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Text A Disney World I. Oral Practice II. Pre-reading Questions of Text A III. Text A New words Useful expressions IV. Exercises 1. Go over each of the following sentences carefully and select the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word. 2. Fill in each blank with one word in the box you think best fit. V. Chinese version of Text A VI. Notes第1頁/共81頁1. The Entertainment in the West (A man and a woman are talking about entertainment in the West.)A: What do people do for entertainment in the West, say, in the US and Britain?B: Er I guess the No.1 form of entertainment for almost everybody has to be the TV and the radio. Mmm after that er going to see a film and going out to eat. Adults go out to bars to drink and meet friends.A: What about younger people? What do they do?B: For younger people going to discos or to live pop or rock concerts is pretty popular.I. Oral Practice第2頁/共81頁A: Hmmm right now, what do people listen to on the radio? It sometimes seems as if pop music is all that people listen to nowadays Is that so?B: I guess in the States most people listen to music on the radio a lot. There are a huge number of local radio stations that exist and there is an enormous variety of music available. A: Hmmm right now, what do people listen to on the radio? It sometimes seems as if pop music is all that people listen to nowadays Is that so?B: I guess in the States most people listen to music on the radio a lot. There are a huge number of local radio stations that exist and there is an enormous variety of music available.I. Oral Practice第3頁/共81頁A: For example?B: For example, rocknroll from the 60s and 70s, jazz, country and western, and classical music.A: Right now you have mentioned TV among the most popular forms of entertainment, what types of programs are the most popular?B: Generally though the programs that people seem to enjoy most are the soap operas like Dallas and Dynasty. Also sports programs are popular.I. Oral Practice第4頁/共81頁2. Mind Your Manners A: Hello, Bellow. B: Hi. A. How is it going? B. Not bad, except that I had a violent quarrel with a schoolmate. A: Thats too bad. Why did you quarrel with him? B: Well, I was standing in a line waiting for my turn to get my lunch when that rude fellow came to jump the queue. Then I went up to drag him out and told him to get away. A: And you shouted abuses at him in public, didnt you? B: It drove me crazy!I. Oral Practice第5頁/共81頁A: So its your fault. You could have simply stopped him by telling him to go to the end of the line. Then all those standing in the queue would have supported you.B: I myself realized that, but only too late.A: You used to get into trouble by using the offensive language. Next time, make sure that you use kind words.B: I promise I will.I. Oral Practice第6頁/共81頁Read the following questions first, which will help you understand the following passage better, and then answer the questions after reading it carefully.