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2019-2020年高中英語 M4U3完整學案 牛津版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高中英語 M4U3完整學案 牛津版必修3.doc

2019-2020年高中英語 M4U3完整學案 牛津版必修3課 題M4U3 單詞講解 班 級高一( )姓 名學 號 A 教學目標通過單詞講解,讓學生掌握這些詞的用法B 課前預習大聲讀本單元的單詞(詞匯表)C 課內(nèi)解惑 1. e true _e.g.你的理想總有一天會實現(xiàn)。_比較:e true/realize 兩個詞均可表示“實現(xiàn)”的意思,但_他實現(xiàn)了他的愿望。(請用三種方法翻譯這個句子) 同學們:背誦e的相關短語也是有必要的! e about _ e across _ e into being/existence _ e into power _ e near _ e off _ e to _ e to light _ e to oneself _ e up _ 你還能想出哪些相關短語:翻譯小練習:你能告訴我事故是怎樣發(fā)生的嗎?_ 史密斯先生偶然發(fā)現(xiàn)一個小孩睡在橋下。_ 過了三個多小時后他才蘇醒過來。_2. set vt. 為(故事等)構設背景,布置(舞臺等)set a stage為舞臺布景 / be set in 以為背景set詞組歸納:_記下,寫下 _出發(fā),啟程 _出發(fā),使爆炸 _ 踏進/踏上_ 留出,不顧,取消,駁回 _擺桌子_把點燃 _為樹立好榜樣 _/_開始著手做你還可以補充其他相關短語:3. upon prep在后立即,一就,on以代替uponUpon reaching the hotel, she emailed her father ._句型轉換:他一到達機場就被警察逮捕了Upon his arrival at the airport,he was arrested by the police=_=_4. pass on 把傳給 Good traditional habits should be passed on to younger generations_pass on 1)pass away (委婉)死去,逝世 She passed onaway in her sleep_2)hand on把傳(遞)下去Read this notice and pass it on _ 家庭的故事通常都是通過口頭一代一代往下傳的._5. be connected to與相連接 connect A with (to) Bjoin A to B指兩物有形的連接A be connected with B A與B有聯(lián)系 注意:當要表達“把A與B連接起來”時,用介詞to和with都可以;但要表達“A與B有聯(lián)系”時,只能用with。 e.g. 警方認為他與那起謀殺案有關。_6. give out_ 試翻譯下列句子:My legs gave out and l couldnt walk any further. _The results of the examination wont be given out._The flowers give out a sweet smell. _其他重要短語:give upgive ingive offgive away (1)give up 放棄 永遠不要放棄英語學習。 _(2)give in屈服;讓步;投降 _最終他對我的觀點妥協(xié)了。(3)give off送出;發(fā)出 _太陽發(fā)出光和熱。 (4)give away贈送;放棄;泄露;出賣 It was the mayor who gave away the prizes to the winners_7. deliver vt. 釋放,交付,移交,投遞,傳送,發(fā)表,表達,給予n. _請同學們從下列句子中歸納出這個單詞的用法:I delivered the message and parcel to her. _What were left were to be delivered later in the day.We deliver your order to your door.She betrayed him and delivered him to the enemy.She was delivered of a healthy boy. _We delivered her from death. _8. impress vt(1)“給深刻印象;銘刻”。His acting impressed me as being somewhat artificial._(2)“印上;壓印”。例如:They impress the words“Made in Chinaon a metal plate They impress a metal plate with the words Made in China"_(3)“使記住(某事的)重要性”,常與介詞on連用。例如:She impressed (it) on me that l must e home early _impression n印象;印刷次數(shù)。例如:I shall never forget the impressions l had during my trip.This is the third impression of that book in one year.impressive adj. 給人深刻印象的,難忘的。 (more , most)9. accuse sb. of (doing ) sth. 控告某人犯有罪, 譴責某人做某事accusing adj 指責的 the accused 被告 _此人被指責太貪婪。Ma Jiajue _馬加爵被指控犯了謀殺罪。We should take their accusation seriously._比較accuse / charge:10. fade請翻譯下列句子,并注意這個單詞在不同語境下的意思:Her smile faded solely.The laughter faded when they saw their boss.The sun faded the red curtain. Hopes that he would be found alive are fading.