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外研版小學英語六年級英語下冊導學案小學英語六年級英語下冊導學案MODULE 1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog , please.一、導學目標:1、重點句子: What do you want to eat? I want a hot dog, please. How much is it? Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.2、詞匯: hamburger, cola, dollar, cent, enjoy.3、導學重難點:1).Ordering food and drink.2).the numbers二、導學過程:Step1 熱身: 1 . Greeting class . Hello/Hi./ How are you? / Nice to see you again. / Good morning. / Where did you go? What did you do on the holiday? 2. Say some food3. Say the numbers4. Use “want” to make sentences.5. 1、) Im hungry. I want some bread. What do you want to eat? S1:I want someS2:I want some .Play a chain game.2). Some of your foods are Chinese and some are western . As you know, today were going to see what Daming is going to eat and drink? 3).First, Look at the pictures, and think about these questions: (1) Who is in the restaurant with Daming ? (2) What do they order ?4) What does Daming want ?5) How much is it? 6.Listen to the tape and ask:”Is a hot dog really a dog ?”and talk about the hot dog to the class . 7.Listen again and answer the questions. Then listen and repeat. Step 2 Work in groups, read and translate the text. Step 3 Work in groups about Part 3. then check the answers. Then try to find How much is two hamburgers, a hot dog and three colas.隨堂檢測:一、用所給單詞的適當形式填空1. Does he_ (want) an apple ?2. My father _ (want) a cola and I _ (want) some milk .3. Can you help _(we)?4. Lets go and help _(he).5. A cola for _(I) ,please. 二、Listen to the tape and read or recite the text. Unit 2 What do you want to do?一、學習目標 :重點句子:What do you want to eat/drink?I want a hamburger /some chicken and rice.How much is it ?Its yuan .二、預(yù)習學案:詞匯:hamburger ,cola, dollar ,cent ,enjoy句式:1.What do you want to eat? I want 2. How much is it? Its課前準備: recorder, some cards, tape ,實物。 三、導學案Warm up 1. Greetings 2. Free talkNew Teaching:Activity 1: Look at the menu. Then ask your food and pay for your food.1. Show a restaurant menu to the students.2. Have them look at the menu and talk with their partners.3. Do the activity in their groups.Activity 2: Match (Race)Youll be the winner of this week if you get the flag. (誰在單位時間內(nèi)點出的食物樣數(shù)多并準確算出應(yīng)付的錢數(shù),就獲得周冠軍。)Activity 3: Listen, say and sing 1. Have the students look at their books and try to read the sentences of song.2. Read after the teacher and to know the meaning.3. Listen to tape twice.4. Sing follows it.5. Sing and do the actions.Game: The big dinner1. Put some food on the desk.2. Say out the name of the food.3. Then ask and answer in turns.4. Buy and pay for your food.5. Taste the food in their groups.四、課堂檢測:(一)、連詞成句1、do, you ,what ,to ,eat ,want( ?)2、want I some noodles (.)3、food all is nice your (.)(二、)選擇正確的選項。( )1.What do you want to eat ?A、A cola B、Tea C、A hamburger( ) 2. What do you want to drink?A. A hot dog B. A cola C. Rice ( ) 3. -How is it ? -It is seven dollars and sixty cents .A. much B. many C. far Module 2 Unit1 Were going to have a picnic.