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高中英語 Unit4 第一學(xué)時(shí)Reading and Comprehension同步教學(xué)課件 新人教版選修8

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高中英語 Unit4 第一學(xué)時(shí)Reading and Comprehension同步教學(xué)課件 新人教版選修8

第一學(xué)時(shí)第一學(xué)時(shí)Reading and Comprehension1. Have you ever seen the film My Fair Lady? If you have seen it, do you like it? Why?2. The play Pygmalion has the same theme as the Greek story, what might this theme be?Yes. I saw it a year ago. I like it very much. I still remember some of the characters in the film. It was hard for the poor girl Eliza to move from working class to upper class. She had to improve the quality of her English .A teacher creates a new person by teaching her in the same way that an artist creates a statue from stone. Both the statue and the student depend on their creator for their new life. In the play, the statue became a woman; Eliza becomes an accepted member of the upper class. Pygmalion is the creator of the statue, and Henry Higgins of Eliza.Task 1快速閱讀課文Fateful Meetings,以約30詞寫出文章的段落大意。溫馨提示:本文是戲劇的一幕,屬于記敘文的范疇,寫摘要時(shí)要扣住人物、事件及結(jié)果等要素。 _When sheltering from the rain, Eliza, a poor flower girl, happened to meet Professor Higgins, an expert in phonetics, and Colonel Pickering. This meeting was to change Elizas life. Task 2仔細(xì)閱讀課文 Fateful Meetings 選擇正確答案。1Whats Act one mainly about? ( )AA poor girl who was ambitious to improve herself.BAn expert who studied phonetics.CThe meeting of Eliza with Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering.DHow a poor girl became an upper class lady.C2Why did Eliza start to cry when she saw a man taking notes and got worried? ( )ABecause shes disappointed at the outcome.BBecause someone hurt her.CBecause she thought Professor Higgins was a policeman and would arrest her.DBecause shes too poor and had to sell flowers.C3What did Professor Higgins mean to do when he met the crying girl? ( )AHe wanted to buy all the flowers from the girl.BHe wanted to have a talk with her.CHe meant to marry her.DHe wanted to help improve her English.D4Professor Higgins believed that he could judge a person by_. ( )Ahis conversation Bhis appearanceChis deed Dhis manners 5From the text,we can infer that Professor Higgins is a man described below EXCEPT that_. ( )Ahe is proudBhe is an expert in phoneticsChe is greedyDhe doesnt care about his moneyACTask 3再次閱讀課文 Fateful Meetings,完成下列表格。 Use some adjectives to describe each character with the help of evidence in the play.characterqualityEvidence from the playEliza1._2._1.Whats that you say?.Now thats sommat I want,that is!2.Then why did you take down my words for?How do I know whetherou took me down right?1ambitious2.anxious (unsure)ProfessorHiggins3._4._5._3.Now once taught by me.shed become an upper class lady.4.Look at the girl with her terrible English:the English that will condemn her to the gutter to the end of her days.5.I can place any spoken conversation within miles,and even 2 streets in London sometimes. But, once educated.the girl could pass herself off as.ColonielPickering6._7._6.How did you do that,may I ask?7.Of course!I study many India dialects myself and.3.confident4.rude5.self important6.polite7.superior/confidentTask 4根據(jù)課文Pygmalion,在下文空格中填上恰當(dāng)?shù)脑~語,使文章連貫完整。