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Unit2同步練習(xí) 高中英語人教版選擇性必修第三冊.docx

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Unit2同步練習(xí) 高中英語人教版選擇性必修第三冊.docx

一、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空LAfter < Iibcratc). he spent over two years in various displaced pennons camps.2. h is very important (enhance) the learners* foreign cultural knowledge and awareness in theteaching.3. Thc conference Mimulalol him (Mudy) I he subject in more dcp<h.4. Ti.> climb (he mountains with(Hir baggage was (inng, so we all fell worn.5. The new plxm in composedthree parts, of which each is impoitani.6AVbeiwver he worked until midnight he would drink «)me coffee to gel (refresh).7. (absorb! in his novel, he didn't notice his teacher had entered the clawroom.8. (disturb) news came that an unknown disease was spreading in lhe area.9.7joo oftkials said (hey had given regular (month) health cxaminuiions to Chuang Chuang.IO.lt was from Paul that we firet heard of the man referred to as a computer(special) insoftware.11 .Students can(焙養(yǎng)項(xiàng)新的愛好)co fighi longterm stress.12.Having confidence in yourself will help you(做出更好的選擇)in even1 expect oflife.3.Vhcn in doubt, please(向現(xiàn)主任尋求建議).I4.lf your child can mx(料移注通力)the exciting event. Irt him nwd picturebooks.15.We must (采取話當(dāng)行動(dòng) 1 io fight pollution.二、語法填空1. In the past few years, more than half of bookstores in China have closed down.'®is theresult of the (compete) with online bookstores. But the success of Sisyphe Bookstore, oneof the <big) privately-owned bookstore chains in China, may serve <3)a greatexample.(found) in 1993. Sisyphc skirted to transfonn and upgrade its business in 2009 to seek itsprofitability. Now. it not only devotes itself to ®(sell) books, but combines the functions ofthe bookstore, cafe and (he sale of (create) cultural products. Sisyphc opens its bookstoresin shopping mails in order to take advantage of the large number of consumers of shopping malls to sell its books, and it also <§)(able) people to enjoy spending time reading and drinking coflcc. Inreturn, bookstores have improved (he cultural atmosphere of shopping nulls, so®is mutuallybenefkial to have such coopenuicm.So (ar. the governmenc (olltfr) tax reducli(Hi fur bookslorcx to encourage thedevelopment of physkal booksiorcs. Perhaps it is early to say (he boom of physical bookstores hits come, blit detinicely, we see the turning point to them.2. In 2017, eleven million worldwide (link> to people eating diets high in sugar, wh andprocessed n)ea(. TIxxm? foods were partly (blame) for heart disuse. caiKer and diabetes a i>ew study found.The Gndings (report) in the publkation 77ir Lance. Reswirvheni considered 15 dicUiryelements and found that (be consumption of foods such as nuts and seeds, milk and whole grains (be) on average too low.'The poor did is responsible :§)more deaths than any other risk factor in the world.* said ClirisMurray. ©(dinxt) of the litsiitutc for Health Metrics(,8 標(biāo))and Evaluation at the University ofWashington. led ihe wo(t. The study found people ale only 12 pcnxnt of the ®_ (recommend) anwxint of nun and seedsan aveiuge inuke of 3 grams a day. For good liealth. exalts say. you should eat 21 giums of nuix and seeds every day.Anolhcr Mudy pcihlinhal in January suggested MKkal did* k»r the health of people ami (beplunet. which would include a doubling of the c(msump<wn of nuts. fruitx» and vegecabks. Such a diet would also include (reduce) the amount of mca< and sugar consumed by hulf.三、短文改錯(cuò)The ftikiings of a nxent survey ugests duit siudents are ncx happy with multimedia app<xx>cl)es in education. They feel that their learning will be much effective when (idicional methods arc used. The students inteniewing said they thought the (cachcr played important role in their learning. In their opinions, listening to (he teacher, taking notes, and use a textbook suitable (or lheir age group really help them underMand and remember the content of their lessons. They also found (hat answering questions whkh hM been written o<i the board very helpfully. They valued the chance to carry out practical. hands-on work either.四、七選五Nobody wants to reach the end of their life and experience regret.Instead, we desire lo experience satisfaciion with the life we've been given. 36 To live a life without regret in the future, you should uy (o May away hvxn ilw following four coninum unhealthy habits.37 k is good to have a desiiiution io go to but it is the journey that niauers in the cnd.Tbo often, we live out lives from destination to destiiution.Bui life is ix>t lived inefely in tlwse destinatioiu.ln fact- it is far iiK)re uhen lived in I he pathways belwecn I hem. We should iippreciale (he joy in I lie jounwy nilher (han Swa* hutry to lhe next deMinaiicMi.Be deGned hy your negative circuinsUincex.Eadi nxwning we are bom again.Wliat do Kxhy ix what nutters moeThis is an iinpottani truth and an imporum proniise.Our live should be deGned by (he negative circumstances lhai happened in our past,Thcy may have aflcctcd our lives, but they do noc write the final chapter. 38Focus entirely on yoursclf.TKc size of our universe bcconKs smaller consMkibly wlwn we place ourselves at the center. 39 On the contrar)*. those who see their life as an opportunity to bring joy to others quickly find i( ihcmsclvcs.40 Every cxccssfilW) adds burden to our hvcs.And yet we continue(o pursue and accumulate more than we need re houses, more cars, more clothes, and more dishcs.Owning less means less cleaning. Ic» burden. lew anxiety, and less sirens each day.lt provides the space and opportunity io pursue (he things in lite that bring lasting satisfaction (o(nir lives.A. Blame everybody c"B. Carn- mon: lluin you need.C. Il we ourselves who hold (he pen.D. Miss the joy of lhe journey for the destination.E. Only a fool believes the wide road is necessarily the right road.F. The fact is (hat too many people expericiKC regret at the lives they chose to live.G. And the people who arc moM tbeused on themselves arc the least satisfied in life.五、翻譯<-)、將下列句子翻譯成漢語.I. To xp<ik English well isn'l an cuxy job.2. It is beyond my power to answer the question.3. Il would be a waste of time (o look up every new wonl as il covnes along.4. It took 100 workeni a year's lime io complete lhe project.5. Sinmn was m> absurtuxl in his b(x>k that be didn'l even neMke me come in.二、將下列句子制俸成英語1.玩太多的游戲會(huì)對我們的視力產(chǎn)生不息拒響.(iKgmiK)2.然而很多青少年的注意力充全被游戲吸引了.他們?nèi)杖找挂沟耐?(bcabsortcdin.)3.飴果,他們不僅視力急期下降,身體也開始變得虛疝以至于無法專心學(xué)習(xí).4.研究表明.感狙狀是導(dǎo)致育少年沉迷游戲的垂要縻因之-.5.當(dāng)我們感到而獨(dú)的時(shí)候,與M去玩游戒.我們訶以去看省'H,這會(huì)讓我們心情平l»o<ratherlhan.,.)


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