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高中英語 Unit5 第一學時Reading and Comprehension同步教學課件 新人教版選修6

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高中英語 Unit5 第一學時Reading and Comprehension同步教學課件 新人教版選修6

第一學時第一學時Reading and ComprehensionThe power of nature 1Have you ever seen a volcano in the flesh?If you have,share your experiences with your classmates and teachers.2Do you like exploring volcanoes?Are you afraid the dangers you may face?3Do you know what a volcanologist do and how important his or her job is?1略2.略3Volcanologists study volcanoes so that they can warn people when the volcano is going to erupt and so save many lives.Task 1快速閱讀課文An Exciting Job,用大約30詞寫出課文的概要。溫馨提示:本文屬記敘文,寫概要時要緊扣人物,事件等要素。_答案:答案:The author talked about the importance of the job as a volcanologist and told us one of his unusual experiences in Mount kilauea,Hawaii.Task 2仔細閱讀An Exciting Job,選擇正確答案。1In the third sentence of Paragraph 1,why do you think the writer used “sometimes” four times? ( )ATo show he is busy.BTo say his job is not boring.CTo prove his job is the greatest.DThey are just used for connection.2The writer and other scientists saved many lives by_.Apredicting the time of earthquakeBpredicting the time of volcanoCpredicting the path and speed of lavaDpersuading people to leave their homesBC3Why is the lava that flows down Mount Kilauea more dangerous than the actual eruption? ( )AMany people live near the top of Mount Kilauea.BThe boiling rocks can cause great damage.CIt can bury everything in its path.DPeople cant know where it will flow next.4We can know from the passage that _ . Aafter studying volcanoes for 20 years,the writer finds it very boringBnobody dare get close to the volcano after it erupted.Cit was easy for the writer to get close to the craterDthe writer likes his job because it is challengingCD5Whats the main idea of the third paragraph? ( ) ABoiling rock which erupts from the volcano and crashes back to earth causes less damage.BThe lava that flows slowly down the mountain causes far more damage.CThe eruption can cause damage but it is exciting to watch.DAn eruption from the side of the mountain.CTask 3再次閱讀課文An Exciting Job,完成下列表格。The writerProfession1._JobHe travels to 2._ places and work alongside people from all over the word. He helps to protect people from 3._. He was 4._ to work in Hawaii 20 years ago and is now just as 5._ about his job as the day he first started.1Volcanologist2.unusual3.volcanoes4.appointed5.enthusiasticThe firstexperienceThe day of the 6._He was 7._ when suddenly the bed began shaking. He saw red hot lava 8._ hundreds of meters into the air.The day after the eruptionTogether with other scientists,he 9._ to the edge of the crater,thus was lucky enough to have a much 10._ look at it.6.eruption7.fast asleep8.fountaining9.made his way10.closerTask 4根據(jù)課文An Exciting Job完成下列短文。Mount Kilauea is one of the most active 1 _ (volcano) in Hawaii.The eruption of it is always taking people 2_ surprise.It is so quick and severe that the places where it flows are ruined and many houses 3_(burn) to the ground.It is an absolute disaster for people 4_live in the paths of the lava.They often get t into a panic when they are warned of it.5 _ many people who are 6_ (enthusiasm) about it would like to watch it with their own eyes.Unfortunately,7_ they are amazed at the fantastic sight of it,they always fail 8_ ( notice) the coming boiling lava.So after that,they must make 9_ effort to escape from it.Is it necessary to 10_ risks?1volcanoes2.by3.are burnt4.who/that5.But6.enthusiastic7.when8.to notice9.an10.take一、請將課文An Exciting Job翻譯成漢語,然后對照“譯文助讀”自主勘誤。譯文助讀一份令人興奮的工作 我的工作是世界上最偉大的工作。我跑的地方是稀罕奇特的地方,和我一道工作的人來自世界各地。(我們)有時在室外工作,有時在辦公室里,有時工作中要用科學儀器,有時要會見當?shù)匕傩蘸陀慰停俏覐膩聿桓械絽挓?。雖然我的工作偶爾也有危險。但是我并不在乎,因為危險能激勵我,使我感到有活力。然而,最重要的是,通過我的工作能保護普通百姓免遭火山的威脅這是世界上最大的自然威力之一。二十年前,作為一名火山學家,我被派到夏威夷火山觀測站(HVO)工作。我的任務是收集有關基拉韋厄火山的數(shù)據(jù)資料,這是夏威夷最活躍的火山之一。收集和評估了這些信息之后,我就幫助其他科學家一起預測下次火山熔巖將往何處流失,流速是多少。我們的工作拯救了許多人的生命,因為熔巖要流經(jīng)之地,老百姓都可以得到離開家園的通知。遺憾的是,我們不可能把他們的家搬離巖漿流過的地方,因此,許多房屋被熔巖淹沒,或者焚燒殆盡。當滾燙的巖石從火山噴發(fā)出來并撒落回地面時,它所造成的損失比想像的要小些。這是因為在巖石下落的基拉韋厄火山頂附近無人居住。而像波浪一樣順著山坡緩慢下流的火山熔巖所造成的損失卻大得多,這是因為火山巖漿所流經(jīng)的地方,一切東西都被掩埋在熔巖下面了。然而,火山噴發(fā)本身的確是很壯觀的,我永遠也忘不了第一次看見火山噴發(fā)時的情景。那是在我抵達夏威夷后的第二個星期。那天我辛辛苦苦地干了一整天,很早就上床睡覺了。我在熟睡中突然感到床鋪在搖晃,接著我聽到一陣奇怪的聲音,就好像一列火車在我的窗外行駛一樣。因為我在夏威夷曾經(jīng)經(jīng)歷過多次地震,所以對這種聲音我并不在意。我剛要再睡,突然我的臥室亮如白晝。我趕緊跑出房間,來到后花園,在那兒我能遠遠地看見基拉韋厄火山。在山的一邊有火山噴發(fā),紅色發(fā)燙巖漿像噴泉一樣,朝天上噴射達幾百米高。真是絕妙的奇景!就在這次火山噴發(fā)的第二天,我有幸作了一次近距離的觀察。我和另外兩位科學家驅(qū)車上山,到最靠近這次火山噴口的地方才下車。早先從觀測站出發(fā)時就帶了一些特別的安全服,于是我們穿上安全服再走近火山口。我們?nèi)齻€人看上去就像宇航員一樣。都穿著白色的防護服遮住全身,戴上了頭盔和特別的手套,還穿了一雙大靴子。穿著這些衣服走起路來實在不容易,但我們還是緩緩往火山口的邊緣走去,并且向下看到了紅紅的沸騰的中央,另外兩人攀下火山口去收集供日后研究用的巖漿,我是第一次經(jīng)歷這樣的事,所以留在山頂上觀察他們。 如今,我和當初從事這項工作時一樣滿懷熱情。雖然我從事火山研究很多年了,但是我至今仍對火山的壯麗景色以及它那潛在的巨大破壞力感到驚愕不已。二、將下列單詞或詞組譯成英語,然后參閱Unit 5的詞匯表自主勘誤。1在旁邊 adv.沿著的邊 prep._2任命,委派 v_3波浪 n波動 vi.揮動_4絕對的 adj._5套裝 n適合 v_6潛在的 adj.潛能 n_7實在的,實際的 adj._1alongside2.appoint3.wave4.absolute5.suit6.potential7.actual8射中,射傷 v_9憂慮的 adj._10驚慌 v&n._11保證,擔保 v_12前往_13匆匆看一遍_14由到不等_8.shoot9.anxious10.panic11.guarantee12.make ones way13.glance through14.vary from.to.


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