My Fair Lady was a successful musical and later a film which_1_(base) on Bernard Shaws classical Pygmalion. In the musical, Professor Higgins takes _2_ bet from Colonel Pickering that _3_ can transfer unrefined,_4_ (dirt) flower girl Eliza Doolittle_5_a lady, and fool everyone into _6_(think) she really is one. He does, and thus young aristocrat Fredy EynsfordHill falls _7_(mad) in love with her. _8_ Higgins takes all the credit and forgets to acknowledge her efforts, Eliza angrily leaves him for Freddy. Only then does Higgins realize he _9_(accustom ) to her face and _10_ live without her.1was based2. a3. he4.dirty5.into6thinking7. madly8.When9. has got/been accustomed 10. cant 一、請(qǐng)將課文Pygmalion譯成漢語,然后參考“譯文助讀”自主勘誤。譯文助讀皮格馬利翁主要人物:伊萊扎杜利特爾(伊):窮苦的賣花姑娘,立志要改善自己的生活希金斯教授(希):一位語音學(xué)專家,堅(jiān)信一個(gè)人的英語水平?jīng)Q定這個(gè)人的社會(huì)地位皮克林上校(皮):陸軍軍官,后來成了希金斯教授的朋友。希金斯還給上校安排了一項(xiàng)任務(wù)第一幕決定性的會(huì)面1914年某日晚上11點(diǎn)15分,在英國倫敦某劇場外。下著傾盆大雨,四處響著出租車的鳴笛聲。有一位男士在躲雨,一邊聽人們談話,一邊觀察著人們的反應(yīng)。他一邊觀察,一邊在做記錄。附近一個(gè)穿著黑色衣裙圍著羊毛圍巾的賣花姑娘也在躲雨。這時(shí)有位先生(先)從這兒路過,他遲疑了片刻。伊:長官,過這邊來呀,買我這個(gè)苦命的孩子一束花吧!先:對(duì)不起,我沒有零錢。伊:長官,我可以給你找零錢呀。先:(驚奇地)一個(gè)英鎊你找得開嗎?沒有再小的錢了。伊:(帶有希望的神色,)??!好啦,從我這兒買一束吧。拿這一束,只要三個(gè)便士。(舉起一束已經(jīng)枯萎的花)先:(不舒服地)別煩我了,好姑娘。(在錢包里找什么,這時(shí)語氣好些了)等一等,這兒有幾個(gè)零錢。這點(diǎn)錢對(duì)你有用嗎?雨下大了,不是嗎? (說完就走了)伊:(對(duì)先生付的錢表現(xiàn)出失望的樣子,但是有總比沒有好)先生,謝謝了,(看到有人在記什么,感到很擔(dān)心)嗨,我跟那位先生講話,又沒做錯(cuò)什么事。我有權(quán)賣花吧,我有權(quán)嘛!我不是小偷,我是個(gè)老實(shí)姑娘,老老實(shí)實(shí)的。(開始哭起來)希:(友善地)好啦,好啦!誰傷害你了,傻姑娘!你把我當(dāng)成什么人了?(遞給他一條手帕)伊:我還以為你是一個(gè)便衣警察呢。希:我像警察嗎?伊:(仍在擔(dān)心)那你為什么要把我說的話記下來呢?我怎么知道你是不是寫對(duì)了呢?那你把你寫的關(guān)于我的東西給我看看。希:你看吧! (把寫滿字的紙遞給她)伊:這是什么呀?不像規(guī)規(guī)矩矩的字,我看不懂。(把紙還回給他)希:我來讀。(模仿伊的聲音讀)長官,過這邊來呀,買我這個(gè)苦命的孩子一束花吧! (改用自己的聲音說)好了吧,你呀,如果我沒有弄錯(cuò)的話,你出生在里森格羅佛。伊:(困惑不解似的)如果我是又怎樣呢?跟你有什么關(guān)系呢?皮:(本來是一直望著這個(gè)姑娘的,這時(shí)跟希金斯說話了)太棒了!請(qǐng)問你是怎么知道的呢?希:對(duì)人的發(fā)音進(jìn)行研究、分類,如此而已。這是我的專業(yè),也是我的業(yè)余愛好。你可以根據(jù)幾句話判定是哪個(gè)地方的人。我可以根據(jù)任何談話來判定他們是哪個(gè)地方的人,差距不過六英里,有時(shí)候在倫敦甚至不超過兩個(gè)街區(qū)呢。皮:恭喜你了!不過,你這樣做有收入嗎?希:當(dāng)然有,還挺高呢。這是個(gè)致富的年代。人們從倫敦的窮人區(qū)開始工作,年收入才80英鎊,最后到了富人區(qū)工作,年收入就是10萬英鎊了,但是他們一張嘴就會(huì)露出馬腳(暴露自己的身份)。如今讓我一教,她就會(huì)變成一個(gè)上層階級(jí)的淑女皮:是嗎?那太妙了!希:(粗魯?shù)?你瞧那個(gè)姑娘,英語說得那樣糟糕,命中注定要在貧民窟里呆一輩子了。不過,先生,(高傲地)要是一旦有人教她把英語說好了,她就可以在三個(gè)月以內(nèi)冒充公爵夫人出席大使主辦的花園晚會(huì)了。說不定我還可以給她找份工作,當(dāng)一名貴夫人的侍女或商店的店員。這些工作都要求英語說得好呢。伊:你說什么來著?店員?這正是我想要做的,真的!希:(不理睬她)你相信我說的話嗎?皮:當(dāng)然相信。我自己就學(xué)了好多種印度語,而且希:真的嗎?那你認(rèn)不認(rèn)得皮克林上校呢?皮:當(dāng)然認(rèn)得,皮克林就是我。那么請(qǐng)問你貴姓?希:我是亨利希金斯。我還打算要去印度見你呢。皮:我也正是到英國來找你的!伊:我呢?你們?cè)趺磶椭夷??希:啊,拿去吧?(漫不經(jīng)心地朝她的籃子里扔去一把錢)好老兄,我們?cè)撁烂赖貞c祝一番了。(一道離去)伊:(驚奇地看著收集起來的錢)啊,我還從來沒有見過!整整一個(gè)英鎊呢!一筆財(cái)富呀!這的確給我?guī)痛竺α?,真的。明天我一定去找你,亨利希金斯。等著瞧吧!你那?模仿他的聲音)“真正的英語”(用自己的聲音)我倒要看看你能不能幫我找到(離去)二、 將下列詞語譯成英語,然后參考Unit 4的詞匯表自主勘誤。1. 編排, 分類, 歸類 v. _2. 妥協(xié), 折中 n. &v. _3. 俯視, 忽視, 不理會(huì) v. _4. 褪色, 逐漸消失 v. _5. 言論, 評(píng)論 n. &v. _1. classify2. compromise3. overlook4. fade5. remark6. 譴責(zé), 使.注定v. _7. 猶豫, 躊躇 v. _8. 結(jié)果, 效果 n. _9. 結(jié)識(shí), 與.相見 _10. 就.來說, 從.角度 _11. 需要 _12. 帶.進(jìn)來 _6. condemn 7. hesitate 8. outcome9. make ones acquaintance10. in terms of 11. in need of 12. show.in三、 佳句背誦1. 但是, 他們一張開嘴巴就會(huì)露出馬腳。But they _ _every _ they open their mouths.2. 不過,先生,(驕傲地)要是一旦有人教她把英語學(xué)好了, 她就可以在三個(gè)月內(nèi)冒充公爵夫人出席大使主辦的花園晚會(huì)了。But, sir, (proudly), _ to speak properly, the girl could _ herself _ in three months _ a duchess at an ambassadors garden party. 1. betray themselves, time2. once educated, pass , off,as


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