教學目標:1、學習新單詞: duck, noisy, hungry , snow, rain2、學習重點句子:(1) We are going to have a picnic. (2) When are we going to eat?(3) At half past twelve . Its going to rain soon .3、功能運用:能夠表達自己和他人的活動計劃,能夠聽懂和表達天氣情況,能夠根據(jù)天氣情況制定活動計劃并且相互交流。重點、難點1.單詞:duck, noisy, snow, rain2學會用句型:When are we going to eat?這類語句詢問計劃的活動時間,并能口頭表達運用At half past twelve. 這類語句回答。3、be going to 句型中,當人稱變化時,be 動詞相應(yīng)變化。4、培養(yǎng)學生口語表達,嘗試預(yù)告某地的天氣。預(yù)習學案預(yù)習目標:(1)各小組準備單詞卡片。(2)聽課文錄音并找出生詞和難懂的句子。預(yù)習內(nèi)容一、聽一聽,讀一讀。 duck, noisy, hungry , snow, rain二、翻譯我最棒 1、去野餐_2、在十二點半_3、圍著湖邊散步_4、去上學_5、一個好天_6、吃我們的野餐_三、我會欣賞通過讀課文,你領(lǐng)會到課文主要寫了什么? 試著用簡單的英語句子回答。 導學案I. Warming up 1、Greetings 2、各小組出示單詞卡片,引導小組成員相互詢問“What are we going to do now ?” We are going to . 3、聽錄音(引出課題并板書)。II、小組自主互助 1、聽錄音(整體感知) 2、師解答小組值日代表提前寫在黑板上的生詞和難懂的句子,并補充難點。 3、聽錄音并跟讀,小組內(nèi)學習新單詞和重難點,然后各小組用自己喜歡的方式展示并評比。 4、聽錄音回答問題(在黑板上)Whats the dialogue about? When are they going to eat? What are they going to do now ?”5、組內(nèi)討論問題答案 ,然后班內(nèi)共同解決6、組內(nèi)討論課文意思,然后小組搶答并展示。7、鞏固練習:各小組看活動3圖片,討論When are we going to并進行小組間展示。課堂檢測一、快樂填一填 。 1、 Lets _(walk) to school. 2、 _(this) boys are very hungry. 3、Look !It _ (rain). 4、 It _ (rain) soon . 5、 They are _ (eat) breakfast now . 6、 The duck (like) our picnic.7、 Our picnic _ (be) very nice.二、我能行。用英語寫一下在周末你將要干什么。三、拓展提升(1) 將Daming他們的對話改寫成一篇英語小短文。 (2) 請你寫出今天又掌握的5個英文句子。 Unit2 Its going to snow in Harbin.一、學習目標:1、了解掌握一般將來時態(tài)的用法2、了解日常生活中有關(guān)天氣的詞語以及相應(yīng)的圖標標示3、在創(chuàng)設(shè)的情景中播報未來的天氣二、預(yù)習學案讀單詞,畫出圖標標示Rain snow windy cold sunny warm hot cool 三、導學案熱身復習:(課前延伸部分)出示天氣符號卡片,快速說出對應(yīng)的單詞。自主學習:1、 聽第八頁Part1錄音內(nèi)容,將每個城市與對應(yīng)的天氣符號連線。Harbin (cold and windy)Bingjing (snow)Dalian (warm and sunny)Xian (rain)2、 根據(jù)連線內(nèi)容,利用“Its going to”句型,描述各城市天氣情況。如:Its going to snow in Harbin.合作交流:1、小組討論自學過程中遇到解決不了的問題,互相交流。2、請同學們討論以下問題:(1) Its going to snow in Harbin.與 Its going to be warm in Dalian.兩個句子中為什么snow 前沒有be 而warm 前加be?(2) 如果讓你詢問明天的天氣狀況,你該怎樣問呢?提示:詢問當前天氣用“Whats the weather like today?3、Practice.(1) 觀察第八頁Part 3 地圖中每個城市的天氣,練習對話。(Pairwork)如:A: Whats the weather going to be like in Xian? B: Its going to be windy in Xian.(2)小小天氣預(yù)報員 觀察每個城市的天氣,扮演天氣預(yù)報員,播報天氣。 (3)根據(jù)下周的天氣做出計劃、打算,將句子寫在隨堂記錄本上。MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundaywindysnowcoldrainsunnywarmcloudy例如:Its going to be cold on Wednesday.Im going to watch TV.4、展示學習成果 (對話、角色表演、集體展示等方式)5、拓展延伸 播放語音材料(英文版天氣預(yù)報),了解更多的天氣情況,如:Thunder、shower、 foggy等。課堂檢測:一. 翻譯下列句子。 1. 我過了一個忙碌但卻刺激的周末。 I _ _ _ _ exciting weekend. 2. Jenny喜歡看書。昨晚她看了一本科學方面的書籍。 Jenny likes _ _. She _ a book _ _ last night. 3. Emma每天都練習彈吉他??墒亲蛱焖麤]有練習。他為數(shù)學考試做準備了。 Emma _ the guitar every day. But he _ _ yesterday. He _ _ the math test. 4. 上周六他們做什么了?他們做作業(yè)和購物了。 What _ they _ _ Saturday?二、選詞填空A.to B.in C.on D.with ( )1.they are going to play basketball _their teachers.( )2.it is going to snow _Xian.( )3.They are going to the playground _walk.( )4.Its hot _Thursty.Module 3 Unit1 The sun is shining (一)預(yù)習目標1、看圖片,了解圖片內(nèi)容。2、找出課文中的現(xiàn)在分詞。(二)預(yù)習過程1、用“”劃出課文中帶ing的單詞。2、小組討論,嘗試用英語描述圖片。3、在筆記本上記錄自己的預(yù)習疑惑,準備上課交流。三、導學案(一)自主交流,預(yù)習新知利用課前時間,各小組成員交流預(yù)習時遇到的問題,由小組代表在課前把他們預(yù)習時遇到的生詞或不理解的句子板書到黑板上,其他小組可以上去補充。