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高考英語一輪復(fù)習(xí) Unit4 Pygmalion課件 新人教版選修8 (2).ppt

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高考英語一輪復(fù)習(xí) Unit4 Pygmalion課件 新人教版選修8 (2).ppt

,選修8 Unit 1Unit 5,Unit 4 Pygmalion,1_ (adj.) 經(jīng)典的;第一流的 (n.) 經(jīng)典著作 2_ (n.) 結(jié)果;效果 3_ (n.) 談?wù)?;言論;評述 (vt.&vi.) 談?wù)?;評論;說起 4_ (vt.) 顯露出(本來面目);背叛 5_ (vt.) 譴責(zé);使注定 6_ (n.) 相識;了解;熟人 7_ (n.&vi.) 妥協(xié);折衷 8_ (vt.) 俯視;忽視;不理會,重點單詞,classic outcome remark betray condemn acquaintance compromise overlook,9_ (vi.&vt.) (使)褪色;減弱;逐漸消失 10_ (adj.) 光輝燦爛的;杰出的;才華橫溢的 11_ (adj.) 優(yōu)秀的;較高的;上級的 (n.) 上級;長官 12_ (vi.) 猶豫;躊躇_ (n.) 猶豫;躊躇 13_ (n.) 機(jī)會;運氣;大筆的錢_ (adj.) 幸運的 _(adv.) 幸運地;幸好,fade,brilliant,superior,hesitate,hesitation,fortune,fortunate,fortunately,14_ (adj.)(見解或判斷上)錯誤的;不正確的_ (n.&v.) 錯誤;誤會 15_(adj.)可怕的;恐怖的_(n.)恐怖 16_(vt.)搶劫;盜竊;剝奪_(n.)搶劫(行為) 17_(n.)適應(yīng)(性);改編本_(v.)改編,(使)適應(yīng) 18_(vt.)把分類;把歸類_ (n.)分類;歸類,mistaken,mistake,horrible,horror,rob,robbery,adaptation,adapt,classify,classification,1_ 偽裝(的);假扮的 2_ (把某人)改變或冒充成 3_ 結(jié)識;與相見 4_ 一般來說 5_ 就來說;從角度 6_ 搶劫某人某物 7_ 帶或領(lǐng)進(jìn)來 8_ 再一次 9_ (聲音、畫面)逐漸模糊;漸淡 10_ 需要,重點短語,in disguise pass.off as. make one's acquaintance generally speaking in terms of rob sb.of sth. show.in once more fade out in need of,1What if I was? 如果我是,又怎么樣呢? 解讀 What if.?意為“如果將會怎么樣?”。 仿寫 明天要是下雨怎么辦?我們還練足球嗎? _tomorrow?Will we still have soccer practice?,經(jīng)典句型,答案:What if it rains,2Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering are sitting deep in conversation. 亨利·希金斯與皮克林上校正坐著進(jìn)行深入的交談。 解讀 形容詞短語deep in sth.意為“專心;全神貫注;深陷”,在句中作狀語。 仿寫 全神貫注地讀書,他沒注意到老師走進(jìn)教室。 _,he didn't notice the teacher come into the classroom.,答案: Deep in the book,3But,sir,(proudly) once educated to speak properly,that girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassador's garden party. 不過,先生(高傲地)一旦有人教她把英語說好了,這個女孩就可以在三個月以內(nèi)冒充公爵夫人出席大使主辦的花園晚會了。 解讀 once educated是省略結(jié)構(gòu),完整形式為once the girl is educated。 仿寫 當(dāng)問到對煤礦事故的評論時,老板說有許多事情有待于查清楚。 _about his comments on the mine accident,the boss said much remained to be done to make it clear.,答案: When asked,1hesitate vi. 猶豫;躊躇 教材原句 A gentleman (G)passes and hesitates for a moment. 這時一位先生從這兒路過,他遲疑了片刻。,板塊一:核心單詞,(1)hesitate to do sth.遲疑做某事;不愿做某事 hesitate about/over (doing) sth.(做)某事猶豫不決 (2)hesitation n. 躊躇;猶豫 without hesitation毫不猶豫地,Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 如果有疑問請盡管和我聯(lián)系。 I didn't hesitate for a moment_taking the job. 我毫不猶豫地接受了那份工作。 He ran into the burning house to save the employee without_. 他毫不猶豫沖進(jìn)燃燒的房子救出那個職員。 He never hesitated_(help) those in trouble because he was a kind­hearted man. 幫助那些有困難的人他從來都不猶豫,因為他是一個善良的人。,答案:about/over/at hesitation to help,2remark n. 談?wù)?;評述 vt.&vi.談?wù)?,評論 教材原句 You can place a man by just a few remarks. 你可以根據(jù)幾句話判定(對方)是哪個地方的人。,(1)make a remark on/upon. remark on/upon對作出評論/發(fā)表看法 remark that.評論說 (2) remarkable adj.