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1、Unit 3 Weather,cool,warm,cold,hot,sunny,windy,cloudy,snowy,rainy,Whats the weather like today? Its,Whats the weather like today?,Its warm.,Whats the weather like today?,Its hot.,Whats the weather like today?,Its cloudy.,Whats the weather like today?,Its rainy.,weather report,Whats the weather like in Hong Kong?,Its hot in Hong Kong.,Hong Kong,hot,hot,cool,warm,warm,Whats the weather like in Beijing?,Its warm in Beijing.,Is it hot today?,Yes, it is.,Is it rainy in Shanghai?,No, it。

2、Unit4 Then and now,Part B Lets wrap it up,Lets sing,Changes in me Now I am taller, taller than before. Every day I grow bigger. Every day I grow more. Once I was a young boy,younger than I am today. Now I am a big boy, and Im bigger every day. For school I got up early, ealier than before. Every day I get up early, sometimes at four! Once I didnt talk a lot, I wasnt an active boy. But now I talk more than before. I always talk with joy!,Look and describe,read a book,under the。

3、Unit 2,My Favourite Season,Sharp eyes,cool,autumn,winter,sunny,spring,windy,summer,cold,warm,hot,favourite,why,swim,Which season do you like best?,I like ________ best.,Game: Look and say 看圖片,說出該季節(jié)的氣候特點。,windy warm,spring,Whats the weather like in ?,Its _____ and _______.,autumn,windy cool,Whats the weather like in ?,Its ______ and _______.,sunny hot,summer,Whats the weather like in ?,Its _____ and _____.,windy cold,winter,Whats the weather li。

4、Revision,1、Core word:,when,Core sentence:,When do you ?,動詞短語,When do you ________? I _______ at _____.,6 a.m.,get up,get up,6 a.m.,When do you _____________? I ___________ at _______.,6:30 a.m.,eat breakfast,eat breakfast,6:30 a.m.,When do you _________________? I ________________ at ______.,7:30 a.m.,do morning exercises,do morning exercises,7:30 a.m.,When do you _________? I _________ at ______.,開始上課,8 a.m.,start class,start class,8 a.m.,When do you _______________? I ______________。

5、人教版三年級英語下冊,Recycle1 第三課時,蘭考縣儀封鄉(xiāng)野莊小學 郭楠,課時目標:,Find and circle 部分,讓學生對含有元音字母a e i的單詞有更一步的認識。 Sing a song部分是學習一首歌曲,提高學生學習英語的興趣。,重點: 進一步復習和了解元音字 母a e i在重讀閉音節(jié)中的特殊發(fā)音。,難點: 理解并熟唱歌曲”The cat is from the UK,教學準備: 教師準備含有元音字母得單詞卡片。,Lets read,long/tallshort bigsmall/little heshe fathermother manwoman,fatthinthick boygirl teacherstudent brothersister uncleaunt,review,woman,boy。

6、Recycle 1 尹廟小學 郭帥,Read aloud,I say you say說同類,father,mother grandma grandpa sister brother,fat,tall thin short,My,is,I say you say說同類,teacher,student boy girl friend pupil,China,USA UK Canada,A,from,Australia,Whos that boy?,Hes ____,girl,Shes,woman?,man?,Whos that____?,girl,____ Amy.,Shes,Whos ___ ___?,that boy,___ ____,Hes Mike.,____ that______?,woman,____ Miss White.,Shes,___ ___ ___?,Whos that man,___ __________,Hes Mr Jones.,Whos,___________?,________.,Shes C。

7、Recycle 2,have a picnic,野餐,句型關(guān),詞匯關(guān),話題關(guān),過關(guān)斬將,贏野餐大獎,No.1,No.3,No.2,新知識點,Will 情態(tài)動詞,表示將要 Have a picnic 野餐 In total 總共 Quick 快點,你知道表示天氣的單詞有哪些嗎?,你知道?,服務(wù)員或售貨員經(jīng)常使用的句子是:,你知道?,詢問價格的句子是,How much are they?,你知道表示食物的單詞有哪些嗎?,你知道?,詢問物品主人的句子是,Whoseis it ? Whoseare those?,(1)單詞歸類 jacket nine banana math shirt orange three PE sunny cloudy Fruit(水果): Numbers(數(shù)字): Clothes(衣服): Weather(天氣): 。

