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2018 年春季學期開放專科期未考試人文英語2答案詳解

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2018 年春季學期開放專科期未考試人文英語2答案詳解

2018 年秋季學期"開專"期未考試一、交際用語 選擇正確的語句完成下列對話。1. Are you thinking of a domestic trip or going abroad? 你是想國內(nèi)旅行還是出國旅行?A. Ive never been to those ci ties. 我從沒去過那些地方。B. Maybe somewhere in Europe. 也許在歐洲的某個地方C. Im traveling in the summer. 我在夏天旅行。2. Would you like me to help you make a plan for the summer vacation? 你想讓我?guī)湍阒贫ㄊ罴儆媱潌幔緼. No, I already have plans. 不,我已經(jīng)有計劃了。B. Id love to,but Im busy right now. 我很想去,但我現(xiàn)在很忙。C. Im ill, so I shouldnt go out. 我病了,所以我不應該出去。3. Why do you want to leave your previous job? 你為什么要離開以前的工作?A. I m hoping to have a better position. 我希望有一個更好的職位。B. I dont want to work at all. 我根本不想工作。C. You wont understand it. 你不會明白的。4. How can I get legal advice for free? 我怎樣才能免費得到法律建議?A. You can get nothing for free. 你不能免費得到任何東西。B. To be frank, I dont care about that. 坦白說,我不在乎。C.You can go to a law firm and ask about that. 你可以去律師事務(wù)所問問這個問題。5. Honey , would you like to have a talk with me? 親愛的,你想和我談?wù)剢幔緼. Talk with you? What for? 和你談?wù)劄楹??B. Im not interested in the talk. 我對這次談話不感興趣。C. A bout the situations we are having these days. 關(guān)于我們這些天的情況。二、詞匯語法6. If there is any change about the time of the meeting, please notify us in advance . 如果會議時間有任何變化,請?zhí)崆巴ㄖ覀傾. in case 竟然,難道,假使;以備;以防;免得 B. on time準時,按時 C. in advance提前;事先7. I think I am competent for this position. 我想我能勝任這個職位A. complete完全的整個的; B. common通常的;共有的;共享的;C. competent足以勝任的;有能力的;合格的;8. Im puzzled because there are so many options. I cant make a decision. 我很困惑,因為有太多的選擇。我不能做決定 。A. puzzled困惑 B. excited 興奮 C. depressed 壓抑9. As long as the learners have access to a digital device which is linked up to the Internet, they can enjoy browsing pages or watching video lectures. 只要學習者能夠使用連接到互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的數(shù)字設(shè)備,他們就可以享受瀏覽網(wǎng)頁或觀看視頻講座的樂趣。 A. access 接近、進入 B. means 方式;方法;途徑;指做工作或達到目的所依靠的人、事物。 C. way 方法; 手段; 途徑; 常見于許多日常慣用表達法中。更富有表達力,更生動。10. If you take the initiative to learn a new skill, you will grasp it quickly. 如果你主動學習一項新技能,你會很快掌握的。A. initiating教開始嘗試 B. initiative主動權(quán) C. initiation (常指通過特別儀式的) 入會; 介紹某人初試某活動(或技藝); 開始; 創(chuàng)始; 發(fā)起;11. Theres nothing strange about you. Thats all right. 你一點也不奇怪。沒關(guān)系A(chǔ). something 一些東西 B. anything任何事 C. nothing沒有12. These MOOCs make it possible for people to carry out their learning any place around the world.A. 這些MOOC使人們能夠在世界任何地方進行學習。B. figure out想出;理解;弄清 B. carry out執(zhí)行 C. work out想出,得到;解;計算出,解出;計算下來;發(fā)生;13. The Chinese Red Cross contributed a generous sum to the relief of the physically disabled.中國紅十字會慷慨解囊,救濟了殘疾人。A. general 全體的;普遍的;總的;正常的;一般的;常規(guī)的;B. genuine 真的;名副其實的;真誠的;誠實的;可信賴的 C. generous 慷慨大方的;慷慨給予的;充足的;14. There is some milk , some eggs and a few apples on the table. 桌子上有一些牛奶,一些雞蛋和一些蘋果。A. is第三人稱單數(shù) B. Are 第二人稱單數(shù), c. will be 將會; 該怎樣就怎樣; 我將會;15.John doesnt regret missing the football match yesterday because of his babys first birthday.約翰不后悔錯過了昨天的足球賽,因為他孩子的一歲生日。A.missing表示“失蹤的、失去的”;B.to miss錯過懷念 C. miss小姐16. We have to collect enough evidence to show that we have suffered a lot of damages.我們必須收集足夠的證據(jù)來證明我們遭受了很多損失。A. showing展示 show的現(xiàn)在分詞; B.to show展示; 證明; 表示; 表現(xiàn); C.showed show展示的過去分詞和過去式;17. As you are a prominent figure in the community, we would be honored by your attendance.