非凡的;顯著的,I can't deny that her remarks hurt me. 不可否認(rèn)她的話傷害了我。 It's rude to make a remark_the appearance of others. 對別人的相貌品頭論足是沒有禮貌的。 Why are we releasing(發(fā)行) this silver dollar for such a _price? 我們?yōu)槭裁匆l(fā)行這個有非凡價值的銀元? Some experts_ the educational cause should face reality. 有些專家評論說教育應(yīng)該面對現(xiàn)實。,答案:on/upon remarkable remarked that,3betray vt.顯露出(本來面目);背叛;出賣;泄露(秘密) 教材原句 But they betray themselves every time they open their mouths. 但是他們一張嘴就會露出馬腳。,betray a secret to sb.向某人泄露秘密 betray one's trust辜負(fù)某人的信任 betray oneself暴露本來面目;原形畢露,In failing to return the money he betrayed our trust. 他未能歸還那筆錢而辜負(fù)了我們的信任。 That man is capable of_. 這個人會出賣朋友。 The group were informers,and they_the Germans. 這幫人就是告密者,他們把計劃泄露給了德國人。 Quite a lot of people will _when tempted by money. 相當(dāng)多的人面對金錢的誘惑便原形畢露。,答案:betraying his friends betrayed the plan to betray themselves,4condemn vt. 譴責(zé);使注定 教材原句 Look at this girl with her terrible English:the English that will condemn her to the gutter to the end of her days. 你瞧那個姑娘,英語說得那樣糟糕:那一口英語使她注定要在貧民窟里待一輩子了。,She knew that society would condemn her for abandoning her children. 她知道社會會譴責(zé)她遺棄孩子。 If you don't learn from the past,you_to repeat its mistakes. 如果你不從過去吸取教訓(xùn)的話,就注定要重復(fù)以前的錯誤。 Lack of skills condemned him_(live) a poor life. 缺乏技能注定了他要過著艱難的生活。,As was expected,Li Tianyi was condemned_ten years in prison. 正如所預(yù)料的一樣,李天一被判十年監(jiān)禁。 The attack by terrorists_by the entire world. 恐怖分子的襲擊受到了全世界的譴責(zé)。,答案: are condemned to live to has been condemned,5acquaintance n. 相識;了解,熟人 教材原句 And I came to England to make your acquaintance! 我也正是到英國來找你的!,make one's acquaintance make the acquaintance of sb.結(jié)識;與相識 have some acquaintance with.熟悉/了解某人/某事 have a little acquaintance with sb./sth.稍微了解 have no acquaintance with.不熟悉/了解,I've been looking forward to making her acquaintance for a long time. 我很久以來一直盼望著與她相識。 He_the language. 他稍微會一點兒這種語言。 He is _of mine. 他是我的一個熟人。,答案:has a little acquaintance with an acquaintance,6fortune n. 財產(chǎn);大筆的錢;機(jī)會;運氣 教材原句 A fortune!That'll help me,indeed it will. 一筆財富呀!這的確給我?guī)痛竺α?,真的?(1)seek/try one's fortune找出路;碰運氣 make a fortune發(fā)財 (2)fortunate adj.幸運的;僥幸的(lucky) be fortunate to do sth.幸運的做某事 fortunately adv.幸運地(luckily) unfortunately不幸地,Now there are many young men in our society dreaming of making_fortune without hard work. 現(xiàn)在在我們社會里,有很多年輕人夢想不通過努力工作就可發(fā)大財。 She was_to find a job as soon as she graduated from the university. 她大學(xué)一畢業(yè)就找到了工作,真是幸運。,I was late in getting to the station,but_for me the train was late,too. 我到火車站晚點了,幸運地是,火車恰好也晚點了。 These two brothers decided to go to America to_ _. 這兄弟倆決定去美國碰碰運氣。,答案:a fortunate enough fortunately try/seek their fortune,7superior adj.優(yōu)秀的;較高的;上級的 n上級;長官 教材原句 superior優(yōu)秀的,be superior to.比優(yōu)越(更好、強(qiáng)) be senior to.比年長/資歷深 be junior to.比年輕、資歷淺,This model is technically superior to its competitors. 