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2021-2022年二年級英語 Unit1 Hello!教案 北師大版

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2021-2022年二年級英語 Unit1 Hello!教案 北師大版

2021-2022年二年級英語 Unit1 Hello!教案 北師大版一、Teaching contents :Vocabulary: hello,whats,your,name,my,children,what,is,hi,morning,goodbye,apple,ant,ball,baby,boy,cat,carrot,deer,dog,doorStructure: Hello, my names (Jane).Hello, my names (Ken).Whats your name?What is your name?Phonics:Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd二、Teaching aims:Asking names and giving ones own.一、 Hard and key points:1.Sing and chant. 2.Asking names and giving ones own.四、Teaching tools:Really objects, tape, picturesPeriod 1一、Greetings:Sing a song: Please sit down.二、Revision: Review the words learnt in Grade 1 with the pictures.三、Presentation and practice.Step 1 Give and use English name.1. Give each child an English name tag to pin on. As each name tag is assigned, say the name and have the class repeat it after teacher.2. Hold up the card, ask Ss to stand up when they see the card that matches their name tag.3. Choose one student. Ask,“Whats your English name?”The student replies using the name on his or her card.Step 2 Introduce the characters.T: We are going to read some stories about these characters.1. Hold up the mask for Ann. Say,“Whos this ?”Elicit the answer,“Ann”.2. Repeat this for Ken, Mocky, and Uncle Booky.T: We are going to meet some new friends.Hold up the mask for Peter and WangLing.Step 3 Model the dialog.1.Use WangLings mask and say ,“Hello, whats your name?”Then use Mockys mask and say.“My names Mocky.”3. Use any two of the masks to practice.Step 4 Talk about the story.1.Have Ss open the books. Ask:Picture1:“ Where are the children?”Picture2:“Who sees them?”Picture345:“What is the monkey doing?”Picture6:“ How are they getting across the river?” Picture78:“Where are they all going?”2.Have the class look at the pictures in the books as play the tape. Encourage the children to say the words.3.Choose some Ss to act it out.四、HomeworkEncourage the Ss to practice greeting their family and friends in English.教學后記:通過系統(tǒng)的復習,學生能較好的掌握遺忘率較高的舊知識。但個別插班生還不能大膽開口讀英語,講英語,還須多加鼓勵。對is的縮寫讀法還有待加強。Period 2一、Greetings:二、Revision: Review the Ss English names.三、Presentation and practice.Step 1 Learn to say.1.Have the class look at the picture at the top of the page and point to the character.As the tape is played, point to the words one at a time.2.Without the tape ,read the words together. Have the Ss touch each word as they say it.Step 2 Listen to this.1.T: Look at the first picture, who is talking?The Ss should answer,“Mockey”2.Repeat for the other five pictures.3.Play the tape. Have the Ss number each picture.4. Then check the answer.Step 3 Sing a song.1. Have the Ss open the books.T: We are going to learn a song about our new friend.Read the words to the Ss ,point to each words.2. Play the first six lines of the song several times, and encourage the Ss to join in by singing. Then ask the Ss touch the words as their sing along.3. Play the last two lines of the song. Ask the Ss to sing these lines using their own English names.4. Play the tape from the beginning. The Ss sing the first six lines together. For the last two lines, the Ss sing their English names.5. Continue until all the Ss have sung their English names.