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高級BEC劍橋商務(wù)英語口語目錄高級商務(wù)英語口語1Lesson One3Lesson Two11Lesson Three20Lesson Four28Lesson Five34Lesson Six50Lesson Seven59Lesson Eight65Lesson Nine74Lesson 1 Formal Verbal Communication in Business I Leading Seminars Questioning Techniques Be a Leader and A Good Listener At the Same Time Giving CriticismLesson 2 Formal Verbal Communication in Business II Four Main Parts of a Presentation Delivery Skills What to Say When You Forget What to Say Presentation Language FocusLesson 3Cross-Cultural Communication in Business Six Fundamental Patterns of Cultural Differences A General View of Corporate Culture Decoding Body-language of North AmericaLesson 4 Business Etiquette Guidelines for Business Entertaining and Gift-Giving Acceptable Public Conduct in North America The Art of “Small Talks” Welcome Topics of ConversationLesson 5 Contract English Main Characteristics of A Contract Elements of a Contract Commonly used Legal Terms Tips on Contract LingoLesson 6Negotiation English What You Should Know Before Negotiating Negotiation Tactics Negotiation Language FocusesLesson 7Business Reporting Research Tools and information Sources For Earnings, Performances and SEC Filing General Theory of The “Double Entry Accounting”System The Contents and The Equation of A Balance SheetLesson8Business News Reading Features and Styles of Writing in Western Business Journalism What is it in an Earning Report? Idiomatic Usages and Set Phrases Often Used to Describe and Predicting Economic DevelopmentLesson9Interview English The ABCs of Job Interviews In North America Common questions guidelines to proper answers “Tell me something about your self” The tone-setting question Nonverbal Pitfalls to Watch ForLesson OneFormal Verbal Communication in Business I正式商業(yè)交流 (1) 研討會(huì)Part IObjectives Procedures of Seminars Leading and Commonly Used Sentence Structures研討會(huì)各個(gè)程序及常用句型 Questioning Techniques提問技巧 A Leader and A Good Listener, At the Same Time做好的聽眾,做好的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者 Giving Criticism提出批評觀點(diǎn)的技巧Part IIThe How-TosLeading Seminars/ Questioning Techniques General procedures of a seminar/lecture1) Self-introduction2) Introduction of Topic3) Describing sequences and timing4) Highlighting information5) Involving the audience6) Giving instructions7) Checking understanding8) Asking questions9) Clarifying questions10) Evading questions11) Inviting comments12) Interrupting13) Transitions14) Reformulations15) Closing Language ReferenceSelf-introduction 自我介紹Good morning, Im - and Ive been invited to give this talk/ presentation / lecture because-I have done research in / I have a special interest in / my experience is inIntroduction of Topic 話題介紹In my presentation/talk/lecture today I shall be dealing with-The subject of my - today is -What Id like to do today is introduce/suggest/ analyse/ describe / explainMy topic/subject today is -I shall be dealing with 2/3/4. main areas/topics/subjects todayDescribing Sequences and Timing 程序介紹與時(shí)間安排First I want to /spend a few minutes outlining -/remind you of the background to/summarise the -/explain-/ present-Next I shall-/after that I will take the opportunity of describing-/ Then well look at-Finally I want to-Highlighting Information 重點(diǎn)介紹(Rhetorical questions)So, what does that mean?/How can we interpret this?/Whats the explanation for this?/What are the implications of these findings?(Change of focus)What that tells us is/What Im suggesting is/What is clear is that(Introducing auxiliary verb)So clearly we do need to-/Obviously they did understand that-/ Of course you do wan to know why-Involving the Audience 聽者的參與Lets have a show of hands, how many of you agree with -Im sure we all know what its like to-Let me ask you spend a couple of seconds thinking about-Well, what would you do, I wonder-Just look around the room and take a note of /how many men are wearing a tie-/how many people are wearing jeans-/the average age of the participantsGiving Instructions 給予指示For this exercise, we are going to work in pairs: groups of 3/4/5Make a note of these words/figuresRead the paragraph on page -Please note that I shall be timing the exercise and you have exactly 7 minutesNow complete the questionnaire and put your name in the top left-hand cornerChecking Understanding 隨時(shí)觀察聽者反映Is everyone with me so far?Are there any questions at this stage?Would anyone like me to run through that again?If you have any problems with the detail, dont worry because all the information is in your handoutAsking Questions 詢問問題Direct questions/open-ended:What/why/how/where/whenClosed questions :Do you/did youDelicate questions:I was wondering if/ could I ask you/ would you mind telling me/if its not indiscreet Id