(二)激趣熱身,導入課題1、組內(nèi)快速問答,復習舊知,找出優(yōu)勝組。(What are you going to do?I am going to )2、教師在黑板上快速畫出一幅簡筆畫,邊畫邊問What am I doing? What are the birds doing?學生進行搶答:The birdings are singing in the threes.(三)小組合作,初學生詞、聽錄音,把握正確的語音語調(diào)。、第二遍聽錄音,邊聽邊讀出黑板上的生詞,個別難詞應(yīng)該反復跟讀,掌握正確的發(fā)音、個別學生讀不準的或是較難的詞教師要適當領(lǐng)讀。如shining sending singing小組合作學習黑板上的生詞,包括會讀會翻譯。討論解決黑板上的生詞及課文中不理解的地方,組內(nèi)解決不了的問題可以由其他小組的同學幫助解決。(四)導學單詞,強化鞏固以小組為單位檢查。小組長示范邊讀邊譯,然后進行單詞聯(lián)想造句。(五)初讀課文,整體感知1、聽課文錄音,聽完后學生嘗試描述圖片上的活動情況。2、再聽錄音,學生跟讀課文。3、小組內(nèi)互助讀課文,最后小組長檢查本組的描述情況四、課堂檢測1、Activity3 各小組選代表登臺描述圖片。教師及時糾錯,師生共同評價。2、進行draw and say活動。五 、課堂小結(jié),綜合評價學生自主總結(jié)本課所學知識。 六、課后作業(yè)根據(jù)本課所學知識,用英語描述自己搜集的圖片。 Unit2 Im looking out of the window一。學習目標學會運用單詞out of , wrong等單詞。學習用語句I am on the train .I am looking out of the window.向不在場的人描述所看到的情景。二、預(yù)習學案:1.自主學習新單詞out of, wrong2.使用學過的動詞進行“猜動作”游戲。3.自行閱讀詩歌,勾出詩歌中不理解的單詞。三、導學案:I.課前延伸:1.個人讀單詞,領(lǐng)讀。2.復習現(xiàn)在進行時的句子。II.小組探究: 1.小組讀課文,將課文中所缺的(圖畫)單詞填寫出來。 2.小組讀所寫的單詞。3.解決詩歌中不理解的詞語句子。.合作交流,展示提升1全班交流填寫的單詞,檢查單詞的拼寫。2.全班以評價小組為單位進行課文朗讀接龍比賽,各評價小組分別選出一名同學參賽,老師會在任意處停下讓第二組的同學接讀。 3.給學生播放一段有趣的動畫片,請學生記錄動畫片人物的動作,并且以現(xiàn)在進行時的句子書寫出來。.精講點撥1.將學生在寫作中遇到的生詞板書到黑板上和學生共同解決。2.讓學生以第一人稱的形式為動畫片配音。四、課堂檢測:1.完成下列空格。 Im on the bus.I am out of the window. The sun is . The boy is a kite.Some girls are games. Oh,the park is here. I must get off the bus. 2.將下列句子重新排列,完成玲玲給大明的信。 Hi,Daming!(your thank letter you for)(had day too funny a we Saturday on)(the went to library we )(wet got we very )(photos some mum took Linglings)From, Lingling五、課后作業(yè)1. 描述自己的一段活動的記錄,要求五句以上。2. 制作動詞卡片。MODULE 4Unit 1 Im making Damings birthingday cardStudying aims(學習目標):Knowledge aims(知識目標):1. Able to read, spell and use the words. (會讀、拼單詞并且能理解應(yīng)用)2. Able to ask for help in English. (會用英語請求幫助)3. Practise certain pronunciations. (學習一定的語音語調(diào)知識)4. Able to explain the reason that one cant help others. (會用現(xiàn)在進行時說明自己不能提供幫助的理由。)Ability aim(能力目標):Able to talk about the topic“Help”with the natural pronunciation and intonation.(能用正確的表述方式和準確的語音語調(diào)談?wù)摗皫椭痹掝}。)Emotional and Strategic aims(情感策略目標):Enjoy study, be good at challenging ourselves, and seek learning methods to develop a good habit of autonomic learning. (學生通過感知和體驗,勇于克服困難、積極參與合作、勇于探究積累學習方法并敢于開口用英語進行交流。) Keystones(重點):1. Word pronunciation. (單詞發(fā)音)2. To understand the grammar and to use it. (語法知識的理解及應(yīng)用)3. Oral practice. (重點句子的語音訓練)Difficulties(難點):Establishment of teaching methods and Teaching Assumptions (教學策略) :1.運用“我讀對了單詞的三個理由”和英語“口語訓練六最法”引導學生快樂學習,扎實學習,說標準的英語。2.將學習習慣培養(yǎng)扎實有效地落實到每一個教學環(huán)節(jié)中,關(guān)注每一個學生,關(guān)注不同層次的學生,培養(yǎng)他們善于質(zhì)疑、傾聽和合作的能力。 Stages and procedures (教學程序):Guide the students to do pre-class preparation(引導學生做好課前準備)Leading-in.(導入課題: M4 U1 Im making Damings birthday card.)Present studying aims and the studying methods with the knowledge tree. (用知識樹展示學習目標和學習方法)1.Emotional and Strategic aims(情感和策略等目標):Self-confidenceNever give up.CourageBe good at challenging ourselves.StrategyBe good at study.2.Studying methods(學習方法):“我讀對了單詞的三個理由”and“口語訓練六最法”3.Language points(學習內(nèi)容):Words and pronunciations GrammarPronunciation and intonation A dialogueStudy new words(單詞學習) (出示課件)1.Display the word list,read the words as a model.