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高中英語 Unit3 第一學(xué)時Reading and Comprehension同步教學(xué)課件 新人教版選修7

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高中英語 Unit3 第一學(xué)時Reading and Comprehension同步教學(xué)課件 新人教版選修7

第一學(xué)時第一學(xué)時Reading and Comprehension1Why do people hunt sharks?答案:答案:People hunt sharks for sport,food,medicine and their skin. Experts say the international market for some kinds of sharks has increased greatly because many parts of a shark are valuable.For example,shark meat is good to eat. In Asia,people enjoy a special kind of soup made from shark fins. Experts say shark fins can earn a fisherman about fifty dollars a kilogram. Collectors pay thousands of dollars for the jaws of a shark. Shark liver oil is a popular supplier of Vitamin ASome people believe that shark cartilage and shark liver can improve peoples health. The skin of a shark can be used like leather. People also kill sharks because of fear.Many sharks are killed by mistake. Each year,thousands of sharks die in traps set out to catch other kinds of fish.2How to protect sea animals?(1)Learn more about sea animals.(2)Mustnt kill or hunt sea animals excessively.(3)Mustnt kill or hunt those sea animals that are in danger of extinction.(4)Make laws to protect sea animals.(5)Protect the environment. Do not pollute the sea.(6)Keep the balance of the sea.Task 1快速閱讀課文Old Tom the Killer Whale,用大約30詞寫出課文的概要。溫馨提示:本文屬記敘文,寫記敘文的概要時要緊扣人物、事件、結(jié)果等要素。 _The writer describes his experience at a whaling station,telling us how Old Tom,the killer,helped whalers catch huge whales and protected James from being attacked by a shark.Task 2仔細閱讀課文Old Tom the Killer Whale,選擇最佳答案。1The author mainly tells us in the text that the killer whales _. ( )Aare easily trainedBcan help the whalers catch whales and protect peopleCkill the whales for foodDare cruel to other whalesB2Old Tom came to the shore to _. ( )Atell the whalers there was a whaleBtell the whalers it was hungryCshow that it was catching a whaleDinform the whalers to run awayA3Why did the whalers go home after the whale died? ( )ABecause it was too late.BBecause they didnt need a dead whale.CBecause they couldnt find the whales body.DBecause the dead body would float up the next day.4Old Tom threw itself out of the water and then crashed down in order to _. ( )Agive the whalers the information about a whaleBtell the whalers it was hungryChelp the whalers catch the whaleDinform the whalers to run awayDATask 3再次閱讀課文Old Tom the Killer Whale,完成下列表格。1.How did the killers send the message to the whalers?_ themselves out of the _ and then _ again.2.How did Old Tom lead the way?Swimming _,showing the whalers _.3.How did the killers help the whalers kill the whale?Its _.They throwing themselves _ the whales blowhole. Stopping it _ out to sea.4.How did Old Tom protect James?Not let the shark _.Hold James _ in the water.1. Throwing,water,crashing down2by the boat,the way3teamwork,on top of,diving or fleeing4near,firmly up根據(jù)課文Old Tom the Killer Whale,在下文空格中填上適當?shù)脑~語,使文章連貫完整。