like to know/might I ask/may I askClarifying Questions 澄清問題So you want to know about-/is it the figures that worry you/ when you say-do you mean-/If Ive understood the question you want to know about-Evading Questions 回避問題Thats not really my field-/ thats a bit outside the scope of todays topic/ I havent got the precise information with me today/ thats not really for me to say/Id need notice of that question to answer you in full/this is not really the place to discuss that matter/ perhaps thats a question for another meetingInviting Comments 鼓勵(lì)并聽取意見Has anyone got any questions at this point?Would anyone like to comment on that?Does anyone disagree with my last point?Can anyone confirm my experience?If nobody has any questions then Ill move onInterrupting 中斷Id like to discuss it further, but I think its time to move onCould I just stop you there-If I might just add-Im sure wed all agree, but perhaps we should get back to the main pointTransitions 過渡If we could now turn to-/my next point is-/ what I want to do next is -/ lets move on to-/that completes my analysis of-/so, now we are going to-Reformulations 總結(jié)If I might just go over that again-/so, in summary-/ just to remind you of the key facts/the main points/ the advantages of-/my main arguments were-Closing 結(jié)束Thank you for listening to me todayI hope you have found my presentation usefulThank you for your attention Questioning Techniques 提問技巧Reasons for asking questions:To obtain informationTo find out the opinions of other peopleTo ask other people to contribute ideasTo find out the reasons behind eventsTo seek confirmationThe status of the questionerThe questioner may have an official need to ask questions - work-role, legal power, etc., or the questioner may have an entirely personal curiosity to satisfy. If the role is official, the questioner needs to choose the questioning style with care in order to produce the required results. Questioning can be quite a threatening activity in some circumstances. For example, if the questioner wants information , then the person who has that information may feel that s/he is being asked to give up something that represents an advantage. If the questioner is merely curious in a social setting , then the important point is the level of delicacy of the question. In most cultures, very personal details such as how much money we earn is too private to form the subject of questions by others.Choices of question styleClosed v. openClosed questions permit only yes/no answers. They may therefore be more threatening than open questions because they leave no room for expansion or explanation. The questioner needs to decide if it would be more tactful to ask:Have you finished that report yet?OrHow are you getting on with that report?The first question implies that the report is now due; the second merely asks for a progress statement. The open question allows the respondent to elaborate and does not have overtones of authority.Wh- type questionsQuestions starting with question words: what, when, why, who, how, are open questions but they are also very direct. Too many questions like this have the flavour of an interrogation and may make the person being questioned feel uncomfortable. It may be necessary to preface the questions with phrases that show the questioner is aware of the intrusiveness of the question:May I ask youCould you tell meWould you mind telling me I wonder if I could ask you.I would be interested in knowingIf its not indiscreet, may I ask .I know its not really my business, but.Facilitative styles of asking questionsIf the intention of the questioner is really to prompt the interlocutor in disclosing information freely, then question techniques may not be appropriate at all. Instead it might be better to echo and to reformulate in order to give the interlocutor the opportunity to expand.Illustrative dialogueA. Well, I live in a flat in a rather poor part of town. B. Poor part of town?A. Yes, its quite dirty and the streets are badly lit. Thats why I dont like going out alone at night. B. So youre frightened to go out alone?A. Well, yes because we hear of attacks and muggings. Thats why I want to leave.In this dialogue, speaker B doesnt try to take the initiative, but merely echoes and reformulates to prompt speaker A to say what worries her.Part IIILets Talk BusinessLEADING THROUGH CHANGE: Listening as a leaderOften, when we think of communication, we think of speaking, presenting, writing-delivering a message in some way. But an effective communicator is also adept at receiving messages. You wont budge people toward a goal if they dont feel that theyve had input, that theyve been heard and understood, and that the vision theyre working toward is also their own vision. Listening to your followers