這一款式在技術(shù)上超過了與之競爭的產(chǎn)品。 The government troops were_. 政府軍隊在數(shù)量上占優(yōu)勢。 Of the two books,I think this one is superior_that. 這兩本書中我認(rèn)為這本比那本好。,答案:superior in numbers to,8rob v搶劫;掠奪;盜取 教材原句 someone who steals sth.or robs sb. 偷東西或搶劫別人的人。,accuse sb.of sth.指控某人 warn sb.of sth.警告某人 rid sb.of sth.除掉某人的 inform sb.of sth.通知某人 remind sb.of sth.提醒某人 cure sb.of sth.治愈某人,It's said that the tomb has been robbed of its treasures. 據(jù)說這座墳?zāi)沟馁F重物品早已被盜。 The story reminds me_my past. 這個故事使我想起了我的過去。 You should rid yourself_that bad habit. 你必須改掉那個壞習(xí)慣。,答案:of of,比較辨析,填一填 The last­minute goal_the team_victory. The thieves_jewellery worth over 100,000_ the jewellery shop.,答案:robbed;of stole;from,9compromise n&vi.妥協(xié);折衷 教材原句 (compromises)OK,I'll teach you. (提出折中辦法)好吧,我教你。,(1)reach/come to a compromise和解;達(dá)成妥協(xié) make a compromise with與妥協(xié) by compromise折衷 (2)compromise with sb.與某人和解 compromise on sth.就某事折衷,It's wise of you to compromise with her. 你和她妥協(xié)是明智之舉。 We cannot compromise_such terms. 我們不能因為這樣的條件妥協(xié)。 After a long talk,the two sides_a compromise. 長期談判之后,雙方達(dá)成了妥協(xié)。 In order to live harmoniously,sometimes you need to_ _. 為了和諧地生活,有時你需要做出讓步。,答案:on reached/came to make compromises,10generally speaking一般來說 教材原句 Generally speaking,people are more polite to those who they think are of a higher social class(H) and less polite to those they consider are members of a lower class(L) 一般而言,人們對他們認(rèn)為是高層社會的人更有禮貌,對于他們認(rèn)為是低層社會的成員不太禮貌。,板塊二:短語和句型,見證2014Everyone looks forward to progress,whether in one's personal life or in the general society. 每一個人都期待進(jìn)步,無論是在個人生活方面還是在總的社會方面。(2014·江西卷閱讀理解D),(1)honestly speaking 誠實地說 frankly speaking 坦率地說 strictly speaking 嚴(yán)格地說 broadly speaking 廣義地說 personally speaking 就我個人而言 (2)in general 總的來說;大體上 as a general rule 一般而言;在通常情況下,In general,New England writers relied upon the Bible. 總的來說,新英格蘭作家以圣經(jīng)為依據(jù)。 _,I don't agree with you. 坦率地說,我不贊成你。 _,I have no objection to your leaving at once. 就我個人而言,我不反對你馬上就走。 _,there are two factors contributing to my decision. 大體上,有兩個因素促成了我的決定。,答案:Frankly speaking Personally speaking Generally speaking,11in terms of.就來說;從角度 教材原句 Correct all these sentences in terms of grammar,spelling,etc.,so that she can use them properly. 從語法、拼寫等方面改正這些句子,好讓她恰當(dāng)使用。,come to terms with 達(dá)成協(xié)議;和好;接受;適應(yīng) be on good/bad terms 關(guān)系良好/不好 in the long/short term 就長遠(yuǎn)/短期而言,It's hard to_being unemployed. 很難甘心忍受失業(yè)。 Learning is not always easy,but it is always beneficial_ _. 學(xué)習(xí)并不總是那么簡單,但從長遠(yuǎn)看它總是有益的。 The job is great_salary,but it has its disadvantage. 就薪水而言,這個工作是不錯的,但也有一些不利之處。,答案:come to terms with in the long term in terms of,12show.in 帶或領(lǐng)進(jìn)來 教材原句 Show her in,Mrs.Pearce. 皮爾斯夫人,領(lǐng)她進(jìn)來。,show sb.out領(lǐng)某人出去 show sb.around領(lǐng)某人參觀某地 show off炫耀;展示 show up出現(xiàn);來到某處,You'd better show the old man in. 你最好把那位老人領(lǐng)進(jìn)來。 