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Unit4 Earthquakes(30 分鐘限時訓練 ) . 完形填空I was enjoying a salad at an outdoor caf when a homeless lady came over.She was yelling and _1_ everyone who walked past her for spare change.My instant _2_ was fearand I hoped she wouldnt come near me,but she did.I was on the phone and when shecame,I saidpolitely,“ Imon the phone,” inthe _3_ way I could , assuring( 確信 ) myself what she _4_ was a lesson in manners.She walked away,saying ,“ Im _5_you.Im sorry.Ill leave.”And she turned the corner and disappeared.Normally , Iwouldfeelrelievedor _6_, butsomethinginme couldnt rest.Withoutanotherthought , Istartedsearchingthroughmy entirewallet, thepockets ,everything for all of the _7_ I could possibly find.I caught up with the lady and said,“ Thisis all I have.”I _8_ and gave her allI had.She held my hand and said,“ Thank you ! Thank you !” Her hand was rough anddirty , but I did not _9_ holding it.She looked at me, saying ,“ Will you _10_my face ?” And forsome reason , I did.Ireachedup and put my hand on her_11_ andshe started to cry.I could sense it was as if she had not been touched by a loving,soft hand in _12_,so I held it there,trying to _13_ her with my heart open.Itwas _14_.After a few moments I took my hand away.I said,“ Take careof yourself.You will beOK.Be careful.”Shethanked me, and walkedaway _15_.Shewasntbeggingany more,and I walkedaway withan open heart , tryingtomake sense of whathad justhappened.語篇解讀:面對一個無家可歸的女人,作者傾囊相助,并且用自己的手去觸摸她的臉頰,從而使她的內心得到慰藉。1 A.seekingB attractingC invitingD begging解析:根據(jù)此空后的 change 可知,流浪女向每一個經過她身邊的人討錢。答案: D2 A.expressionB reactionC donationD devotion解析:根據(jù)句中I hoped.可知,作者的第一反應是害怕,希望她千萬不要到自己身邊。答案: B3 A.nicestB strangestC coolestD bravest解析:根據(jù)句中politely 可知,為了能讓流浪女離開,作者語調很和藹。答案: A4 A.wantedB neededC remindedD instructed解析:作者要給她上一堂禮儀課,這是作者認為她所需要的。答案: B5 A.annoyingB hurtingC supportingD following解析:根據(jù)下一句Im sorry可知,流浪女向作者道歉,說打擾了。專心愛心用心1答案: A6 A.surprisedB interestedC satisfiedD excited解析:此空與 relieved構成并列關系。 用一個理由把流浪女從身邊支開,作者應該松了一口氣或是比較滿意。答案: C7 A.moneyB peopleC clothD material解析:本句中作者一系列的動作都是在找錢。答案: A8 A.went outB sat downC reached outD gave in解析:根據(jù)句中gave her 可知,作者伸出手把錢遞給了流浪女。答案: C9 A.allowB mindC considerD remember解析:根據(jù)下文內容可知,作者不介意握住她的手。答案: B10 A.watchB washC touchD kiss解析:根據(jù)下文put my hand 可知,這個流浪女要作者用手去觸摸她的臉。答案: C11 A.cheekB shoulderC fingerD back解析:根據(jù)上文face可推斷,作者把手放在她的臉頰上。答案: A12 A.daysB agesC hoursD minutes解析:根據(jù)流浪女的表現(xiàn)可知,她的臉頰仿佛好幾年沒有被關愛的手觸摸過了。答案: B13 A.helpB encourageC saveD comfort解析:作者做出這樣的動作是為了從心理上安慰她。答案: D14 A.sadB seriousC powerfulD formal解析:上文提到她感動得開始哭,因此作者用溫暖的手來撫慰她的心靈是很有效的。答案: C15 A.responsiblyB angrilyC carefullyD quietly解析:與上文yelling構成對比:心靈上得到安慰后,她安靜地(quietly)離開了。答案: D . 語法填空With the reformof Chinese highereducation , more and more collegesand universities專心愛心用心2put emphasis on nurturingstudentsabilities._16_a result, electivecourses are_17_ (avail) not only for excellent academic performers but also for students ofthe average level.Certainly,students have different reasons _18_(choose) theirown electives.For some , practical skills are the essence of collegeeducation, andtherefore,courseson computerscience,marketing,and finance_19_(prefer)Onthe otherhand, _20_ may holdthe ideaof liberaleducationand electivesconcerningliterature, history, and philosophy are the most welcome.Take me as _21_ example : beinga disciple of free education, I stand for the idea_22_ university is not a place for survival skills, _23_ a palace of knowledgeand critical reasoning._24_ my major is chemistry,the electives I attend mostfrequentlyare Englishliterature, an Introductionto ClassicMusic , and DifferentSchools of Western Painting._25_ really widen my horizon.16解析: as a result是一個固定搭配的短 ,意思 : 果。