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2019-2020年八年級上冊 過關測試卷.doc

2019-2020年八年級上冊 過關測試卷一、(xx原創(chuàng))完形填空(共15小題;每小題1分,共15分)It was the first day of school.I had a new classmate,a little old lady with a warm smile.She said,“Hi,young man! Im Rose.Im 87 years old.Can I give you a hug?”I said _1_,“Of course!”“Why are you in college at such a(an) _2_?” I asked.She joked,“Im here to meet a _3_husband,get married,have children,and then travel around the world.”“No,seriously.” I said.“I always _4_ of having a college education.Now Im getting one!” She told me.After a year,Rose became popular.She easily made friends wherever she went.She loved to dress up and she enjoyed the attention from _5_.At the end of the term we _6_ Rose to make a speech at our party.Ill never forget what she taught _7_“We should not stop playing because we are old;we grow _8_ because we stop playing.Here are the _9_ of staying young.You have to laugh and find humor every _10_Youve got to have a dream.When you _11_ your dreams,you will die!” she said.“There is a big _12_ between growing old and growing up.Everybody can grow old.That doesnt take any ability,”she added.“But in order to _13_,you have to find the chance in change.Have no regrets.We usually have regrets not for what we have done,_14_ for what we havent done.”Finally we graduated from the college with Rose.One week _15_ graduation(畢業(yè)),she died peacefully(平靜地) in her sleep.She set us an example that its never too late to be all you can possibly be.( B )1.A.slowly Bhappily Cheavily Dbadly( C )2.A.month Bjob Cage Dseason( A )3.A.rich Bbad Cpoor Dshort( D )4.A.needed Bheard Cwanted Ddreamed( D )5.A.another Bthe other C. other Dothers( C )6.A.let Bmade Cinvited Dsuggested( A )7.A.us Bher Chim Dthem( B )8.A.young Bold Ctall Dthin( B )9.A.stories Bsecrets Crules Dideas( D )10.A.week Bmonth Cyear Dday( A )11.A.lose Bhave Ckeep Dlike( C )12.A.chance Bchange Cdifference Dproblem( B )13.A.stand up Bgrow upCgrow old Dkeep fit( D )14.A.because Bso Cthough Dbut( B )15.A.in Bafter Cduring Dbefore二、閱讀理解(共15小題;每小題2分,共30分)A(xx南京中考)Here is an experiment(實驗) to see how ants can organize some clever teamwork.1First you need some ants.You may have to wait until the summer to find them on paths around your home.2When you have found an ant,put a thin slice of fruit in front of it.It may eat some of it or carry bits away.3Check the fruit after an hour.Have other ants been attracted to it?If so,what are they doing?4When there are lots of ants,move the fruit to a new position,a little to the side.What do the ants do?Whats going on?You can see one of the best examples of insect teamwork by watching ants.If one ant finds food,it leads others there to eat it,too.They follow each other by making long trails.The ants go back and forth collecting food,to take back to their nest(穴)When you move the fruit,the ants will still find it.But,instead of making a new direct route(路線) to the food,they will follow each other through their old trail route.( C )16. What will happen if one ant finds food?AThe ant will eat all the food.BThe ant will watch other ants.CThe ant will lead others to the food.DThe ant will wait until others e.( B )17.Which is the correct order to do this experiment?aMove the fruit to a new position.bFind an ant.cCheck the fruit an hour later.dPut a thin slice of fruit in front of the ant.Aabcd Bbdc aCdbca Dcadb( D )18.What can we learn from this experiment?AThe experiment is done successfully in the lab.BAnts do the experiment to show their team spirit.CCareful watching does little help in this experiment.DWe can find out some facts by doing small experiments.B(xx廣東中考)International Poetry petitionWorld Poetry Day is celebrated on March 21.Its purpose is to improve peoples ability to read,write,and teach poems all over the world.This year,the International Poetry Center is holding a poetry petition to celebrate the festival! The petition is open to all the poets(詩人) aged 18 and over from all over the world,and they will be divided into two groups:Open Group (open to all the poets aged 18 and over)ESL Group (open to all the poets aged 18 and over who can write in English as a Second Language)The winners of each group will receive 1,000.RULES:All the poems must be unpublished(未出版的) works.Poems will not be returned,so please keep a copy.The poem(s) must be in English and created by the poet himself/herself.Poems can be written on any proper subject.No subject on violence(暴力) or drugs.The petition begins on March 3,xx and ends on August 28,xx.To enter the petition,please visit the Center Shop to pay 5 for each poem.Once the payment is made,please email the poem(s) to poetrypcenter.uk.Remember to mark Open or ESL in the top righthand corner of the document(文檔) to show which group to enter before emailing your poem(s)Questions about the petition can be emailed to poetrypcenter.uk.