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(全國通用)2020高考英語一輪復習 Unit 2 Growing pains講義(含解析)牛津譯林版必修1.doc

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(全國通用)2020高考英語一輪復習 Unit 2 Growing pains講義(含解析)牛津譯林版必修1.doc

Unit 2 Growing pains(一)課前自主學習.閱讀單詞知其意1act n (戲劇的)一幕2curtain n. 窗簾;(舞臺上的)幕布3soccer n. 美英式足球,足球4garbage n縱聯(lián)1 美(生活)垃圾5fault n. 過錯,錯誤6anyhow adv. 反正;盡管如此7sigh vi. 嘆氣8cafe n. 咖啡館,小餐館9distant adj. 不友好的,冷淡的,疏遠的;遙遠的10adolescence n. 青春期11guidance n. 指導,引導.重點單詞寫其形1bend vi. 彎腰,屈身vt. (使)彎曲2balance vt.& vi.& n. 平衡;抵消3scene n. (戲劇的)一場;場面;景色 4upset adj. 不高興的,失望的vt. 使不高興,使失望5deserve vt.縱聯(lián)2 值得;應得;應受6emergency n. 突發(fā)事件;緊急情況7last vi. 持久vt. 持續(xù),維持(一段時間)8handle vt. 處理;應付9insist vi. 堅持,堅持認為10teenager n縱聯(lián)3 (1319歲的)青少年11patience n. 耐心12selfish adj.縱聯(lián)4 自私的13forbid vt. 禁止14misunderstand vt. 誤解15normal n& adj. 正常(的),一般(的)16physical adj. 身體的;物質的17tend vi. 往往;趨向vt. 照看18challenge n& vt. 挑戰(zhàn).拓展單詞通其變1frightened adj.受驚的;害怕的frightening adj.令人恐懼的,令人害怕的frighten vt.使驚嚇,使害怕2starve vi.挨餓;餓死vt.使挨餓starvation n餓死starving adj.挨餓的3tolerate vt.容忍;允許tolerance n容忍;允許tolerant adj.寬容的,容忍的4behavior n行為,舉止behave v表現;檢點5defend vt.辯解,辯白;防御,保護defence/defense n防御;答辯;防護defensive adj.防衛(wèi)的,防御的;辯護的6argument n爭吵,辯論;論點,論據argue vt.爭吵,爭論;論證,爭辯7harm vt.& n傷害harmful adj.有害的harmless adj.無害的8confused adj.困惑的,不解的confusing adj.令人困惑的confuse vt.使困惑,把弄糊涂;混淆confusion n困惑,糊涂;混淆9limit n限制;極限;界限vt.限制limited adj.有限的10. rude adj.粗魯的,無禮的rudely adv.粗魯地,無禮地rudeness n粗魯11explanation n解釋,說明explain vt.& vi.講解,解釋縱聯(lián)1.曬曬“垃圾”朋友圈垃圾:garbage, rubbish, trash, litter垃圾桶:trash can, garbage can, garbage bin垃圾箱:dustbin倒垃圾:litter, take out the trash, throw the rubbish away縱聯(lián)2.“詞中詞”法幫你記antdistant遙遠的 starstarve挨餓havebehave表現 armharm傷害plainexplain解釋 servedeserve值得endtend趨向縱聯(lián)3.“青少年”集中營teenager青少年 youth青少年,青年adolescent青少年 the young年輕人youngster少年 junior年少者;晚輩縱聯(lián)4.“n.ish”集合selfish自私的 foolish傻的,愚蠢的childish孩子氣的 bookish喜歡書的girlish少女的 boyish男孩似的單元話題成長的煩惱子話題1悲傷與低落sorrow n. 悲傷,悲痛blue adj. 悲傷的;沮喪的down adj. 心情低落的depressed adj. 壓抑的,情緒低落的子話題2憂慮與煩惱anxiety n. 擔憂,焦慮bored adj. 厭倦的,煩悶的子話題3害怕與恐懼scare vt. 使害怕,使恐懼alarmed adj. 擔心的,害怕的terrified adj. 感到害怕的frighten sb.into doing sth.恐嚇某人做某事子話題4遺憾與慚愧shame n. 遺憾的事;羞愧disappointment n. 失望;沮喪ashamed adj. 慚愧的;害臊的子話題5抱怨與沖突barrier n. 屏障,障礙friction n. 摩擦prejudice n. 偏見,成見tension n. 緊張局勢plain vt.& vi. 抱怨embarrass vt. 使尷尬condemn vt. 譴責,指責;宣判學考對接活學活用高考采擷(一)閱讀中的詞匯應用1(2018浙江高考閱讀B)Steven Stein likes to follow garbage trucks.His strange habit makes sense when you consider that hes an environmental scientist who studies how to reduce litter, including things that fall off garbage trucks as they drive down the road.What is even more interesting is that one of Steins jobs is defending an industry behind the plastic shopping bag .The bags are prohibited in some 90 cities in California, including Los Angeles.make sense在此處意為:有意義,講得通,后不跟賓語; make sense of表示“弄懂,理解”,后接賓語。選擇加黑詞在句中的意思:_C_A保衛(wèi) B防守C辯護寫出加黑詞在本單元的同義詞:forbid,它的同義詞還有ban,_prevent等。