隨 堂 練 習Exercises 1:1. Harry Potter is a e_ role in the series of JK s novels.2. In most of the peoples opinions, money cant buy h_.3. There is a camera to m_ every action of the prisoner.4. The president is going to d_ a speech in Beijing university.5. The p_ of Jay Zhou reflects some problems in the young.6. He a_ that he would be engaged next week.7. He is major in puter so he must be good at p_.8. Ten graduates are e_ last year, which is out of our expectation.9. People who were buried under the remains had to wait to be r_.10. When we call a person a green hand ,we mean he is i_. Exercise2:1. 這部小說是以戰(zhàn)前的倫敦為背景嗎?_ the novel _ _ pre-war London?2. 中國的漢字經(jīng)歷了巨大的變革。Chinese _ have undergone great changes3. 粉絲對于他們球隊的勝利欣喜若狂。The fans _ _ _ their teams victory.4. 現(xiàn)在人們可以暢所欲言。Nowadays people can _ their _ as they will.5. 陳水扁被控貪污受賄。Chen Shuibian _ _ _ bribery.6. 你能傳真一份重要文件給我嗎?Can you fax a very important _ to me?7. 依我看來,她還是很有前途的。_ _ _, she is a promising girl.8. 我昨天在街上遇見的朋友是從事IT行業(yè)的。The man I_ _ in the street yesterday works in IT.9. 西湖的美給我留下了深刻的印象。The beauty of the west lake _ me a _ _.Exercise3:1. Carol will _ you round Wuxi since she is a native resident.2. The boots are lighter and softer, _more fortable to wear.3. What she had to do was to _, not to live in fancy.4. I will _ _ these clothes to my nephew since they are not fit for my son.5. The rose _ _ sweet smell, attracting the girl to stop.6. The upper town _ _ _ the lower town by cable car.7. You should not use _ to solve all the problems.8. When you _ _a new word, you can refer to the dictionary.9. Massage can help you recover from _.10. The footsteps _ in the distance, which made him relief.D 課后鞏固 畫川高級中學xx度第一學期高一(下)英語導學案(32 )課 題Reading M4U3主備人田永蘭 雍偉全班 級高一( )姓 名學 號 一課前預習 Learn some new words about reading by heartFast readingAsk students to skim and scan the proposal and try to find answers to the three questions in Part A.二課內(nèi)合作 Fast readingAsk students to skim and scan the proposal and try to find answers to the three questions in Part A.Detailed questionsAsk students to read the proposal carefully and plete Part C1.Structure and main idea1. Ask students to analyze the structure of the passage and conclude the main idea of each part of the article.StructureMain ideaIntroduction (Para 1)Main body (Para 2-7)Conclusion (Para 8)2. Ask students to answer the following question and fill in the following form with the information from the proposal.How can RealCine excite the viewers five senses?SensesThings neededEffect in RealCineSightHearingSmellTouchTasteHomework Review the passage and try to retell the main idea of the passage畫川高級中學xx度第一學期高一(下)英語導學案( 33 )課 題M4U3主備人呂小芳 雍偉全班 級高一( )姓 名學 號 A. 教學目標 掌握Language points 里的重點短語和用法。B課前預習 劃出文章中的重要短語。C. 課內(nèi)解惑1.Not only is every step of climbing Mount Qomolangma felt by the viewer, but also the cold, tiredness, the food, the smells, the sights and the sounds of the mountain can all be experienced.觀眾不僅能感覺到攀登珠穆朗瑪峰的步,還能感覺到寒冷、疲勞,品嘗到食物,聞到氣味,感受到山上的風景以及自然界的聲音。Not only 放在句首,所在分句用部分倒裝Not only A but also B= B as well as ANot only but also連接并列主語時,謂語動詞的 “就近原則”but also中的also 可省略,but also也可換成but as well他不但喜歡英語,也喜歡漢語。_ _ _ _like English, but also Chinese.