北京市高考外語口試英 語 口 試 題 (學(xué)生用卷) (1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mother’s birthday soon, and she wondered what she could buy her as a present that would be nice and useful but not too expensive. One day, a week from her mother’s birthday, she went shopping to try to find her mother a nice present. She came across a shop that was selling umbrellas cheap, and decided that one of those would solve her problem, since her mother had lost hers the month before. * On the train back home that evening she felt hungry, she went to the buffet car for a sandwich. She had left the black umbrella above her seat in the compartment, but when she got back, it had gone! Sally burst into tears. The other three passengers felt sorry for her and asked what the matter was. When she had explained that her present for her mother had disappeared, the three passengers asked her for her mother’s address, in order to be able to send the umbrella on to her in case someone had removed it by mistak. The next week, Sally got a letter from her mother, which said, “Thank you for your lovely presents, but why did you send me there black umbrellas?” buffer car餐車 compartment / k?m′pɑ:tm?nt/車廂 一、 朗讀上面短文種星號間的段落。 二、用英語回答主考教師關(guān)于短文的提問?;卮饐栴}時不能看原文。 三、就以下話題進行口頭作文,要求不得少于十句話。 What present would you like to give to your mother on her birthday? Why? 北京市高考英語口試應(yīng)試要領(lǐng)匯總 1. 各考點考試流程都大致相同,具體如下: 第一關(guān):驗證入場 考生按指定時間到達考點之后,排隊等候進入考場??忌M入考場只能攜帶鋼筆或圓珠筆(藍(lán)、黑色)、《外語口試通知單》、身份證,不得攜帶手機、書包、紙張等,各考點一般不設(shè)存包處。 第二關(guān):領(lǐng)批次號、成績單 各考點的口試都是按照考場數(shù)分批進行,所以考生在驗證之后需要領(lǐng)取批次號,上面注明了考生所在的考場和批次;領(lǐng)取的口試成績單是空白的,需要考生在候考時填寫交給考官。 第三關(guān):候考 考生領(lǐng)取批次號和成績單之后,就進入候考室等候。此時可以填寫成績單上需要考生填寫的部分。 第四關(guān):備考 考務(wù)老師會按照批次將考生帶進備考教室,并會發(fā)給考生人手一份考題??忌?0分鐘左右的時間備考,可以抓緊時間熟悉試題,準(zhǔn)備答案。 第五關(guān):進口試室 由考務(wù)老師按每位考生的批次號將考生帶入不同的口試室中。考生將口試成績單交給考官之后,接受考官提問。每個口試考場配有兩名考官,一人主考,一人監(jiān)督??谠嚂r間一般在5—7分鐘。 第六關(guān):進休息室 口試結(jié)束后,會由考務(wù)老師將考生帶入休息室作短暫停留,一般在15分鐘左右。以保證有一段時間差使考完的考生和未考的考生不能碰面。 2. 英語口語一般是三個考點。第一,考朗讀。第二,對同一文章考問答。第三,給你一個題,讓你準(zhǔn)備一下口語作文。進考場就可閱讀,然后把卷子給老師,老師問你幾個問題,你回答,然后是:“講講那個故事(就是口語作文)”,你就說。說完之后到時間,你就可以走了。很簡單。你說不完,老師可能說:“You may go now.”。 3. 合理利用備考十分鐘。考生拿到試題后,應(yīng)該迅速默讀完全文(注意不要出聲讀,因為出聲會影響對短文的理解),記下大意,準(zhǔn)備回答老師的提問。要帶著興趣去讀,只能讀5分鐘,300字讀超過5分鐘,后面就沒法準(zhǔn)備,還要把朗讀準(zhǔn)備好。默讀文章時,“五個W”是最常用的方法,即 Who-人物?When-時間?Where-地點?What-事件?How-解決方案。因為時間有限,遵循這“五個W”原則,可以在最短的時間內(nèi)理解文章的大意,抓住短文的中心思想。 