(出示單詞,范讀) card /ka:d/卡片; careful /kfl/細心的,小心的; balloon /blu:n/氣球; fly away /flai wei/飛走; stairs /stz/樓梯; mess mes混亂.2.Guide the pupils to answer and sum up the methods to read English words(引導學生回答、總結(jié)單詞學習方法。)我讀對了單詞的三個理由:理由1、根據(jù)讀音規(guī)則就應(yīng)該這樣讀。理由2、根據(jù)音標就是這樣讀。理由3、聽錄音或老師就是這樣讀的。3. Guide the pupils to study by themselves, and then help each other. (引導學生參照“我讀對了單詞的三個理由”展開自學、互助、質(zhì)疑解惑和反饋矯正。)Study the grammar(學習語法) (出示課件)Grammar 1: How should you ask for help?Listen and find out the sentences.(聽音,找句子)Who can help me?To guide the pupils to practise the sentences with different voices.(引導學生用不同的語氣進行操練。)Grammar2:How to explain that you cant offer help. (如何說明自己不能提供幫助的理由。)Listen and find out the sentence: Im making Damings birthday card.Write the sentence ( 師生同時書寫句子):Im making Damings birthday card.Guide the pupils to understand the sentence and understand the differences between English and Chinese.(引導學生理解漢意,并理解英語和漢語的差異。)Review the using of The Present Continuous Tense.(復習現(xiàn)在進行時態(tài)的用法。)Lets practise oral with the “six mosts”. (用“六最法”訓練口語)1.Present the “six mosts”( 出示“口語訓練六最法”)As clearly as possible(最清晰)As slowly as possible(最慢速)As loudly as possible(最大聲)As quickly as possible(最快速)As naturally as possible(最優(yōu)雅)I can use it(最會用)2. Guide the pupils to practise the sentence with the methods learned. (引導學生用“口語訓練六最法”逐步訓練句子)E.g. Im making Damings birthday card.As clearly as possible: Guide the pupils to pronounce correctly, understand the meaning and the sentence structures. ( 引導學生把每一個單詞的音發(fā)準確,并準確理解漢意和句式結(jié)構(gòu)等。)As slowly as possible: Guide the pupils to experience every point of articulation.(引導學生用最慢速體會每一音的發(fā)音部位。)As loudly as possible: Guide the pupils to yell the sentence in order to strengthen their confidence(引導學生大聲喊句子,增強自信。)As quickly as possible :Guide the pupils to practise as quickly as possible. (引導學生快速訓練,提高熟練程度。)As naturally as possible: Guide the pupils to speak natural English. (引導學生說優(yōu)雅、自然的英語。)I can use it: Guide the pupils to make and use more sentences. (引導學生舉一反三用句子。)3. Guide the pupils to study the following sentences by themselves with the “six mosts” in groups. (以小組為單位用六最法自主互助學習)Shes buying things for your birthday.The oranges are falling.The balloons are flying away.The books are falling.The apples are falling.The kite is flying away.The newspaper is flying away.4. Act in groups. (小組展示學習過程)Show off:Look at the pictures and make dialogues in group, then show off. (小組展示自編對話表演)Sum up(課堂總結(jié)): What have you got in this class? Guide the pupils to sum up the experience, the methods and the knowledge they have got.(引導學生總結(jié)學習體驗、方法及知識等收獲。)Homework(作業(yè)): (出示課件)Talk about “Help” after class with the knowledge weve learned.(課下和同學、朋友組織一個“幫助”話題的交流活動。文明用語,魅力無窮!) Module4 Unit2 The apples are falling down the sairs一、 學習目標1、識別單詞和短語stairs , mess ,What a mess!并知道漢語意思2、口頭運用The apples are falling down the sairs說明正在發(fā)生的事情。3、學習一首小詩。