四、Homework:Sing the song and encourage the Ss to practice greeting their family and friends in English.教學后記:對歌曲的掌握學生都能主動開口,堅持對學生口語的訓練,分角色來表演能調(diào)動學生的積極性。Period 3一、Greetings: Good morning. How are you? Whats your name?Warm up: Using the masks, review the structures in a speech chain. “Hello, whats your name?” “My names . s my name.” Sing the song together.二、Presentation:1、Have Ss turn to the top of page 6.Display the page and model the dialog, pointing to the matching character as you speak.Have the girls say the words spoken by Cathy and Wang Ling, and the boys say Tommys words.Organize a speech chain, where Ss substitute their names for those that are underlined.2、T: OK, lets move to the next part.Tell Ss that you are going to play a tape. Explain that you want them to listen to the tape and touch the correct characters when they hear them say, “Hello”.Play the tape and have Ss touch the correct pictures.3、Take out some cards for the letters “A、B 、C、D.”T: Do you know Ann? (hold up Anns mask) look at the first letter. This letter is called Letter A. then prompt the picture of the thing beginning with A(apple). Play the tape, point to the matching picture of the word. At last, play the tape again and have Ss say the words aloud.Repeat the procedure for letters BCD.4、Give some time to remember the words.5、Have Ss turn to the black and white copy of Uncle Bookys ABC. They can trace over the letters ABCD and color the picture.6、Homework: finish coloring part on page 7.教學后記:對于字母學生都能較好地掌握,但個別較難發(fā)音的單詞carrot,學生掌握的不夠,教者應多示范其讀音,多采用小組比賽的方式來鞏固單詞。Period 4一、Greetings: Hello. How are you? Nice to meet you.Warm up: sing the song.二、Presentation:1、Hold up picture cards for “Cat and dog”, “Ball and apple”. T: Say “Hello” to them. Hello, cat. Hello, dog.Make sure Ss can say these things when given a picture.Read the rhyme to Ss, pointing to each word.Play the tape for the rhyme and have Ss listen and point to the words on the page.2、Put pictures of dog, cat, ball and apple on the board. Ask Ss to point to these pictures when listening to the tape again. Let them add actions and act the rhyme out.3、Hold up the “whats your name?”drillcard and read it to the Ss, pointing to the words as you read them.Have Ss repeat the question after you. In the same way, review “My names” and “My name is”Say the words of the question and answer as you point to each one. Divide the class into two groups. Have one group repeat the questions, and the other group repeat the answers.4、Draw Sss attention to the bottom part of page 9. explain that when you point to a character you will ask a student to tell the class what that character would say.Give them some time to practice in groups.5、Use “ABCD” to review the words on page 8. Pay more attention to the word “carrot”.6、Homework: Color page 10.