He_the school for three hours. 他領(lǐng)我在學(xué)校轉(zhuǎn)了3個小時。 She_her necklace before the public. 她在公眾面前炫耀她的項鏈。 The meeting is to start,but the chairman_yet. 會議就要開始了,但是主席還沒露面。 There is some person calling himself Mr.Wang at the door asking to see you.Shall I_? 有個自稱是王先生的人在門口要求見你,我領(lǐng)他進(jìn)來嗎?,答案:showed me around showed off hasn't showed up show him in,13Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering are sitting deep in conversation. 亨利·希金斯與皮克林上校正坐著進(jìn)行深入的交談。,deep in conversation為形容詞短語作狀語。形容詞(短語)作狀語表示主語的狀態(tài)。表示原因、伴隨等的狀語,可放在句前或句后。,Deep in thought,he didn't notice the car running towards him. 由于陷入深思中,他沒有注意到車正朝他駛來。 _(absorb) in the game,he didn't notice me enter the room. 沉迷于游戲之中,他沒注意到我進(jìn)入房間。 After a long walk,they went home,_. 他們走了很長的路,回家之后又累又餓。 _(convince) that the government will take measures against the problem,I am optimistic about the future. 相信政府將會針對這個問題采取措施,我對未來很樂觀。,答案:Absorbed tired and hungry Convinced,14Will that be of any use to you? 那對你有用嗎?,本句使用了“beofn.”結(jié)構(gòu)。 (1)“beof抽象名詞”相當(dāng)于“be該抽象名詞的形容詞”,主要用來表示主語的性質(zhì)。這一結(jié)構(gòu)中的抽象名詞前可用great,little,no,some,any,not much等修飾,以表示不同的程度,抽象名詞常用importance,value,use等。 (2)“beof名詞”還可表示主語的類屬。,Australia and New Zealand are of the same continent. 澳大利亞和新西蘭屬同一個洲。 The book will be very valuable to students of history. The book will be_to students of history. 這本書對學(xué)歷史的學(xué)生將很有用。 What you learned from the report is_ great importance. 你從報告中所學(xué)的非常重要。,答案:of great value of,根據(jù)漢語提示,用句末括號內(nèi)的英語單詞完成句子 1If you don't have this experience yourself,_consult experienced colleagues.(hesitate) 如果你本人沒有這個經(jīng)驗,就不要猶豫去向有經(jīng)驗的同事請教。 2_by the men in the post office,mail will be sent according to places it is to go.(classify) 郵局里的人員將郵件分類后,郵件就要按地點寄送。,單元語法專練:,答案:1.don't hesitate to 2.Classified/Having been classified,3Should you wish to_a German officer,it will not be necessary to speak the language.A German accent will do.(pass) 如果你想冒充為一名德國軍官,不必非講德語不可。帶點德國口音就行。 4The people in the remote mountain village_a life of hardship still held a positive attitude towards life.(condemn) 在這個偏遠(yuǎn)的小山莊,被迫過著艱難生活的人們?nèi)员3种e極的人生態(tài)度。,答案:3psss yourself off as 4.(who were) condemned to,5_,blue and purple are the safest colors to use when you design.(speak) 一般來說,藍(lán)色和紫色是設(shè)計中用起來最放心的顏色。 6They are found that the mental health of those who were unemployed was comparable or_those in jobs of the poorest quality.(superior) 他們發(fā)現(xiàn),失業(yè)人員的心理健康與從事最糟糕工作的員工相當(dāng),或者還要優(yōu)于后者。,答案:5Generally speaking 6.superior to,7_movement and speech by a strange disease left the writer lying in bed all day,depressed.(rob) 這位作家被一種奇怪的病奪去了行動和語言能力,整天躺在床上,沮喪郁悶著。 8It was almost midnight_.(show) 在將近午夜時他被帶進(jìn)來了。 9There is no doubt that_,water will turn into vapor.(heat) 毫無疑問,當(dāng)加熱時,水會變成蒸汽。,答案: 7.Being robbed of 8when he was shown in 9.when (it is) heated,


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