(1)Why is the Magic Kingdom the central attraction of the resort?(2)What does the sentence “The Magic Kingdom provides more than amusement” imply?(3)What is the highlight of the tour of the Magic Kingdom?II. Pre-reading Questions第7頁/共81頁(4) Do you think it an adventure to take a roller coaster? Why?(5) Why do we say Disney World is worth visiting?.Pre-reading Questions第8頁/共81頁 1 Disney World, Florida, is the biggest amusement resort in the world. It covers 24.4 thousand acres, and is twice the size of Manhattan. It was opened on October 1, 1971, five years after Walt Disneys death, and it is a larger, slightly more ambitious version of Disneyland near Los Angeles. Foreigners tend to associate Walt Disney with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and with his other famous cartoon characters, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Pluto, or with his nature films, whose superb photography is spoilt, in the opinion of somebody, by the vulgarity of the commentary and musical background. Disney WorldIII. Text第9頁/共81頁2 There is very little that could be called vulgar in Disney World. It attracts people of most tastes and most income groups, and people of all ages, from toddlers to grandpa. There are two expensive hotels, a golf course, forest trails for horseback riding and rivers for canoeing. But the central attraction of the resort is the Magic Kingdom.III. Text第10頁/共81頁3 Between the huge parking lots and the Magic Kingdom lies a broad artificial lake. In the distance rise the towers of Cinderellas Castle, which like every other building in the Kingdom is built of solid materials. Even getting to the Magic Kingdom is quite an adventure. You have a choice of transportation. You can either cross the lake on a replica of a Mississippi paddle wheeler, or you can glide around the shore in a streamlined monorail train.III. Text第11頁/共81頁4 When you reach the terminal, you walk straight into a little square which faces Main Street. Main Street is late 19th century. There are modern shops inside the buildings, but all the facades are of the period. There are hanging baskets full of red and white flowers, and there is no traffic except a horse-drawn streetcar and an ancient double-decker bus. Yet as you walk through the Magic Kingdom, you are actually walking on top of a network of underground roads. This is how the shops, restaurants and all the other material needs of the Magic Kingdom are invisibly supplied.III. Text第12頁/共81頁 5(1) The Magic Kingdom provides more than amusement. It instructs as well. Almost everywhere you go, there are models of people (and animals). There is, for example, the Hall of Fame, which displays models of all the American Presidents since George Washington. A feature of Disney World is that the models move and talk most realistically. The Presidents talk, using the actual words they once used as living Presidents. Then theres the Carousel of Progress, in which