4. 還有5分鐘,想想作文,也可以用故事里的那些句型,用一些剛讀完的單詞。所以要默默記誦,記誦著那5分鐘內(nèi)讀過的內(nèi)容和詞匯,將來就地取材,為己所用。有的口試題考名人介紹,課本有,用背過的最好。 5. 正確應(yīng)對即興陳述。首先要條理清晰。 其次,要避免頻繁使用同一個詞或詞組,要不斷變換表達方式。再次,要控制語速,不要追求快。適當(dāng)、自然的語速,不僅可以給老師留下好的印象,而且還可以為自己爭取更多思考的時間。最后,避免使用長句或復(fù)雜句子。 6. 考生們可以提前準(zhǔn)備一些關(guān)于你的家庭、校園生活、學(xué)習(xí)、業(yè)余愛好、旅游、假期活動、對社會問題的認(rèn)識等等的話題。另外,也可以選擇大聲朗讀一些英語文章,糾正一下自己的發(fā)音,培養(yǎng)英語語感,最重要的是培養(yǎng)一種用英語思維的習(xí)慣。 7. 注意禮儀。英語口試,也算是一種面試,第一印象非常重要。 所以,考生要特別注意禮節(jié)。進入考場后,考生要禮貌地用英語問候老師,當(dāng)口試結(jié)束后,考生應(yīng)起身說表示感謝或再見的話。在老師提問的時候, 考生要注視著對方,用眼睛與老師交流,表示你在認(rèn)真聽老師的提問。 8. 口語考試最怕的是不說話,而不是說錯話??脊俚氖掷镆话銜幸贿B串問題準(zhǔn)備著,就是怕遇到不愛說話的考生,你問了一個長問題,他一個字就回答完了,你問了5個問題,他回答了5個單詞,這還怎么考?只好接連問下去。 9. 高考英語口試其實不難,它主要考你英語發(fā)音、敘述等初級印象。對于這樣的“印象型”考試,首先從心理上不要害怕,一切圍繞著“留下良好的初級印象”來準(zhǔn)備考試。以下是幾條妙計: 10. 第一個妙計就是一定要學(xué)會給考官留下一個“滔滔不絕說話”的印象。考官的任務(wù)之一是啟發(fā)你講話,你講話了,他才能考察你發(fā)音、語法等各個印象,考官最喜歡進來一個滔滔不絕愛講話的考生,你剛問他一個問題,他就回答個沒完(哪怕有點?唆都沒問題),口語考試的評判帶有很大的主觀性,考官的心情輕松了,高興了,對你的評分肯定大有好處。 11. 第二個妙計是在開考前的幾分鐘內(nèi)全神貫注地閱讀發(fā)給你的考試短文,能背下來大意和關(guān)鍵字最好,有些水平高的同學(xué)可以邊閱讀邊在腦子里“改寫”短文,把短文改寫成自己的話來說,這樣在之后問答環(huán)節(jié)中就能說出“自己創(chuàng)造的”英語,就會給考官留下非常好的印象。 12. 第三個妙計是進入考場時不要像個小綿羊一樣全聽考官指揮,要學(xué)會適當(dāng)“打擾”一下考官,比如一進去就主動用英語問考官:“我是站在這回答問題嗎?”,或“我現(xiàn)在可以開始了嗎”,或“我可以把背包放在這里嗎?”,這些沒話找話或明知故問的英語不是壞事,它會讓考官覺得你有講英語的欲望,不害怕說英語,給考官留下積極講話的印象。要知道,你進入考場后說出的每一個聲音都在構(gòu)成考官對你的印象,包括“廢話英語”,不失時機地說幾句讓考官感到意外的“廢話英語”,有四兩撥千斤的好處。當(dāng)然,這幾句“廢話英語”你可要提前下功夫練,做到發(fā)音優(yōu)美流暢自然,讓考官完全覺得你是不假思索地脫口而出,這才能為你的印象加分,千萬別半生不熟打磕絆,弄巧成拙。 13. 第四個妙計是回答問題時,要盡量做到“問一句,答一段”,比如你看的短文是“皇帝的新衣”,看完后考官問你,故事里一共有幾個人,你千萬別斬釘截鐵地回答兩個字“四個”,就完事了,而要回答一段話,如“這個故事里一共有四個人,他們是,皇帝,他是這個國家的領(lǐng)袖,并且總喜歡穿新的衣服,還有兩個裁縫,他們?yōu)榛实圩隽艘患俚男乱?,他們騙了皇帝,還有一個小孩,她在大街上看到了皇帝什么都沒穿,揭穿了騙局……”。有時還可以“退一步,答一段”,比如考官問小女孩看到皇帝穿了什么,你不要簡單回答“nothing”,而是要退到上一個情節(jié)里,從上一個情節(jié)開始把這一小段故事再講一遍,就可以說出一段英語來,比如“皇帝請了兩個裁縫來做衣服,可這兩個裁縫騙了皇帝,他們什么也沒給皇帝做,只是說了一番謊話,因此皇帝在大街上展覽衣服時,小女孩什么衣服也沒看見……”。這樣就可以給考官留下滔滔不絕說話的印象。 14. 第五個妙計是學(xué)會幾個連接語和開頭語,也叫套話,它把你要說的零散話連起來,使它像一段話,也可以給人滔滔不絕的印象,如“這個問題我是這么看的,首先……,其次……,再有……,最后……,這就是我全部的看法”(用英語說就是“What I think about this matter is that, first……, second……, then……, finally……, that’s all I can say to it”)。 15. 第六個妙計放在最后說,但它卻最重要,即“快速在幾天內(nèi)抓好英語發(fā)音”。在英語口語考試中,沒有任何東西能象發(fā)音那樣給人留下深刻印象,發(fā)音就是你口語的相貌,好的發(fā)音最能打動人,壞的發(fā)音也最能給人留下壞印象,況且高考英語口試主要考的也是發(fā)音,聽發(fā)音,是判斷一個人是否適合學(xué)語言的最直接感覺方法,盡管考官的評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)中不會把發(fā)音當(dāng)成唯一的評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn),但誰心里都清楚,通過發(fā)音來判斷一個人的語言印象,是人的本能,因此一定要從發(fā)音上得印象分。