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人教版九年級英語Unit 6精編講義設計

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人教版九年級英語Unit 6精編講義設計

人教版九年級英語Unit 6精編講義設計人教版九年級英語Unit 6精編講義設計1 / 8Unit 6 When was it invented? 講義一、 詞性轉換Section A1. electricity (adj.) electric2. pleasure (adj .) pleased3. accidental (n .) accident4. ruler (v .) rule5. boil (adj.) boiling/ boiled6. national (n .) nation7. low (反義詞.) high8. translate (n .) translation 9. sudden (adv .) suddenly 10. musical (n .) music 11. instrument (n .) instrumental Section B12. salty (n.) salt13. Canadian (n.) Canada 14. divide (n.) division 15. popularity (adj .) popular 16. hero (adj .) heroic17. professional (n .) profession 二、 短語歸納1. the style of的樣式2. such a great invention 如此偉大的一項發(fā)明3. be used for 被用于4. by accident 偶然;意外地5. think of/ about 想;考慮6. fall into 落入;陷入7. some time 一段時間8. less than 少于;不到9. take place 發(fā)生;出現 10. the popularity of的普及 11. without doubt 毫無疑問 12. at a low price 以低價13. translateinto把翻譯成 14. all of a sudden 突然;猛地 15. by mistake 錯誤地;無意中 16. in the end 最后17. a cook called George Crum一個名字叫喬治克拉姆的廚師 18. more than 多于;超過 19. divideinto把分成 20. at the same time 同時21. stopfrom doing阻止做 22. dream of/ about 夢想;向往 23. not onlybut also不但而且 24. the number of的數量 25. more and more 越來越 26. look up to 欽佩;仰慕27. achieve ones dreams 實現某人的夢想 28. take notes 記筆記29. be used to do sth. 被用于做某事 30. lead to 導致;導向三、句型集萃1. It is said that + 從句 據說2. It is believed that + 從句 人們認為3. ask sb. (not) to do sth.要求某人(不要)做某事 4. teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事 5. need to do sth. 需要做某事6. encourage sb. to do 鼓勵某人做某事人教版九年級英語Unit 6精編講義設計三、重點句子1. the style of the shoes 鞋的樣式style短語:in style 流行的;時髦的out of style 過時的 a life style生活方式2. - Can you help me think of an invention? 你能幫我想個發(fā)明嗎?- My pleasure! 樂意效勞!辨析:pleasure, pleased, pleasing, please與pleasantpleasure,名詞,“愉快,高興”,多用于口語:Its my pleasure./ With pleasure.pleased,形容詞,“高興的,喜歡的”,修飾人;pleasing,形容詞,“令人愉快的,討人喜歡的;使人滿意的,合意的”,修飾物;please,及物動詞,“使高興、滿意、愉快”等;不及物動詞,“高興,愉快”等;pleasant,形容詞,定語,“令人高興的,令人愉快的”,修飾事物,不能修飾人。例句:和她談話是一種樂趣。It is a pleasure to talk with her.我們對我們的新房很滿意。We are very pleased with our new house.結果讓大多數人滿意。The results are pleasing to most people.這個好消息使全家人很高興。The good news pleased the family.我希望你旅途愉快。I hope you have a pleasant trip.3. Is it really such a great invention? 它真的是這么偉大的一項發(fā)明嗎? 辨析:such與sosuch,形容詞,后接名詞或名詞短語:such (a/ an) + adj. + n. ;some/ any/ no+ such + n.so,副詞,后接形容詞或副詞:so + adj./ adv. 或so + adj. + a/ an + n.;so many/ much/ few/ little + n.例句:我以前從未見過如此美麗的地方。I have never seen such a beautiful place before.對不起,我沒有這樣的書。Im sorry that I have no such books.我的爸爸給我買了一只如此可愛的狗。My father bought me so lovely a dog.他的房間里有如此多的書。He has so many books in his room.注意:so + adj. + a/ an + n. = such a/ an + adj. + n.例句:我從未讀過如此有趣的書。I have never read so interesting a book. = I have never read such an interesting book.【2021山東煙臺】- Why do you speak in _ a loud voice?- Because I want to make myself _ clearly.A. such; hearB. so; heardC. such; heardD. so; hear4. Think about how often its used in our daily lives. 想想在我們的日常生活中它多久被用一次。think of 記起,想起;考慮;想像;關心2/ 8人教版九年級英語Unit 6精編講義設計think about 考慮think over 仔細考慮;重新考慮例句:我想不起法語的“愛”是怎么說的了。I cant think of the word for “l(fā)ove” in French.也許我們應該重新考慮一下這件事。Perhaps we ought to think about this again.基辛格要求尼克松給他一個星期的時間來考慮。Kissinger asked Nixon for a week to think over it.5. Some leaves from a tea plant fell into the water and remained there for some time. 一些葉子從茶樹上落入這水里并在里面停留了一段時間。fall 短語:fall into 落入;陷入fall behind落后fall down摔倒fall off掉下fall asleep入睡3/ 8人教版九年級英語Unit 6精編講義設計辨析:some time, sometimes, some times與sometime some time,名詞短語,“一段時間”,對它提問用how long;sometimes,頻度副詞,“有時”,一般用于一般現在時;some times,名詞短語,“幾次;幾倍”,其中time是可數名詞,對它提問用how many times;sometime,副詞,“某時”,對它提問用when。