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Unit one【詞匯】1.magic 有魔力的2. clever 聰明的3. foolish愚蠢的4.through 穿過5. laugh笑,大笑 6.wear 穿7. tell講,敘述 8. each 每個9. say說 10. sentence 句子11. quick迅速的,快的 12. next 下一個;接著,然后 (next to在旁邊)13.little小的,年幼的 14.turn 機會15.think想,思考 16.hard 努力地,費勁地;硬的17.child孩子 18. king 國王19. angry 生氣的,發(fā)怒的20. because 因為,由于21. fit 合身,合適22. forest 森林23. have to 不得不,必須24. point at 指著,指向25. prince 王子26. sick 生病的注:紅色單詞為舊教材3A5B沒有的而本課中出現(xiàn)的詞匯。【詞組或短語】1. long long ago很久很久以前 2. shout at對喊叫 3. there was/there were(過去)有 4. two men兩個男人5. make new clothes for sb. 為某人做衣服6. visit the king 拜訪國王7. show the king his new clothes給國王看他的新衣服8. try on試穿 9. these magic clothes這些神奇的衣服 10. clever people聰明的人 11. What beautiful clothes!多么漂亮的衣服??!12. foolish people愚蠢的人 13.walk through the city 走過城市14. in his new clothes穿著他的新衣服 15. a lot of people許多人 16. in the street在街上 17. look at the king看著國王 18. point at 指著 19. a little boy一個小男生20. point at the king指著國王 21. one day 有一天22. laugh at him笑他 23. look after 照顧24. fit well很合身 25. come to my party來參加我的聚會26. at half past four在四點半 27.each student 每個學生28. say one/a sentence 說一句話 29. say the next sentence 說下一句30. tell (sb) a story (給某人) 講故事 31. be sick生病32. play a game玩游戲 33. on the mountain在山上 34. Its ones turn. 該輪到某人了。 35. think hard努力想36. Whats next?下一個是什么? 37. have to do不得不做38. start the story開始這個故事 39. in the forest在森林里 40. in front of 在前面 41. an old man一位老人42. by the house在房子旁邊43. pick a flower摘花 44. be angry 生氣45. give me your child把你的孩子給我 46. be nice to sb. 對某人很好47. turn into a prince變成一個王子 【語言知識點】一、語法知識:規(guī)則動詞過去式的變化規(guī)律They looked at the king and shouted.他們看見國王并喊著。Looked是look的過去式,shouted是 shout的過去式。像 look,shout這樣的規(guī)則動詞變過去式的變化規(guī)律和發(fā)音規(guī)律如下:變化規(guī)律:(1)一般的動詞原形后加-ed, 如cook cooked, open opened 等。(2)以-e結(jié)尾的動詞加-ed, 如: movemoved等(3)以輔音字母加-y結(jié)尾的詞,變y為 i, 再加-ed, 如:study studied等(4)以元音字母加- y結(jié)尾的詞,直接加-ed, 如: play played, Enjoy enjoyed等(5)末尾只有一個輔音字母的重讀閉音節(jié)詞,雙寫該輔音字母,再加-ed, 如:stop stopped, plan planned等發(fā)音規(guī)律-ed在清輔音后發(fā)音為/t/,在濁輔音后發(fā)音為/d/,在元音后發(fā)音也為/d/,在/t/、/d/后發(fā)音為/id/。be動詞的過去式be 動詞 am,is的過去式為was; are的過去式為were.例如:He was very sad just now. 他剛才很難過。We were very hungry a moment ago. 剛才我們非常餓。建議:教師要將三年級到六年級學過的規(guī)則動詞給學生小結(jié)一下。教學時,讓學生在文章中找出包含有動詞過去時的句子。本單元出現(xiàn)的動詞過去式:visitvisited showshowed walkwalked looklooked shoutshoutedpointpointed laughlaughed wantwanted pickpicked turnturnedlikeliked livelived 二、語言知識點1. long, long ago, there was a king.很久以前,有一個國王。ago 是副詞,意思是“以前”。它指從此刻起若干時間以前,通常用于一般過去時中,如: a day ago 一天前;a week ago 一星期前;five minutes ago 五分鐘前;a moment ago 片刻以前等。 Long, long ago的意思是“很久以前”,通常用于開始講故事前,用于一般過去時中。2. there be 結(jié)構(gòu)的一般過去時的用法Long, long ago, there was a king.There was/were 是there be結(jié)構(gòu)的過去式,表示的是“過去存在某人或某物”。There was后面接可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)形式或不可數(shù)名詞,there were 后面接可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)形式。在there be句型中, be 動詞的單復數(shù)由后面緊挨著的名詞的單復數(shù)決定,即“就近原則”.l例如:There was a pen and some books near the computer. 在電腦旁邊有一支鋼筆和一些書。There were some crayons and a knife in my bag. 我的包里有一些蠟筆和一把小刀。(1)There was/were的否定句:There was/were變成否定句,只要在was/were后面加“not”,其結(jié)構(gòu)為“There was/were not”,可縮寫為“there wasnt/werent”.原句中有some,要把some 改成any;后面的名詞前有 a/an 或any時,not any 或not a/an可以轉(zhuǎn)化為no.例如:There wasnt any tea in he cup ten minutes ago. 十分鐘以前杯子里沒有一些茶。There was not a book on the table this morning. = There was no book on the table this morning. 今天早晨桌子上沒有書。(2)There was/were的一般疑問句:There was/were的一般疑問句只需把was/were提到句首,若句子中有some, 要把some改成 any.肯定回答用“Yes, there was/were”;否定回答用“No, there wasnt/werent”.例如:-was there a bike under the tree? 樹下有一輛自行車嗎?