2(2012北京高考閱讀D)This is a topic that calls for not only free expression of feelings, but also the guidance of reason.What position wilderness should enjoy in the preservation of the world obviously deserves much more serious thinking.翻譯加黑詞塊:不僅是情感的自由表達,也是理性的指引寫出加黑詞在本單元的近義詞:defence/defense寫出加黑詞在此處的漢語意思:值得,應得, deserve doing deserve to be done,動名詞的主動形式表示被動意義。高考采擷(二)寫作中的詞匯應用(根據漢語及提示詞翻譯句子)1(2018全國卷書面表達)這部英文短片一起成長將持續(xù)一個半小時,很值得一看。(last, deserve)The short English film whose name is Growing Together will last for an hour and a half and it deserves well seeing.2(2018浙江高考書面表達)我堅持練習英語口語,平時我經常用英語在網上和外國人聊天。(tend, chat)I_keep_on_practising_my_spoken_English_and_I_tend_to_chat_with_foreigners_in_English_on_the_Internet. (二)課堂重點釋疑1tolerate vt.容忍;允許記牢(1)容忍/忍受(某人)做某事(2)tolerance n. 容忍;允許tolerable adj. 可忍受的tolerant adj. 寬容的,容忍的be tolerant of/towards 對寬容(3)put up with (tolerate) 忍受,容忍 練通單句語法填空/完成句子An excellent teacher wont tolerate/stand/bear cheating (cheat) in the examinations.The pain was severe but its tolerable (tolerate)Tolerance (tolerate) consists in respecting the opinions of others. As a good leader, she was always tolerant of/towards different views.She wont tolerate/bear/stand_her_son_making_the_same_mistakes in the physics test next time.她不會容忍她兒子下次在物理考試中犯同樣的錯誤。寫美(2018全國卷書面表達)中國的父母不容許他們的孩子在就餐時用筷子敲碗。Chinese_parents_wont_tolerate_their_children_knocking_bowls_with_chopsticks_when_having_dinner.2scene n(戲劇的)一場;現場;場面;景色辨清寫出下列句中scene的含義The doctor was on the scene very quickly after the accident.現場Seeing the terrible scene, all of us were frightened.場面The photos taken by Hurley showed some undersea scenes.景色They played it so well, with tears in their eyes, that the scene seemed real._(戲劇的)一場記牢on the scene在現場behind the scenes 在后臺,在幕后;暗中e on the scene 登場練通完成小語境The director, who had been behind_the_scenes,_announced on_the_scene at the awards party that the best actress of the film was about to e_on_the_scene.一直在幕后指揮的導演在頒獎晚會現場宣布,這部影片的最佳女主角即將登場。用準scene作“場面;場景;現場”講,后接定語從句,且關系詞在從句中作狀語時,一般用副詞where或in which來引導。寫美(2017北京高考書面表達)泰山之旅將會帶給你一些最令人興奮的場景,比如看日出。The_Mount_Tai_Tour_will_bring_you_some_of_the_most_exciting_scenes_such_as_watching_the_sunrise.3upset (upset,upset) adj.不高興的,失望的vt.使不高興,使失望;打翻辨清寫出下列句中upset的詞性和含義Both upset and annoyed, I decided to walk on feet.adj.不高興的,失望的,心煩的The new ers rudeness upsets everyone at present.vt.使心煩意亂,使不高興,使失望He stood up suddenly, upsetting a cup of coffee on my shirt.vt.弄翻,打翻記牢(1)be upset about/over/at sth. 為某事煩心/難過be upset to do sth. 對做某事感到不安/難過(2)It upsets sb.to do sth./that . 讓某人心煩的是練通單句語法填空She was upset to_know (know) that her application for the position was refused.In my opinion, there is no point being upset about/at/over it.It upset him that nobody had bothered to tell him about the change of the meeting.寫美(2016天津高考書面表達)雖然和你說再見我很難過,但我真誠地希望你能在不久的將來再次訪問我們的學校。Though_I_feel_upset_to_say_goodbye_to_you,_I_sincerely_hope_that_you_will_be_able_to_visit_our_school_again_in_the_near_future.4defend vt.辯解,辯白;防御,保護記牢(1)defend . from/against .保護使不受, 為辯護defend oneself 自衛(wèi)(2)defence/defense n. 防御;防護;答辯in defence (of .) (為)辯護;防衛(wèi)in sb.s/sth.s defence 為某人/某事辯護;在某人/某物的防備下練通單句語法填空When the dog attacked me, I defended myself (I) with a stick.My tutor told me the defence (defend) for my article must be handed in in seven days.