯的類別,如Rde:food,這時學生必須寫下他們所能想起來的紅色的食品。(如:肉,蘋果,草莓)誰寫的最多就算贏。教師拿出準備好的一些食物,說:“Im hungry. I want to eat some bread. I like to eat some bread. What do you like to eat?” “I like to eat_.”復習表示實物名稱的詞匯。利用單詞卡片Whats your favourite food? My favourite food is _.也可用此句型復習動物詞匯。(設計意圖:這個環(huán)節(jié)的設置用來復習以前學過的食物詞匯和動物詞匯,同時復習Whats your favourite _?這個句式。)3. 教師指著教室中的某個物品,說Look, I see _.  (引出新概念。)New Concepts1 本課的新概念look, see, point學生曾多次接觸,比較熟悉,讓其表演looking, seeing, pointing.教師要向學生說明look和point的區(qū)別,look表示看的動作,see表示看見,是看的結果。讓學生多運用這些單詞說句子。2 學生熟悉句式后,再利用實物和單詞卡片學習。讓學生看卡片,練習句型,Look! I see a _. 3 運用實物進行練習。讓學生向周圍或窗外看,練習句型Look! I see a _.  ?_is piointing.4 兩人一組做問答練習。 What do you see? Look! I see _.(設計意圖:利用已有知識引出新知識,減小教學的難度,同時可以放手讓學生自己說出自己觀察到的,教師加以指導就可以了,通過練習鞏固新知。)5 聽錄音兩遍,注意語音語調。第一遍聽后回答問題,What does Jenny/ Danny/ LiMing see?第二遍跟讀,讓學生足以模仿錄音中的語調。6.兩人一組自編對話。(學生自創(chuàng)情景,火車上,飛機上,操場上,教室里)  教師先找一個口語較好的學生作一下示范。然后讓學生分組練習,鼓勵學生多說些知道的句子。如: Hello! How are you? How do you feel? Are you hungry? / thirsty? (出示一幅圖畫) What do you see?7.利用實物或單詞卡片匯報演出。(設計意圖:鍛煉學生自己的創(chuàng)造性,可以結合以前學過的句型和詞匯,并利表演出來,運用于實際生活中。)Class ClosingActivity book板書設計:Lesson 1 I am excited!look,         see,       pointlooking,      seeing,    pointingLook! I see a _.                                                 課后習題:一 找出不同類的一個單詞。(   )1. chicken   dumplings  noodles   school(   )2. cow       rice       sheep      goat(   )3.  bus      train      airplane   kite(   )4.  fruit    vegetable   bicycle   meat二 連詞成句see    a      I     cow     brown _school   red   see   I   a   small_Lesson 2  What Are you doing ?教學目標:1. 要求學生掌握四會單詞:行為動詞draw   sleep 和形容詞quiet  loud2.  理解并能夠運用短語:  drawing a picture     looking out the window           singing a song    sleeping      reading a book3.  句型what  are   you  doing ?  I am _ing.    What is he (she) doing?  He (She) is _ing .教學重點:本課的四會單詞:  draw   sleep   quiet  loud教學難點:本課的難點在于對課文的理解和句型的靈活運用。教學用具:錄音機、教學卡片、實物等。教學過程:一、 Class opening and review(復習行為動詞) 1. 唱歌曲:“I am Drawing”找一名唱的好的學生到前面做動作領唱。2. 學生已學過,walk  run  jump  sit  stand 這幾個行為動詞,教師可以用自問自答的形勢,借助體態(tài)語言說出下面的話What am I  doing?     -I  am   standing  .    What are you  doing?  -you  are  sitting  .What  am  I  doing?   -I  am  walking .What am  I  doing?    -I  am  seeing.What am  I  doing ?   -I am  pointing.(設計意圖  標提倡“以舊引新”,在這個環(huán)節(jié)中,教師自己做動作,讓學生借助形體語言理解句子,并復習學過的行為動詞,為這一課的教學作好鋪墊)二、Key concepts(新授) 1學習單詞:draw, sleep繼續(xù)上一環(huán)節(jié)的動作,What am  I  doing ?   -I am drawing.讓學生猜教師在做什么。What am  I  doing ?   -I am sleeping.利用單詞卡片學習這兩個詞匯,并練習拼讀、造句。2.給全班發(fā)指令,使用新舊詞匯,特別注意draw和sleep,開始時,教師邊發(fā)指令,邊做動作,然后只發(fā)指令。