you follow the life of an American family through four generations, starting in the 1890s and finishing in the 1970s. Pa does all the talking. He does not change throughout the years, nor does his dog, which constantly wags its tail. But Pas clothes change, and so do the furniture, and above all, the equipment in the kitchen. III. Text第13頁/共81頁 5(2)Pa remains cheerful and optimistic, and he clearly thinks progress is wonderful. At the end of every scene he says, Electricity has improved all our lives. What a marvelous age we live in! Then you suddenly realize that the show has been presented by the General Electric Corporation!III. Text第14頁/共81頁6 RCA, the famous Electronics Corporation, is in charge of the Space Mountain in Tomorrowland. The Space Mountain is for many the climax of the tour of the Magic Kingdom, for deep inside the Space Mountain there is a terrifying roller coaster which whizzes you through a pitch-black sky lit up only by a bombardment of meteors and space debris. You are warned before you step into your car that you must be in good health, free from heart condition, mother sickness, weakness or other physical limitations! When you step from your car at the end of the space journey you are met by a nurse and a stretcher.III. Text第15頁/共81頁7 As you leave the Space Mountain, RCA shows you what it imagines hopefully life will be like in the future. Carried along on an escalator, you pass by rooms all fitted with special TV sets. Mother is sitting at a table in front of a panel of push buttons. There is a huge TV screen against one of the walls. She wants to know what is happening to baby. She presses a button. Baby appears on the screen. Baby is quite OK! So she decides to do some TV shopping. The press button TV takes her right around the supermarket. She gives her order through a microphone! III. Text第16頁/共81頁8 There is much else to see: Adventureland, Frontierland, Liberty Square, Fantasyland. You need two days to explore the Magic Kingdom properly. But it is worth it and it is very inexpensive.9 Though Disney World is in America, it is also the well-known entertainment center in the world. And it not only draws the attention of adults in their daily life, but attracts hundreds and thousands of children from different parts of the world each day as well. So Disney World has already become the paradise for human beings on earth.III. Text第17頁/共81頁(1) ambitious /Am5bIFs/ a. 雄心勃勃的(2 ) version /5v:Fn/ n. 版本,形式(3) cartoon /kB:5tU:n/ n. 動畫片,卡通(4) character /5kArIkt/ n. 人物,角色(5) superb /sjU:5p:b/ a. 極好的,超等的(6) vulgarity /vQl5gArItI/ n. 粗俗,粗野行為(7) commentary /5kmntrI/ n. 評論,解說詞(8) toddler /5tdl/ n. 學(xué)步的小孩(9) trail /traIl/ n. 小徑,小道(10) canoe /k5nu:/ v. 劃獨(dú)木舟New words第18頁/共81頁(11) adventure /d5ventF/ n. 冒險活動,奇遇(12) replica /5replIk/ n. 復(fù)制品,拷貝(13) glide /glaId/ v. 滑行,滑動(14) monorail /5mnreIl/ n. 單鋼軌鐵路(15) terminal /5t:mInl/ n. 終點(diǎn)站,末端(16) facade /f5sB:d/ n. 房屋的正面,外觀(17) invisibly /In5vIzblI/ ad. 