一般人認(rèn)為發(fā)音不是一兩天可以練會的,其實不是這樣,如果你知道英語發(fā)音的基本知識(特別是口腔后部發(fā)聲法),通過幾個小時的調(diào)教是可以立刻見效地大大改善你的英語發(fā)音的,當(dāng)然這種見效是速成的,短暫的,持續(xù)不了幾天的,但這種短暫持續(xù)卻可以很好地應(yīng)付口語考試,如果你上午練習(xí)完發(fā)音下午就參加口語考試的話,考官真沒準(zhǔn)會誤認(rèn)為你剛從美國回來,而如果考官與你的對話內(nèi)容又恰恰撞到了你熟悉的槍口上,那么在幾分鐘之內(nèi)用“地道”的發(fā)音和“滔滔不絕”的講話給考官留下5分的印象,自然就不是困難的事了。 16. 其它一些需要注意的問題:考生要充分意識,口試與筆試最大的不同在于前者面對的是有思想感情的人。為此,考生務(wù)必理解主考人的心理狀態(tài),避免給主考人不利自己的印象。1)如果進考場早了,主考人可能用英語說Please wait outside for a moment./Wait outside please. Please dont come in until we ask you to.等等,別沒注意而聽不懂。2)進入口試室前如能先敲門,并說 May I come in?或 May I?,主考人自然會認(rèn)為你很有禮貌。3)在外表上,考生注意衣著得體。4)主動打招呼時使用稱呼語上要慎重,就簡單說Good morning/afternoon.為妥。 5)考生應(yīng)主動把準(zhǔn)考證交給主考人,主考人也就不會說Let me have your examination permit/ID.或Give me your examination permit/ID. 6)在備考室里考生拿到的試卷上要求朗讀的段落都用*記號標(biāo)出,表示只需朗讀這一段。7)口試時間的一般規(guī)律是先松后緊。第一個小時內(nèi)考生往往能有十分鐘左右,經(jīng)考場工作人員催促后,主考人會加快口試速度。這時不會要求讀完指定段落就開始就文章內(nèi)容提問。當(dāng)考生被打斷時,往往是主考人認(rèn)為朗讀滿意,沒有必要再繼續(xù)念下去,可以進行下一項了。這時考生不應(yīng)緊張,以為念得糟透。8)在回答就文章內(nèi)容提問時,應(yīng)盡量在理解內(nèi)容的基礎(chǔ)上用自己的語言回答。中學(xué)生的特點會背誦,但有些問題往往不是可以直接從文章上摘一段就能回答的??忌陂喿x時務(wù)必將時間、地點、事件發(fā)生前后秩序弄明白。如能把內(nèi)容消化,用自己的話表述,這會給主考人留下深刻印象。 9)口試時可能會有一兩道與所朗讀段落無關(guān)的問題。有時主考人根據(jù)現(xiàn)定的問題,有時根據(jù)考生情況可能隨意提問。這時是考生“表現(xiàn)”自己的好機會。譬如說,如問及業(yè)余時間做什么時,一般考生喜歡說看電視或打籃球。如果你參加了校外的文娛體育組織,就應(yīng)該介紹活動的情況,這是你與其他考生不同的地方。在回答與朗讀段落無關(guān)的問題時,可以利用機會與主考人交流。譬如談到流行音樂,考生也可問主考人Do you also like popular music? Which singer do you like best?等。但千萬要注意,一是交流適可而止,不能喧賓奪主,成了考生在考主考人;二是要自然,不要生硬地把準(zhǔn)備的內(nèi)容都得講出去,給人以“早就準(zhǔn)備好,背給你們聽”的感覺。 10)不要說My English is poor.是不是 poor兩三分鐘后就能知曉,你有多少水平就是多少水平。問題答不上來,尤其是女生,絕對不要掉眼淚。眼淚只是脆弱的表現(xiàn)。要有“跌倒再爬起”的意志。 Set One Paper 1 1.Do you like Engllish? Why/Why not? 2.How do you learn English? 3.Do you often play computer games? Paper 2 1.Do you think computers are useful? Why? 2.Do you like sports? Why? 3.What food do you like best? Why? Paper 3 1.Do you enjoy music while doing your homework? Do you think its good for you? Why? 2.What do you do when you meet with new words while reading? 3.Do you often help the disabled people? How? Set Two Paper 1 1.Do you often watch TV? Why/ Why not? 2.What are your hobbies? Please say something about them? 3.How do you celebrate your birthday? Paper 2 1.How do you spend your weekends? 