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2021國家開放大學(xué)電大本科文學(xué)英語賞析期末試題及答案(試卷號:1062)Part I Lllerary Fundamentals30 pointeSection 】 Mutch the works with their wrilrrs (10 points).Works1 Hdb Lihr Wh.rtf Elrphants2. The Mayor of Casterbridge3. The ! m portance ofErnrith Aw inspector Calh5. TAc PearlWritersA. ()Rcnr WildeK John SieinbcckC. Martin Luther KingD. Walt Whitman. Sherwood AndtrsoruF. JB PriestleyG. Thom腮 H-rdyH, Ernest HuniingwaySection 2. Decide whether the following statement! ;trv "tic (T) or Fuke (I ) (10 points6. llumlti is one of Shake叩函c 、well known tragedies the other ihrcr being Muchth Othello and Kinj Lear.7> Scrooge is a chnmctrr crated by (/hnrk Fhrkt ns in his novel Grif ExS- Arthur Miller e a play 1 hr Crwci/i/e imed at exposing lh<? hypocrisy of the property-owning class of thr United Struts.9. The novel Thr Heart "/ Durkness expojH? thr corruption* cruelty and greed of the colonial Mysicrn in Mrica.I。 Walt Whitman is a famous Amcnwin poet<Section 3. Choow? Ihe correct ansvrs tn complete the foll(wjnK svntcnccs (10 points).11. 2 a type of poetry that cornrncmorfltes jioxncone who has died.A< An epicA balladG An elegyD. A haiku12. is the repetition of initial cotifton&n! sounds in wonh dose together in atext-A punR AllusionC. FWibarkn AllnerationIX In his csay *0(the wntur nukes the pomt that eduratxin shapes ndrrfmes an imbindual innate 11 bilitihus,A for natural Abihhes are like ruiural plants* that nrrd pruning by study*. K *To spend too much time tn studies i> 心to ux ibem too much for ornament* is affectatioti . C * Hutorie make men wci poets wtttyt the mAtbcmatio subtiks naturd phlowphy deep; mar a! grave: logic and rhetonc able to contencL El * Crafty men enntemn studtes simple men admtre them# and wte men use them . . . LI. WhAt hgur of speech m ucd in thr fullnwinig lines?wStipicwn* Amungt thoughts are hke bat amongM b<rds they ever fly by twiligbu "A.IronyRSimileC.PonIXPrtlcli*m15> All the following were awarded the Nobrl Pair for Literature exceptA>John Steinbeck&RobertFrostGHaroldFintertlErnestHenun<wyPart II Raiding ComprHiemiuQ50 pointsRrd the estmrts and chomc the best aaswer to each questintLTot IUidy Bracknell:i/cnifi) You can lake eat Mr< Worthing.m A" pckfl fir iwlehook and "rK,/ >J ark Worthing: Thank you. Lady Bracknelh I prefer mndm*Lady HrackneU (prwil m/ iwr6un* in hanJ) t I feel bound to fell you that you are noi down on my lut of ehfible young men# althcrugh I hae the same list u the dear Duch<i of Bolton hajL We work tG<cthrr< in fact Howcvrr> 1 cm quite ready to enter your name should your mannem be what a really affcctwn&tc tnothcr requirau Do you wmoke?Jack Wonhingv WrIL yes. I must admit 1 smoke.Lady Bmcknclh 1 ire xhd to hear iu A man should Kivr an oca>ptton of M>mc kind. There are far too many idle men in London as it is* How old ire you?Jack worthing Twcnrynine-Lady Bracknell)A very good age to be married at* J have always been of opinion that a man who desires to get married should know either everything or nothing. Which do you know?Jack worthing (after n>mr hsitaiian t I know nothing. Lady BracknelLlutdy Bracknell: 1 am pleased to hear it. I do not approve of anything that tampers with natural ignorAnce Ignorance like a delicate exntir fruit; touch it and the bloom is gone The whole theory of modern education is radicjdly unsoanct Fortuntely in England at any ra<et education produces no effect whatsoever. If it did. it would prove a serious dimmer to thr upper chssiese and probably lead to acts of violence in (kosvenor Square. Whi is your income9Jock Worthing: Between seven and eight thousand a yenLady Bracknell < makci a nuU m hrr ) t In land* or in invesrmenTS?Jack Wonhingj In investmentsw chiefly.Lady Brackndh That i satiafartory. What between the duties expected of one during onersIifctirnet and ihr dutir eMcted from one after one* death hhd ha. ceased