看不見地(18) realistically /7rI5lIstIklI/ ad. 逼真地,實際地(19) wag /wAg/ v. 搖擺,搖動(20) optimistic /ptI5mIstIk/ a. 樂觀主義的New words第19頁/共81頁(21) whizze /hwIz/ v. 橫沖直撞地前 進(jìn)(22) bombardment /bm5bB:dmnt/ n. 碰撞,撞擊(23) meteor /5mi:tI/ n. 大氣現(xiàn)象, 流星(24) debris /5debri:/ 復(fù) debris /5debri:z/ n. 碎片,廢 墟(25) limitation /lImI5teIFn/ n. 限制,限度(26) strecher /5stretF/ n. 擔(dān)架(27) escalator /5eskleIt/ n. 自動樓梯(28) microphone /5maIkrfn/ n. 傳聲筒,麥 克風(fēng)New words第20頁/共81頁(1) in the opinion of sb. 依照某人的看法(2) in the distance 在遠(yuǎn)處(3) above all 首先,首要(4) be in charge of 負(fù)責(zé),主管(5) free from 不受影響的,沒有的 Useful impressions第21頁/共81頁 1. Go over each of the following sentences carefully and select the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word. 1. It was opened on October 1, 1971, five years after Walt Disneys death, and it is a larger, slightly more ambitious version of Disneyland near Los Angeles.A. variation B. description C. Reproduction D. Imitation 2. It attracts people of most tastes and most income groups, and people of all ages, from toddlers to grandpa.A. teenagers B. cripples C. teeters D. infants CCIV. Exercises第22頁/共81頁 3. You have a choice of transportation. You can either cross the lake on a replica of a Mississippi paddlewheeler, or you can glide around the shore in a streamlined monorail train.A. fashion B. copy C. creature D. character 4. Main Street is late 19th century. There are modern shops inside the buildings, but all the facades are of the period.A. faces B. meteors C. procedures D. cafeterias 5. He does not change throughout the years, nor does his dog, which constantly wags its tail. A. challenges B. swings C. whizzes D. presents ABBIV.Exercises第23頁/共81頁 6. The Space Mountain is for many the climax of the tour of the Magic Kingdom, for deep inside the Space Mountain there is a terrifying roller coaster which whizzes you through a pitch-black sky lit up only by a bombardment of meteors and space debris.A. remains B. fabrics C. materials D. substances 7. You need two days to explore the Magic Kingdom properly. But it is worth it and it is very inexpensive.A. cheap B. fascinated C. luxurious D. optimistic 8. So Disney World has already become the paradise for human beings on earth.A. terminal B. resort C. attraction D. fairylandDAA.Exercises第24頁/共81頁Featuring hired recently items anticipated animated rose fictional formed variety combat born added generic surrounded Disney Princess is a Walt Disney Company franchise, based on (1) characters who have been featured as part of the Disney character line-up. Disney (2) announced that new Princesses would be (3) : Tiana, from their 2009 animated feature The Princess and the Frog, will join the ranks of Disney Princesses and also Rapunzel from the computer (4) film. The franchise has released dolls, sing-along videos, and a (5) of other childrens products, apparel,and even adhesive bandages(6) the Disney Princesses.fictionaladdedanimatedrecentlyvarietyfeaturing2. Fill in