教學后記:學生對于打招呼的問答都能識記,對前2句可以鞏固,但對于play and eat的發(fā)音不是很到位,教者應多注意chant的節(jié)奏與個別單詞的發(fā)音。單詞替換可采用游戲,獎勵的形式來進行。Period 5一、Greetings:Warm up: chant together.二、 Presentation:1、This is a vocabulary drill in the form of a game. (Game)Photocopy a Bingo Game board 1 on the screen.The teacher calls out the different character words and Ss find the correct picture in the gameboard. Ss circle the word or letter when they hear T calls it out. Ss call out “Bingo” each time they have circled a full column down the Bingo boards. (This part to review Ss words.)2、Review: Good morning. Hello, whats your name? My names3、T: We are going to listen to a story.Play the tape, ask Ss to listen to the story with their books closed.Have Ss open their books, and look at the pictures.Ask them to look for familiar words in the story. Encourage Ss to try to guess the meaning of words from the pictures.4、Key words: Morning. One for you, one for me. Wake up.5、Divide Ss into 4 groups act the dialog out. Try to remember more sentences.6、Review the words again. Let Ss say out the words one by one from the picture.Do the exercise on your workbooks on page 5,7.7、Check.8、Homework: finish workbook on page 6.教學后記:通過各種形式的操練,大部分學生對于新句型和對話掌握較好,成績好的學生掌握較好,但是由于本課對話較多,而且發(fā)音比較難,所以也有個別學生掌握不好。學生對故事的理解都能發(fā)揮自己的想象能力來閱讀,分角色的競賽朗讀學生較有興趣。附送:2021-2022年二年級英語 Unit10 What color is it教案 北師大版教材分析本課堂采用北師大先鋒英語二年級下期的教材,教材內(nèi)容豐富,但對于二年級學生來說,還缺乏動感及語音,語調(diào)的刺激,為了讓課堂更生動,更有趣,更利于學生理解英語,模仿英語,我利用多媒體課件、卡通、圖片等遠程教育資源輔助英語教學,拓展學生視野,豐富學生的語音、語調(diào)。教學設計理念興趣是推動學生學習的強大動力。多媒體輔助教學采用了圖形、文本、圖像、聲音、動畫等刺激學生的多種感官,使學生大腦處于興奮狀態(tài),對于老師提出的問題有強烈的展現(xiàn)自已的愿望,積極互動,記憶更深。小學英語教學所使用的教材和輔助材料必須在視覺、聽覺和動覺上適當平衡,從而使具備不同優(yōu)點的孩子都有展示其所長的機會,因此在課堂上,設計有聽、說、賞、演、賽、唱、自已操作等多種層次的活動。學生情況分析低年級的孩子們已初步了解顏色的種類,并能認讀簡單的顏色,但對于顏色在生活中的廣泛應用缺乏知識面的拓展,需要教師通過多種渠道將各種精美的畫面呈現(xiàn)給孩子們,幫助他們理解、掌握新的單詞、句型,并能模仿動畫片運用所學知識。這一階段的孩子們?nèi)蕴幵谥庇^思維階段,他們是這堂課的教學主體,特點是活潑、好動、對任何事件有意注意時間短,但是他們對于卡通的畫面,精美的實物,有趣的英語對話,卻充滿著濃厚的興趣,所以在課堂上能積極主動表現(xiàn)自己。教學內(nèi)容Colors:green/yellow/blue/What color is it? Its red/yellow/blue/教學目標 認知目標Beable to understand and say the colors correctly.Get the children to understand new structure as following:What color is it ?its / Its red and green 能力目標Get the students to grasp the sentences from the cartoons and pictures.Let the children use these structures in our life. 情意目標Let the children love animals and nature. 文化目標Be able to understand the colors used in the flag, rainbow and lights.教學重難點Use the puter to help the children grasp the meaning of the sentences: what color is it? Its 教學資源選用課件,IP資源、句型卡片、 sticker 、水彩筆、動物頭飾教學步驟教師活動學生活動教學資源使用Step 1Greeting and warm upStep 2Lead inT:Hello,every body.How are you?Nice to see you. Ok,sit down,please.T:Oh,what a lovely day.Now,I have a good news for you,We are going to visit some animals;there are red,green,yellow,blue and white butterflies,snakes,birds and fish.OKT: Ok, first,lets as sing as do.T: How lovely you are .Every group climb up a step.T:Boys and girls, lets greet with Mocky and Bobby.T: Have a look.T:Look and listen.T: Who can tell me whatcolor can you see? Forexample,yellow,blueT:Good memory!Ss:I am fine thank you,and you?Nice to see you!Ss:Ok ,wonderfulAs sing as do follow the cartoon.Ss:Thank you!Ss:Hello,Mocky!Hello, Bobby!Ss:Let me try.Pink blue green通過師生問候,拉近師生距離,營造寬松、民主、和諧的課堂氛圍。