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我院碩士研究生論文英文摘要常見問題分析李燕,王曉燕,唐小平,唐利,卞鐵蓉,楊向東,史小玲,陳莊瀘州醫(yī)學院附屬醫(yī)院醫(yī)學實驗中心,四川瀘州,646000摘 要 英文摘要作為科技論文的一個重要組成局部,是學術論文進入流通和引用的窗口。本文對隨機選取的我院25篇研究生學位論文英文摘要進行分析,通過舉例說明英文摘要常見問題及書寫標準。為提高作者撰寫高質(zhì)量的英文摘要提供一些建議。關鍵詞 醫(yī)學論文;英文摘要;書寫標準學位論文中的英文摘要是對外學術交流的重要局部1。一篇論文英文摘要的好壞直接關系著評審論文時是否能得以通過,也是院校科研學術水平的重要表達。因此,能寫好一篇科研論文的英文摘要越來越重要。選取我院25篇研究生學位論文英文摘要,包括根底,臨床醫(yī)學各專業(yè),按照Ei Compendex收錄期刊標準2對英文摘要的各組成局部的撰寫要求逐一進行分析,以利于我院研究生撰寫出高質(zhì)量的英文摘要。1 題名title1.1 題名的書寫要求 題名的根本原那么是準確,簡練,清晰,信息豐富,便于索引。題名通常不用陳述句形式,而是由一個或多個名詞加上其前置定語和或后置定語構成,其中冠詞可用可不用時均不用3。題名一般可在10個單詞左右,最好不超過15個單詞。必要時較長題名可采用副題名,中間用冒號隔開。題目的書寫形式大致有三種:(1)所有的單詞均大寫。(2)僅首詞的首字母大寫。(3)所有實詞的首字母均大寫,但介詞字母多于4個含4個時,其首字母要大寫。目前世界上各大檢索機構在題名上各有自己特有的要求,因機構不同而有所差異。1.2 題明局部中常見問題分析 表達錯誤。例:Experimental Therapy of Disease A Infection with Drug 1 and Drug 2藥物1作者介紹:李燕1984-,女,研究實習員,碩士通訊 陳莊1954-,男,研究員,碩士生導師和藥物2治療疾病A的動物實驗研究改:Experimental Therapy of Drug 1 and Drug 2 on Animal Disease A Model指代不明,標點使用錯誤,值得注意的是英文中并無頓號。例: Effects of Drug 1 on the Proliferation of Cell A in Rat and Its mRNA Expression of Factor 1、Factor 2藥物1對小鼠細胞A增殖的影響及其因子1和因子2 mRNA表達 改:Effects of Drug 1 on the Proliferation of Cell A and the mRNA Expression of Factor 1 and Factor 2 in Rat用詞錯誤,題名中介詞使用不正確。例:Protective Effects and Mechanism of Drug 1 in Disease A of Rabbits with HgCl2藥物1對氯化汞導致兔疾病A模型的作用及機理改:Protective Effects and Mechanism of Drug 1 on Disease A of Rabbits Induced by HgCl2用詞錯誤,導致表達不清楚。例:The Effect of the Proliferation and Apoptosis of Drug 1 on Cell A in Vitro and in Vivo藥物1對細胞A體內(nèi)外增殖和凋亡的影響改:The Effect of Drug 1 on the Proliferation and Apoptosis of Cell A in Vitro and in Vivo1.3 題名局部的常用表達方式用方法手段對進行研究分析觀察評價:  Study(analysis/observation/evaluation/assessment) of (on) (by) using 方法/with工具A對B的作用  Protective effect of Drug 1 on endothelin-induced disease AA與B的關系  Correlation (relation/relationship) between A and B  Correlation of A with B and C  常用修飾詞:positively/negatively/significantly/insignificantly用治療Use of Drug 1 in the treatment of disease A in the elderlyA是B A as novel biomarkers and potential therapeutic targets in human cancer2 摘要abstract科研論文的摘要是作者為發(fā)表論文而撰寫的、對論文內(nèi)容進行簡明而確切記述的短文。在結(jié)構方面,摘要不分段,一般僅為一段文字,通常位于題目作者之后,正文之前。期刊論文摘要一般為250個單詞左右,而學位論文摘要的字數(shù)為500-1000個,一般不同機構要求有所不同。英文摘要正文中一般不用圖、表、化學物質(zhì)結(jié)構式,不引用腳注和參考文獻,不宜用縮寫、簡稱和符號。必須使用時,要使用國際、國內(nèi)公認和通用的,并以標準的書寫方法書寫。摘要主要分為指示型、信息-指示型和信息型3種。目前醫(yī)學類科研論文英文摘要多屬于信息型,是我們主要討論的一種摘要。這種摘要篇幅較長,主要分為研究目的、方法、結(jié)果與結(jié)論4個要素4,并在行文中用醒目的字體黑體、全部大寫、黑體全部大寫或斜體直接標出,便于讀者了解文章的內(nèi)容。2.1 目的objective2.1.1 目的局部的書寫要求 目的,即本文的目的及要解決的問題。期刊論文只需簡明扼要的將研究目的用1-2句話加以概括即可。學位論文那么需要稍加詳細介紹,一般可以先介紹研究的背景、意義,提出問題,說明其重要性,但這種介紹一定要極其簡練。盡量防止在摘要的第一句話重復使用題名或題名的一局部5。背景介紹用一般現(xiàn)在時,目的用一般現(xiàn)在時或一般過去時。2.1.2 目的局部中常見問題分析拼寫錯誤。不僅在目的中,在摘要的其他局部也時有出現(xiàn),主要是作者粗枝大葉的態(tài)度造成的,多為錯漏字母。