Read a book!                Draw a picture!Sing a song!                Go to sleep!叫一名正在做動作的學生,提問并出示句子 What are you doing?  I am _ing. 兩人一組做動作練習以上句型。 指名到前面表演并練習對話。3.學習單詞 quiet, loudWhen I am drawing,  I  am  quiet.(這時把食指貼在嘴唇上作“別出聲”狀,重復quiet, quiet)But when I am singing ,I am loud。(這時也可以亮一嗓子,唱兩句歌,也可以提示學生這兩個詞是反義詞這樣學生就很容易理解這兩個詞了。并板書單詞)   利用卡片學習新詞,提示學生這是一對反義詞。   結合前面學過的句型練習這兩個詞,可以教師發(fā)指令,學生將這個詞用動作或聲音演示出來。或老師演示,學生猜詞。然后作對話練習What are you doing?  I am _ing.    4. 課文閱讀(1)(聽第一部分錄音)回答問題:In  the  morning.  Who is quiet? Who is loud?  What is Jenny /Danny/ LiMing doing?    (2)跟讀課文加深理解。學生提出不懂的地方,全班學生一起討論解決。    (3)分角色大聲朗讀。(文章第二部分“In  the  afternoon”教法基本同上)注意理解now這個詞的意思。讓學生猜測是什么意思。教師指正。設計意圖:新課程提倡“任務型教學”和“目標性聽、讀課文”由開始設置疑問到學生在聽課文的過程中有重點的有目的地理解課文,再到聽完課文后回答問題,學生經歷了從帶著興趣好奇心想去了解課文到與課文的完全接觸和初步理解,最后終于解決疑問找到答案的探究發(fā)現(xiàn)過程。5. 表演課文對話,可以讓學生對照課本進行表演。給學生一些時間進行表演前的準備。三、Class ClosingActivity book板書設計:Lesson 2 What Are you doing? draw                   drawing a picturepoint        quiet        singing a songsleep         loud       reading a book see                      looking out the windowsleeping課后反思:                                                         課后習題:1. 把單詞補充完整,并連線。q _ i _ t         睡覺              l_ _ d            安靜的s l _ _ p         畫畫d r _ w           看見s _ _             吵鬧的p _ _ n t         指2.拓展練習讓學生小組合作,創(chuàng)設一個任意情景,要求利用 quiet, loud, sleep, draw, 然后進行表演。Lesson3  Who Is singing?教學目標:A. 知識目標:對本課單詞baby man woman;句型Who is this? This is a man.做到聽說讀寫四會。                  能聽懂說出認讀單詞their能夠理解并表演第二部分:Who is singing?B. 能力目標:通過學習本課,能掌握相關的詞匯;用簡單的語言描述人物,描述人物的活動,表達自己的感受;用現(xiàn)在進行時描述。C. 情感目標:通過和Li Ming, Jenny, Danny在火車上的活動,增強學生觀察力,增加生活情趣,更加熱愛生活。教學重點:本課的四會單詞: man, woman, baby 句型:Who is _?  Its _.教學難點:本課的難點在于對課文的理解和句型的靈活運用。教學用具:錄音機、教學卡片、實物等。教學設計:Class Opening and Review1. 用Simon Says的游戲復習所學動詞或動詞短語,也可以猜詞。(看卡片做動作)(教學意圖:也可利用其它游戲或歌曲復習所學動詞或動詞短語,主要是與前一節(jié)課銜接。)New Concepts1. 出示圖片,教授單詞 man woman baby教師示范利用圖片描述。(可以給他們起名字)This is Tim.      He is a father.How old is he?    He is _ years old.He is a man.在讓學生依例描述圖片,也可以手寫。讓學生描述woman 和baby.(教學意圖:根據第一部分教學內容,充分利用直觀教具和多媒體創(chuàng)造各種語言情景,讓學生利用各種感觀參與英語學習的實踐活動,加快對語言材料的吸收和運用,提高學生運用語言的能力。)通過游戲鞏固新詞??梢越處熋枋觯寣W生猜詞。如:He is a father.How old is he?    He is _ years old.He is a  。也可以讓學生做動作表演,其他學生猜詞。2. 教師領讀課文第一部分。給學生一些卡片,讓學生模仿課文進行描述。然后讓學生模仿Li Ming 描述自己的家庭??梢韵茸寣W生畫一畫自己的家庭,然后再介紹。教師最好給一個示范。(教學意圖:學生利用自己家庭的實際情況描述,使英語更貼近生活,更便于學生之間運用。)3.復習句型:She/He is _ing. 創(chuàng)設情景,復習正在進行時。板書學生提出的動詞短語,加上ing并朗讀。(增加本課需要掌握的動詞短語:sing  cry  talk  sleep)4.變換問題: What is he doing? What is she doing? What are they doing?