I had heard of the killers that helped whalers catch huge whales. When I worked at a whaling station,I _1_ it many times. One afternoon,I heard a loud noise coming from the bay. We ran down to the shore _2_ time to see an enormous animal throwing itself out of the water. George,one of the whalers,told me that it was Old Tom,the killer,who was telling us theres a whale. Another whaler _3_ out to _4_ a whale hunt. We immediately headed out into the bay,with Old Tom _5_ us the way. Task 4Using a telescope we saw that several killers _6_ the whale were throwing themselves on top of the whales blowhole to stop it _7_,while others were stopping it diving or _8_ out to sea. Then the man in the bow of the boat aimed at the whale and killed it. These killers _9_ harmed or attacked people. Once when we were in the bay,the sea was _10_,for which James was carried away by waves. Worse still,there was a shark. Fortunately,Old Tom rescued James.1.witnessed2.in3.yelled4.announce5.showing6.over7.breathing8.fleeing9.never10.rough一、 將課文Old Tom the Killer Whale譯成英語,然后參考“譯文助讀”自主勘誤。譯文助讀 虎鯨老湯姆1902年6月,我開始在捕鯨站里工作,那時我才16歲。在此之前我曾經(jīng)聽說過虎鯨每年幫助捕鯨人捕捉大鯨魚。當時我以為只是一個故事罷了,但是后來我親眼見過多次。有天下午我來到捕鯨站,正在整理住處的時候,聽到從海灣那邊傳來一陣喧鬧聲。我們及時趕到岸邊,看到對面有一個龐大的動物猛力躍出海面,然后又墜落到水里。它黑白相間,樣子像魚,但我知道它并不是魚。“那是老湯姆,是虎鯨。”一位叫喬治的捕鯨人高聲對我說,“它是在告訴我們那邊有一頭鯨,叫我們?nèi)ゲ东C。”另外一位捕鯨人大聲喊叫,“快走啊走啊”,這是宣告獵鯨行動馬上就要開始的呼聲?!翱颂m西,快來,上船去?!眴讨卧谖仪懊孢吪苓呎f。我以前就聽說過,喬治不喜歡等人,所以盡管我還沒有穿上合適的衣服,就跟在他后面跑起來。一刻不停地,我們和其他捕鯨人都跳進漁船,朝海灣方向駛?cè)?。我朝水里望去,可以看到老湯姆就在漁船旁邊游著,為我們指路。幾分鐘之后,湯姆不見了,于是喬治開始用漿拍打水面。湯姆出現(xiàn)了,轉(zhuǎn)回到船邊,又領(lǐng)著我們前往捕獵處。通過望遠鏡,我們可以看到遠處有情況發(fā)生了。走近一看,原來是一頭大鯨受到約六、七條虎鯨的攻擊。我問喬治,“它們在干什么呢?”“啊,它們在協(xié)同作戰(zhàn)呢那些虎鯨正在往那頭鯨的出氣孔上撲去,不讓它呼吸,而其他那些虎鯨則阻止它潛水或逃跑?!眴讨我贿呏钢东C的情景,一邊告訴我。就在這時候,最精彩的場面出現(xiàn)了。虎鯨們在我們的漁船和那頭鯨之間追逐,就像一群興奮的獵狗一樣。于是,獵鯨叉準備好了。站在船頭的那個人把叉瞄準了那頭鯨,扔了出去,恰好擊中了要害,鯨受了重傷,沒過多久就死了。過了片刻,鯨的尸體就被虎鯨們迅速拖向深海中去了。捕鯨人于是調(diào)轉(zhuǎn)船頭往回走?!霸趺蠢玻俊蔽覇柕?,“我們失去鯨了嗎?”杰克回答說:“不,我們明天再回來運鯨魚的尸體。它在24小時以內(nèi)是不會浮出水面的?!崩椎滦χa充說:“在這段時間里,老湯姆和其他虎鯨會飽餐一頓的,鯨唇和鯨舌就是它們的美食。”雖然老湯姆和其他虎鯨都很兇惡,但是它們從來不傷害人,也不襲擊人。事實上,它們還保護人。有一天,我們出海捕鯨的時候,詹姆斯被沖下水去了。喬治大聲喊道:“有人落水了!把船頭調(diào)回去!”那天海上波濤洶涌,很難調(diào)轉(zhuǎn)船頭。海浪把詹姆斯沖得離我們越來越遠。從詹姆斯的臉上我能看出他非常恐慌,生怕被我們遺棄。隨后我們看到一條鯊魚。我尖叫起來,“瞧,那邊有一條鯊魚。”雷德回答說:“別著急,老湯姆不會讓它靠近的。”我們花了半個小時才把船頭調(diào)轉(zhuǎn)過來,回到詹姆斯落水的地方。當我們靠近他的時候,我看到老湯姆正在水中穩(wěn)穩(wěn)托著詹姆斯。我?guī)缀醪幌嘈抛约旱难劬?。當我們把詹姆斯拉上漁船的時候,大家都歡呼著“老湯姆,好樣的”,“感謝上帝”。后來,老湯姆離開了,回到捕獵的地方,跟其他虎鯨一起捕鯨去了。二、將下列詞語譯成英語,然后參考Unit 3的詞匯表自主勘誤。1每年的,按年度計算的,年刊 adj.& n. _2暫停,中止 v& n. _3目擊,見證人,目擊者 v& n. _4拖,拉,扯 v. _5催促,極力主張 v. _6放棄,遺棄,拋棄 v. _1.annual2.pause3.witness4.drag5.urge6.abandon7目標,靶,對象 n. _8思考,反射 v. _9意識到的,知道的 adj. _10整齊的,均勻的 adj. _11幫助擺脫困境 _12上下翻轉(zhuǎn) _13嚇得要死 _14對了解 _7.target8.reflect9.aware10.neat11.help.out12.upside down13.be scared to death14.be aware of三、佳句背誦1鯨受了重傷,沒過多久就死了。_,the whale soon died.2當我們靠近他時,我看到湯姆在水中穩(wěn)穩(wěn)地托著詹姆斯。When we approached him,I saw James _ up in the water by Old Tom.1.Being badly wounded2.being firmly held


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