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副詞的用法 講義 高考英語語法復(fù)習(xí).docx

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副詞的用法 講義 高考英語語法復(fù)習(xí).docx

高考英語語法知識梳理副詞副詞的形式一、副詞的構(gòu)成一、副詞的構(gòu)成(2)以le結(jié)尾的形容詞,先去掉e再加ly°beautifully 美麗地commercially商業(yè)上地 carefully認真地 especially特別地;尤其 wisely聰明地honestly誠實地recently 最近形容詞+后綴ly(1)直接加-ly° anxiously焦慮地 closely緊密地 consequently 結(jié)果 differently 困難地 globally全球地 greatly 非常 really真正地 ably精明能干地miserably悲慘地possibly可能地comfortably 舒適地 terribly可怕地simply簡單地briefly簡要地 completely 完全地 roughly大約地 frankly坦白地 sincerely真誠地 obviously顯然地gently溫柔地 suitably適當?shù)豠ngrily氣憤地 happily高興地 heavily沉重地【提75】讀音為ai(3) 以''輔音字母+y結(jié)尾且讀音為Li的形容詞,先變y為i再加ly。easily容易地luckily幸運地busily繁忙地noisily喧鬧地healthily健康地的形容詞,直接加ly構(gòu)成副詞。dry干的-dryly干燥地sly狡猾的一slyly狡猾地shy害羞的一shyly害羞地(4) 以ic結(jié)尾的形容詞,加ally。basically基本地 dramatically戲劇性地energetically精力充沛地 systematically 有系統(tǒng)地automatically 自動地 comically滑稽地 economically 經(jīng)濟地 scientifically 科學(xué)地 theoretically 理論上地(4)quite修飾動詞We quite understand what you mean.我們完全理解你的意思。I quite enjoy practicing shadow boxing.我非常喜歡練習(xí)太極拳。(5)quite的位置You are going quite the wrong way.你完全走錯路了。(定冠詞之前)He is quite a clever boy.他是一個相當聰明的孩子。(不定冠詞之前)He is a quite clever boy.(不定冠詞之后)1. ever(1)用于一般疑問句,意為''曾經(jīng)。Does she ever go out at night? 她通常晚上夕卜出嗎?Have you ever been to Beijing? 你曾去過北京嗎?(2)用于否定句,意為''無論何時都不.,至今不曾.。Nothing ever happens in the lonely village,在這個偏僻的小村子里,從未 出過什么大事。We hardly ever go shopping there.我們幾乎不去那里買東西。(3)用于條件句,意為''曾經(jīng)、有機會。If you ever come to Beijing, please let me know.如果有機會來北京,請 告訴我。If you ever have any problems, please call me.你若有問題,請給我打電 話。(4)與比較級連用,意為''以前、以往、任何時候。It is raining hard than ever.雨下得比之前更大了。When she got the letter, she became angrier than ever,拿至ij信后,女也 比之前更生氣了。(5)與最高級連用,意為''空前、有史以來、從來沒有I think she is the best actress ever.我認為她是迄今為止最優(yōu)秀的女演員。This is the biggest harvest ever.這是前所未有的大豐收?!颈嫖觥课覐膩頉]有讀過這么好的書?!菊`】This is the best book that I have never read.【正】This is the best book that I have ever read.(6)與疑問詞連用,加強語氣,意為''到底、究竟。How ever did I forget it?我怎么竟然把它忘了呢?Which ever do you want?你到底要哪一個?Who ever can it be?到底是誰呀?When ever did you lose it? 你到底何時將它遺失的?Where ever did you see the panda?你到底在哪里看見那只熊貓的?(7)構(gòu)成短語。as .as ever 和以前一樣 ever since 自從ever more 越發(fā),越來越for ever (and ever)永遠if ever很少,難得than ever比以前更Although she is old, she is as beautiful as ever.她雖年紀大了,但風(fēng)韻依 舊。She has known me ever since she was a girl.她從孩提時候起,就認識我。2. after all(1)表示結(jié)果與預(yù)想的不同,常用于句尾,意為''結(jié)果,終究。I'm so sorry, I can't come, after all.對不起,結(jié)果我還是不能來。He turned up after all.他終究露面了。(2)導(dǎo)出原因,常用于句首,意為''畢竟,究竟After all, she's a big girl now,畢竟,她現(xiàn)在是大姑娘了。It's not surprising you're tired.After all, you were up until three last night!你累了不稀奇。畢竟,你昨晚三點才睡覺。副詞的形式二、易混副詞二、易混副詞.形式相近意義不同的同根副詞He threw the ball high into the ai.他把球高高地拋向空中。(具體意義''高 高地")They spoke highly of his behaviour.他們高度贊揚了他的行為。(抽象意義''高度地")The dentist asked me to open wide.牙醫(yī)要我張大嘴巴。(具體意義''張大地)He is widely read.他博覽群書。