( D )19.The purpose of the World Poetry Day is _Ato encourage the British to write poemsBto teach children how to read and write poemsCto raise money for the poets from all over the worldDto help people read,write and teach poems better( A )20.The rules for the petition include the following EXCEPT _Athat poets can write poems in any languageBthat poets must use their unpublished poemsCthat poems cant be taken back after the petitionDthat poems cant be written on the subject of violence or drugs( A )21.Poets can get 1,000 if _Athey win in the groupBtheir poems are publishedCthey enter the petitionDtheir poems are written by themselves( C )22.Which is the correct order for poets to enter the petition?Pay5 for each poem.Visit the Center Shop.Email their poem(s) to poetrypcenter.uk.Mark Open or ESL in the top righthand corner of their document.A BC DC(xx沈陽中考)Though you are a teenager now,there will finally e a time when you start to earn(賺) money.While it may be fun to have your own money to spend,it can also be difficult trying to manage it properly.Here are some tips on how to manage your money.Use your money wiselyMost teenagers earn money for everyday use,or because they are saving up for something.So when they receive their money,they must first decide what they want to do with it.However,try to avoid the temptation(誘惑) to spend it all in one go(一口氣)! Remember.Money takes a long time to earn,but it goes very quickly.Bank your savingsThe money you dont need can be saved at home or in a bank.If you want to save your money at home,get yourself a piggy bank or something else to keep your money in.The other choice is to save your money in a bank.One of the advantages is that you can earn interest(利息) on it.Use money to make moneyRather than saving your money at home or in a bank,you can use the money you earn to invest(投資) in things to make more money.For example,if you are selling something around your neighborhood,you could pay someone else to sell your things in their neighborhood.This way,by spending a little,you can make a lot.( A )23.The first thing for the teenagers to do after receiving their money is _Ato consider how to deal with itBto spend it for everyday useCto let it go very quicklyDto invest in things correctly( C )24.Which of the following can best explain “use your money wisely”?ADont earn it for everyday use.BIts saved up for something.CDont spend it all in one go.DIt takes a long time to earn.( B )25.According to the passage,one of the ways to earn interest is _.Ato get yourself a piggy bankBto save your money in a bankCto make some other choicesDto leave your money at home( D )26.By paying others to sell things,teenagers can usually _Aspend less money Bgive less moneyCwaste more money Dmake more moneyD It is reported that some developed countries have shipped broken parts of puters to China.Last month Hong Kong officers found 131,000 kilograms of broken puters,TVs and phones sent from Japan.Things like these are called electronic waste,or ewaste.Dealing with them is not an easy job.Every time an old puter breaks down,it needs to be dealt with safely.What is worse,at present,broken puter parts are usually buriedIt may be hundreds of years before they are really gone in the earth.Many places in China are polluted by ewaste.Guiyu in Guangdong Province is one of them.This town is named as “the ewaste capital of the world”It has to deal with 1.5 million kilograms of ewaste each year,from which it makes 75 million yuan.But it es at a cost.Many of the poisons in ewaste find their way into the environment.An environmental group has found the air,the earth and the rivers in Guiyu badly polluted.Luckily,the Chinese government wants to change the situation.This year,China passed a new environmental protection lawputer panies like Lenovo and Dell will be asked to take back their old puters.Hopefully,the problem with ewaste will be solved in the near future.( B )27.The ewaste found in Hong Kong last month was from _AFrance BJapan CGermany DAustralia( D )28.The underlined word “buried” probably means _ in the passage.A焚燒 B降解 C回收 D掩埋( B )29.The town of Guiyu in Guangdong Province _Ais the ecapital of the worldBhas serious ewaste pollutionCdeals with the ewaste safelyDspends much money on ewaste( A )30.The passage is mainly about _Athe ewaste problem in ChinaBthe cost of burning ewasteCthe ways to deal with ewasteDthe need to pass a law against ewaste三、詞匯運用(共15小題;每小題1分,共15分)A)從方框選詞,并用其正確形式填空。late,friendship,leave,realize,aboutKate:Hi,Bob.I think Ive made Alice angry and Im not sure what to do 31._about_ it.Bob:What happened? Kate:You know Lucy is Alices best friend.The more I got to know Lucy,the more Ive 32._realized_ that we have a lot in mon.So weve been spending more time together 33._later_ .Bob:But whats wrong with that? Kate:Ummit makes Alice unhappy because she thinks Lucy is now better friends with me than with her. Bob:I see.Mmmwhy not ask Alice to join you each time you do something with Lucy?Then she wont feel 34._left_ out. Nancy:Oh,good idea!That can make our 35._friendship_ stronger.B)根據(jù)漢語提示寫詞,完成短文。