引導學生做出正確回答。5.小組合作學習,操練句型??梢运闹廖迦艘唤M,兩個學生對話練習,其他學生表演動作。綜合練習所學的語言。(設計意圖:合作操練以鞏固知識為主,也可讓學生拓展練習。)6.自讀課文,說說了解到了哪些信息。7.回答問題:Who is singing?       Who is crying?  Who is talking?          Who is sleep?8.小組合作讀課文,提出不懂的地方,互相幫助解決。   (教學意圖:鍛煉學生閱讀能力,使學生學會用多種學習方式學習,增強學習策略方式。)9.分角色朗讀課文。情景表演。可以讓學生借助課本進行對話表演。(教學意圖:根據學生能力,可進行情景小表演,分組或其他形式。)Class ClosingActivity book板書設計:Lesson3   Who is Singing?                                        man    woman   baby              singing   cryingWho is _?  Its _.          talking   sleeping課后習題:1. 填入所缺字母。m _ n     b _ b _    w _ m _ n     s _ n g    c r _     t _ l k    s l _ _ p         2.畫一張自己家庭的全家像,給每個人分別標上 mam, womam, baby, girl, boy.并寫出描述家庭關系的單詞(mother, father, son, cousin)Lesson 4   Who Is Hungry?.教學目標:1.知識與技能:理解并靈活運用下列句型 :Who is hungry? What would you like to eat?                       Would you like some_?Yes, please./No,thanks.                       May I have some?2.過程與方法: 情景交流及對話表演3.情感態(tài)度教育: 學會與他人合作和關心他人.教學重點、難點:Who is hungry? What would you like to eat?                       Would you like some_?Yes, please./No,thanks.                       May I have some?. 教具學具準備錄音機和磁帶一些袋裝小吃和一些圖片. 教學過程Step1. Greetings and review(表演上節(jié)課布置的情景對話)Step2. Leading-in and listeningT: When you are thirsty, you drink. But when you are hungry, what do you do? Yes, when you are hungry, you eat. Then what do we eat every day?Ss: Rice, dumplings, noodles, apple, hamburgersT: Yes, you are right. For breakfast, lunch, or supper, we have rice, dumplings,noodles, and many other kinds of food. But do you like to eat snacks? Whats a snack? Look, these are snacks.(show them to the class).出示單詞卡片,教學生認讀這個詞。引導學生利用新詞說句子。如I like / dont like snakes.   師:Do you like them? Do you think Danny, Li Ming and Jenny like them? Ok, lets listen to the tape.( Play the tape and Ss answer the question: Do you think Danny, Li Ming and Jenny like them?)Step3. Reading1. Read the text and answer the question“What would Jenny, Li Ming and Danny like to eat on the train?”( Write the question on the blackboard)-( Ss read the text and answer the questions)鼓勵學生提出更多的問題,并讓其他學生回答。2. Read the text after the teacher to understand it better.3. Read the text aloud in groups and try to make it into a dialogue.Step4.Optional- practiceSs can read the text in groups or practise the dialogue in groups找表演好的小組到前面進行表演。Step5. Homework1. Collect as many words about food as you can.2. Go on with the dialogue about the text.3. Do the exercises in the Activity Book. 板書設計Lesson4 Who Is Hungry?Do Jenny, Li Ming and Danny like a snack?What would  Jenny            Li Ming  like to eat on the train?            