單句改錯All the people were fighting against the earthquake in defence for their own homes.forofThe prisoner looked at his wife and sat silent, offering nothing to his own defence.toin寫美一句多譯(2015江蘇高考書面表達)應該訓練孩子保護自己免遭某些交通事故的侵害。Children_should_be_trained_to_defend_themselves_against_some_traffic_accidents.(defend)Children_should_be_trained_in_defence_of_some_traffic_accidents.(defence)5deserve vt.值得;應得;應受記牢deserve to do sth.應該做某事;值得做某事deserve doing/to be done (某事)值得被做,應該被做deserve consideration/attention值得考慮/注意練通完成句子You are a good human being and you_deserve_to_be_treated/treating as such.你是一個好人,你應該受到這樣的對待。Its true that she made a mistake but she_doesnt_deserve_to_lose_her_job.她的確犯了錯,但她不應該失去工作。With many wild animals gradually dying out, the_present_situation_deserves_attention/paying_attention_to.由于許多野生動物逐漸滅絕,目前形勢值得注意。用準“deserve doing”結構是主動形式表示被動含義,它相當于deserve to be done。與deserve用法類似的詞還有:need, want, require, demand (需要)。寫美(2017北京高考書面表達)我認為任何好的建議都值得考慮。I_think_any_good_suggestion_deserves_consideration/considering/to_be_considered.6insist vi.堅持,堅持認為;堅決要求記牢insist on/upon (doing) sth.堅持(做)某事insist that練通完成句子The only wonder is that so many states insist_on_closing their ears to the message.唯一奇怪的是,如此多的國家堅持對這一消息置若罔聞。He insisted that he_hadnt_stolen the money.他堅持說他沒有偷那筆錢。He also insisted that they_(should)_leave enough space for children.他還堅決要求他們應該為孩子們留有足夠的空間。寫美(2017天津高考書面表達)老師堅持主張要充分利用每一分鐘來做好這項工作。The_teacher_insisted_that_every_minute_(should)_be_made_full_use_of_to_do_the_work_well.聯(lián)想后接賓語從句時,從句用虛擬語氣的常見動詞有:一堅持(insist),二命令(order, mand),三建議(advise, suggest, propose),四要求(demand, require, request, ask)。7harm vt.& n傷害記牢(1)對有害there is no harm in doing sth. 做某事沒有害處(2)harmful adj. 有害的harmless adj. 無害的練通單句語法填空Unrealistic topdown environmental policies can only do harm to the environment.Foods are properly cooked when they are heated to kill the harmful (harm) bacteria that cause foodborne illnesses.Theres no great harm in drinking a little beer to relieve tiredness after hard work. You neednt worry and this experiment was harmless (harm) to the animals. 句型轉換 Jenny seems anxious and doesnt want to harm her mother.Jenny seems anxious and doesnt want to do her mother harm.Jenny seems anxious and doesnt want to do harm to her mother.Jenny seems anxious and doesnt want to be harmful to her mother.寫美(2013安徽高考書面表達)這些日子,違反交通規(guī)則和亂扔垃圾的現象很常見,對生活和環(huán)境造成了嚴重的破壞。These_days,_breaking_traffic_rules_and_littering_are_not_unmon,_causing/doing_serious_harm_to_life_and_the_environment.8forbid vt.(forbade/forbad, forbidden)禁止,不準記牢forbid doing sth.禁止做某事forbid sb.to do sth.forbid sb.from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事練通單句語法填空If the Games take place in Canada, American television networks will_be_forbidden (forbid) to broadcast live sporting events.I think the middle school students should be forbidden to_use (use) smartphones at school.I think it necessary to forbid shops and supermarkets from offering free plastic shopping bags.It is high time that we forbade setting (set) off fireworks in urban areas.