答案: As17解析:前面有系 be,故后面 接形容 ,故填available。答案: available18解析: reason to do sth.故此 填不定式。答案: to choose19解析:因 前面的科目是受到偏 ,故用被 。答案: are preferred20解析:前面有“ For some”,所以 里 填others 。答案: others21解析: 是一個固定短 :take.as an example。答案: an22解析: the idea后面是一個同位 從句,引 只能用that 。答案: that23解析:考 not.but. 構。答案: but24解析: 然“我”的 是化學,但“我”最常去的 修 是 里有 折的意思,故填 Although 。答案: Although25解析: 里要填的 代 ,代替前面提到的 修 ,故填They。答案: They . 理解AA company planning to open the first hotel in space says it is on target to acceptitsfirst payingguests in 2012 despitecritics( 家 )questioning the investmentand the length of time for the multibillion-dollar project.The Barcelona-based architects of the Galactic Suite Space Resort say it will cost$4.4millionfora three-nightstayat thehotel.Thisprice also includes aneight-week training course on an island.During their stay,guests would see thesunrise 15 times a day and travel around the world every 80 minutes.Galactic Suite Ltds CEO Xavier Claramunt says the project will put his company ina leading position of a new industry with a huge future ahead of it, and forecasts專心愛心用心3space travelwillbecome commoninthefuture.“Itsvery normaltothinkthatyourchildren ,possiblywithin15 years ,couldspenda weekend inspace ,”he toldReutersTelevision.A promising space tourism industry is beginning to take shape with construction inprogressinNewMexicoofSpaceportAmerica , theworldsfirstfacility( 設施 )builtspecifically for passengers.British industrialist Richard Bransons space toursfirm ,VirginGalactic,willusethe facility to send tourists to spaceat acost of$200,000 a ride.GalacticSuiteLtd , set upin 2007 ,hopes tostartitsprojectwitha singlepod ( 分離艙 ) in orbit 280 miles above the earth.“It willtake a day and a half to reachthe pod, and thepassengerswilljoinitfor threedays ,” Claramuntsaid.Morethan200 people have expressed an interest in traveling to the space hotel and at least43 people have already reserved it.The numbers are similar for Virgin Galactic with 300 people already paid or signedup for thetrip, but unlikeBranson , GalacticSuitesays they willuse Russianrocketsto transport their guests into space from a spaceport to be built on an island inthe Caribbean.Butcriticshave questionedtheproject , sayingthelengthoftimethatwill be used is unreasonable and also where the money is coming from to support theproject.語篇解讀:西班牙的Galactic Suite公司正在籌建世界上首家太空旅館,計劃于2012 年開業(yè)。26 Whats Xavier Claramunts attitude towards the space tourism industry?A Quite critical.B Slightly worried.C Highly optimistic.D Fully satisfied.解析: 推理判斷題。根據(jù)第三段.ina leadingpositionof a new industrywitha hugefuture ahead of it.答案: C27 Virgin Galactics in_. A SpainC Britain可知,答案為guestswillC。be transportedintospace by using rocketsproducedB AmericaD Russia解析:細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第四段New Mexico of Spaceport America, the worlds firstfacility.和 .will use the facility to send tourists to space.可知,答案為B。答案: B28 Which of the following is one of the critics concerns about this project?A It is hard to ensure the safety of tourists.B There are many technical difficulties.C It will be a waste of resources.D It may lack support in money.解析:細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)末段.also where the money is coming from to support the project 可知,答案為 D。答案: D29 According to the passage, traveling to the space hotel _.A will soon be possible for common people專心愛心用心4B has attracted the attention of some peopleC will make a large profit for the tourist industryD is considered an industry with a huge future by many people解析:推理判斷題。