tu be either . proht or . pkosure II <ivts one poitinn# and prevent* on<? (rom krepmu it up< Thtf all that ean be Mid about land.Jurk Worthingi I haw country houtie with Aotnc lan(L of eourr otuched to h. about fifteen hundred ucrei. I believe4 bur 1 donfi depend on tht (or my real income In Ua. a> r I cm mMr out# thr prmchvrb arc the only people who make Anything out of it.Lady Bracknellt A country hauur! How mnny be<!rcx)niA? Well, ihit point enn br cleared up afterwards You huvc a town huuw> 1 hope? A with a 新mplj unRpotkd nature> like Gwendolen could hardly be cMfxxtcd to reside in rhe country.QuU<m 1619 (12 points)】6. The extract 11 taken fromA. Thf Hirlhday PartyK 7 he I m/>or/anrr 0/ EHC Aw Im filter CalhIn thiA extract ldy Bracknell is interviewing Jock Worthing on hia >uitbility 41 . poABiblcA. invcMtmcnt advisorH live-in dometk helperC huibam! for her daughter18< Which of the following lUiraent u true of the extractA. Lady Bracknell uses highly exigerated UnsuAge and shifts ironx one topte to another abruptly.& Lady Bracknell bdteves h ta itaponant to own land because it is safe,遍 eoniinuouf source of income.Q Few oi Lady BracknelP* question% focus on Jack Worthing*5 inrnnt. property and family cnmMxt>os19. Lftdy Bracket 11 is portrayed 心A. an opefl-mtndwi career counselor& a snobbish womanG a shrewd human resource managerText 2Exlrrn.il hrt md cold had Httk influence on Scrooge. No warmth could warm# no wwtry weather chill him. No wind that blew was bitterer thun he,no UUin* snow mart intent upon its purpose no pelting ram less open to entraiy> Foul weather didnf l know hue to have hint. THe hcviot ram. >ixi snow >nd hail, and sleet could boast of th, *dvxntage over him tn only one reaped. They oftec ,came dowu,handsomely and Scrooge never did.Nobody ever stopped him in the re to *ay with gladsome looks. aMy dear Scrooge* how are you* When will you come to e“,、o betgars implored hhn to ytmi trifk. no children asked hxm whflt n was ododu no man or woman ever onrr m all his life inquired the way to uch and uch place, of Scrooge. Ewn the blind mrnr dog* appeared to know hitni when they him cuming on. wauld tu their owners mlo doorw.yn and up Btif. And then would w< thrtr tiili ai ihotijch they Mid. 4 No rye at ail, X”" than M em! eyr< dark m>mer Qmsikm K>(9 peins)30. Which of the lollowin* lumnuincet ih* method of cluracieriMtMm o( Scroof/ Through the pfoUgoniat1 tbouchtkK Through ihe word* l the other*.C Throu|H th furrwrf MpcwatimL21. The tcniefk underlined ta paragraph 2 en be par*rpl>rd *A, No beggars would 心h him (or moneyK No bcftcart would Icav* hiR> lonC No beggars would seek hi# cotnfMny22. Which o( fhc foliowinn statements best summurixo the text?A. Thr text creAtes positive impremuon of Scrooge.R Thr text describes the physical (eatufrs uf Scrooge.C. The text convey* the Anri-ocial character of Scrooge*Text 3There k No FngAlr Like a BookThere ia no fngatc (*(> like bookTo take us lands away#Nor any coursers ( fg )Hke a paneOf prancing poetry.This traverse may the poorest takeWithout oppress of tolliHow fruicxl is the chariotThat bcar> human >ouL(Emily Dickinson)QttrsMom 2325 (9 points 2X Which of the followinx ummarue I he main idea of the poem?A> No journey u 2 cool or inexp<rnivc reading . bootK Reading book,can touch person9& souLC Saved money should br spent on travellings24. The speaker1 s tone bent described bmA. >rl(ishly sincere.R forcefully ironicG Krntly DcruAive25. Which of the following doeA th< poem imply?A. Boats are unhke booluuH II i> hrlter to have a vehicle for the body than for the mind.C Books arc cxcdlmt way* co experience the worlcLTE IRrnd the extract and uivr brief uniwcn lo thr qursdnnM 2629 thul follow. Plcrtc mile: rhh rriidinK tuk will be relevant (o the writing Usk In Hurt III.Paper PllhHe wa an old man with n while bro rd nnd hiiRr non- mid hmuN. Long hrforr ihr time during which