句型轉換For his study, his father forbade him/his chatting with WeChat.For his study, his father forbade him to chat/from chatting with WeChat.用準forbid后不能直接跟動詞不定式作賓語,但可直接跟動名詞作賓語,也可用forbid sb.to do sth.形式,有類似用法的單詞還有:allow, permit, advise等。寫美(2018全國卷書面表達)看短片期間,所有人都禁止大聲說話,應仔細觀看。During_the_film,_all_of_you_are_forbidden_to_talk_loudly,but_should_watch_it_carefully.9tend vi.往往;趨向 vt.照看記牢(1)tend to do sth.易于/往往會做某事tend sb./sth. 照看某人/某物(2)tendency n. 傾向,趨勢have a tendency to do sth. 有做某事的傾向練通單句語法填空If you are not careful, children tend to_neglect (neglect) their homework.(2017浙江高考)Last October, while tending (tend) her garden in Mora, Sweden, Lena Pahlsson pulled out a handful of small carrots and was about to throw them away.The prices of vegetables are reported to have a tendency (tend) to increase in some cities.寫美一句多譯(2017全國卷書面表達)如果你不提前簡單了解唐朝的歷史,你往往會發(fā)現很難學會唐詩。If_you_do_not_understand_the_history_of_the_Tang_Dynasty_in_advance,_you_will_tend_to_find_it_difficult_to_learn_Tang_poetry.(tend)If_you_do_not_understand_the_history_of_the_Tang_Dynasty_in_advance,_you_will_have_a_tendency_to_find_it_difficult_to_learn_Tang_poetry.(tendency)10limit nC限制;極限;界限vt.限制記牢(1)limit . to .把限制在內be limited to . 受限制于(2)beyond the limit 超過限度set a limit to 限制(3)limited adj. 有限的limitless adj. 無限制的練通介詞填空To save the expense, the number of daily guests is limited to less than 100.We must set a limit to the expense of the trip.In order to earn my living, I have always had to work beyond the limit of my strength.完成小語境A mans life is limited,_but there is no limit to serving the people.I will devote my limited life to the limitless job of serving the people.一個人的生命是有限的,但是,為人民服務是無限的。我要把有限的生命,投入到無限的為人民服務中去。寫美(2015全國卷書面表達)文章的長度應限制在四百詞左右。The_length_of_the_article_should_be_limited_to_400_words_or_so.11balance vt.& vi.& n平衡;抵消記牢(1)keep/lose/break ones balance 保持/失去/打破平衡(2)balance . against . 權衡與(3)balanced adj. 保持平衡的keep a balanced diet 保持飲食均衡練通單句語法填空The little girl struggled to keep her balance on the balance beam.Youd better keep a balanced (balance) diet for the benefit of your health.You have to balance the advantages of living in the countryside against the disadvantages.寫美(2018全國卷書面表達)做運動能夠平衡我們的身體,改善身體的靈活性。Doing_exercise_can_balance_our_body_and_improve_our_physical_flexibility.詞匯過關綜合訓練.單詞拼寫1With each passing year, the cost of getting a degree is on the rise.As a result, many students tend (趨向) to graduate from college with a significant amount of debt.2If students rely on administrators to regulate their social behavior (行為) and thinking pattern, they are not facing the challenge of finding an identity within a larger and plex munity.3The little Tom should get a chance at a normal (正常的), happy future and he is struggling to make that happen.4Because sleepiness is such a problem for teenagers (青少年), some school districts have decided to start high school classes later than they used to.5What he may be saying is that he doesnt think you deserve (應得) your luck.6As early as Spring and Autumn Period, each principality in China constructed its own “great wall” in various places to defend (保衛(wèi)) itself from enemies.7Many people have e to realize that they should go on a balanced (平衡的) diet and make room in their day for exercise.8This attractive tour takes you to some of San Franciss most cheerful holiday scenes (景色)9The most important thing to keep in mind when dealing with a(n) emergency (緊急情況) is to stay calm.