由于你是由于你是社會上的杰出人物,我們將為你的出席而感到榮幸。A. would honor會很榮幸 B. are honoring是榮譽 C. would be honored會很榮幸的18. The driver struck and seriously injured the pedestrian, and left the victim missing in the roadway without even stopping to help. 司機撞傷了行人,使其嚴重受傷,受害者在路上失蹤,甚至沒有停下來幫忙。A. missing失蹤 B. to miss錯過 C. miss小姐19. When we heard of it, we were deeply moved. 當我們聽說這件事時,我們深受感動。A. move改變位置,移動; B. moved感動; C. moving動人的;令人感動的;20. Marys talking to the lawyer about her competitor who is infringin on her trademark. 瑪麗正在和律師談?wù)撍母偁帉κ智址噶怂纳虡藱?quán)。A.is infringing正在侵權(quán)B.infringes侵犯,侵害;infringe的第三人稱C.infringe觸犯;侵害三、閱讀理解(共計40 分,每小題4 分)閱讀對話,從A , B 、C 、D 、E 五個選項中選出一個最佳答案,填入合適的位置A. But dont you think we shared a lot of happiness, too? 但你不覺得我們也有很多快樂嗎?B. I dont want to start another fight with you. 我不想再和你吵架了。C. You dont even know how I am feeling now. 你甚至不知道我現(xiàn)在的感覺。D. About the situations we are having these days. 關(guān)于我們現(xiàn)在的處境。E. I know its not been easy for us. 我知道這對我們來說并不容易。Liu Hui and his wife re having a difficult time. They are trying to solve their mutual problems.劉輝和他的妻子現(xiàn)在很困難。他們正在努力解決彼此的問題。Liu Hui: Honey, would you like to have a talk with me? 劉輝:親愛的,你想和我談?wù)剢??His Wife: Talk with you? What for? 他的妻子:和你談?wù)??為何?Liu Hui: D、About the situations we are having these days. 關(guān)于我們現(xiàn)在的處境。His Wife: The situations? 他的妻子:情況如何?Liu Hui:You know,Im sorry for what is going on between us劉輝:你知道,我很抱歉我們之間發(fā)生了什么事His Wife: B、I dont want to start another fight with you. 我不想再和你吵架了。Liu Hui: Well, thats what we do, we fight. We fight very easily. We are not afraid to hurt each others feelings nowadays. 劉輝:好吧,我們就是這么做的,我們戰(zhàn)斗。我們很容易打架?,F(xiàn)在我們不怕傷害彼此的感情。His Wife: You blame me for that, dont you? 他的妻子:你怪我,不是嗎?Liu Hui: No, of course not. E、I know its not been easy for us. And itll be really hard in the near future.We have to work at this together, and I want to do that because I love you.劉輝:沒有,當然沒有。我知道這對我們來說并不容易。在不久的將來,這將非常困難。我們必須一起努力,我想這樣做是因為我愛你。His Wife: You love me? C、You dont even know how I am feeling now. At times, I feel I am less than you. 他妻子:你愛我嗎?你甚至不知道我現(xiàn)在的感覺。有時,我覺得我比你差。Liu Hui: Sorry, my dear. We did have problems. I know over the past year we have faced our share of trouble, and I regret quarreling with you.A、But dont you think we shared a lot of happiness,too?劉輝:對不起,親愛的。我們確實有問題。我知道在過去的一年里我們遇到了同樣的麻煩,我很后悔和你吵架。但是你不認為我們也分享了很多快樂嗎?His Wife: Yes, we did. Actually, I have always thought marriage is a beautiful thing and a friendship of two people who are equal. But youve been. 他的妻子:是的,我們有。實際上,我一直認為婚姻是件美好的事情兩個平等的人的友誼。但你一直都是。Liu Hui: Well, darling. Lets not hurt each others feelings any more. We can work together to make of our home a place full of love and respect. 劉輝:好吧,親愛的。我們不要再傷害彼此的感情了。我們可以工作一起讓我們的家成為充滿愛和尊重的地方。閱讀短文,從A 、B 、C 三個選項中選出一個最佳答案How to Report an Accident? 如何報告事故?A car accident can happen when you least expect it. You could be switching lanes, looking for a parking space or pulling out of your driveway, and all of a sudden, crash! Whether you hit someone or another driver hits you, you need to know what to do after a car accident. Heres a checklist to keep in mind when it comes to reporting your car accident.(1)Take down the other drivers license plate number as well as the make, color and model of the vehicle. If there is no pen and paper available, repeat the numbers in your head until you can write them down or snap a picture with your mobile phone.