如reaserch應為research研究,grounp應為group組,signifcantly 應為significantly有意義地,intramusculy 應為intramuscular肌肉的。在Word文檔中,如出現(xiàn)拼寫錯誤,就會出現(xiàn)紅色波浪線提示;如出現(xiàn)語法錯誤,就會出現(xiàn)綠色的波浪線提示。如我們認真嚴肅,注意細節(jié),利用好軟件提供的便利,拼寫錯誤是可以防止的。在目的中應防止過多的表達研究的背景、意義,而只有少量的語言闡述本文的目的及要解決的問題,造本錢末倒置??萍颊撐氖强茖W,嚴謹?shù)恼撐?。更應該防止諸如“疫情形勢十分嚴峻,“四川省衛(wèi)生廳對此高度重視,遂要求.這樣的句子。用詞錯誤,指代不明。例:It is the acute infection disease with highest mortality in the world by now, nearly 100%.疾病A是迄今為止人類病死率最高的急性傳染病,一旦發(fā)病病死率幾乎為100%改:Disease A is an acute infection disease with nearly 100% mortality by now.表達錯誤,表達冗長繁雜。例:To explore whether Drug 1 can attenuate disease A in rabbits and the probable protective mechanisms. Disease A rabbits mode induced by mercuric chloride (HgCl2) was used in this research. 本研究采用HgCl2中毒導致兔疾病A模型,探討藥物1對疾病A的作用及其機制改:To explore protective effects and the probable protective mechanisms of Drug 1 in mercuric chloride (HgCl2) induced disease A of rabbits.2.1.3 目的局部的常用表達方式直接用to do短語表達   To determine if use of drug1 protects against disease AThe purpose/aim/objective/goal(of present study is)was to   The aim of this study was to determine the protective function of drug1 on disease AThe present study is /was designed/devised/intended to   The present study was designed to establish whether there might be a .This study was performed/conducted/carried out/undertaken to   An experimental study was conducted using a canine mode to elucidate We aimed/sought to/attempted to   We sought to assess whether there is an increased risk of disease A among individuals who work in certain industries occupations. 方法methods2.2.1 方法局部的書寫要求方法是對研究的根本設計加以描述,包括研究對象,干預或處理方法,測定或觀察方法三局部6。闡述時應緊緊圍繞這三局部,用準確、簡練的文字來表達,給讀者以清晰的思路。英語常用完整的被動或主動結(jié)構句子,動詞用一般過去時態(tài)。2.2.2 方法局部中常見問題分析逗號不能用來連接兩個句子。例:The cells in exponential phase of growth were made into cell suspension, 3.6 × 103 cells per well were inoculated into 96-well culture plates. 將對數(shù)生長期的細胞A,以3.6 × 103/孔的密度接種于96孔板改:The cell suspension was prepared in exponential phase of growth and 3.6 × 103 cells per well were inoculated into 96-well culture plates.主謂賓不一致。例:The expression of various kinds of inflammation cytokine, adhesion molecule, and chemotatic factor is increased obviously in diabetic renal tissue. 在糖尿病患者腎組織中各種炎癥細胞因子,粘附分子,趨化因子的表達是明顯增加改:The expression of various kinds of inflammation cytokines, adhesion molecules, and chemotatic factors are increased obviously in diabetic renal tissue.中英文不一致。例:The animals were sacrificed at 3st, 6th, 12th, 24th, 48th, 96th after intramuscular injection. 組內(nèi)根據(jù)各觀察點再隨機分為3、6、12、24、48和96小時時間組改:The animals in each group were divided again into 3h, 6h, 12h, 24h, 48h and 96h group. 句子成分不完整,缺少主謂賓。例:Detecting the rabies virus antigen of 1095dogs saliva which were collected in Sichuan province from 2006 to 2007. 