Danny Lesson5 What Are They Doing?.教學目標:1.知識與技能:理解并靈活運用下列句型 : What is _ doing? - He/She is _ing                          What are you doing? - Im _ing                          What are they doing? Theyre _ing 2.過程與方法: 情景交流及對話表演3.情感態(tài)度教育: 學會細心觀察,與他人合作和關心他人.教學重難點:      理解課文并能夠熟練使用下面的句型What is _ doing? - He/She is _ing    What are you doing? - Im _ing    What are they doing? Theyre _ing .教具學具準備錄音機和磁帶,多媒體課件.教學過程Step1. Greetings and review 可以做動作,讓學生猜詞語,如hungry, thirsty, sleep,draw 等。然后出示卡片,復習這些詞。Step2. Leading-in and listenShow some pictures to the class by ppt.(幻燈片)and present the sentences:What is he doing? He is running./ What is she doing? She is singing./ What are they doing? Theyre playing.(To the class) What are you doing?C: Were looking and listening.T: Good! Then do you know “ What are Jenny,Li Ming and Danny doing on the train?” What are they doing?( Write the question on the blackboard)領學生多讀幾遍。 Ok, lets listen and find the answer. What are Jenny,Li Ming and Danny doing on the train?”播放錄音,第一遍聽,第二遍跟讀,之后讓學生回答問題。What are Jenny,Li Ming and Danny doing on the train?”Step3.  Reading comprehensionRead the text and fill the chartWho               What is he/she doing?The babyThe womanThe three menDanny       檢查學生的完成情況,進行指導。Step4. PracticeDo “ask and answer” in pairs like this:(利用書中的圖畫。)Whats the baby doing? He is_ing.教師先與一名學生示范一組,然后再讓學生聯(lián)系。Step5: Homework畫一幅人物圖,并寫出句子Whats the _ doing?  He/She is_ing. 板書設計Lesson5 What are they doing?What is _ doing? - He/She is _ing           What are you doing? - Im _ing / Were _ing           What are they doing? Theyre _ing Unit2Lessons7-12  In BeijingLesson 7: Arriving in Beijing一、 教學目標:1. 掌握本課四會單詞:men, women, children, people, many2. 能夠正確運用四會單詞:men, women, children, people, many3. 培養(yǎng)學生較好的文化意識與英語語感。教育學生在社會中做到尊老愛幼、遵守社會公共秩序。小組合作,互相幫助。二、教學重、難點掌握與運用men, women, children, people三、教具學具錄音機、磁帶、CAI(or poster):第9課第二部分的圖片四、教學過程(一)1. Greeting:2. Chant: What do you see?(二)1. Show CAI (or poster)about many people in the train station.2. Let class discuss and answer: What do you see in this CAI.3. Learn men, women, children and people.4. Listen and follow5. Lets Chant: Leave Arrive Chant6. Look at the CAI again, then answer these questions:1) What are the women doing?2) What are the children doing?3) What are the men doing?7. Listen the tape carefully, then answer my question:Who is tired and hungry?8. Open your book and look at the second part,and then follow the tape.9. Show the poster to practice10. Homework(三)Class closing五、板書:man menwoman womenchild children                                     Lesson 8:  Tiananmen Square一、教學目標:1知識目標:a) 能聽懂、會讀、會說:loudly, quietly, easy, hard, hurt ,fly a kite .b) 能聽懂、會讀、會說句型:1They are laughing loudly ./He is standing quietly .2This is easy/hard .2能力目標:a) 使學生能把所學的單詞運用到所學過的句子中去。