留住心中的愛One day,all feelings were on vacation on an island,and each was having 36._a_(一個) good time.Suddenly,there was a warning of a strong storm,so all rushed to their boats.Yet,Love didnt wish to run away quickly.When the clouds darkened,Love realized it was time 37._to_leave_(離開)But there was no boat to use.Love looked around with hope.Just then Richness was passing by.Love asked,“Richness,can you take me with you?” Richness answered,“No,I cant.Theres a lot of gold in my boat.Theres no place here 38._for_(給) you.”Sorrow passed by after a while.Again,Love asked for help.But it was 39._useless_(無用的)“No,I cant take you with me.I am so sad.I want to be by 40._myself_(我自己)”When Happiness passed by a few 41._minutes_(分鐘) later,Love asked for help again.But Happiness was so happy that it couldnt care about anyone else.Love was growing hopeless.Just then somebody 42._shouted_(叫喊),“e,Love,I will take you with me.” Love didnt know who was so kind,but jumped onto the boat 43._happily_(開心地)After 44._getting_(下來) off the boat,Love met Knowledge.Love asked,“Knowledge,do you know who was so kind to give me a lift when no one else wished to help?”Knowledge smiled,“That was Time.”“Time?” asked Love.“But why did Time help me?” Knowledge smiled and answered,“Because only Time is able to understand 45._how_ (怎樣)valuable Love is.”四、語法填空(共10小題,每小題1分,共10分)Water costs money.In some places water is hard 46._to_get_(get)What will happen 47._when/if_ a town has this problem?A small town in California found a satisfied answer.Very little rain ever fell there.The town had no water of its own.The water people used was bought 48._from_ a water factory 300 miles away.With more people ing to live in the town,49._more_(much) water was needed.Now water has to be brought in from 600 miles away.All these cost 50._a_ lot of money.People in the town made a plan.51._They_ found a way to clean the “dirty” water.So the cleaned water could be 52._reused_(reuse) in many ways.Five manmade lakes were built.Here people could swim,fish and go 53._boating_(boat)They could have great fun in their new parks.54._Farmers_(farmer) had more water for their corn.New factories can be built,because now the town has enough water.In most places,water is used and then thrown 55._away_The town that saved water has saved the town!五、任務型閱讀(共5小題;每小題2分,共10分)你會在自動取款機上取錢嗎?請仔細閱讀下面內(nèi)容,完成在自動取款機上取錢的正確排序(第一步已經(jīng)提供)。ANow its time to choose or type in the number on the machine which means how much money you want to take out.BWhen standing in front of the ATM youve decided on,pay attention to the environment around it to make sure that nobody is too close to you.Then insert (插入) your card in the ATM.CWait for a moment and you can take away your money.Dont forget to take your card out before you leave!DAfter you have put your ATM card in the machine,it will ask for your PIN (personal identification number)Please type in (輸入) your PIN and dont let others see it.EIf you use an ATM that doesnt belong to your bank you have to pay a fee (費用)So first of all,you need to decide which ATM to use.FATMs can be found everywhere,usually outside of banks.To use the machine,you must have an ATM card.F56._E_57._B_58._D_59._A_60._C_六、書面表達(20分)如今,孩子們通過在網(wǎng)上搜尋信息、通過QQ與微信(WeChat)等社交網(wǎng)絡來完成作業(yè)的現(xiàn)象比較普遍,為此你們學校學生就“利用互聯(lián)網(wǎng)做作業(yè)是利大于弊還是弊大于利?”展開了討論。請你根據(jù)討論內(nèi)容,用英語寫一篇短文,并談談你的看法。注意:1.不能出現(xiàn)真實的校名和姓名;2文中應包含所有要點,并適當增加細節(jié),使行文連貫;3詞數(shù)80100,短文首句僅供選擇使用,不計入總詞數(shù)。Some studentsSome studentsYour opinionconvenientdont have to get a tutorimprove students skillscopy the answers online without thinkingbee lazychat online for long參考詞匯:have good selfcontrol,think about it independently短文首句:Nowadays,many students do homework with the help of the Internet,they search information online,or discuss through social networks like QQ or WeChat.Nowadays,many students do homework with the help of the Internet,they search information online,or discuss through social networks like QQ or WeChat.Some students think its convenient for us to study online.We dont have to get a tutor to explain to us face to face.Whats more,it improves students skills like finding useful information and using the puter.However,this also causes problems.Some students just copy the answers online without thinking.They bee lazy and even ask their classmates to do homework for them.Whats worse,some students just chat online for long instead of doing their homework.Anyhow,knowing how to use the Internet is important.The key is to have good selfcontrol.When we meet a difficult problem,think about it by ourselves first.Be sure to understand the reasons behind the answers after you have turned to the Internet,or you wont make progress.If you are not sure about your selfcontrol,ask your parents for help._


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