根據(jù)學生的興趣愛好,告訴他們將欣賞到他們喜歡的卡通畫面,激發(fā)他們的興趣。播放課件(1),跟隨課件音樂邊唱邊做動作,讓課件中的精美畫面感染孩子們,初步感受色彩的魅力。獎勵學生,分組比賽爬城墻奪紅旗。播放課件(2)再次感受豐富多彩的動物世界,了解課文內(nèi)容,感受純正的語音、語調(diào)。設問,了解學生識記程度,及時獎勵學生sticker,掌聲。Step3ReviewStep 4Show thenewsentencesT:I think we need review the colors.T:So much for this,Can you remenber it, Now,Lets play a guessing game.T:Can you guess whats this?T:Can you guess what color is it ?T:Ok look here follow me.What color is it?(板書,教讀.)T:Look at the result.Oh,It s (板書,教讀,抽生說,分組說,快速反應說,結合問句看老師口語猜句子。)引導學生繼續(xù)做游戲。T:Next,look at the flag, What color is it? I can say its red and yellow.Let me say:What color is it?Its red and yellow.(板書,教讀)踴躍上臺點擊鼠標學單詞。Ss:Let me try.Its a Ss:(跟說)What color is it?Ss:(跟說)itsSs:Let me try.積極思考,踴躍舉手搶答,答對者,同學之間互相鼓勵。Good ,good ,very good!播放課件(3)請學生親自點擊電腦學發(fā)音。播放課件(4)出示背影圖,讓生猜出動物名稱并猜出動物顏色,一是設置問題情景了解句型what color is it? its二是讓學生感受跳起來摘桃的感覺。齊讀, 分組比賽,個別讀,注意糾正發(fā)音。繼續(xù)利用句型比賽。猜完背影圖,看圖說說國旗,紅綠燈,彩虹等多種顏色組成的圖案顏色。一可以例舉實際生活中的典型例子,拓展學生視野。二便于學習新句型Its yellow,red and green.Step5辨實物顏色鞏固對話Step 6送禮物活動Step7扮演動物做游戲Step8復習、鞏固Step8As singas doT:What color is it?T:Boys say:What color is it?Girls say:ItsChang T: Boys and girls you are the best, I will give you some presents,if you ask me:what color is it?T:lets say the animals together.T:At last, well play a puter game,I want four students to e here to play the game.T:Ok boys and girls.So much for our class,Are you happy this class? Lets sing a song,ok?Please stand up.Ss:ItsBoys:What color is it?Girls:ItsChangGirls:What color is it?Boys :Its踴躍舉手,猜老師送給他什么樣的禮物,用英語向老師詢問,根據(jù)老師答語選禮物。坐得又端端正正,期待老師將動物頭飾放在他的桌子里面,好參與游戲。每組推選一名選手參加削鉛筆比賽的電腦游戲,選對一題其它同學一起說“bingo”Ss:Ok跟隨卡通畫面唱歌曲。詢問孩子們中間的衣物,頭發(fā),桌椅等物品顏色,關注他們身邊的事物他們會更感興趣,熱情更高。讓學生問話,我說顏色。根據(jù)顏色選禮物。激發(fā)學生學好英語,用好英語。讓生邊拍掌邊一起說英語 white rabbit,white rabbityellow tiger直到扮演者做著動物動作走上講臺。做得對的給予鼓勵。播放課件(5)對比顏色,區(qū)分色彩。分組競賽,鞏固單詞, 小組代表物爬上城墻奪得紅旗的隊今天就是number one.播放課件(6)在歌聲中釋放心情,結束本課。教學流程圖課件1師生問候開始看畫面,隨音樂伴歌伴舞引導學生唱歌,熱身。欣賞課文對話,感受色彩魅力,激發(fā)學習興趣。課件2踴躍上臺點擊電腦學習顏色課件3猜動物及顏色,學習用英語對話。設謎,教授對話。課件4與老師問答,并積極思考。詢問孩子們身邊的顏色,活學活用。踴躍說英語,獲取禮物一起說yellow tiger等呼喚動物1送禮物活動,激勵孩子們用英語交流、分辨顏色。2讓孩子們利用頭飾扮演動物玩電腦游戲,分組競賽課件5載歌載舞,復習鞏固所學內(nèi)容,保持歡快情緒。課件6結束開始、結束 教師活動、 學生活動 網(wǎng)絡應用 學生利用 判斷 教學內(nèi)容 網(wǎng)絡學習教學反思在英語活動中,要注重語言知識與語言技能的結合,采用多種教學媒體、多種教學方法,引導孩子們養(yǎng)成良好的發(fā)音、理解英語、運用英語的習慣。在這堂課中,我覺得比較成功的教學活動有以下幾點:一、利用本課內(nèi)容相關的電腦動畫并伴隨歌曲,孩子們邊唱邊舞,調(diào)動了興趣,溶入英語課堂氛圍。二、電腦動畫中用精美畫面,豐富的色彩展示課文內(nèi)容并有美語純正發(fā)音,引導孩子們跟說,完善了學生的語音、語調(diào)等語言技能。三、利用課件設謎,理解對話,并運用對話,舉一反三。四、學生自已操作電腦游戲,自主學習,激發(fā)了學生的學習熱情,增強了自信心,發(fā)揮自已的潛能。五、表揚、鼓勵、競賽相結合,學生語言實踐積極性高,語言訓練充足。由于小學英語具有靈活性與針對性,因此這堂課我覺得還需改進的是,根據(jù)孩子們的英語能力差距,設計不同層次的活動,使各層次的學生都能得到相應的發(fā)展,都能獲得成就感。采用開放的、互動的模式,給予學生更多的交流與實踐機會。在今后的課堂教學中,我將以人為本,時刻洞察孩子們的興趣與愛好,改進教學方法,力求教學策略與學習策略相互促進,發(fā)掘孩子們的潛力,保持孩子們的學習熱情。


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