we will know Hinu hr wm a <lnc for nnd drove jmird whitr hornt from huunc to homr thrnugh I hrof W”心 1“心 Lnrr hr tunrrird n Kiri who hnd rnonry> She had hrrn left a Inrgr feriilr (rm when hrr hthrr diveL Lhe -irl wok ijuiet< tnlL nnd And to n/iny proplr nhc- Hrcmi-d very braiitihiL Everyone in Winesburg wondvrrd why *hr mnrrird tht d<>r<nr> Within n year nf<rr thr rnnfriAc <hr dic(Lhr knuckles of I hr do< forf > h/iruln wrir rxirmirdinArily W hrn (hr hnnd,were ch)M-d thry lonkrd likr cluwtrr o( unpaintvd wooden bull* n Lirur ns wnlnutK fnRtrnrd luKCthrf by steel rod%. Hr Mmokrd u ruh pipe and After hm wile * ?i dc:Hh h/H nil day in hl> rrnpiy office rlu>c by a window thm wru(x)vercrt with cobwebft. He never opened lhe window. ()ncr on a hot dny in Angum he tried hui found w murk (bs! nnd after thnt hr forgni all ihoin iuluitl forgotten ihr nld ninn> but in Doctor Reefy ihrre were thr xedu of AornrthinK vrry (mve Alone in hi rmiNty office in the Heffner Block wbovc thr Pnrih (>ry (kx)tU lJHipnny * m Ntorct hr worked craRclrnly < huildiriR up something that he hiniKrlf <ktfiroyrd Little pynimidn of truth he rrerted and nfttr erecting knocked them down n>:nin thwt hr miKht hnvr ihr truths to erect other pyrtimidh.Tractor Rc< fy wmn n ull whu hud warn nnr suit ot rkithes for ten yrar. It wa frayed nt ihr lccvr and little holcR Imd nppviirrd nt the knee# and elbows In the offkr he wore nlnu n linen duster with huge packets into which he cuntinunlly stuffed ncrnpn of paper. Ahrr wnic wrrka thr scrap* ui paper beennu Jhlle h/ird round lxllnnd when thr fK>rkrtii were filled he dumped them out upon thr floor. For ten yeira he had but one (rirndt another old man tiAnied John Sponurd who owned a trrr nursery. Sornefimrat in n phyful muodt old !>>rlor Rrrfy took from hin packetn n hntidful ol the paper IiaIIh find threw them nt the riurMTy rrinn- MThnt 卜 ta cunfonnd you< you blithering old trntinirnulht tr hr rnrdt %lmking with lauglitrr.The story of Doctor Reefy and his courtship of the tall dark girl who became his wife ond left her money to hi in is a very curious story. It is delicious* like rhe twisted little applet that grow in the orchards of Winesburg- In the fall one walk、in the orchards and the ground is hard with frost underfoot. The apples have been taken from the tree# by the pickers. They have been put in barrels and shipped to rhe cities where they will be eaten in Apartmcnis that are filled with books9 magazines< furmturr and people- On thr trees are only a few gnarled apples that rhe pickery have rejected- They look like the knuckles ul Doctor Reefy9s hands. One nibbles at them <ind they arc delicious Into a litilc round place at the side of the apple has been guthcred nil of its swectneMK. One runs from tree to tree over the frosted ground picking rhe gnarled, twisted apples and filling his pockets with them< Only the few know the sweetness of ibe twisted Apples.The girl and Doctor Reefy began their courtship on 8 summer afternoon. He was lorry five then and already he hod begun the practice of filling his pockets with the scraps of paper that became hard balls and were thrown away. The habit had been formed as he sat in his buggy behind the jaded white horc and went slowly along country roads- On the papers were written thaughts< ends of thoughts, beginnings of thoughtsOne by one the mind of Doctor Reefy had made the thoughts* Out of many of them he formed a truth that arose gigantic in his mind. The truth clouded the world II became terrible and then faded away nnd the little thoughts began agaimThe tall dark girl came to see Doctor Reefy because she was in the family way and had become frightened. She was in that condition because of a scries of circumstances also curiousThe death of her lax her and mother and the rich acres of kind that had come down to her had set a train o( suitors on her heels. For two years she saw