對2006年-2007年間采集的四川省1095只家犬唾液進行狂犬病病毒抗原檢測改:Saliva of 1095 dogs was collected in Sichuan province from 2006 to 2007 and the rabies virus antigen of saliva was detected.2.2.3 方法局部的常用表達方式研究對象的分組 were divided into/classified/grouped intowere divided randomly/randomized into were divided equally into處理因素的表達be treated withalone or in combination with )be injected with by intraperitoneal/ intramuscular/ intravenous檢測方法的表達be detected/ analyzed/measured byuse method to detect/ analysis/measure 結(jié)果results2.3.1 結(jié)果局部的書寫要求結(jié)果是摘要的重點局部,記錄真實的科研數(shù)據(jù),并說明統(tǒng)計學程度,應力求簡明而富有信息性7。英語要用完整的句子,謂語動詞用過去時態(tài),研究所得數(shù)據(jù)如百分數(shù)、血壓等數(shù)字采用臨床病例書寫形式,不必用書面英語表達。2.3.2 結(jié)果局部中常見問題分析用詞錯誤,拼寫錯誤。例:The serum levels of Cr changed higher signifcantly compared with normal group at 3st.與正常組相比Cr 3h明顯升高改:The serum levels of Cr increased significantly compared with normal group at 3h.句子錯誤,表達含混不清。例:The XX recombinant plasmid was constructed successfully by restriction enzymatic analyses and DNA sequencing. 限制性內(nèi)切酶酶切重組質(zhì)粒及DNA測序結(jié)果都說明所構建的重組質(zhì)粒為XX融合表達載體改:The XX recombinant plasmid was verified by restriction enzymatic analyses and DNA sequencing.表達錯誤,句子復雜累贅,結(jié)構紊亂。例:After induced by IPTG, the X protein expressed by P in M15 showed a 16 kD specific band in SDS-PAGE as compared with the control, which in accordance with prediction. IPTG誘導的含有P的大腸桿菌M15菌液表達的具有X蛋白,經(jīng)SDS-PAGE電泳成功地顯示了一條約16kD的條帶,與預測分子量一致改:After induced by IPTG, the X protein was expressed in M15 with P. Compared with the control there was a 16 kD specific band in SDS-PAGE which was in accordance with prediction.2.3.3 結(jié)果局部的常用表達方式結(jié)果說明The results showed / demonstrated / revealed / documented indicated/suggestedthatIt was found that與有關A was related / correlated /associated with B. There was a relationship /correlation between A and B. There was a relation of A with B and C增加或減少  表示數(shù)值增加的動詞:increase, rise, elevate 表示數(shù)值減少的動詞:decrease, reduce, fall, drop, decline, lower 從增加到,平均增加,總的增加:increase from to , with a mean/average (increase) of , with an overall increase of 增加了10:increase by (10%)倍數(shù)比擬 增加或減少n倍:increase by n fold (times). a n-fold increase A 是 B的n倍:A is n fold (times) asas B. A is n fold (times) B統(tǒng)計學意義常用句型 There was/is significant difference inbetween A and B The difference in between A and B was/is significant A was/is significant difference from B in No significant difference was found / observed / noted in between A and B 結(jié)論2.4.1 結(jié)論局部的書寫要求結(jié)論即說明成果蘊含的意義,特別要說明這種意義是怎樣與研究目的相聯(lián)系的。主要是從以下三個局部闡述8:1歸納性說明研究結(jié)果或發(fā)現(xiàn);2結(jié)論性說明結(jié)果的可能原因、機理或意義;3前瞻性說明未解決的問題。當結(jié)論涉及本或他人研究的內(nèi)容的時,應用過去時;當闡述普遍接受的思想、理論或結(jié)論、具有普遍意義、前瞻性說明是,應用現(xiàn)在時。