6. one of the worlds favorite drinks was invented. 世界上最受歡迎的飲料誕生了。one of 后接復數名詞或代詞賓格形式,意為“之一”,作主語時謂語動詞用單數形式。例句:功夫熊貓是最有趣的電影之一。Kung Fu Panda is one of the most interesting films.他們當中的一個擅長英語。One of them is good at English.one of + the + 形容詞的最高級+名詞復數形式,意為“最之一”。例句:長江是世界上最長的河流之一。Changjiang River is one of the longest rivers in the world.他是我們班最好的學生之一。He is one of the best students in our class.【2021上?!縋udong International Airport is one of _ airports in the world.A. bigB. biggerC. biggestD. the biggest7. It is believed that tea was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7thcenturies. 人們認為在6世紀和7世紀期間,茶被帶到了韓國和日本。It is believed that相當于People believe that意為“人們認為”,其中it為形式主語,真正的主語是that引導的從句。類似的句型還有:It is said that據說;It is reported that據報道;Its known that眾所周知;It is supposed / thought that人們認為。例句:人們認為它是很值得看的。It is believed that it is well worth seeing.據說他們贏得了那場比賽。It is said that they have won the game.8. Potato chips were invented by mistake. 薯條是無意中被發(fā)明的。mistake短語:by mistake無意中;錯誤地make a mistake犯錯誤mistake for把錯認成例句:我錯拿了你的鋼筆。I took your pen by mistake.別再犯錯誤了。Dont make mistakes any more.昨天我錯把莉莉當成了露西。I mistook Lily for Lucy yesterday.4/ 8人教版九年級英語Unit 6精編講義設計9. It is over 100 years old and is played by more than 100 million people in over200 countries. 籃球運動有100多年的歷史了,有200多個國家的一億多人打籃球。over用法:over介詞,意為“多于;超過”,相當于more than,說明數目和程度;表示“在之上”,垂直且不接觸,反義詞為under;表示“在期間;在時間內”;表示“穿越”,指從某物的上方越過;表示“到處;各處”。例句:我們學校有400多名學生。There are over/ more than four hundred students in our school.燈在桌子的上方。The light is over the table.這三年來我做了一些有趣的事情。I have done some interesting things over the three years.河上有一座橋。There is a bridge over the river.我們將周游世界。Well travel all over the world.10. Many young people look up to these basketball heroes and want to become likethem. 許多年輕人欽佩這些籃球英雄,并且想成為像他們一樣的人。look短語:look up to sb. 尊敬( 某人),仰慕(某人),欽佩(某人)look about/around 環(huán)顧四周,隨便看看,到處看看;look after sb./ sth. 照顧(某人/某物),照料(某人/某物),關心(某人/某物)。look down upon/ on sb./ sth. 看不起(某人/某事),瞧不起(某人/某事)。look for sth. 尋找(某物/某事)。look forward to n./ v-ing 期待,盼望。look into sth. 調查(某事),研究(某事),了解(某事)。look like sb. 看起來像某人。look out 向外看,注意,當心,小心。如:look over sth. 審閱(某物),翻閱(某物),打量(某物),檢查(某物),看一下(某物)look sb. over 上下打量(某人),看看(某人)look through sth. 翻閱(某物),瀏覽(某物)。look up 查閱在中,查找。例句:開會前他把報告看了一遍。Before the meeting he looked through the reports.考試前翻翻你的筆記。Look through your notes before the examination.他上下打量她,然后微微點了點頭。He looked her over and nodded lightly.請你幫我看一下我的練習好嗎? Would you mind looking over my exercises?當心! 汽車來了! Look out! Theres a car coming!你若不當心,你會受傷的。If you dont look out, youll hurt yourself.他看上去像你哥哥。He looks like your brother.5/ 8人教版九年級英語Unit 6精編講義設計他長相如何? What does he look like?看來他象個老實人。He looks like an honest man.我們會馬上調查此事。We ll look into that right away.警方正調查事故原因。The police are looking into the cause of the accident.我們盼望收到你的來信。Were looking forward to hearing from you.孩子們都盼望著你的到來。The children are looking forward to your visit.我到處找過它了I ve looked for it everywhere.你是在自找麻煩。You are looking for trouble.你不應該瞧不起窮人。You shouldnt look down upon the poor.她喜歡網球,但輕視足球。She likes tennis, but looks down on football.我能照顧自己。I can look after myself.誰在照看行李? Who is looking after the luggage?這個詞查查詞典吧。Look up this word in the dictionary.這個人不停地環(huán)顧四周。The man kept looking about.不是,我只是隨便看看。Im just looking around.我尊敬父母。I look up to my parents.他是位好老師,我們一向尊重他。He is a good teacher. Weve always look up to him.hero可數名詞,復數形式為heroes. 【2021襄陽】72. -I think the volunteers who saved people in trouble should be regarded as heroes (那些拯救受困人員的志愿者應該被視為英雄) as well. (regard) -I agree.11. These stars encourage young people to work hard to achieve their dreams. 