否定詞放在句首,主句用部分倒裝,常見的否定詞有: never、 hardly、 seldom、 scarcely、 barely、 little、 nowhere、 in no way、 at no time、 not only、 in no case、 not until等等。例如: Never shall I do this again.Little did he know who the woman was?In no way can they leave freely.Nowhere could they find the lost child.Practice(1)Not until the early years of the 19th century _what heat is. A. man did knowB. man knewC. didnt man knowD. did man know(2)Never before _ in greater need of modern public transport than it is today. A. has this city beenB. this city has beenC. was this cityD. this city was2. Upon/On reaching the top of the mountain, a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievement will be experienced.到達峰頂時,觀眾心中將會涌起一種愉悅感和成就感。Upon/On +n./doing相當于as soon as sb. does sth.,/ the moment sb. does sth.意為 _PracticeAs soon as I arrived, I went to see my former teacher.=_, I went to see my former teacher.As soon as they heard the scream, all rushed out to see what was happening.=_, all rushed out to see what was happening.3. Special gloves are also worn so that people and objects in the film can be touched戴上特殊的手套,這樣電影里的人和物都能被觸摸到。so that: 為了,以至于(1)She arranged everything carefully so that the meeting goes smoothly.(2)We informed the organizer of the trip how many of us would e so that he knew how many rooms he needed to prepare for us.(3)We are going shopping this weekend so that I will have new clothes for the New Year. (4)The teacher raised his voice so that everybody could hear him clearly.4. The sense of touch is passed on to the fingertips via thousands of sensors in the gloves.觸感經(jīng)由手套中的上千個傳感器傳遞到手指。(1)傳給,遞給 pass sth. on to sb.(2)去世 sb. pass on(3)換下一個話題 pass on to (another topic)Practice: (1)如果你干不了的話,把工作給別人做。If you cant do the job yourself, _it _ _someone who can.(2)消息通過嘴巴傳開了。The news was _ _by mouth.(3)讓我們談個新話題吧。Let us _ _ _a new subject.(4)史密斯先生昨晚去世,享年89歲。Mr. Smith _ _ last night at the age of 89.5. Both the headsets and the gloves are connected to the RealCine puter system.耳機和手套均與“RealCine”電腦系統(tǒng)相連接。be connected to 與相連接be connected with 與有牽連,有關系,有聯(lián)系connect A with/to B=join A to B A與B連接起來Practice: 請接郵政局。_警察認為他與那起謀殺案有關。The police thought he _ _ _ the murder.6. To add up the virtual world of RealCine, smells are given out through small openings in the headsets.氣味通過耳機的小孔散發(fā)出來,以增添到“RealCine”的虛擬世界。(1) add to : (increase )增加,擴建The bad weather added to our difficulties.(2) add sth. (to sth.) (put one thing to another )添加e.g. If the tea is too strong, add some water (to it).(3) add A to B/add A and B (put together to get a total )把A和B加起來e.g. Add 4 and 5 together, youll get 9.(4) add sth. up (find the sum of) 加起來e.g. Please add all the figures up.(5) add up to: (give as a result when joined )總計,合計e.g. The cost for the holiday added up to 3000 yuan.(mean, equal )等于/意味著某事物e.g.What you said added up to that you wouldnt give help.你說的話意思就是你不愿意幫忙。Practice: plete the following sentences with add up, add to, add up to(1) I dont think these facts will _ anything, as we can see.