each blank with one word in the box you think best fit.Exercises第25頁/共81頁 In early 2000, when Andy Mooney was (7) by Disneys Consumer Products division to help (8) dropping sales, the idea for the Disney Princess franchise was (9) . Soon after joining Disney, Mooney attended his first Disney on Ice show. While waiting in line, he found himself (10) by young girls dressed as princesses. “They werent even Disney products. They were (11) princess products,” he mused. Soon after realizing the demand, the Disney Princess line was (12) .hiredcombatbornsurroundedgenericformed.ExercisesFeaturing hired recently items anticipated animated rose fictional formed variety combat born added generic surrounded 第26頁/共81頁 Despite limited advertising and no focus groups, the various Disney Princess (13) released became a huge success. Sales at Disney Consumer Products (14) from $300 million in 2001 to $3 billion in 2006. In 2009 the (15) sales is $4 billion. Today there are over 25,000 products based on the franchise.itemsroseanticipated.ExercisesFeaturing hired recently items anticipated animated rose fictional formed variety combat born added generic surrounded 第27頁/共81頁The End 第28頁/共81頁參考譯文迪斯尼世界 1 在佛羅里達(dá)的迪斯尼世界是世界上最大的娛樂勝地。占地面積為二萬四千四百英畝,是曼哈頓的兩倍。于1971年10月1日,也就是華爾特迪斯尼去世五年后開放,它要比洛杉磯附近的迪斯尼樂園更大更有宏偉。一提到華爾特迪斯尼,外國人都會想到白雪公主和七個小矮人,還有他所創(chuàng)造的其他著名卡通人物,米老鼠、唐老鴨、布魯托、還有其它有關(guān)大自然的電影,但依某些人看來,那些粗俗的解說和音樂背景破壞了電影中那些優(yōu)秀的攝影。 第29頁/共81頁參考譯文迪斯尼世界2 在迪斯尼世界沒有任何俗氣的東西。它吸引了具有極高品位的人及大部分工薪階層以及從學(xué)步的小孩到爺爺一代各個年齡段的人。它包括兩個豪華酒店,一個高爾夫球場,還有用來騎馬的森林小道和用來劃獨(dú)木舟的小河,但是最具吸引力的要數(shù)夢幻王國。 第30頁/共81頁參考譯文迪斯尼世界3 在巨大的停車場和夢幻王國中間有一個寬廣的人工湖,遠(yuǎn)處是高聳的灰姑娘城堡,它和王國里的其它建筑一樣都是由堅硬的材料構(gòu)建而成。甚至進(jìn)入夢幻王國本身就是一個冒險活動。你可以選擇交通工具,比如你可以乘密西西比明輪船的復(fù)制品穿過湖泊,或者也可以乘流線型的單鋼軌火車沿著海岸環(huán)行。 第31頁/共81頁 參考譯文 迪斯尼世界 4 到達(dá)終點(diǎn)站一直走就可以進(jìn)入到正對美國大街的小廣場。美國大街建于19世紀(jì)晚期,建筑里面有現(xiàn)代化的商店,但所有的門面都是那個年代的,上面還掛著裝滿紅色或白色花的籃子,并且除了馬拉車和古代的雙層公共汽車就沒有其它的交通工具了。但當(dāng)你穿過夢幻王國,實際上你是走在地下公路網(wǎng)的最頂端。這就是夢幻王國的商店、餐館和其它所需物質(zhì)無形供應(yīng)的方式。 第32頁/共81頁 參考譯文 迪斯尼世界 5 夢幻王國不只提供娛樂,還可以給我們帶來很多的啟示。你經(jīng)過的每個地方都會有人(和動物)的模型。比如在名人紀(jì)念館就有從喬治華盛頓以來每屆美國總統(tǒng)的模型。迪斯尼世界的一大特征是這些模型可以走動并且還會講話??偨y(tǒng)們的講話都是他們生前講過的內(nèi)容。然后,還有旋轉(zhuǎn)木馬,你可以體驗到從19世紀(jì)90年代到20世紀(jì)70年代的美國家庭四代人的生活。爸爸一直在講話,常年不改原樣,他的狗也是一直在搖擺著尾巴。但是他的衣服、家具,尤其是廚房設(shè)施在發(fā)生著變化。爸爸一直保持興奮樂觀的狀態(tài)并且清楚地表達(dá)進(jìn)步真是太好了。每個場景結(jié)束他都會說:“電改善了我們的生活,我們生活在一個多么了不起的的時代啊!”這時你會突然意識到這個場景是由通用電氣公司展示的。 第33頁/共81頁 參考譯文 迪斯尼世界 6 美國無線電公司是著名的電子公司,主管未來王國的太空山脈。對于許多人來說,太空山脈是夢幻王國之旅的高潮。因為在其深處有個可怕的過山車,這里除了流星碰撞和一些太空殘片帶來一絲光明外幾乎是漆黑一片。在跨進(jìn)太空車之前你會被告誡:必須身體健康,無心臟病,不戀母,不體弱,無其它的生理缺陷。當(dāng)你從車?yán)锍鰜頃r,也就是太空旅游的最后一站時,你會被一個護(hù)士和一副擔(dān)架的迎接。 第34頁/共81頁 參考譯文 迪斯尼世界 7 當(dāng)你離開太空山脈時,美國無線電公司展示給你的是它對未來生活充滿希望的想象。乘著電梯往上走你會穿過很多裝有特殊電視機(jī)的房間。媽媽正坐在有一排按鈕的儀表盤前的桌子旁。墻上掛著很大的電視屏幕。她想通過這臺電視來看看孩子的情況。她按了一個按鈕,孩子便出現(xiàn)在屏幕上,孩子安然無恙!她便決定電視購物。于是這臺電視帶她逛超市。她通過麥克風(fēng)訂購貨品! 第35頁/共81頁 參考譯文 迪斯尼世界 8. 除此之外還有:奇遇王國,邊域世界,自由廣場, 幻想世界,要想游遍整個夢幻王國需要兩天時間,但是值得一游,而且價格公道。 9. 雖然迪斯尼世界在美國,但它更是世界知名的娛樂場所,它不僅在日常生活中吸引了很多成年人,同樣每天還吸引了成千上萬的來自世界各地的兒童,所以迪斯尼世界已成為地球上人類的天堂。