-Yes, there was. 是的,有-Was there any orange juice in the fridge? 冰箱里有些橘子汁嗎?-No, there wasnt. 不,沒有。3. was和were的用法The king was happy. 國王很高興。 Was和were 的意思都為“是”,was是am, is的過去式,were 是are的過去式。Was和were的否定形式分別為was not和were not, 可縮略為wasnt和werent. 例如:Im a teacher now. But I was a student one year ago.我現(xiàn)在是一個老師。但是一年前我是一個學生。There werent any trees on the mountains. 過去山上是沒有樹的。4. try on 的用法My king, please try on these magic clothes. 我的國王,請試穿這些神奇的衣服。try on的意思是“試穿”,其后接名詞時,名詞可以放在on后面,也可以放在try和on的中間;其后接代詞時,代詞只能放在 try與on之間。例如:Its a beautiful jacket. Can I try it on? 它是一件漂亮的夾克。我能試一下嗎?5. what 引導感嘆句的用法What beautiful clothes! 多么漂亮的衣服!這是一個由what 引導的感嘆句。What 修飾名詞或名詞短語,有以下兩種結(jié)構(gòu):“What + a/an(+形容詞)+可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)+主語+謂語!”,例如:What a fine day it is! 多么晴朗的一天!“What (+形容詞) + 可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)/不可數(shù)名詞+主語+謂語!”,例如:What kind people they are! 多么友好的人們!What nice music it is! 多么美妙的音樂!知識拓展 how 引導感嘆句的用法:How 用來修飾形容詞、副詞,其結(jié)構(gòu)是“how+形容詞/副詞+主語+謂語!”。例如:How clever the boy is! 多么聰明的男孩!How hard the workers are working! 工人們工作得多么勤勞!How quickly the boy is writing! 男孩寫得多么快!6. point的用法A little boy pointed at the king and laughed一個小男孩指著國王并大笑著point的意思是“指”,作不及物動詞時,可以和不同的介詞構(gòu)成短語,如:point at指著; point to指向;point out指出等。例如: The boy pointed at the book and said,“its mine.” 那個男孩指著那本書說:“它是我的書。”point at與point topoint at習慣上表示指向離說話人較近的事物,意為“指著”,at是介詞,著重于指的對象,指人時一般表示粗魯或不禮貌。例如:The teacher pointed at the blackboard and said,“you must look carefully.”老師指著黑板說:“你必須仔細地看?!眕oint to多用來表示指向離說話人較遠的事物,意為“指向”, to 是介詞,強調(diào)方向,并不是指著該物體。例如: He pointed to the house on the other side of the river and said,“thats my home.”他指向河對岸的房子說:“那是我的家?!?. each的用法Each student says one sentence. 每個學生說一句話。 Each后面接名詞,表示“每個”,謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式。例如:Each student has a pen.Each of them 后可接動詞的單數(shù)或復數(shù)形式。例如:Each of them are/is here.他們每個人都在這兒。8. turn的用法(1)Its Bobbys turn. 該輪到Bobby了。turn作名詞,意為“輪流”“依次輪流的順序”。例如: Nowitsyourturntoreadthetext.現(xiàn)在輪到你讀課文了。Itsmyturntousethebike.該輪到我用自行車了。(2)He turned into the prince. 他變成了王子。 Turn作動詞,意為“轉(zhuǎn)變”,“變成”。turninto變成Waterturnsintoice.水變成了冰。turn.into.(使)成為 Thefarmersareturningwastelandintoricefields.農(nóng)民們把荒地變成了稻田。9. by的用法(1)by+地點名詞。表方位,意為:“在旁邊”。如:by the lake/river/tree/window/door等。例如:A boy is sitting by the lake. 有個男孩正坐在湖邊。有時可表:“從旁經(jīng)過”,多與動詞go/walk/pass等連用。例如:One day, an old man walked by the house. 有一天,一個老人從房子旁邊走過。(2)by+交通工具、交通方式名詞時,名詞前不加冠詞,且名詞不變復數(shù),意為“通過;由;乘”,如:by train等。例如: He usually goes there by bus. 他通常是坐公交車去那里的。 Why not go by train? 為什么不坐火車去?【語音】ar /:/ 與漢語“啊”相似,但下巴要放低一點??谇淮蜷_,嘴張大,舌身放平自然放松,舌尖抵下齒,放松發(fā)音。car, star, park, market, March, card, farm, garden, large, party, arm, card, hardUnit One單元練習卷班級_ 姓名 _得分_聽力部分(30分)一、聽錄音,選出你所聽到的單詞。(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分。每小題讀兩遍)( )1. A. mountain B. mouth C. house( )2. A. was B. were C. are( )3. A. hard B. half C. hand( )4. A. clever B. eleven C. seven( )5. A. liked B. looked C. lived( )6. A. start B. story C. say( )7. A. walked B. picked C. pointed( )8. A. think B. quick C. king( )9. A. laughed B. cried C. tried( )10. A. forest B. foolish C. clothes二、聽錄音, 判斷下列圖片是否與所聽內(nèi)容相符,用“”或“”表示。(共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分。每小題讀兩遍)1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、聽錄音,根據(jù)所聽內(nèi)容排序。(共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)( ) Look at the little girls gloves . Theyre so big.( ) There were some animals in the forest .( ) The boy showed the policeman his new bike.( ) One day , Bobby walked by the house and shouted.( ) Come to my party at half past four .四、聽錄音,完成下面的句子。(共10個空格;沒空一詞,每詞1分,滿分10分。