is the only way you can make this happen. To be a good leader, HEAR OUT what others have to say: Hold judgment and hold eye focus Listen carefully and with an open mind-if youre defensive you may miss critical information. Dont formulate your answer while a person is still speaking. Watch for subtle body language that may offer extra clues to the speakers true meaning. Also, hold eye focus. If you dont look at the person who is speaking to you, you cant establish trust. As a leader, you want followers to trust you and believe in you. End all other tasks. Show respect for people by putting aside your paper, lunch, etc., and dont take phone calls. Youll be better regarded, and youll save time. By "doing it right the first time," there wont be misunderstandings or any need to repeat information. Be ready to job down notes as the person speaks. Allow the speaker to finish. Dont interrupt. Dont change the subject. Dont finish sentences for the speaker. Remain quiet until youre sure the speaker has completed his or her thoughts. Read between the lines. As you listen to the speaker, listen for what might be left unsaid. Its not always easy for a person to approach someone in a more senior position and tell it like it is. If you want to get an honest opinion of some of your ideas and actions, youll need to probe. Youll also need to value that feedback and the person who gave it to you. Never shoot the messenger. Outline your understanding. Once the person is finished speaking, reiterate what you believe to be the main ideas, issues, etc. State them simply and, if possible, try to "rank" them from most important to least. At each step, ask the speaker if youve correctly heard the message. Take the time to be certain, or youve both simply wasted time. Underline major points. Once you and the speaker agree on the main ideas that have been uncovered, focus your attention on one or two of the most important: What needs to be done right now to make the speaker-and you-acknowledge that something positive has been accomplished? What else can be done in the future? Set a date to revisit these main ideas and to discuss progress. Test the waters. Take what youve learned and test it with others. What are others feeling and thinking? Is this an isolated issue? Dont take it any less seriously but if its a "movement" of sorts, youll need to address it differently. Testing the waters allows you to explore the real needs, fears and hopes of your followers and incorporate them into your shared vision. Remember, if youre trying to move people in a new direction, you must know here theyre coming from. People dont always need leaders to agree with them and act on their suggestions. But people always do need to feel their leader cares enough to listen. When people are uncertain what tomorrow may bring, a leader with a reputation as a "good listener" may be the most prized employee in any organization. Work hard to make yourself that person.Part IIIIExercises and Discussion Exercise to sensitize your questioning techniques.1 Write on the board a list of 5 or 6 prominent people that everyone knows. Some of these people should be the subject of current controversy.2 Write a question of each type (see reasons for asking questions at the beginning of this unit) and address each of your questions to one of the people you have listed.3 Now grade their questions for levels of delicacy on a scale 1 - 5, with 5 being the most delicate.4 Check their questions for the appropriateness of their style - are they open or closed; direct or indirect? Adjust the phrasing of the questions to suit the level of delicacy.5 Lets discuss the results. Give examples of situations where open/closed types of questions are generally asked. Choose one of the following topics and make it into a seminar. Try to incorporate all the 15 elements mentioned in part II.- How to boil an egg- How to organize a picnic for your company- Key factors consumers should be aware of when purchasing a DVD player Rewrite the conversation between John and Mary in Part five. Discuss on the possible outcomes of the conversation with your partner.Part VSupplementary MaterialsGiving CriticismWhen its necessary to criticise the work of colleagues it is important to do so in a manner that is supportive and that permits the other person find ways of improving his or her performance. To do this we need to:Concentrate on the error, not on the person Avoid generalizations Provide specific examples of the problems that need attention Make helpful suggestions for improvement Avoid a one-sided attack Avoid insinuations and hints Conduct the criticism in private so as not to humiliate the other personRead the dialogue below and make a note of the ways in which John fails to observe the advice given above in his criticisms of Marys work:John: Come in and take a seat, Mary. This wont take a minute.Mary: Whats this all about, John?John: Well Im sorry Mary, but Ive come to the conclusion that your works just not up to scratch. I need to see a big improvement if you want to stay here.Mary: I see. I admit I have found these first few weeks a hard, but I need time to settle in and theres a lot to learn.