二、 預(yù)習學案:<一>預(yù)習目標:1、看圖片,嘗試描述圖片內(nèi)容。2、找出課文中的現(xiàn)在分詞,了解其漢語意思。(二)預(yù)習過程1、小組討論,嘗試用英語描述圖片。2、用“”劃出課文中帶ing的單詞。3、在筆記本上記錄自己的預(yù)習疑惑,準備上課交流。三、 導學案。<一>自主交流,預(yù)習新知。利用課前時間,各小組成員交流預(yù)習時遇到的問題,由小組代表在課前把他們預(yù)習時遇到的生詞或難理解的句子板書到黑板上,如果哪個小組還有黑板上沒有板書的生詞或句子就上去補充。<二>回顧舊知, 導入新課。1、 由老師帶領(lǐng),復習動詞短語,進行What am I doing ?問答游戲。2 、各小組進行unit1 Activity 1的課本劇表演。3、老師挑選幾名小組代表進行全班展示,并評價。<三>小組合作,學習生詞、聽錄音,把握正確的語音語調(diào)。、第二遍聽錄音,邊聽邊讀出黑板上的生詞,個別難詞應(yīng)該反復跟讀,掌握正確的發(fā)音、個別學生讀不準的或是較難的詞教師要適當領(lǐng)讀。如falling down, sairs , mess.<四>初讀課文,整體感知。1、聽錄音,跟讀,模仿語音語調(diào)。2、聽錄音,回答問題:What is happening to the apples ?3、小組互助交流,描述課文。4、Activity2 聽音連線,鞏固所學知識。<五>學習小詩,活躍課堂氣氛。1、 放錄音,學生跟讀,模仿語音語調(diào)。2、 小組內(nèi)互助讀小詩,邊讀邊做動作。3、 進行最佳直播解說員”評選活動.四、課堂檢驗:1、Activity5 game:What is he doing ? 學生兩人一組進行對話。2、Activity3 Point and say 各小組選派代表登臺看圖片說句子,由學生作出評價。五、課堂小結(jié),綜合評價。學生自主總結(jié)本課所學知識。六、課后作業(yè)把詩歌朗誦給家人或朋友聽,讓他們一起來欣賞。Module5 Unit1.Daming is having a birthday party. (導學案)一、學習目標:1. Learning task:1). Daming is having a birthday party. 2). Daming is playing the trumpet, but the phone is ringing.2. Ability:Talk about "one thing is happening, but another thing is happening." teaching aids:a tape-recorder 二、預(yù)習學案:讀課文完成下列句子:1)Daming is having a birthday party,but the _ is _.2)Daming is playing the trumpet ,but the_ is _.3)Daming is playing the trumpet again ,but the _ is _ . 4)Daming is playing the trupet again ,but the_ is _ .三、導學案:Step1.Greeting:T:Hello!Boys and girls! T:Whats the weather like today? ( Its sunny.)Whats the weather like yesterday? ( It was windy.)Whats the weather like tomorrow? ( It is going to be sunny.)T:Sit down ,please.Step2.RevisionRevise the present continues tense: the subject +be+doingaccroding to the game"from the last word to the first word"1. E,g:picnic-a picnic-have a picnic-having a picnic-Were having a picnic.The teacher should make the similar sentensens with "football ,piano ,swim , hambergur "2.At last,the teacher shoud let them give the word "party" Party-birthday party-a birthday party-have a birthday party-having a birthday party -Daming is having a birthday party.Step3. About text:1.Let students look at the questions :1).Who is the birthday party for? 2). What is Daming doing? 3).What is the day like for Daming?2.Play the tape for students ,then let them try to answer the questions.1)Daming is having a birthday party.2)Daming is playing the trumpet.3)Daming is having a great birthday!3.Open the books ,play the tape again ,students listen and underline the new words , and guess the meaning of the words.Then the teacher should write down the words and teach to read.4.Then the teacher should explain the difficulty in the text.1)Daming is having a birthday party,but the phone is ringing.2)Daming is playing the trumpet ,but the phone is ringing.3)Daming is playing the trumpet ,but the doorbell is ringing. 4)Daming is playing the trupet ,but the dog is singing.4.Let students describe the pictures in English ,they should answer the questions:1)What is Daming doing?2)What is another thing happening?13 / 13


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