第36頁/共81頁1. Because the Magic Kingdom is the biggest theme park of Disney World in Florida and its a place of excitement and thrills for everyone. The Magic Kingdom provides more than amusement.第37頁/共81頁2. The Magic Kingdom provides more than amusement. It instructs as well. Almost everywhere you go, there are models of people and animals. A feature of Disney World is that the models move and talk most realistically. There is, for example, the Hall of Fame, which displays models of all the American Presidents since George Washington. The Presidents talk using the actual words they once used as living Presidents. Then you will realize that the show has been presented by the General Electric Corporation.第38頁/共81頁3. The Space Mountain is the highlight of the tour of the Magic Kingdom for deep inside the Space Mountain theres a terrifying roller coaster which whizzes you through a pitch-black sky lit up only by a bombardment of meteors and space debris.第39頁/共81頁4. Yes, I think it an adventure to take a roller coaster. Because you are warned before you step into your car that you must be “in good health, free from heart condition, mother sickness, weakness or other physical limitations!” When you step from your car at the end of the space journey you are met by a nurse and a stretcher. 第40頁/共81頁5. Because Disney World is a place where your dreams come true. It provides more than amusement. It not only draws the attention of adults, but attracts thousands of children from different par ts of the world each day as well. Besides it is ver y inexpensive. Disney World has already become the paradise for human beings on earth.第41頁/共81頁Walt Disney沃爾特迪斯尼沃爾特迪斯尼1901年12月5日生于美國芝加哥的一個農(nóng)民家庭。1923年他在好萊塢賣了一本漫畫王國的貴族,然后和支持他的哥哥羅伊迪斯尼共同成立了迪斯尼電影公司。1955年,沃爾特迪斯尼親自開辦了第一個迪斯尼公園。這就是美國西海岸洛杉磯的迪斯尼樂園。1964年沃爾特迪斯尼獲得了美國國內(nèi)的最高獎總統(tǒng)自由勛章。1966年12月15日,偉大的動畫大師沃爾特迪斯尼與世長辭。目前,沃爾特迪斯尼集團(tuán)是世界第二大傳媒公司,并在全球經(jīng)營多家迪斯尼主題公園,每年收入達(dá)250億美元。 第42頁/共81頁第43頁/共81頁Florida 佛羅里達(dá),是美國東南部一州,瀕臨大西洋和墨西哥灣,人口14,000,000左右。首府塔拉哈西,最大城市杰克遜維爾。 第44頁/共81頁Manhattan 曼哈頓,屬美國紐約州東南部紐約市里的一個擁有自治權(quán)的區(qū),主要位于曼哈頓島上,即紐約灣的北頭。據(jù)說荷蘭西印度公司一名叫彼得米紐伊特的職工在1626年用僅值約24美元的貨物從居住于曼哈頓的印第安人手中購得此島。始建時名為新阿姆斯特丹,1664年英國人接管時改稱紐約。這兒的定居點(diǎn)迅速發(fā)展到了該島的南頭,最終成為了美國的金融、商業(yè)和文化中心。 第45頁/共81頁Disneyland迪斯尼樂園 由沃爾特迪斯尼一手創(chuàng)建的迪斯尼樂園是一個娛樂王國,同時也是世界上最受歡迎的主題樂園之一。整個游樂園占地230英畝,耗資美金1700萬元。在此后的幾十年里,游樂設(shè)施不斷推陳出新,目前園區(qū)內(nèi)有超過60項,可以令大人小孩都能狂歡的游樂設(shè)施,分別建立在 8個主題樂園之內(nèi),包括美國大街、明日世界、幻想世界、米奇卡通城、動物王國、邊域世界、紐奧良廣場與冒險世界等等。第46頁/共81頁第47頁/共81頁第48頁/共81頁第49頁/共81頁第50頁/共81頁Los Angeles 洛杉磯曾是西班牙的一部分。1821年墨西哥從西班牙贏得獨(dú)立,洛杉磯成為墨西哥的領(lǐng)土。1848年,墨西哥在美墨戰(zhàn)爭中失敗,將加利福尼亞割讓給美國。1850年4月4日,洛杉磯正式建市。洛杉磯是美國人口最稠密最多樣化的地方,全球各地的人移民至此并使用224種不同的語言。同時,洛杉磯擁有全球知名的各種專業(yè)與文化領(lǐng)域的機(jī)構(gòu),也是美國最重要的經(jīng)濟(jì)中心之一。 第51頁/共81頁Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs白雪公主和七個小矮人最初使用白雪公主這個詞的是德國著名童話集格林童話之中的白雪公主。原文講述了一個可愛美麗的公主因為后母嫉妒其美貌而被迫逃到森林,偶遇善良的七個小矮人。最后在他們幫助下,克服了后母的詛咒,找到真愛的王子的故事。 第52頁/共81頁第53頁/共81頁第54頁/共81頁Mickey Mouse米老鼠 米老鼠可以說是世界上最出名的老鼠。