8、Revision of Unit1-3,When we want to hold a fashion show, what should we think about? 如果我們要舉辦一場Fashion Show, 我們要考慮哪些因素?,當我們討論這三個話題時,你能說出什么句子?在1-3單元中找一找。,9:30,6:40,7:00,4:05,What time is it? Its oclock.,6:00,18:00,What time is it now?,Its six a.m.,Its six p.m.,Its six oclock in the morning.,Its six oclock in the evening.,Its 3:50 p.m.,Its 9:00 in the morning.,What time is it? Its,We can say:,Its 9:00 a.m,Its 9:00 in the evening.,Its 9:00 p.m,It。

9、Recycle 1,第一課時,Boy and girl,Im a boy(girl) and you are a girl(boy). Im a boy and you are a girl. Im a boy and you are a girl. Do you want to be my friend? (Yes, I want to be your friend.),今天Miss White和Amy別人的介紹下第一次相見。,Miss White: Hi, Amy, nice to meet you. Amy: Nice to meet you, too. Miss White: Where are rou from? Amy: Im from the UK. What about you? Miss White: Im from China.,Free talk,Who is that girl?,She is Mei Yangyang.,He is Xiao Huihui.,Who is that boy?,work in pairs。

10、Recycle 1,制作者:孟志成,China UK Australia USA Canada,brother father mother grandmother grandfather sister,fat long small thin tall short big,Talking,Talking,Who can describe?,Talking,Who s she?,Chenjie is at the basketball court.(陳潔 在籃球場) She sees John.,Who are they? Are they Chenjies friends? Where is John from? Who is the tall girl?,Talking about.,Chenjie is at the basketball court.(陳潔 在籃球場) She sees John.,Who are they?,Where is John from?,Are they Chenjies frien。

11、Recycle 2 Part one,PEP小學英語三年級下冊,盧龍縣劉家營鄉(xiāng)劉家營小學 徐鳳艷,Can you group them?你能分組嗎?,1. eleven,Fruit,Toys,Numbers,__________________________________________,______________________________________,___________________________________________,Can you read quickly?,2. pear,3. twelve,4.watermelon,5. twenty,6. seventeen,7. banana,8. ball,9.nineteen,10. boat,11. strawberry,12. eighteen,13.thirteen,14. sixteen,15. apple,16. fourteen,17. car,18. fifteen,19. grape,20. orange,2,4,7,11,1。

12、四年級下冊Recycle1,Lets sing,Thunder There is thunder. There is thunder. Its roaring. Its roaring. Pitter, patter,rain drops. Pitter, patter,rain drops. Im all wet. Im all wet.,Whats the weather like in this song ?,Whats the weather like today ?,Where?,When?,Watch and answer,S: We have a show in the library today. F: What time? S: At 4 oclock.,Q1:Where is the show?,Q2What time is the show?,S: What time is it now? F: Its 3:40. Time to go!,Q3:What time is it now?,F: Its cold outside. S: Yes,。

13、Recycle 1,第一階段復習,舟曲縣峰迭新區(qū)小學 吳成堯,China,Canada,USA,UK,China,Canada,USA,UK,Australia,Unit 1 We have+人或物 we我們 have有;擁有 我們擁有/有 Where are you from?你來自那里? Im from. 介紹自己的國籍或籍貫 Im from China. 我是中國人。 Im from Gansu. 我來自甘肅。,重點句型,Welcome.歡迎 用于表示歡迎。 Welcome! 最常用的歡迎用于,適用于各種情形。 Welcome to +地點! 用于歡迎別人到某地來。 Welcome back to+地點! 用于歡迎別人回到某地。,我們舟曲正在舉辦花開舟曲美食節(jié),Amy、Sarah和Mike三位外國朋友。