(抽象意義''廣泛地)The ship sank deep into the sea JH深深地沉入了海底。(具體意義''深深地)He cares for her deeply.他深深地愛著她。(抽象意義''深深地")1 .形容詞和副詞的同形兼類詞(1)''時間名詞+ly構(gòu)成的詞(2)形容詞和副詞的同形兼類詞續(xù)表They had an early breakfast.他們吃了一頓很早的早飯。(early adj.)They had breakfast early.他們很早就吃了早飯。(early adv.)They went taking a fast train.他們乘快車走的。(fast adj.)Don't speak so fast.不要講得那么快。(fast adv.)He wants a straight answer to this question.他要一個直截了當?shù)拇鸢竵砘卮疬@個問題。(straight adj.)Tell me straight what you think,直截了當?shù)馗嬖V我你的想法。(straight adv.)副詞的形式三、副詞的分類early 早presently不久,目前tomorrow 明天first最先second其次away離開far遠inside在里面off離開there在那里awfully 相當三、副詞的分類1 .時間副詞(1) 表示發(fā)生時間ago以前finally 最后 immediately 立亥4 recently 最近 sometime將來某時 tonight 今晚(2) 表示時間順序after后來 later后來 last最后 then然后2 .地點副詞above在上面 backwards 向后 downstairs 在樓下 forward (s)向前 here在這里 near 近 nowhere 無處 outside在外面 over在上方 upstairs在樓上3 .程度副詞 absolutely 絕對地 completely 完全地before以前l(fā)ately近來soon不久finally 最后next其次across越過 everywhere 至ij處 home在家out在外面somewhere 某處almost幾乎地forever永遠frequently 頻繁地爾rarely很少地regularly定期地usually 通常7 .疑問副詞enormously 非常地 extremely極端地 greatly 非常 nearly兒乎 partly部分地 rather相當 scarcely幾乎不 thoroughly 徹底地4 .方式副詞actively活躍地 badly壞地 calmly平靜地 easily容易地 fast快地 quickly敏捷地 quietly靜悄悄地 wrongly錯誤地5 .否定副詞barely兒乎不 not不nowhere任何地方都不 seldom彳艮少.頻度副詞always總是entirely全部地 just正是 perfectly完美地 slightly 稍微how如何carefully小心地 gladly高興地 simply 只hardly兒乎不rarely很少地constantly 經(jīng)常地 often經(jīng)常 repeatedly 重復(fù)地exactly正確地much非常quite十分地so那么anyhow無論如何 distinctly 清晰地 hard困難地 wisely聰明地never永不,決不 scarcely兒乎不continually 不斷 occasionally 偶 sometimes 有時how如何however究竟如何when在什么時候whenever究竟什么時候where在哪里wherever究竟在哪里why為什么8.關(guān)系副詞where 的也方when 的時候 why 的原因【比較】The year when I was born is 1948.我出生那年是 1948。(when 關(guān)系 副詞)He asks me when I9 .連接副詞(1)引導(dǎo)句子 anyhow/anyway 不管, 樣 meanwhile 同 moreover 再者then然后 therefore 因此(2)引導(dǎo)名詞性從句 when why where how 10.句子副詞 frankly坦率地 obviously明顯地 evidently顯然地 fortunately 幸運地 luckily僥幸地 hopefully有希望地He asks me when I9 .連接副詞(1)引導(dǎo)句子 anyhow/anyway 不管, 樣 meanwhile 同 moreover 再者then然后 therefore 因此(2)引導(dǎo)名詞性從句 when why where how 10.句子副詞 frankly坦率地 obviously明顯地 evidently顯然地 fortunately 幸運地 luckily僥幸地 hopefully有希望地born .他問我何時出生besides 況且 otherwise 否則 though然而honestly誠實地generally 一般地 unexpectedly意夕卜地(when疑問副詞)however不管怎 still盡管如此 thus因此clearly清楚地briefly簡略地 naturally自然地副詞的作用一、副詞的句法作用一、副詞的句法作用1.作狀語(1)修飾動詞(包括不定式、動名詞、分詞等)Mary recovered slowly.瑪麗復(fù)原得很慢。(slowly 修飾動詞 recovered) He was seen to go upstairs.有人看見他上樓了。(upstairs修飾不定式to go)He was praised for having done the work wonderfully.他因工作出色而受表揚.(wonderfully修飾動名詞having done)(2)修飾形容詞The food is very delicious.食物很可口。(very 修飾 delicious)His grades are not good enough for a scholarship.他的成績遠未好到得獎學(xué)金。(enough修飾good)(3)修飾副詞He speaks English quite fluently.他講英文十分流利。(quite 修飾 fluently) He spoke too quickly for me to understand.他說得太快,我聽不懂。(too 修飾 quickly)(4)修飾介詞短語Our company is badly in need of new blood.我們公司急需新人。(badly修飾in need of new blood)We are all against the plan.我們?nèi)糠磳@個計劃。(all 修飾 against the plan)(5)修飾狀語從句He left there soon after I arrived.