1928年在世界上第一部有聲動畫威利汽船中米老鼠正式登上銀屏,從此進(jìn)入娛樂業(yè)。米奇以其隨和、快樂的天性成為孩子和家庭心目中永遠(yuǎn)樂觀的卡通形象,并為人們所鐘愛和信任。第55頁/共81頁第56頁/共81頁第57頁/共81頁第58頁/共81頁Donald Duck唐老鴨 唐老鴨是迪士尼最著名的卡通人物之一。一方面他有一個熱心腸,并且總是充滿好意,但另一方面,他脾氣火爆,好與人爭執(zhí),喜歡夸大事實,經(jīng)常抱怨生活中的小事和不如意的地方。唐老鴨受到人們喜愛的原因在于,在他身上有一種人性的真實體現(xiàn),唐老鴨的獨(dú)特定位,使其有別于完美的米奇,也成為非常流行的卡通人物。 第59頁/共81頁第60頁/共81頁第61頁/共81頁第62頁/共81頁P(yáng)luto布魯托 布魯托是迪斯尼經(jīng)典動畫中的角色之一,是米奇忠實、可愛的寵物狗。第63頁/共81頁Mississippi密西西比河,是世界第四長河,位于北美洲中南部,也是北美洲流程最長、流域面積最廣、水量最大的河流。 第64頁/共81頁George Washington 喬治華盛頓,美國獨(dú)立戰(zhàn)爭大陸軍總司令喬治華盛頓在1789年當(dāng)選為美國首任總統(tǒng)。他組織了機(jī)構(gòu)精干的聯(lián)邦政府,頒布了司法條例,成立了聯(lián)邦最高法院。因他對美國獨(dú)立做出重大貢獻(xiàn),被尊為美國國父。 第65頁/共81頁Radio Corporation of America美國無線電公司(RCA) 美國聯(lián)邦政府于1919年創(chuàng)建了美國無線電公司,1985年被美國通用電氣公司并購,1988年轉(zhuǎn)至湯姆遜麾下。美國聯(lián)邦政府的支持使得RCA在技術(shù)上遙遙領(lǐng)先:廣播風(fēng)靡時期憑借頂尖的技術(shù)成為全球無線電的泰斗;在全球沉醉于無線電的魅力時,率先發(fā)明了第一臺黑白電視機(jī),帶領(lǐng)全球進(jìn)入影像時代;1950年3月29日,美國無線電公司成功地展示出一只全電子彩色電視顯像管。 第66頁/共81頁in the opinion of sb. according to ones opinion 依照某人的看法In the opinion of most people, it is a good choice for them to relax themselves by travelling after their arduous task. 照大多數(shù)人的看法,辛勤工作之后通過旅游來放松一下是個不錯的選擇。第67頁/共81頁in the distance far away 在遠(yuǎn)處The tourists became more and more excited with the Mount Tai in the distance coming into sight. 隨著遠(yuǎn)處的泰山漸入眼簾,游客們變得越發(fā)激動了。 第68頁/共81頁above all at the beginning 首先,首要Above all, you must be independent and diligent if you want to succeed in your career. 如果想在事業(yè)上成功,首先你必須獨(dú)立、勤奮。第69頁/共81頁be in charge of be responsible for sth 負(fù)責(zé),主管He has been in charge of visas since he finished his study abroad and went back to the motherland ten years ago. 自從十年前留學(xué)回國后他一直負(fù)責(zé)簽證工作。第70頁/共81頁free from not be influenced 不受影響的,沒有的Robots have freed humans from heavy work and offer us much more free time. 機(jī)器人把人類從繁重的工作中解放出來,并為我們提供了大量的空閑時間。第71頁/共81頁 It covers 24.4 thousand acres, and is twice the size of Manhattan. 迪斯尼樂園占地面積為24400英畝,是曼哈頓的兩倍。 1 英畝等于40.47公畝或6.07畝。 注意動詞 cover 的其他解釋,如: The journalist covered the trial at the spot for his newspaper。那位記者負(fù)責(zé)現(xiàn)場報導(dǎo)那次審判。 One hundred dollars hardly covers one night at a top hotel in Tokyo. 100美元幾乎不夠支付東京上等旅館住一晚上的費(fèi)用。 We covered various topics in our free talk with the foreign teacher. 我們和外籍教師閑聊時涉及到許多話題。 The Red Army covered 25,000 li on their Long March. 紅軍長征行軍二萬五千里。 第72頁/共81頁 income groups 工薪階層 第73頁/共81頁Between the huge parking lots. 和 In the distance rise the towers.這兩個句子都是倒裝句,介詞短語作狀語,放在句首。第一句中的主語為 a broad artificial lake第二句中的主語為 the towers of Cinderellas Castle 第74頁/共81頁but all the facades are of the period. 但所有的外觀都是那個年代的。句中 the period 是指十九世紀(jì)后期。 第75頁/共81頁 the Hall of Fame 名人紀(jì)念館 第76頁/共81頁The Presidents talk, using the actual words they once used as living presidents.總統(tǒng)們的講話都是使用他們生前曾講過的內(nèi)容。 第77頁/共81頁a terrifying roller coaster可怕的過山車 第78頁/共81頁a pitch-black sky 漆黑的天空 第79頁/共81頁But it is


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