suitors almnjir every evening. Except two they were all alike. They talked to her ol passion and there was a striuried eager quality in their voices and in their eyes when they looked at hen The two who were different were much unlike eJich other One of them, n slender young man with white hands* the son of a jeweler in Winesburg< talked continually of virginity. When he was with her he never off the subject. The othrtw a blnck-haircd boy with large cars said nothing at tdl but always managed to Ret her into the ciarknrsftt where hr began to ki” her.I ext IRead the extract and give brkf answers to the questions 2629 that fullu. Please note: This rending task will be relevant lu the writing task in Part 111.Paper PithHr we nn ohi nin with a whitr htrnrd nnd Iiukc noir nnd hnttch. t.onn before lhe timr during which wr will know liirn> hr wm n doc fur nnd drove n)ndcd white horwr I rorn hoimc to hoiiv through the nfrcclM ol Winrbur. Lfttrr hr mnrrud h 中rl who hnd money. She hnd hern left a Inrge icrtilc lurm when her fniher died# Th。uirl wan quirt tall> ond dnrki ond to proph nhr nvcnird very hraunlut Everyone in WmcRhurK wondered why ninrricd ilu d<>< ion Wif hin vr*r nficr ihi rnnrndgr diwLTlw kiiurkh* ol the doctor * hwrub were rxtr/iurdnuitily lnrK( Whrn I hr hntwh wrtr closed thy loukrd like chidilcrn uf unpaiiHrd wocxlrh bit I In aa l/irur /is wnlnutA (MAirnrd tuUthr by wd rodju Ilf srnokrd n cob pipe- nnd nlh f hih wilr f r(Jrni)i Mt nil day in h, empty offirr cloMt by n window thnl wn covcrrtl with cohwrhM- He nrver opened the window. (hire on n hut dny in Auut ho tried but found it stuck funt nnd (lrr that hr (urRot nil rthnut it.Winejiburg had (orguttvn the old mun. but in Doctor R<:v(y thrrr were the til wmrthlnrt very fine Alon in hln rnUMiy office In lhe Hcflnrr Block above thr &小 Dry (hxhIa Company 1 m Rtorct hr worked crnclr<i|y. huildinn up MumrthiviK 血1 he htnorW clrRtniyede Mltle pyrnrni<h of truth he erected and a/tcr erecting knocked shorn down Mgnin thrtt hr niighf have the truths to crrci other pyruriiidh.Reefy with n IaII fnnn who hnd worn onr gun of clothc< lor irn ycnriu h waa (myrd nl lhe nlcrvc And little holo hod nppenred at the knreA nnd clbpw% In the office hr won oIbo a hnrn duster wnh hugr porkrt* into which hr confinuiilly nTullril i:rnp r)f pnpen After wmr wrrk I he ol pnper brcnnir lifllc luinl round I)a1!> rind when ihr pocket* wrri filled hr dumped thrrn out upon I he floon For ten yearn he had bni one friend onothrr old rnnn nnrned Juhn Spaniard who owned m tree nurncry. Sommimoi. in n phyful mood, old Doctor Reely look Irom hih pnekm n handful(4 die pwper Imlh nnd ihrrw lhetn nt the nursery mn> "Th“i i to ennfuund you you blithering old *cniitncninlijittM hr critd# 血knw with lauKhlrnThe <tory of EJoctor Reefy and his courtship of the Tall dark giH who became his wife and left her money to him is a very cunous story, h is clcliaou5t like the twisted link apples that grow in the orchards of Winesburg. In the fftH one wnlk in thr orchards and the ground is liArd with frost undcr<xit. The apples hove been taken from thr trrrs by the pickers Thoy have been put tn barrels and shipped io the cities where they will be eaten in apartments that are filled with books tnaaztnc. fumilurc< nnd people On the trees are only a few gnarled oppies that rhe pickers hnvc rejected. They look like the knuckles of Ik)ctor Reefy S hands- One nibbles at ihcni and they arc delicious Into a little round place at the side of the Apple h/i,been gathered all of its sweetness- One run,from nee to tree over the frO5tcd ground picking the gnarled> twisted applet and filling hi; pockets with them. Only the few know the sweetness of the twiMed fipplrs<The girl and Doctor Reefy begnn their courtship on a summer wftcrnoim< He was forty- (ivr ihrn imd already he Iia<1 begun lhe prncltcc of filling hm p<Kkci?i with lhe crnp ol pApcr thnf becnnio hmd BaIIb ntui werr thrown nway. The hxliif had Iwrn fnrrned ah he hai in hlw buggy behind the jaded white home and went slowly ulonic country roods# On the pci pern were written thonghtRe cn<h of thouKhtA bcKinmnK!i of thouKhtn.