我到后不久他就離開那里。(soon修飾狀語從句)Only when he told me the news did I know what had happened.當他告訴我這個消息時我才知道發(fā)生了什么。(only修飾狀語從句)< 6)修飾全句actually apparently certainly clearly definitely evidentlyfortunatelyfranklyhonestlyluckily obviouslyperhapspossiblyprobablysurelyundoubtedlyunexpectedlyHappily, he didn't die.幸虧他沒死。Certainly, I will stand by you forever.當然,我會支持你到底?!颈容^】Clearly he didn't say so.顯然他沒有這樣說。(句子副詞)He didn't say so clearly.他說得沒有那么清楚。(方式副詞)Frankly, you are wrong.說實在的,你錯了。(句子副詞)He spoke frankly about his past life.他坦率地談了他過去的生活。(方式副詞)2 .作后置定語herethereabroadhomeabovebelowinoutoutdoorsupdownupstairsdownstairstodaytomorrowyesterdayI had the good fortune to be chosen for a trip abroad.我真幸運,被選中出國旅行。(abroad修飾trip)Her speech yesterday was a signal that her views have changed. 她昨天的講話標志著她的觀點己經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)變。(yesterday修飾speech)He turned the radio down so that he shouldn't disturb the old lady downstairs.為了不打擾樓下的老太太,他把收音機音量調(diào)低了。(downstairs 修飾 lady)3 .作表語herethereupdownawaynearbybackinhomeaheadupstairsdownstairsoffthroughonoverShe is out.她出去了。He seems abroad.他好像出國了。Beauty is everywhere.美無處不在。【提示】英語中用可作表語的副詞主要是地點副詞。4 .作補足語Ask the children in.讓孩子們都進來。(in作賓語補足語)Keep the fire on for a few minutes.讓火持續(xù)兒分鐘。(on作賓語補足語) I'm pleased to see you back.你回來我很高興。(back作賓語補足語) The boy was seen upstairs.有人看見這個男孩在樓上。(upstairs作主語補 足語).作介詞賓語I haven't seen him since then.從那時起我就沒再見到他了。(then 作 since 的賓語)The museum is very far from here.博物館離這兒很遠。(here 作 from 的 賓語)副詞的作用二、疑問副詞、連接副詞與關(guān)系副詞的區(qū)別二、疑問副詞、連接副詞與關(guān)系副詞的區(qū)別.疑問副詞引導(dǎo)特殊問句How is your grandmother's rheumatism?你奶奶的風(fēng)濕病怎么樣了?Where does she come from? 她是哪兒人?When can you come? 你什么時候能來?Why was he so late?他為什么來得那么晚?1 .連接副詞(1)引導(dǎo)名詞性從句When we arrive doesn't matter,我們什么時候到?jīng)]有關(guān)系。(主語從句)He asks me when I was born.他問我何時出生。(賓語從句)That's how I look at it.這是我的看法。(表語從句)That's why I came round,這就是我來的原因。(表語從句)We have no idea at all where he has gone.我們根本不知道他去哪里了。(同位語從句)(2)構(gòu)成不定式短語Do you know how to start this machine? 你知道這臺機器怎樣啟動嗎?I can't decide where to go for my holidays.我定不下來去哪度假。Tell me when to use this construction.告訴我什么時候用這種結(jié)構(gòu)?!咎崾尽縲hy不能構(gòu)成不定式短語。3.關(guān)系副詞when, where, why引導(dǎo)定語從句We then moved to Paris, where we lived for 6 years.此后我們搬到巴黎,在那里住了 6年。There came a day when the rain fell in torrents.有一天下起了傾盆大雨。 The reason why he came is not very convincing j也來的理由不太有說月艮 力。副詞的作用三、特殊副詞的用法三、特殊副詞的用法1.quite(1) quite修飾形容詞What she said was quite true.她說的話完全屬實。She is quite right.她完全正確。This is quite impossible.這是完全不可能的。(2) quite修飾介詞短語Our meeting in London was quite by chance.我們在倫敦的會面頗為偶然。 This saying is quite out of date.這種說法己經(jīng)完全過時。(3) quite修飾''數(shù)量短語quite a lot許多quite a time很長一段時間quite an effort很大努力 quite a while 一段相當長的時間quite a few 相當多quite a little 相當多He has quite a bit of courage也有相當大的勇氣。There are quite a few illustrations in the book.書中有相當數(shù)量的插圖。 His show made quite a deep impression on the audience也的表演給觀 眾留下了深刻的印象。


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