b)能運用本課所學的內容及以前學過的相關句子結合實際生活情況表達自己感情和意愿。3情感目標:通過學習用英語在情境中描述自己的所見所聞所做,把所學的語言與學生的生活實際結合起來,激發(fā)學生學習英語的興趣,培養(yǎng)學生自主學習英語的能力以及交流和合作學習的能力。二、教學重、難點:使學生爭取掌握(包括正確地說、讀、寫、用)單詞:loudly, quietly, easy, hard, hurt ,fly a kite三、教具學具:多媒體課件,單詞圖卡,算式條,句型條,風箏四、教學過程:Step 1: 師生問候T:Hello, Boys and girls.(唱歌問候How are you, how are you ,how are you today?Ss:(唱歌回答)I am fine,thanks, I am fine,thanks, how a lovely day!(通過師生間親切的歌曲問候,建立輕松、和諧、民主的課堂氣氛,使學生很自然地進入英語學習狀態(tài)。)Step 2: Revision:1.T:Are you happy today ? Letplay a game: do the action follow my order .Boys stand up /girls sit down /boys laugh /gils walk/ children talk/sing/cry.Ss:OK.(listen and do the action and )(采用游戲來緩解學生的緊張情緒,并復習了boy, girl, children, laugh ,talk, play . 等單詞,為進一步學習奠定了良好的基礎) Step 3 :  新課呈現(xiàn): (在游戲中不知不覺引入新知,銜接自然,讓學生在玩中學,學中玩)1. loudly   They are laughing loudlyT: We can see some children .What are they doing ? They are laughing loudly (動作)教loudly在教讀過程中讓學生read loudly .讓學生sing loudly / laugh loudly 并引導學生說I am singing/laughing loudly . 2. quietlyT(動作)Quietly please. Look .I am a cat now . I am walking quietly .教讀quietly并通過音量讓學生明白loudly quietly.3 . easy, hard This is easy. This is hard.  通過一根小木棒很容易折斷和一小扎小木棒很難折斷來演示單詞easy和hard。邊做邊說:This is easy. This is hard.(學生通過拿椅子桌子以及算式1+1=2 和123x456=?來體驗This is easy. This is hard)4 fly a kite (實物教學)T.look!Whats this .This is kite . 出示短語fly a kite,教讀(小組比賽讀).幾生上臺演示.Lets  fly a kite .5 hurtT : (師放風箏時不小心碰對頭) Oh ,no ,I hurt my head .教讀hurt.(創(chuàng)設情景,讓學生”體驗”語言)(教讀全部) loudly, quietly, easy, hard, hurt ,fly a kite . 1They are laughing loudly ./He is standing quietly .2This is easy/hard .Step 4 : 游戲鞏固(知識的輸出)   1. 起立坐下 T:Lets play a game. OK? Group1 are “l(fā)oudly,” , Group2 are “quietly”.When I say“l(fā)oudly” Group1 站著,.其他組坐下.(先單詞后句子,逐步增加難度.此活動要求練習學生的聽力和對所學單詞的迅速反應能力。說單詞猜動作.Step 5 :1.T :Well done!  Our friend Danny and Jenny are playing on Tiananmen square . They are flying a kite .Can Danny fly a kite? Lets watch the vedio and  read loudly .2 say the sentences that you can .Step 6 : Task fulfilling(語言的輸出,綜合能力的運用)在情境中描述自己的所見所聞所做.Describe what can you see/hear /do on Tiananmen square (學生上臺邊貼圖邊用所學知識描述).五、板書設計:Lesson8: Tiananmen Squareloudly         They are laughing loudlyquietly         They are standing quietly.easy           This is easy/ hard.hard           Its easy/ hard.fly a kite        Lets  fly a kite .hurt            I hurt my head.                                           