單句語法填空1If you insist on doing something, do it every day and you can make it.2I think the explanation (explain) about the problem isnt convincing, so it needs improving.3Teenagers go to sleep late because they tend to_do (do) things that excite them.4The boy couldnt tolerate other peoples making (make) noise in the room, so he went out.5When the door was opened suddenly, the boy covered his head with his hands, as if in defence.6What is known to us is that drinking too much does harm to your health.7A scene where she meets Joes girlfriend might be the funniest thing you see all year.8You make it very difficult for me to speak to you if you choose to misunderstand (understand) me.9It was so small and narrow that we had to be careful to keep our balance.單句改錯1We are living in the time of garbages, but German artist HA Schult is an unusual artist who uses trash (廢物) to make sculptures.garbagesgarbage2We should take measures to forbid to return illegal cooking oil to dinner tables.to_returnreturning3His childrens books are classics that deserve know by more people.knowknowing4Its harmful for your health to drink too much.forto5My mother encouraged me and insisted that I continued my education.continuedcontinue6I believe teaching should not be limited on the classroom.onto.句型轉換1Its forbidden for us to play football in the street.We are forbidden to play football in the street.We are forbidden from playing football in the street.2I insist on your taking action immediately.I insist that you should take action immediately.3She was upset that he had left without saying goodbye.It upset her that he had left without saying goodbye.4Eating too much fat and salt does harm to health.Eating too much fat and salt is harmful to health.(一)課前自主學習1be_supposed_to應該,應當2be_hard_on 對苛刻,對嚴厲3now_that 既然;由于4stay_up串記1 不睡覺,熬夜5mix_up串記1 混淆,弄亂;攪勻,拌和6as_if串記2 好像,似乎7cant_wait_to_do_something 迫不及待地做某事 8insist_on串記3 堅持,堅持認為9at_present 現在 10along_with 與一起11turn_up串記1 調高(音量);出現12go_through 經歷;仔細檢查或尋找13keep_up_with 趕上,跟上14depend_on 依賴,依靠15take_in 吸收;欺騙同根短語串記串記1.up短語全接觸turn up調高(音量);出現 stay up不睡覺,熬夜pick up撿起;學會 bring up撫養(yǎng);教養(yǎng)dress up穿上盛裝;打扮 clear up澄清;放晴make up虛構;彌補;組成;化妝;整理mix up混淆;攪勻串記2.as短語一掃光as if/though好像 as to/for關于,至于as usual照例,照常 as follows如下as a result結果 as a rule通常as a whole總的來說 as a matter of fact事實上串記3.“v.on”短語大集合depend on依賴,依靠 insist on堅持keep on繼續(xù) carry on繼續(xù);進行turn/switch on打開 count on依靠1a day earlier than expected 比預期的時間提前一天2in a mess 一團糟3make good decisions 做出好的決定4feel this way 有同感5a mon part of adolescence 青春期的正常組成部分6psychological changes 心理上的變化7in this regard 在這方面8fit in society 適應社會1The room is in a mess, with_pizza_boxes_on_the_floor_and_dirty_dishes_in_the_sink.