(2) Thousands of new books from abroad have been _ the school library. (3) Setting off fireworks can _the atmosphere of the festival. (4) You must have made a mistake when you _the bill_, because the bill _more than 1000 yuan.give out: send out 散發(fā)(光、熱、氣味等)be used up 用光,耗盡be tired out 精疲力盡hand out 分發(fā)(1)花園里的花香味撲鼻令人心曠神怡。_(2)當我的兒子又犯同樣錯誤時,我就失去耐心了。_(3)爬上山頂后,我筋疲力盡。_(4)為了上學,那個7歲的男孩在大街上散發(fā)宣傳單來賺學費。_D: 鞏固:不僅而且 一就如此以至于 為了,以便;因此,所以傳遞,去世,變換話題 與連接,與有關系把加起來,有道理 增加,添加,加總計達 散發(fā),用光,筋疲力盡,分發(fā)提供某人某物 除此之外 提出,提議 表演的角色對感到失望E: 家庭作業(yè) 畫川高級中學xx度第一學期高一(下)英語導學案( 35 )課 題M4U3 The Passive Voice主備人萬興安 雍偉全班 級高一( )姓 名學 號 一課前預習Read the Grammar items from P48 to P 51 of the text book, and fill in the blanks.二課內(nèi)合作A.何時使用被動語態(tài) 1. 不知道_或沒有必要 如:Paperismadefromwood. Thehouseisquiteold.Itwasbuiltin1950. Hewaswoundedinthefight. 2.需要_時 如:Calculatorscantbeusedinthemathsexam. Booksandnewspapersinthereadingroommustntbetakenaway. Hewasawardedfirstprizeinthatcontest. 3.為了使_,避免提及自己或對方而使用被動語態(tài),或由于_的需要,使用被動語態(tài),使句子得以更好的安排。 如:Theconstructionofthenewlabmustbepletedbytheendofnextmonth. Electricityisusedtorunmachines. B.被動語態(tài)的構成 1.be+done可以是被動語態(tài),也可以是_結構形式。被動語態(tài)中,done可以帶by短語,而_結構中done相當于adj.不帶by短語。 如:Thequestionissettled. Thepositioniswellwritten.Thejobwaswelldone.(_結構)Suchquestionsaresettledbyus.(被動) Thepositioniswrittenwithgreatcare.(被動) Thejobwaswelldonebyaskilledworker.(被動) 2.許多verbs (broken,interested,shut,worried),既可以用做_.也可以在被動語態(tài)結構中做過去分詞。句中如果有by,通常是被動語態(tài)。 如:Iwasworriedabout youallnight.(_表狀態(tài))Iwasworriedbymosquitoesallnight.(_表動作) TheglasswasbrokenbyJack.(_表動作) Theglassisbroken.(_表狀態(tài)) Iwasfrightenedbyhisghoststory. _Shewasfrightenedatthesightofasnake. _C.不同形式的被動語態(tài) 1.含有_和_的主動結構,變?yōu)楸粍訒r,可將其中一個賓語變?yōu)橹髡Z,另一個不動。 如:Heshowedmehispictures. Iwasshownhispicturesbyhim. Hispictureswereshowntomebyhim. Auntmademeanewdress. Iwasmadeanewdressbyaunt. Anewdresswasmadeformebyaunt. Hesentmeabirthdaypresent. Iwassentabirthdaypresentbyhim. 2含有_賓語的主動句,賓補不變。 (1) 將賓語變?yōu)橹髡Z,_不變。 TheycallherXiaoLi.SheiscalledXiaoLi. Heleftthedooropen.Thedoorwarleftopenbyhim. (2) make,let,have, hear,watch,see,feel,notice.Help等動詞后變做賓補的不定式一般不加to,變?yōu)楸粍?,必須_. 如:MybrotheroftenmademedothisandthatwhenIwasyoung. Iwasoften_thisandthatbymybrotherwhenIyoung. Iheardhermoveaboutinherroomupstairslastnight. She_aboutinherroomupstairslastnight. DidyouseeJacktakeawaythemagazine? WasJack_awaythemagazine? 3.情態(tài)動詞的被動語態(tài)。是由情態(tài)V+be+p.p.構成 如:Theycannotfindhim. He_. Youmustpaymeforthis. I_forthis. Hecanrepairyourwatch. Yourwatch_. 4.短語動詞的被動語態(tài) 一般來講,只有_動詞才有被動語態(tài),因為只有vt才能有動作的承受者;但有許多由不及物動詞+介詞及其他詞類構成的短語動詞,相當于及物動詞,可以有賓語。因而可以有被動語態(tài),但應注意短語V是一個不可分割的整體。變被動時,不可丟掉構成短語的prep或adv。這樣的短語有:lookafter, listento, lookat, payattentionto, takecareof,lookforwardto, makeusesof, etc. 如:Theyhadputoutthefirebeforethefire-brigadearrived. Thefire_beforethefire-brigadearrived. Theywillsetupanewpublicschoolhere. Anewpublicschool_here. 5.有些動詞用主動形式表被動含義。. 如:貨物賣得好。Thegoods_門開不了。Thedoorcant_. 那消息被證明是錯誤的。The news _.6.