特別說明的是摘要和正文的結(jié)論不是一回事,但也不是正文中的結(jié)論摘要中就不能寫,正文中的結(jié)論的主要局部應當在摘要中有所表達。2.4.2 結(jié)論局部中常見問題分析用詞錯誤,指代不明。例:They may play a role in anti-hepatocellular carcinoma by the proliferation inhibition, apoptosis induction and the Ki67 expression downregulation of Drug 1 on cancer cells. 藥物1的抑瘤作用可能通過抑制癌細胞增殖、增加其凋亡并下調(diào)癌細胞ki67的表達來實現(xiàn)改:Drug 1 may play a role in anti-hepatocellular carcinoma by the proliferation inhibition, apoptosis induction and the Ki67 expression downregulation in cancer cells.中式英文。例:Drug1 can improve the kedney function and hemorheology,Drug 1 can reduce free radicals damage and the histological changes;they are all relate to the antioxidation and hemorheology probably. 藥物1對兔疾病A模型時的腎功能和血液流變學變化具有改善作用,可減輕腎組織的氧化損傷和形態(tài)學變化,其作用機制可能與抗氧化損傷和改善血液流變學變化有關改:Drug 1 can improve the renal dysfunction, hemorheology; reduce free radicals damage and the histological changes in HgCl2-induced disease A of rabbits, that underlying mechanisms may be associated with the antioxidation and hemorheology.句子錯誤,表達含混不清。例:The model was similar to the bodys natural process of HBV infection, the expression yield of all HBV makers were higher, and can be constructed simply, conveniently. 該模型類似于人體自然感染HBV的過程,各種乙肝標志物表達量均較高,方法簡單易行改:The model, in which expression of all HBV makers were high, was similar to the natural process of HBV infection in vivo and can be constructed simply and conveniently. 2.4.3 結(jié)論局部的常用表達方式結(jié)果提示:These results suggest that具有意義:Be of great (some/little/no) clinical significance into 前瞻性說明:remain to be further studied;It is remains to be proved that    比擬推斷出:Comparison concludes that 統(tǒng)計分析指出:Statistical analysis demonstrates that 3 關鍵詞Keywords關鍵詞是科技論文的文獻檢索標識,是表達文獻主題概念的自然語言詞匯。關鍵詞包括主題詞和自由詞兩局部。主題詞是專門為情報檢索機構編制索引用的,它是從自然語言的主要詞匯中選取后并加以標準化的詞或詞組。自由詞那么是未標準化的詞或詞組。關鍵詞的作用是便于讀者選讀及情報檢索人員編制索引及二次文獻9。3.1 關鍵詞的書寫要求關鍵詞在摘要的下方,一般要列出3-8個關鍵詞。它可以是一個單詞,也可以是詞組,采用分號“;來間隔各關鍵詞。醫(yī)學論文標引關鍵詞依據(jù)是美國醫(yī)學索引制定的醫(yī)學主題詞表Medical Subject Headings, MeSH。國內(nèi)有它的中文翻譯本,選擇關鍵詞是應盡量選擇MeSH詞表上的詞,假設沒有,也可以標引為自由詞。3. 2 關鍵詞中常見問題分析中文科技期刊應該特別注意中、英文關鍵詞的一致性:既要意思一致,又要順序一致。例如,例:關鍵詞:肝炎病毒,乙型;模型,動物;基因治療;RNA干擾Key words: Hepatitis B virus/ Models, Animal/ Gene Therapy/ RNA interference改:關鍵詞:乙型肝炎病毒;動物模型;基因治療;RNA干擾Key words: Hepatitis B virus; Animal Models; Gene Therapy; RNA interference4 結(jié)語通過25篇研究生學位論文英文摘要,我們發(fā)現(xiàn),盡管研究生們對文章的內(nèi)容十分了解,而且熟悉本專業(yè)的專業(yè)詞匯,但由于對英文摘要的特征、要求及撰寫標準不熟悉,其英文摘要往往達不到以簡潔的語言表達論文主要內(nèi)容的目的。語言方面的常見錯誤有:句子錯誤,用詞錯誤,表達錯誤,中式英語,拼寫錯誤及其他。對于醫(yī)學英文摘要的撰寫, Medline數(shù)據(jù)庫是我們最好的老師10。在翻譯醫(yī)學專業(yè)術語時,應該積極利用Medline數(shù)據(jù)庫進行檢索,多學習,多模仿,多進行實踐,如此也會有助于我們提高英文摘要的寫作水平。本文主要是從英語語言表達的角度粗淺地探討如何提高英文摘要的質(zhì)量,由于筆者水平有限,其他許多問題本文沒有提及,假設觀點有錯還望大家批評指正。參考文獻1. 洪班信. 如何書寫醫(yī)學論文的英文摘要J. 放射學實踐, 2021, (8): 92l-922.2. 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