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畢業(yè)設(shè)計 論文 評語 姓名 班號 專業(yè) 畢業(yè)設(shè)計 論文 題目 二軸五檔變速器設(shè)計 工作起止日期 指導(dǎo)教師對畢業(yè)設(shè)計 論文 進行情況 完成質(zhì)量及評分意見 指導(dǎo)教師簽字 指導(dǎo)教師職稱 評閱人評閱意見 評閱教師簽字 評閱教師職稱 答辯委員會評語 根據(jù)畢業(yè)設(shè)計 論文 的材料和學(xué)生的答辯情況 答辯委員會作出如下評定 學(xué)生 畢業(yè)設(shè)計 論文 答辯成績評定為 對畢業(yè)設(shè)計 論文 的特殊評語 答辯委員會主任 簽字 職稱 答辯委員會副主任 簽字 答辯委員會委員 簽字 年 月 日 畢業(yè)設(shè)計 論文 任務(wù)書 姓 名 院 系 汽車工程系 專 業(yè) 班 號 任務(wù)起至日期 畢業(yè)設(shè)計 論文 題目 二軸五檔變速器 立題的目的和意義 隨著社會的快速發(fā)展和人們生活水平的迅速提高 汽車 尤其是轎車 作為一種必不可少的交通工具已走進千家萬戶 總之 汽車工業(yè)的發(fā)展水平 直接代表著一個國家基礎(chǔ)工業(yè)和國民經(jīng)濟的實力 中國未來 10 年 經(jīng)濟型 轎車至少應(yīng)翻一番 因此設(shè)計一種適合我國國情的經(jīng)濟型轎車的變速器具有 十分重要的意義 而且也符合全球?qū)Νh(huán)境保護的要求 小排量低排放的經(jīng)濟 型轎車肯定是未來汽車的主力 汽車的發(fā)展經(jīng)歷了三大革命 動力革命 內(nèi) 燃機的使用 傳動革命 機械傳動的完善和液體傳動的使用 和控制革命 用傳感器 微機和電液閥進行信息處理 兩軸式變速器與三變速器相比 其結(jié)構(gòu)簡單 緊湊且除到檔外其他各檔 的傳動效率高 噪聲低 轎車多采用前置發(fā)動機前輪驅(qū)動的布置 因為這種 布置使汽車的動力 傳動系統(tǒng)緊湊 操縱性好且使汽車質(zhì)量降低 6 10 兩 軸式變速器縱置時 傳動系的結(jié)構(gòu)簡單 即輸出軸與主減速器主動齒輪做成 一體從而簡化了制造工藝 降低了成本 技術(shù)要求與主要內(nèi)容 1 機械式變速器方案的確定 2 變速器主要參數(shù)的選擇與主要零件的設(shè)計 3 變速器齒輪的強度計算與材料的選擇 4 變速器軸的強度計算與校核 5 變速器同步器的設(shè)計 6 主減速器的設(shè)計 7 差速器的設(shè)計 8 主要零部件設(shè)計及校核 9 AutoCAD 繪制裝配圖及零件圖 進度安排 第 1 2 周 選題 進行調(diào)研 收集資料 完成開題報告 第 3 4 周 確定總體方案 對所選參數(shù)進行計算 完成總體詳細(xì)計算任務(wù) 第 5 6 周 進行總體設(shè)計 完成一張草圖 第 7 8 周 進行詳細(xì)設(shè)計 完成總裝圖和 CAD 圖 第 9 10 周 完成設(shè)計修改 進行對變速器設(shè)計性能分析 整理完成設(shè)計 論文 第 11 周 解題 完成圖紙和論文錯誤修改 打印提交正式稿 第 12 周 準(zhǔn)備答辯 同組設(shè)計者及分工 指導(dǎo)教師簽字 年 月 日 系主任意見 系主任簽字 年 月 日 距 1894 年 一個法國工程師給一輛汽車裝上世界上第一個變速器至今 汽車變速器已經(jīng)經(jīng)過了一百多年的發(fā)展 變速器為汽車重要的組成部分 是承 擔(dān)放大發(fā)動機扭矩 配合引擎功扭特性 實現(xiàn)理想動力傳遞 從而適應(yīng)各種路 況實現(xiàn)汽車行駛的主要裝置 使用最早的是手動變速器 后來為了方便駕駛 在領(lǐng)個相鄰齒輪間裝上了 同步器 依靠同步器的作用 我們換擋就不需要去判斷車速了 目前手動變速 器依然在汽車界應(yīng)用非常廣泛 自動變速器是個趨勢 但手動變速器確是駕駛 樂趣的極大體現(xiàn)者 傳統(tǒng)的變速器利用不同的齒輪搭配實現(xiàn)了換擋変扭的目的 而齒輪搭配的 變換就只有靠腳踩離合手拉擋桿來實現(xiàn) 這就是所謂的手動變速器 為實現(xiàn)輕 松換擋 取消離合腳踏和手動掛擋的 AT AutomaticTransmission 變速器出現(xiàn) 了 它主要利用液力變扭器配合傳統(tǒng)機械齒輪箱實現(xiàn)換擋功能 其實早在 1948 年的通用的奧茲莫比爾汽車上就已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)了如今自動變速器的雛形 不過那時 的自動變速器僅僅是加了液力耦合器的手動變速器而已 因為 AT 使用得較早 所以英文定名就叫 自動變速器 然而 AT 并不等 同于自動變速器 只要能實現(xiàn)自動換擋變速的便可叫自動變速器 要達到此目 的其實途徑很多 除 AT 外 還包括了無級變速器等其它形式 但以前的命名 也無法推翻 所以我們姑且這樣認(rèn)為 自動變速器 AT 包括 液力變速 AT 電控變速 ECT 無極變速 CVT 1908 年 福特 T 型車最早采用一種兩個速比的自動變速器 其構(gòu)造是采用 多組齒輪 并且分成中央齒輪和周邊齒輪 最外邊則是一個轉(zhuǎn)輪 隨著中央齒 輪從發(fā)動機引入的扭矩不同 齒輪組相機行事 從而得到高低不一的轉(zhuǎn)速 包 括倒車檔的反向旋轉(zhuǎn) 轉(zhuǎn)輪式自動變速器存在一個缺點 即起步加速時令人有 一種車輪打滑的感覺 于是駕車人會猛加油門 但車速又并不隨即增高 目前 已有一些廠家 如日產(chǎn)和菲亞特 求助于電子裝置來設(shè)法消除這一缺點 日產(chǎn) Primera 的 6 速變速器與菲亞特 Punto 的 7 速變速器便是這番努力的結(jié)果 駕 車者根本無需扳動手柄 便可以輕松自如地改變車速 雖然自動變速器不斷地演變進步 但始終有缺點 即車速的反應(yīng)與踏板的 動作之間總有一定的差距 駕駛中缺乏直覺的印象 1969 年出現(xiàn)的電子控制系 統(tǒng)及 1982 年出現(xiàn)的數(shù)字技術(shù)對此作了改進 隨著發(fā)動機燃油噴射與點火裝置的不斷完善 自動變速器也有新的花樣 如設(shè)置了 運動式 或 雪地行駛 等不同的操控方式 有的在儀表盤上設(shè)有 一個印有 S 字母的按鈕 可以在加速時變得格外迅捷 或者印有雪花圖案代表 雪地行駛的按鈕 可避免在起步時打滑 更有甚者 新一代 隨機應(yīng)變式 變 速器還可以順應(yīng)駕車者不同的習(xí)慣 相應(yīng)的反應(yīng) 使駕駛變得更加得心應(yīng)手 將自動變速器智能化 并且普及到大眾化的汽車上 這是法國人的功勞 1997 年標(biāo)致 206 與雷諾 Clio 率先采用了最先進的電腦控制技術(shù)及被稱為 fuzzylogie 的原理 即 模糊邏輯 這樣的汽車可以依據(jù)駕車者的性情 路面的狀況 車身的負(fù)荷乃至周邊環(huán)境等多種因素 在 9 種程式中挑選最適合 的功能 實現(xiàn)智能化駕駛 以充分發(fā)揮車輛的性能 降低油耗 確保安全 如 今無級變速器即 CVT ContinuouslyVariableTransmission 也已大量使用 無 級變速器在變速系統(tǒng)中不使用齒輪 提供平穩(wěn)和 無級的 速比轉(zhuǎn)換的變速系 統(tǒng) 同時具有重量輕 體積小 零件少的特點 是公認(rèn)的理想的汽車傳動裝置 相比較 AT CVT 無極變速器主要是在傳動方式上有所不同 后者是采用傳動鋼 帶和工作直徑可變的主 從動輪相配合來傳遞動力 從而實現(xiàn)傳動比的連續(xù)改 