根據(jù)末段.300 people already paid or signed up for the trip.可推斷,答案為B。答案: B30 Whats the best title for the passage?A The worlds first space hotel is to open in 2012B The worlds first commercial spaceport is being builtC Space tourism : a surprising new industryD Space travel will become common in 15 years解析:主旨大意題。本文是一則新聞,主要內容是:西班牙的GalacticSuite公司正在籌建世界上首家太空旅館,計劃于2012 年開業(yè),故答案為A。答案: ABKasey Kaczmarek :When I read“Would My D ad Love Me ?” by Martha , I related to howMartha felt about her father.I always wondered if my dad cared about me,or if heeven loved me.All the kids would be with their dads and they would ask me where mydad was , and I would tell them that he was out of town.For all you kids who have adad, tell him how much you love him because there are plenty of kids who would loveto have a dad.Armen Abidian : Thisarticledescribeseverythingabout me and my life.When Iwas about3 yearsold , my mother and fatherhad a big argumentand got divorced.NowIm13 yearsold and I havent seen my father for 10 years.Just like Martha, I dont know whathe looks like now, whether or not hes got married to a different woman,or if hehas another child.Emma Ramirez: When Martha talked about how “most girls have dads who take them totheir practices,buy them things and play withthem”, I thought I wasone of thosegirls.I never stopped to think about how there are girls who have always dreamed ofhavingthose thingsbutdonthave a father.Afterreadingwhat Marthawrote , ItoldmyselfIwouldalways appreciatethedays Ispend with my dad because Iam veryluckyto have a dad who does so much for me.Stephanie Felix : This article reminded me of how much I missed my dad when I wasyounger.Ireallyrelateto thisarticlebecause Iused toalwayswonder about my dad,but notanymore.Lifewithoutmy fatherhasmadememore independentandresponsible.ByreadingthisarticleIremember allofthisand Iwas ableto understandwhat the writer was talking about.語篇解讀:大家看了Martha 關于她父親的文章后發(fā)表了自己的感想。31 The above four paragraphs are most probably _.A comments on a book about a girl who has no fatherB comments on Marthas opinion about parents loveC four peoples thoughts after reading Marthas articleD letters to Martha to comfort her解析:推理判斷題。 通讀全文, 可知是文章中的四個人看了Martha 關于她父親的文章后發(fā)表專心愛心用心5的感想,故選C。答案: C32 What does the passage suggest?A Marthas father didnt love her.B Martha didnt grow up with her dad.C Martha was brought up by her grandparents.D Marthas parents got divorced when she was 13.解析:推理判斷題。 根據(jù)第二段的Just likeMartha ,I dontknow what he looks likenow.可知 Martha 不是跟她父親長大的。答案: B33 What does Kasey Kaczmarek suggest kids do?A Not ask other kids where their dads are.B Be kind to those kids who dont have a dad.C Tell their fathers how much they love them.D Spend as much time with their fathers as possible.解析:細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第一段的For all you kids who have a dad, tell him how muchyou love him可知應選C。答案: C34 After reading what Martha wrote,Emma Ramirez _.A decided to spend more time with her fatherB told herself to appreciate all that she hadC realized how badly she behaved in the pastD found how lucky she was to have a dad解析:細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三段的After reading what Martha wrote, I told myself.Iam very lucky to have a dad who does so much for me.可知 Emma Ramirez 在讀完 Martha所寫的文章后,感到自己有父親是多么的幸運。答案: D35 Who became more independent and responsible living a life without a father?A Kasey Kaczmarek.B Stephanie Felix.C Emma Ramirez.D Armen Abidian.解析:細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)末端的Lifewithoutmy fatherhas made me more independentandresponsible.可知應選B。答案: B專心愛心用心6


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