每小題讀三遍)Long long ago, there _ a _ girl. She _ flowers very much. One day, she _ in the _ with her mother. She saw a _ of flowers _ the trees. She ran to the trees quickly and _ to pick a flower. Her mother _ her and said, “You _ pick the flowers in the park.”筆試部分(70分)一、選出與所給單詞畫線部分讀音不同的一項。(共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)( )1. A. wear B. pear C. near( )2. A. party B. park C. quarter( )3. A. fit B. like C. this( )4. A. houseB. throughC. mouth( )4. A. make B. game C. magic二、英漢互譯。(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)1. 聰明的人 2. 試穿 3. 指著國王 4. 努力地想_ 5. 神奇的衣服 6. make new clothes for you 7. in the street 8. say the next sentence 9. on the mountain 10. turn into a prince 三、單項選擇。(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)( )1. Long long ago, there was an old man. He in a house.A. live B. lives C. lived( )2. Its turn.A. Tom B. Toms C. Toms( )3. The girl is looking after .A. him B. his C. he( )4. There many houses on the mountain two years ago.A. are B. was C. were( )5. They at the foolish boy.A. laughing B. laughs C. laughed( )6. My English teacher us his new pen last class.A. show B. showed C. shows( )7. Look, the students are an English party.A. having B. has C. have( )8. Im behind Jack, so Jack is me.A. under B. beside C. in front of( )9. My brother usually up at six in the morning, but he up at seven this morning. He was late for school.A. gets; got B. got ; gets C. gets; gets( )10. Two men the king this morning.A. visit B. visited C. visiting四、根據(jù)本單元Story time內(nèi)容,由上下文及首字母提示完成下面的短文。(共10個空格;每空一詞,每詞1分,滿分10分)Long long ago, there w_ a king . He l_ new clothes . Two men v_ the king and w_ to make new clothes for him. The king w_ very happy. They s_ the king his new clothes. The king w_ through the city i_ his new clothes. A little boy l_ at him ,“The king isnt w_ any clothes.”五、根據(jù)中文意思完成下列句子。(共10個空格;每空一詞,每詞1分,滿分10分)1. 很久以前,有一只獅子。它住在森林里。Long long ago, there a lion。It in the forest.2. 有一天,兩位老人從房子旁邊走過。One day, two old _ _ by the house.3. 格林太太在給她的孩子們講故事。Mrs. Green is _ her _ a _.4. 我媽媽病了,我必須要照顧她。 My mother is _. I have to _ _ her.六、連詞成句。(共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)1. showed, his, the, two, clothes, king, the, men, new (.) 2. her ,and, students, Miss fox, playing, are, game, a (.) 3. isnt, clothes ,the, wearing, any, king (.) 4. in, the, the, new, his, king, city, walked, clothes, through (.)_5. to, the, was, her, nice, king (.)_七、完形填空。(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)Long, long ago, there was a king. His 1 was Henry. He liked 2 very much. He thought his pictures were good, so he liked to show 3 to people. Because people were afraid of him, they all said that his pictures were very 4 . One day, he 5 his pictures to a famous painter(著名的畫家). He wanted the painter to say 6 of these pictures. 7 the painter said his pictures were bad. Henry was very 8 with him and sent him to prison(監(jiān)獄).The painter was free. Again Henry showed him some of his new pictures. The painter 9 the pictures and said, “Take me back to 10 , please.”( )1. A. hobbyB. nameC. house( )2. A. singingB. dancingC. drawing( )3. A. itB. themC. him( )4. A. goodB. badC. old( )5. A. showedB. carriedC. played( )6. A. goodB. badC. old( )7. A. AndB. ThenC. But( )8. A. happyB. niceC. angry( )9. A. looked atB. looked afterC. looked for( )10. A. homeB. prisonC. town八、閱讀理解。(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)(A)Today is Sunday. Its seven thirty in the morning. Its fine. Kate and her parents are going to the Great Wall. Kates father is a doctor. Her mother is a teacher. Now theyre getting on a big bus. There are twenty-two people in it. Some are English, and some are American and Japanese. They look very happy. Theyre going to the Great Wall, too.There are four Chinese on the bus. A young woman, shes a driver. A young man, hes a guide(導游). My father and I are going to the Great wall, too. 