(2) Call the police" Police will be needed on scene to direct traffic and to help get all vehicles to safety. Also, a police report is needed for the insurance company to determine who is responsible for paying the damages.(3)Check for injuries to yourself and to your passengers before getting out of the car. N ever step out of the car into moving traffic.(4)Look for witnesses. Politely ask the witnesses (if any) to wait with you until the police come so that they can give their statements about the crash.(5) Exchange contact information with the other driver for insurance and payment issues.(6)Report the accident to your insurance company just in case you may need to file a claim.And a final note: protecting your safety is the first priority after a car accident. Turn on your hazard lights as soon as possible and put up other signals behind the crash scene so that other drivers should proceed carefully and safely.車禍可能發(fā)生在你最意想不到的時候。你可能會換車道,尋找停車位,或者從車道上撤下來,突然,撞車!不管你撞到某人還是另一個司機撞到你,你都需要知道車禍后該怎么辦。這是一份報告車禍時要記住的清單。(1)記下另一駕駛?cè)说能嚺铺栆约败囕v的品牌、顏色和型號。如果沒有紙筆可用,重復你腦海中的數(shù)字,直到你可以寫下來或用手機拍照。(2)報警“需要現(xiàn)場警察指揮交通,幫助所有車輛安全行駛。此外,保險公司還需要一份警方報告,以確定誰負責賠償損失。(3)下車前檢查自己和乘客是否受傷。永遠不要從車里出來進入移動的交通。(四)尋找證人。禮貌地讓目擊者(如果有的話)和你一起等到警察來,這樣他們就可以陳述車禍的經(jīng)過。(5)就保險和付款問題與其他司機交換聯(lián)系信息。(6)向你的保險公司報告事故,以防你可能需要提出索賠。最后一點:在車禍后,保護你的安全是第一要務(wù)。盡快打開危險燈,并在車禍現(xiàn)場后面設(shè)置其他信號,以便其他駕駛員小心安全地行駛。26. Car accidents normally happen out of your expectation車禍通常出乎你的意料A.when you are sleepy當你困了的時候B.as you have expected如你所料C.out of your expectation出乎你的意料27. You are advised to take down the color of the other drivers car建議你把另一個司機的車的顏色取下來 A. car汽車B. picture圖片C. license plate 車牌28. Why do you need to call the police? The policeman will decide who is responsible for the accident 你為什么要報警?警察將決定誰對事故負責A. drive all vehicles to safe places將所有車輛開到安全的地方B. decide who is responsible for the accident.決定誰對事故負責。C. report to the insurance company about the accident向保險公司報告事故29. lt is also advisable to ask the witnesses if there is any for help如果有人需要幫助,最好向證人詢問A. get out of your car immediately立即下車B. not to talk to the other driver不要和另一個司機說話C. ask the witnesses if there is any for help詢問證人是否需要幫助30.You are also advised to put obvious signals for other drivers我們也建議你給其他司機發(fā)出明顯的信號A. turn off all the lights of your car關(guān)掉你車上所有的燈B. put obvious signals for other drivers給其他司機發(fā)出明顯的信號C. stay right behind the crash scene呆在墜機現(xiàn)場后面四、翻譯 英譯漢,從A 、B 、C 三個選項中選出一個最佳答案31. Have others review your resume and offer helpful advice.A. 有一些人可以檢查你的簡歷并提供幫助。B. 讓別人幫你檢查一下簡歷并提供有益的建議。C. 有其他人幫你檢查簡歷并給你提供建議。32. Stay right where your daughter went away in case she comes back looking for you.A. 你女兒離開的地方是對的? 她會回來找你的。B. 就呆在你女兒走丟的地方,以防她回來找你。C. 呆在你女兒離開的地方的右邊,這樣,她會回來找你的。33. Then you turn left, at the next junction on your right, youll find a yellow building.A. 然后左拐,在下一個路口的右手邊,你會看到一座黃色大樓。B. 然后在右手方向的下一個路口,向左拐,你會看到一座黃色大樓。C。接著向左拐,到了正前方的下一個交叉口,你會看到一座黃色大樓。34. Family will never put you down , (and) will never make you feel small.A. 家人永遠不會把你忘記,永遠不會讓你感到自己微不足道。B. 家庭從來不會把你放下.永遠不會讓你感覺到自己的渺小。C. 家人永遠不會貶低你,永遠不會讓你感覺自己微不足道。35. My volunteering at an animal shelter is neither connected to my studies nor to my career interests.A. 我在動物收容所做義工苦和我的學習有關(guān),和我的職業(yè)興趣無關(guān)。B. 我在動物收容所做義工,和我的學習無關(guān),和我的職業(yè)興趣有關(guān)。C. 我在動物收容所做義工,既與我的學習無關(guān),也與我的職業(yè)興趣元關(guān)。


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