Lesson9:The Palace Museum一、教學目標:1、認知目標:能聽懂會讀本課的內容。( 1 )掌握詞匯camera, picture, help, hurt,并能讀、寫、說出和聽懂這些詞匯。(2)可以說出和聽懂film, take a picture, May I take your picture? I hurt my .。Dont worry. I can help you.等用語。2、能力目標:能在一種貼近現(xiàn)實生活的語境中正確地運用所學的用語進行對話,以達到“學習活動化,活動交際化”的目的。3、情感目標:激發(fā)積極的情感因素。(1)在學習運用Dont worry . I can help you.等用語的過程中學會關心他人,與他人進行友好的交際。(2)通過情景對話,感受到所學知識融匯到實際交往中的樂趣,從而激發(fā)學生學習英語的興趣,培養(yǎng)學習英語的積極態(tài)度,使學生樂于合作參與,勇于進行交際實踐二、教學重點、難點教學重點:(1)掌握詞匯camare, picture, help, hurt.(2)會用受傷后求助及如何安慰別人等用語。教學難點:運用本課所學的用語進行情景對話。三、教具、學具準備照相機、膠卷、相片、剪刀、創(chuàng)可貼、紙片、錄音機等。四、教學過程:一、Class  opening   and   review1、師生間互相打招呼問好并自由對話。Hello! Are you happy? Whats your name? Nice to meet you.(營造英語氛圍,讓學生進入學習英語的狀態(tài)。)2、唱“Head, should, knees, toes”.(學生一邊唱一邊指著身體各部位,一方面達到復習人體部位名稱的詞匯,另一方面活躍了課堂氛圍。)3、Show me.學生按指令拿出實物并說This is a .。(養(yǎng)成良好的聽說習慣和用英語思維的習慣。)4、How oid are you?/I am _years old.二、New Concepts(一)呈現(xiàn)新知camera, film, take a pictrue, picture及要幫別人照相的用語。(1)教師假裝去公園玩,對學生說:I am going to the park today. I want to take my camera.What a camera ? Look! I can show you!接著呈現(xiàn)實物camera, 板書單詞,教讀練說camera.(2)呈現(xiàn)實物film,教讀練說film,This is film.(3)邊說邊演示Film goes in the camera. Now Im putting film in my camera. 讓學生理解。(4)T:Ok! Lets take a picture.邊說邊演示take a picture.讓學生邊說邊做出照相動作。(5)教師拿著照相機與一些學生對話,演示要幫別人照相的用語,并幫他們照相。T: May I take your picture ?S: Sure./ No, thanks.lian(6)練說句子,分兩大組相互問答?同桌兩人相互問答,并做出照相動作。(7)實物呈現(xiàn) picture. 板書單詞,教讀練說。(打破常規(guī)的直接呈現(xiàn)單詞,直接教讀句子的教學模式,通過語境利用實物及動作演示來呈現(xiàn)單詞和句子,讓學生很直觀的、很自然的接受新知。)(二)操練鞏固新知(1)游戲:猜一猜。(2)游戲:找朋友。(3)創(chuàng)設情景:小伙伴們相約去一個地方玩,然后相互幫照相。學生分組自編小對話。(在活動在游戲、游戲活動中操練,讓全班同學熱情高漲,躍躍欲試,學生在情景會話中感受運用英語的喜悅。)(三)呈現(xiàn)新知 hurt, help , 及受傷后求救和安慰別人的用語:I hurt my .  Dont worry! I can help you .( 1 )露出貼有創(chuàng)可貼的手臂,引出單詞 hurt, 板書單詞,教讀練說,讓學生口頭造句。(2)教師剪紙,裝作傷著了手指向學生求救,讓學生幫包扎。T: Help! I hurt my finger. 引出help, 板書單詞,教讀練說單詞及句子。(3)當最后一名說完I hurt my .時,教師拿出創(chuàng)可貼邊安慰邊幫他包扎。T: Dont worry ! I can help you. 教說句子。(四)操練鞏固新知(1)讓幾名學生分別指著受傷的身體部位向全班同學求助。進行對話。(2)同桌練習求助、安慰的用語。(3)學生自己創(chuàng)設情景表演求助、安慰。(五)利用教科書 No.1(1)學生翻開書,同桌討論書上插圖,試讀單詞和句子。(2)播放錄音磁帶,學生跟讀。(3)齊讀。(既緊扣教材,又拋開教材來設計新知的教學,然后再回到教材,通過學生自主活動,把書本上的知識內化為實實在在的語言交際能(六)利用教科書 No.2(1)各小組試讀課文,自學討論How old is the Palace Musuem ? Danny 發(fā)生了什么事?他說了什么?(3)聽錄音磁帶跟讀。(4)齊讀課文。四、Class  closing.作業(yè):完成本課的活動手冊五、板書設計Lesson9:The Palace Museumcamera    I want to take my camerafilm      This is film.picture    take a pictruehelp     I can help youLesson10 The Great Wall一, 教學目標能力目標: 能靈活使用How old 和 how long 引導的疑問句和祈使句。