有些詞如want, need, require和beworth后面,v-ing形式為主動,意義為被動。 如:Theroomneeds/wants/requires_(打掃). Thebookisworth_(讀). 7.主動語態(tài)中的賓語是從句,變成被動時使用形式替代詞it. 如:WeknowthatBritainisanislandcountry. _Britainisanislandcountry. Theteachersaidthatthisbookhasbeentranslatedintoseverallanguages _thisbookhasbeen translatedintoseverallanguages 8.賓語為反身代詞,相互代詞及虛詞it時,不用被動,只用主動。 如:Iwilldoitmyself.ThemanintroducedhimselfasMr.Wang. 9.謂語動詞是以下時,無被動。 happen, belongto, suit,fit(適合), have,let, join, fall, last(延長), cost(花費) breakout(爆發(fā))appear,burstout(迸發(fā)),hold(容納),lack(缺乏),agreewith(同意). 10.據(jù)說類動詞:say, consider,think,report,know,believe,suggest,understand,hope,etc. 如:Itis_thatSth. /Sb.is_ 11.主動形式表被動 sound, taste, smell, fell, look, seem等當_動詞時; 例如:_一些vi主動形式表被動含義open,close,shut,read,write,translate,wash,clean,lock,sell,wear,cut,cook,eat,weigh,drink,例如:This knife _.這把刀好切。The pen_smoothly.這支筆寫起來流暢。Meat wont _ in such hot weather.肉在這樣熱的天氣里放不長久。The cloth_.這種布好洗。一些vt也沒有被動含義pay,draw,take part in, belong to ,own, have, hate, fail, contain 例如:_不定式toblame, tolet(出租)作表語時,主動形式表被動含義 例如:_ _lose heart, make a face, keep silence, lose in thought這類動賓結構的固定短語只能用于主動式,不能用被動式。例如:_不定式在某些形容詞之后,且與主語有動賓關系。常見形容詞有:hard,defficult,easy,heavy,fit,good,fortable,convenient,impossible等。The problem is _.容易做The question is_. 難回答The box is_. 搬不動The project is_ in a year. 不可能完成D.動詞被動語態(tài)考點解讀a、既考查時態(tài)又考查語態(tài) - Why did you leave that position? (xx北京) - I _ a better position at IBM.A. offer B. offeredC. am offeredD. was offered解析:檢查考生對動詞時態(tài)和語態(tài)的掌握和運用能力。首先offer sb. sth.意思_,所以本句要使用被動語態(tài);其次,offer 為一次性行為,這一動作發(fā)生在過去,所以要用_時態(tài)。More patients _in hospital this year than last year. (xx江蘇)A. treated B have treated C. had been treated D. have been treated解析:treat與 patients是_關系,要用被動語態(tài)。this year 是表示現(xiàn)在的時間狀語,所以要用_時。b、考查動詞的及物與不及物The heros story differently in the newspapers. (xx全國卷II) Awas reported Bwas reporting Creports D. reported 解析: story 與report 是_關系 Of the seven brothers only four now _; the rest are dead.A. remain B. leave C. stay D. is remained解析:考生容易錯選_。因為他們知道remain的意思,但不清楚它是及物動詞還是不及物動詞。其實remain表示剩下、留下是_動詞,不能用被動語態(tài)。leave表示剩余是及物動詞。c、考查主動形式表示被動意義.Do you like the material? Yes, it_ very soft. A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt分析:觀察題干,空白線后無賓語,可知feel是_動詞,表“(某物)摸起來.”意思,是_動詞,不用被動式,也不用進行時。This sentence needs_. A. a improvement B. improve C .improving D. improved分析:初看此題似手A、C皆可,但improvement是元音開頭詞,其前要用_,故排除。need作實義動詞,和require, want一樣,后面可跟_或to be done 表“需要被.”意。如:The door needs/wants/requires_/_.(這扇門需要漆一下。)d、考查動詞詞組在被動語態(tài)中的介詞問題 I promise that the matter will_. A. be taken care B. be taken care of C. take care D. take care of分析:take care of.是固定短語,若無of則不可帶賓語,只能跟_。e、隱含考查被動語態(tài)(非謂語動詞中對過去分詞的考查) Most of the artists _to the party were from South Africa. A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. had been invited分析:首先可排除B。因為它不表示“_”。又因D項少引導詞_,也應排除。A項who were invited, C項who were being invited, 由象invite這類短暫動詞的現(xiàn)在分詞被動式不可作后置定語,故也


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