判斷,與短文相符的用“”表示,與短文不相符的用“”表示。( )1. Its a fine Sunday morning.( )2. Kates father and mother are teachers.( )3. There are twenty-two people in the bus.( )4. They are happy.( )5. The driver is a young man.(B)Davids grandparents live in a small town near Suzhou. They have a nice house. Last Sunday, David went to visit them with Su Hai, Su Yang, Gao Shan, Yang Ling, Liu Tao and Ben. Davids grandparents were very glad to see them. Davids grandpa showed them a lot of stamps from different countries, and his grandma cooked a nice meal for them. They all liked the meal very much.In the morning, David and his friends cleaned the house. After lunch, the children worked in the garden. Su Hai and Su Yang watered trees and flowers. David and Gao Shan picked apples. Yang Ling planted(種植) some trees with Ben. They worked there for two hours. They were tired, but they really had a good time.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇正確答案:( ) 6. Last Sunday, some children visited _ grandparents. A. Yang LingsB. Bens C. Davids( ) 7. Grandpa has a lot of _. A. stampsB. ducksC. houses( ) 8. _ cooked a nice meal. A. DavidB. GrandmaC. Grandpa( ) 9. _ planted trees. A. Su Hai and Su YangB. David and Gao ShanC. Yang Ling and Ben( ) 10. The children were very _ that day. A. tired but happy B. tired and hungryC. hot and happy (命題人:金家壩小學)Unit One單元練習卷聽力文字稿一、聽錄音,選出你所聽到的單詞。(每小題讀兩遍)1. There are many trees on the mountain.2. The students were on the playground. 3. He thinks hard, but he cant do it. 4. The little boy is very clever. He can make a model plane. 5. We lived in a small town ten years ago.6. Lets start our lesson. 7. The old man pointed at the dog by the door.8. We are late. Please be quick. 9. She tried on the new dress. It fit well.10. They walked through the forest and saw a house in front of them.二、聽錄音, 判斷下列圖片是否與所聽內(nèi)容相符,用“”或“”表示。(每小題讀兩遍)1. The boy looked at the king and laughed.2. One day, two men visited the king and showed him the new clothes.3. There is a lion under the tree.4. A little girl picked a flower in the garden.5. The little boy pointed at the man and shouted. 三、聽錄音,根據(jù)所聽內(nèi)容排序。(每小題讀兩遍)1. One day, Bobby walked by the house and shouted.2. Look at the little girls gloves. Theyre so big.3. Come to my party at half past four.4. There were some animals in the forest.5. The boy showed the policeman his new bike.四、聽錄音,完成下面的句子。(每小題讀三遍)Long long ago, there was a beautiful girl. She liked flowers very much. One day, she played in the park with her mother. She saw a lot of flowers under the trees. She ran to the trees quickly and wanted to pick a flower. Her mother stopped her and said, “You cant pick the flowers in the park.Unit One單元練習卷參考答案聽力部分一、ABAAC ACBCA二、三、24513四、was, beautiful, liked, played, park, lot, under, wanted, stopped, cant筆試部分一、CCBBC二、1. clever people 2. try on 3. point at the king 4. think hard5. magic clothes 6. 給你做衣服 7. 在街上 8. 說下一個句子9. 在山上 10. 變成一個王子三、CBACC BACAC四、was, liked, visited, wanted, was, showed, walked, in, laughed, wearing五、1. was, lived 2. men, walked 3. telling, children, story 4. sick, look, after六、1. The two men showed the king his new clothes.2. Miss Fox and her students are playing a game.3. The king isnt wearing any clothes.4. The king walked through the city in his new clothes.5. The king was nice to her.七、BCBAA ACCAB八、, CABCA- 10 -


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