知識目標:1.詞匯教學聽、說、讀、寫下列單詞:feel,tired ,stop,wait, afraid聽、說、認讀下列單詞:kilometre,back,help復習下列詞匯:need,feel,hungry,help2.靈活應用的句型:The Great Wall is far from our hotel.How old is the Great Wall?How long is it?There are too many cars and buses!Be careful!Dont be afraid!I can help you!情感目標:提高學生的語言表達能力,培養(yǎng)學生學習英語的興趣,學會與他人合作和關心他人.二、教學重點:要求掌握的四會單詞feel,tired ,stop,wait, afraid 和特殊疑問句的用法.        難點: 使學生能正確了解和使用祈使句.三,教具、學具:單詞卡片,課件四、教學過程:Step1 Warm up1.       Greet with each other.2.       Show the pictures of feelings , tired ,hot .3.       Play a game :Simons says.  I feel tired. I feel hungry.  I feel thirsty.4.Show some new words (課件展示) Say the new words. feel,tired ,stop,wait, afraidStep2 Lead inT: I visit the Great Wall. I am tired now .I want to have a rest.S1: I run and jump. Im tired and hungry. I want to eat some food.S2: There are too many cars and buses in the street .I feel afraid. Can you help me ?Step3 Presentation1.       聽錄音,討論.2.       學生朗讀課文.Step4 Consolidation and extension 1.學生學習課文,找出新知識點. On ones way .  feel tired and hungry run to  there be be careful  be careful2.講解形容詞:  tired and hungry careful and afraid3.       朗讀課文.4.       仿照課文,介紹自己和家人在旅游后的感受.Step5 Summing up How old is   How long is far from   on ones way to  feel tired and hungry  Be afraid  be careful .Step6 Homework. 用英語寫一篇小文章,描述自己或家人旅游后的感受. Lesson11 :Shopping in Beijing一, 教學目標能力目標: Review the phrase: Lets go to the  to .知識目標:Review the phrase: Lets go to the  to .情感目標:Encourage the students to make their own observations about the pictures and the story.二、教學重點:everyone三,教具、學具:Same real photographs.四、教學過程:Class Opening and Review1、GreetingHello, everyone!2、Play “Charades” to review the phrase : Lets go to the   to .Lets go to the  shop to buy     .Lets go to the  restaurant to eat     .Lets go to the   library  to read a book.Lets go to the  gym  to play     .IntroduceDemonstrate: everyone with volunteers .Ask for a series of volunteers to come to the front of class. Ask each to perform an action loudly or quietly.Teacher: (point to each volunteer in turn.)What is he /she doing?Class: He/she is _ing.Teacher: Is he/she _ing loudly or quietly?Class: Loudly/Quietly. Teacher: (To all t Is he/she _ing loudly or quietly?he volunteers. ) Stop!Please loudly / quietly now! (To the class.)Look! Everyone is _ing loudly/quietly. Use the student book and audiotape.Review the story so far 、last time, Jenny, Danny and Li Ming were at the Palace Museum


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