變 然而 傳統(tǒng) CVT 在技術(shù)上存在著的弱點 如傳動帶容易損壞 無法承受較 大的載荷等等 使得該變速器一直以來多應(yīng)用在小排量 低功率的汽車上 隨 著技術(shù)的發(fā)展 能源危機引發(fā)全球性的節(jié)約能源和環(huán)境保護意識的提高 在總 結(jié)第一代的 CVT 的經(jīng)驗基礎(chǔ)上 人們開發(fā)出了性能更佳 轉(zhuǎn)矩容量更大的 CVT 但目前在要求打扭矩的車型上無級變速器依然無法擔(dān)當(dāng)重任 與無級變速器共同發(fā)展的電控自動變速器又迎來了 DSG 雙離合器自動變 速器 的普及 如今大眾汽車已經(jīng)開始將以前只應(yīng)用于超級跑車的技術(shù)應(yīng)用到 了普通家用轎車上來了 DSG 技術(shù)使得自動變速器換擋更加迅捷 動力損失更 小 因此更加節(jié)油 自動變速器的發(fā)展使汽車好像有了人的智慧 甚至比人更善于思索 它根 據(jù)外界路面的變化 經(jīng)過計算 代替人作出準(zhǔn)確聰明的決斷 附錄 2 From 1894 a French engineer to a car fitted with the world s first transmission date transmission has been car a hundred years of development Important for the automotive transmission component of the commitment to enlarge the engine torque torsional characteristics of reactive power with the engine to achieve the desired power transmission and thus adapt to various road conditions to achieve the main devices driving The first is the use of manual transmission Later for the convenience of motorists in the collar between adjacent gear fitted with a synchronizer the synchronizer rely on and we do not need to shift to judge the speed Manual transmission is still present in the automotive industry a wide range of applications automatic transmission is a trend but the manual transmission is great fun embodied persons The traditional gear transmission with the use of different shift achieved the purpose of twisting but with the change of gear by foot only hand off to achieve and this is the so called manual transmission Easily shift to achieve the abolition of clutch pedal and manual the AT AutomaticTransmission transmission occurred it is the main browser using hydraulic Torque traditional mechanical gearbox with the shift function to achieve In fact as early as the 1948 Oldsmobile car GM has already emerged on the automatic transmission is now taking shape but then the automatic transmission is only the addition of hydraulic coupler manual transmission only AT used because earlier so the English name is called automatic transmission However AT is not the same as in the automatic transmission As long as we can to achieve the automatic transmission shift automatic transmission can be called it is necessary to achieve this in fact means a lot In addition to AT but also includes other forms of CVT However before the overthrow of the name can not so let us not think so automatic transmission AT including hydraulic transmission AT Electronically Controlled Transmission ECT non polar transmission CVT 1908 Ford Model T the first use of a two speed ratio automatic transmission Constructed using multiple sets of gear and gear into the central and peripheral gear the outside is a runner with the introduction of the central gear of the torque from the engine is different from camera gear groups so as to be different levels of speed including Reverse rotation reversing file Runner type automatic transmission there is a drawback that is when people start to accelerate there is a feeling of spin the wheels so drivers will be meng refueling door but does not immediately increase the speed again At present some manufacturers such as Nissan and Fiat have recourse to some electronic device to try to eliminate this shortcoming Nissan Primera and the 6 speed transmission Fiat Punto 7 speed gearbox is the result of this effort Drivers pulled no need to handle they can easily change the