這些明星激勵著年輕人為實現他們的夢想而努力學習。encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓勵某人做某事encourage sb. in sth. 在方面助長某人的行為/ 鼓勵某人【2021遼寧鞍山】Jessicas parents always encourage her _ out heropinions.A. speakB. speakingC. to speakD. willspeakto achieve their dreams是不定式短語,作work hard的目的狀語,意為“為了實現他們的夢想”。動詞不定式作目的狀語,通常意為“為了”。例句:為了趕早班公共汽車,她早早地起了床。She got up early to catch the early bus.【2021哈爾濱】Vocabulary is important to language learning. Therefore, youdbetter try different ways you can think of _ words and expressions.A. rememberB. to rememberC. remembering五、語法歸納:一般過去時的被動語態(tài)1. 構成:was/ were + 及物動詞的過去分詞2. 句式變化:肯定句:主語+ was/ were + 及物動詞的過去分詞+其他否定句:主語+ wasnt/ werent + 及物動詞的過去分詞+其他一般疑問句:Was/ Were + 主語+ 及物動詞的過去分詞+其他?3. 各種時態(tài)的被動語態(tài):6/ 8人教版九年級英語Unit 6精編講義設計一般現在時:be動詞的一般現在時am/ is/are + 及物動詞的過去分詞一般過去時:be動詞的一般過去時was/were + 及物動詞的過去分詞一般將來時:be動詞的一般將來時will be + 及物動詞的過去分詞現在進行時:be動詞的現在進行時am/is/are being + 及物動詞的過去分詞過去進行時:be動詞的過去進行時was/were being + 及物動詞的過去分詞現在完成時:be動詞的現在完成時have/ has been + 及物動詞的過去分詞過去完成時:be動詞的過去完成時had been + 及物動詞的過去分詞4. 被動語態(tài)的注意事項“主語+ 連系動詞+ 表語”的句子沒有被動語態(tài)。there be結構沒有被動語態(tài)。主動句中賓語是反身代詞的沒有被動語態(tài)。句子是主謂結構時沒有被動語態(tài)。也就是說,不及物動詞沒有被動語態(tài)。有些不及物動詞加介詞構成及物動詞短語,如果變被動語態(tài),不能把動詞后的介詞丟掉。例句:他照看他妹妹。He looks after his younger sister. His younger sister is looked after by him.make, let, hear, see, watch, notice等詞,主動語態(tài)后跟省略to的動詞不定式,但在被動語態(tài)中,to不可省略。例句:我們看到一個陌生人進入了大廳。We saw a stranger enter the hall. A stranger was seen to enter the hall by us.【語法專練】1. 【2021陜西】The mobile phone has influenced peoples life a lot since it _.A. inventsB. inventedC. is inventedD. wasinvented2. 【2021廣西玉林】Many houses _ in the earthquake of April 20, 2021 in Yaan.A. is destroyedB. are destroyedC. was destroyedD. weredestroyed3. 【2021河北】Annie _ to the party. She had a wonderful time with us.A. invitesB. is invitedC. was invitedD. hasinvited4. 【2021江蘇泰州】- “Frog”, Mo Yans latest novel, please!- Sorry, it _ just now. But it will come out again soonA. sold outB. is sold outC. has sold outD. was soldout5. 【2021哈爾濱】On June 11th, 2021, Shenzhou-10 carrying three astronauts _into space from the space center in Jiuquan. All the Chinese people are proud of its successful lunch.A. sent upB. are sent upC. was sent upD. weresent up6. 【2021湖南株洲】Do you know when the first train _ in China?A .was produced B. is produced C. produced7. 【2021江蘇蘇州】- Have you heard about that car accident near the school?- Yes, luckily no one_.7/ 8人教版九年級英語Unit 6精編講義設計A. hurtB. was hurtC. has hurtD. were hurt8. 【2021北京】Flowers _ along the road last year.A. plantB. plantedC. are plantedD. wereplanted9. 【2021江西】The Chinese writer has got lots of fans in France. His new book _into French as soon as it came out.A. was translatedB. translatedC. is translatedD.translates10. 【2021成都】- Do you know who invented the telephone?- No. I only know it _ in 1876.A. inventedB. was inventedC. invents11. 【2021廣東】It _ last week that the haze (霧霾) in Beijing caused manyproblems.A. reportsB. reportedC. is reportedD. wasreported12. 【2021青?!縏hese storybooks _ in the 1990s, but they are still popular.A. are writtenB. were writingC. were written13. 【2021湘潭】I hear that another big library _ in their school two years ago.A. will be builtB. is buildingC. was built14. 【2021雅安】- Who designed this game?- It _ by Tom in 1999.A. is designedB. designsC. was designedD. designed15. 【2021臨沂】- Do you know Earth Day?- Sure. It _ in 1970 to tell us to protect our planet.A. sets upB. set upC. is set upD. was setup8/ 8


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