2.What is your favorite sport? Why? 3.Do you think money is very important to you? Why/ Why not? Paper 3 1.Do you think friendship is important to you? Why/ Why not? 2.What is your favorite food? Why? 3.Do you like animals? Why/ Why not? Set Three Paper 1 1.How do you practice your spoken English? 2.Do you remember your parents birthdays? How do you celebrate them? 3.Which season do you like best? Why? Paper 2 1.Would you please introduce your family? 2.Do you like fast food? Why/ Why not? 3.Do you think friendship is important to you? Why/ Why not? Paper 3 1.Do you share your feelings with your friends? Why/ Why not? 2.Are you ready to help others? Why/ Why not? 3.How do you improve your spoken English? Set Four Paper 1 1.Please say something about your hometown. 2.Do you often play computer games? Why/ Why not? 3.What is your favourite university? Why? Paper 2 1.How do you spend your spare time? 2.Please say something about one of your good friends. 3.Do you love your school? Why/Why not? Paper 3 1.Do you like to have a part-time job? Why/ Why not? 2.How do you find your English teacher? 3.What is your favorite subject? Why? Set Five Paper 1.Do you keep any pets? Why/ Why not? 2.How will you spend your holidays this summer? 3.Do you like traveling? Why/ Why not? Paper 2 1.How do you spend your pocket money? 2.Where would you like to travel? Why? 3.Do you think that good memory is important in learning English? Why/ Why not? Paper 3 1.What kind of music do you like? 2.What do you do to improve your English? 3.Say something about your hobby, please. Set Six Paper 1 1.What do you like best as your birthday present? 2.How do you like your English? 3.Do you often help do housework? Why/ Why not? Paper 2 1.Whats your favorite university? Why? 3.Where do you prefer to live, the city or the countryside? Please give some resons. 1.How do you like your family? 2.What are you going to be in the future? I. 1. Do you like music? Why/Why not? 2. What subject do you like best? Why? 3. Why do you learn spoken English? II. 1. Do you like spoken English? Why/Why not? 2. Do you listen to music while you are studying? Why/Why not? 3. What will you do if you have a lot of money? III. 1. Do you think friends are important to you? Why/Why not? 2. Please say sth about one of your best friends. 3. What TV programme do you like best? Why? 