()nr by one th<i mtnd of Doctor Rrrfy had mniic thr thoiiKhlA. (hit of mnny of them he furnted a truth that oro;rin his mind The truth c loudrd thr world. It bctiitncterrible And then fudccl away and the little ihouxhl、brftan ARnin.The IaII d/irk girl enmr io rcc Doctor Rerfy lirmimr nhr wjir in the (wmily wuy nnd IiacI become friRlnenedt She wna in thnt condition bevnuar of n nene!* o( cirrtimMfAnrr% nUo curiousrhe clfflth ol hrr liither nnd niothrr and the nrh of land I hut hud comr down io her hd net n trmn of nuitnr* on her hcch. For two yrnrn uhr miw uttorn Almost evrry cveniriK. Except wn they were nil alike* They miked In her a( paftwian nnd thrrr wm a Afrnined rftgrr qunhty in thrtr voiern nnd in thvir eye* when they looked nt her# The two who were different were much unlike ruth other# < )nr of thrrn a Nlcnder young rnun with whitethr sonol n lewtlrr in WtnrMburg. miked conTinunlly of virKinity. When he with her he wor never a( the ul>jevu The other n blMvk hatred boy wnh hrRr ezir tnid nuthing mi nil hut nlwnyx mnnAged tn get her imo the durkncw. whom hr brnn to ki her.For a time the tall dark girl thought she would marry the jeweler son. For hours she Mt in silence listening nn he talked to her and then she began to be afraid of somethings Beneath hi* talk of virginity she began to think there was a lust greater thftn in all the others. At times it seemed io her that as he talked he was holding her body in his hand She imagined him turning it slowly about in the white hands and staring at it. At night she dreamed that he had bitten into her body and that his jaws were dripping. She hud the dream three timest then she became in the family way to thr one who “id nothing ni all but who in the moment of his passion nctunlly did bite her shoulder so that lor days he marks of his teeth showed.After the tall dark girl came to know Doctor Reefy it seemed to her that she never wanted to leave him agnim She went into his office one morning and without her saying anything he seemed to know what had hnppcnetl to her.In rhe office of the doctor there was a wonuan. the wife af the man who kept the bookstore in Winesburg. Like all old-fashioned country practitioners# Doctor Reefy pulled teeth< and the woman who waited held h handkcrchtrf to her teeth and groaned. Her husband was with her and when thr tooth wns taken out they both screamed and blood ran down on the womanFs white dressu The tall dark girl did not pay any attention. When the woman and the man hud gone the doctor smiled. "I will take you driving into the country with meM he said.For scvrral weeks the tall dark girl and the doctor were together almost every day. Thecondition that hod brought her t<)hirn punned in tin 出but he w# like one who han dijicovcrrd the wrclnojtii of the twisted npplrb< Rhe could noc gel her rnmd fixed ngnm upon the ruund jjerfret (run tlwt 浦 eaten in the city Apnrimcni In the fnll after thr begintiinK of hrr nc<|Uiitfitiinccship with him hr mnrrirci I)<xlnr Reefy and in the (allowing *|iring hr died. During tbt winter hr tend to htr nil of the uddn nnd rnd?< id thoughts hr hnd wcnbblcd on the bitft of pnprr. After he had read them he hughrd nnd muffed them nwny in hi、pocket* to breornr round hnrd bn I In.Question* 2629 (20 point%)26. Whnt do you think lhe title "Pug P/jh refer to?27. Why do you think the toll dnrk nit married Doctor Rrefy?28< Whm detail* did the writrr provide to insiill n ncruir of I lector Reefy *5 lonclincR!*?29. Whni function du the iwiMcd Apples play in the novel?Part III WrltlnK20 Polnu30> Summadtc (he slory M Paper Pllbff In ulx


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