14、Recyle2 Picnic Read aloud,sunny,cloudy,windy,rainy,snowy,tomorrow明天 ?,Harbin,Hong Kong,Lhasa,Beijing,Kunming,warm (24),Taizhou,hot (30),cold (2),warm (20),cool (15),A:Whats the weather like in___tomorrow?,warm (20),B:It will be將會 _____.,Picnic?,Tomorrow will be將會 warm and sunny. Lets have a picnic.,Yeah!,總價,?,Can I help you?,?,Yes,please.,please.,How much is that?,Thats ___ yuan in total.,Group work(三人一組),1,4,2,3,animals,ducks,cows,goats,horses,These are,Thos。

15、第一課時,Sunny,warm,sunny, warm.,Tomorrow will be warm/sunny.,Lets have,a picnic.,Lets have,a picnic.,Oh, yeah! Yeah!,Oh, yeah! Yeah!,Read aloud.,Sunny, warm,sunny, warm.,Tomorrow will be warm/sunny.,Lets have,a picnic.,Lets have,a picnic.,Oh, yeah! Yeah!,Oh, yeah! Yeah!,Sing aloud,Lets have a picnic!,Sunny , warm,sunny, warm.,Tomorrow will be warm/sunny.,Lets have,a picnic.,Lets have,a picnic.,Oh, yeah! Yeah!,Oh, yeah! Yeah!,舊,新,唱,have a picnic,野餐,句型關(guān),詞匯關(guān),話題關(guān),過關(guān)斬將,贏野餐大獎,。

16、雕與刻的樂趣課件,每天多一點藝術(shù),每天多一點成長 素描勾勒成功橋梁,色彩揮灑美麗人生。,雕刻,是雕、刻、塑三種創(chuàng)制方法的總稱。指用各種可塑材料(如石膏、樹脂、粘土等)或可雕、可刻的硬質(zhì)材料(如木材、石頭、金屬、玉塊、瑪瑙等),創(chuàng)造出具有一定空間的可視、可觸的藝術(shù)形象,借以反映社會生活、表達藝術(shù)家的審美感受、審美情感、審美理想的藝術(shù)。雕、刻通過減少可雕性物質(zhì)材料,塑則通過堆增可塑物質(zhì)性材料來達到藝術(shù)創(chuàng)造的目的。,什么是雕刻?,雕刻的種類,空間占用分類,圓雕和浮雕,浮雕分高浮雕,低浮雕,陰刻和透雕 材料加。

17、同學們 來學校和回家的路上要注意安全 人教版美術(shù)三年級上冊第一課 魔幻的顏色 荷蘭蒙德里安 紅黃藍的構(gòu)成 荷蘭蒙德里安 紅黃藍的構(gòu)成 百老匯的爵士樂 馬蒂斯 1869 1954年 是法國野獸派的畫家 梵高荷蘭后印象派畫家。

18、Unit 4. At the farm,Lets talk 海洲小學 楊麗,an orange,oranges,an apple,apples,a pear,pears,a banana,bananas,Whats this?,This is an apple.,What are these?,Theyre apples.,Whats this?,This is . .,What are these?,Theyre .,Mr MacDonald,farm,fruit garden vegetable garden,What are these/?,Theyre apples! Theyre so small.,Lets say,A: What are these? B: Theyre . . Theyre so. .,Watch and say: Are these tomatoes?,No, they arent. Theyre carrots.,Look at these. Are these carrots?,Yes, they ar。

19、Unit4 At the farm,Part A lets learn,Hello, boys and girls! I am Mickey mouse. I like vegetables.(蔬菜) I have a farm. Do you want to see it?,Look!This is my farm. Its big!,They are apples.,What are these?,Good job! But what are these? Can you guess?,They are round.,They are red.,But they are not apples.,What are these?,They are tomatoes!,I like tomatoes.,They are potatoes.,I like potatoes .,What are these?,a tomato,a potato,They它們 / These這些 are,tomatoes,potatoes,What are these?,They are c。

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三年級下冊英語課件-Recycle 1 | 人教(PEP)(2014秋)(共24張PPT)
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四年級下冊英語課件-Recycle 2 |人教(PEP)(2014秋) (共18張PPT)
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四年級下冊英語課件-Unit4At the farmA| 人教(PEP)(2014秋) (共25張PPT)
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