房間一片狼藉,地上是比薩餅盒子,水槽里是臟兮兮的盤子。2Listen to me, young man we left_you_in_charge!聽我說,年輕人我們將這個家委托給你負責!3Daniel has_his_arms_crossed and looks upset.丹尼爾雙臂交叉抱在胸前,看上去很不高興。4Sometimes he acts as_if_he_doesnt_love_us_at_all.有時他表現得好像他根本就不愛我們。5Also, _every_time I watch a DVD he sends me to bed or tells me to spend more time studying.還有,每次我看DVD,他要么催著我上床睡覺,要么就是教導我要多花些時間學習。學考對接活學活用高考采擷(一)閱讀中的詞塊和句式1(2010遼寧高考閱讀A)The change was hardly noticed at first, but it seemed as if the crops were not doing so well (但是看上去好像莊稼長得不怎么好)More worrying was that the children fell ill more often, and, there seemed to be more insects around lately.(把黑體部分譯成漢語)2(2010全國卷完形)The nurse had him take (take) a seat in the waiting area, telling him it would be at least 40 minutes before someone would be able to see him.I saw him looking (look) at his watch and decided, since I was not busy my patient didnt turn up at the appointed hour, I would examine his wound.While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctors appointment.(根據提示完成小片段)高考采擷(二)寫作中的短語和句式(根據提示翻譯句子)1(2018全國卷書面表達)首先,根據我們的傳統(tǒng),每次你去拜訪一個家庭,你都應該帶一些禮物,比如一籃水果或一盒巧克力。(every time, be supposed to)To_begin_with,_according_to_our_tradition,_every_time_you_visit_a_family,_you_are_supposed_to_bring_some_gifts,_such_as_a_basket_of_fruit_or_a_box_of_chocolates.2(2018北京高考書面表達)最后,我們手里拿著茶杯或茶葉拍了一張合影,來記錄這一難忘的經歷。(with復合結構)In_the_end,_we_took_a_group_photo,_with_cups_or_tea_in_our_hands,_to_record_this_unforgettable_experience. (二)課堂重點釋疑短語集釋1be supposed to應該,應當記牢(1)be supposed to do .應該做某事be supposed to have done should have doneought to have done 本應該做某事(實際未做)be supposed to be . 被認為是(2)suppose/supposing (that) 假定/假如練通單句語法填空Students are_supposed (suppose) to obey the rules at school. You are late again.You are supposed to_have_arrived (arrive) here five minutes earlier.一句多譯你本應該昨天就把作業(yè)交上的。You were_supposed_to_have_handed_in your homework yesterday.(be supposed to)You should_have_handed_in your homework yesterday.(should)You ought_to_have_handed_in your homework yesterday.(ought to)寫美(2013天津高考書面表達)我多次參加過類似的活動。因此,我應該能勝任這個職位。I_have_participated_in_similar_activities_several_times.Consequently,_I_am_supposed_to_be_qualified_for_the_position.2along with與一起;除了以外(還)記牢(1)along with, together with, with, as well as 連接兩個主語時,其謂語動詞與它前面的主語在人稱和數上保持一致。(2)and連接兩個主語,其謂語動詞用復數形式。練通單句語法填空Along with studying at school, students should participate in more outofschool activities.Professor Smith, as well as his assistants, is (be) working on the project day and night to meet the deadline.Nowadays, cycling, along with jogging and swimming, is_regarded (regard) as one of the best allround forms of exercise.寫美(2017全國卷書面表達)李白與其他著名詩人一起,在唐代創(chuàng)作了許多杰出的作品。Li_Bai,_along_with_other_famous_poets,_created_lots_of_extraordinary_works_in_Tang_Dynasty.句式集釋1have sth. done結構教材原句Daniel has_his_arms_crossed and looks upset.悟拓展例句(1)I dont like to wash clothes, so I always have_my_clothes_washed.我不喜歡洗衣服,所以我總是讓別人給我洗衣服。(2)Once he makes up his mind, nothing can have_him_change/get_him_to_change_it.一旦他下定決心,就沒有


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