第二套 I. 1. Do you often watch TV? Why/Why not? 2. What are your hobbies? Please say sth about them. 3. How do you celebrate your birthday? II. 1. How do you spend your weekends? 2. What’s your favourite sport? Why? 3. Do you think money is very important to you? III. 1. Do you think friendship is important to you? Why/Why not? 2. What is your favorite food? Why? 3. Do you like animals? Why/Why not? 第三套 I. 1. Please say sth about your hometown. 2. Do you often play computer games? Why/Why not? 3. What is your favorite university? Why? II. 1. How do you spend your spare time? 2. Please say sth about one of your good friends> 3. Do you love your school? Why/Why not? III. 1. Do you like to have a part-time job? Why/Why not? 2. How do you find your English teacher? 3.What is your favorite subject? Why? 第四套 I. 1. How do you practise your spoken English? 2. Do you remember your parents’ birthday? How do you celebrate them? 3. What season do you like best? Why? II. 1. Would you please introduce your family? 2. Do you like fast food? Why/Why not? 3. Do you think friendship is important to you? Why/Why not? III. 1. Do you share your feelings with your friends? Why/Why not? 2. Are you ready to help others? Why/Why not? 3. How do you improve your spoken English? 第五套 I. 1. Do you keep any pets? Why/Why not? 2. How will you spend your holidays this summer? 3. Do you like traveling? Why/Why not? II. 1. How do you spend your pocket money? 2. Where would you like to travel? Why? 3. Do you think that good memory is important in learning English? Why/Why not? III. 1. What kind of music do you like? 2. What do you do to improve your English? 3. Say sth about your hobby, please. 1.Do you like sports? Why? Why not? 2.What did you do after the collage entrance examinations? 3.Please say something about one of your good friends. 1.Do you think collecting stamps interesting? Why? Why not? 2.What subjects did you study? 3.What do you do to improve your English? 1.Whats your favourite food? 2.How long did you spend on your homework every day? 3.Could you please say something about your school? 第五套 1.Is it important to learn English? Why? Why not? 2.How many classed did you have in Senior Three every day? 3.What do you do to keep fit?- 1.請仔細(xì)閱讀文檔,確保文檔完整性,對于不預(yù)覽、不比對內(nèi)容而直接下載帶來的問題本站不予受理。
- 2.下載的文檔,不會出現(xiàn)我們的網(wǎng)址水印。
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- 北京地區(qū) 高考 外語 口試 英語