speed Although the automatic transmission continue to evolve and progress but there will always be a drawback that is the response speed of action and between the pedal there will always be a gap driving in the impression of a lack of intuition Appeared in 1969 and the electronic control systems appeared in 1982 which was to improve digital technology With the engine fuel injection and ignition devices continued to be refined automatic transmission is also new tricks such as set up a campaign style or snow road such as the manipulation of different ways some in the instrument panel has a bearing S letter button you can become extremely rapid acceleration or snowflake patterns are printed on the button on behalf of the snow moving to avoid slipping in the start Even worse a new generation of adaptable style Transmission can also adapt to motorists different habits the corresponding reaction so that drivers will become more user friendly the intelligent automatic transmission and spread to the vehicle mass which is a credit to the French in 1997 with the Renault Clio Peugeot 206 took the lead in the most advanced computer controlled technology and is known as fuzzylogie the principle that fuzzy logic This car can drive based on the temperament road conditions vehicle load and the surrounding environment and other factors in the nine kinds of programs select the most suitable function the realization of intelligent driving in order to give full play to the vehicle performance and reduce fuel consumption and ensure safety now that is continuously variable transmission CVT ContinuouslyVariableTransmission also have been widely used continuously variable transmission system in the non use of gears to provide smooth and no class conversion ratio of the transmission system at the same time light weight small size the characteristics of small parts is recognized as the ideal vehicle transmission compared to AT CVT transmission wuji primarily in the drive way there different The latter is the use of drive belts and the work of the main variable diameter driven wheel to transfer power line in order to achieve the continuous transmission ratio change However the traditional CVT technical weaknesses exist such as the transmission belt easily damaged can not afford a larger load etc makes the transmission has been used in more than a small displacement low power vehicles As technology advances the energy crisis triggered a global energy conservation and environmental protection awareness at the conclusion of the first generation of CVT based on the experience people develop a better performance greater torque capacity CVT However playing in the torque requirements on the CVT model is still unable to take on heavy responsibilities Continuously Variable Transmission and the common development of electronically controlled automatic transmission also ushered in DSG dual clutch automatic transmission the popularity of Volkswagen has now started to apply only to the super sports car before the technology is applied to the ordinary family car has been up DSG automatic transmission shifting technology enables faster less power loss so more fuel efficient The development of automatic transmission car seems to have wisdom and even more good than people think It changes according to the road outside after the calculation instead of smart people to make an accurate decision