(Knock at the door)John: Come in.Jane: Oh, sorry John, Ill come back later, I didnt realize you were talking.John: Thats all right, come in. I was just telling Mary that I dont think shes really up to the job here.Jane: No, I dont want to intrude on a private conversation; Ill come back later.Mary: So what are you saying John, are you firing me?John: No; but I have to say that if this little talk doesnt make you realize where youre going wrong, it may come to that.Poor Mary! John has just attacked the standard of her without giving her any idea of where she is going wrong; on top of that hes repeated the criticism in front of another member of staff. By using some of the suggestions below, see if you can rewrite the dialogue so that John offers Mary constructive and positive criticism that will help her to improve her performance: Invite Mary to a private interview Ask if she is ready to discuss the standard of her work Acknowledge the fact that she is new to the company and that there is a lot to learn Say that her reports are lacking in detail and accuracy Ask her if she is aware of that Say that she is often late in the morning Ask her if there are personal problems that make it difficult for her to arrive on time Say that some of the clients she deals with have complained that she misses appointments Ask her if she can explain why this is Ask her if there is anything you can do to help her improve in these areas. Set a date for another talk in a few weeks to review her progress.If John conducts the interview along these lines, Mary will: Know exactly which aspects of her work are unsatisfactory Will have the opportunity to explain why she has problems Will not be publicly humiliated Will feel that she is getting support in her efforts to improve.Reference Brenda Townsend Hall,1998 www.ecglink.comLesson TwoFormal Verbal Communication in Business II正式商業(yè)交流 商業(yè)演示 (2)Part IObjectives Four Main Parts of a Presentation 商業(yè)演示的四個(gè)部分 Delivery Skills 表達(dá)技巧 Save you out of embarrassment, at a Presentation 擺脫商業(yè)演示中的尷尬場面 Language References 語言參考Part IIThe How-Tos Four parts of a presentationFormal presentations are usually divided into four main parts.l The introductionl The overviewl The body l The endingThe introductionAt the very least, the introduction should introduce the subject of your presentation.“Today Im going to tell you about the recent improvements that have been made to the XL series of engines.”Depending on the situation, it will also do one or more of the following:l Give the audience a reason to listen“These improvements give greater fuel efficiency and also lower production costs.”l Provide background information.“As you probably know, our market share has been falling in recent years.”l Narrow the topic.“In particular, I will show you how these improvements make our engines better than our competitors.”The overviewThe overview provides a preview of your presentation for the audience. It is easily done by explaining the structure of your presentation.“First, Im going to describe the new features of the engine.”“Second, Ill show you some performance data of the engines fuel efficiency.”“After that, Ill explain how the new features will allow us to reduce production costs.”“Finally, Ill show a comparison with our competitors models.”The overview is very important. It helps the audience to organize the way they listen. It is similar to the contents page of a book.As long as the presentation is well-organized, the overview is the easiest part of the presentation to prepare.The bodyThis is the main content of the presentation. How it is organized will depend on the type of presentation. It should be organized logically to match the overall purpose of the presentation.The endingThe ending usually does two things.It reviews the information and ideas that were presented in the body of the presentation. This is called the summary.“As you can see, these improvements increase fuel efficiency and allow us to lower our production costs.”It restates the main purpose of the presentation which was stated in the introduction. This is called the conclusion or concluding statement.“I am sure these improvements will allow us to win back our market share.” Delivery skills1. Look organizedThe audience will have confidence in someone who seems to


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