題 目: 秸稈切碎機
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專 業(yè):
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摘 要 秸稈是成熟農作物莖葉(穗)部分的總稱。通常指小麥、水稻、玉米、薯類、油料、棉花、甘蔗和其它農作物在收獲籽實后的剩余部分。農作物光合作用的產物有一半以上存在于秸稈中,秸稈富含氮、磷、鉀、鈣、鎂和有機質等,是一種具有多用途的可再生的生物資源。對秸稈的飼料化處理,其首先的工序需將秸稈粉碎或切短。本設計喂入、切碎和拋送均采用自動化裝置,以電動機為動力源,通過皮帶傳輸動力到軸,帶動軸上的刀的轉動進行切碎,通過齒輪傳動帶動進料裝置的工作,軸通過帶傳動帶動拋送裝置的工作,從而節(jié)省了人力。本設計的喂入裝置中的壓緊機構設計獨特,實現了喂入秸稈過多時在喂入輥處不產生堵塞,過少時不產生碎段過長的現象。
關鍵詞:秸稈 切碎器 自動化
Design of the Straw Chopper
Straw is the name given to stems and leaves of mature crops leaf. Usually refers to the rest of wheat, rice, corn, potatoes, oilseeds, cotton, sugar cane and other crops after harvest seeds. More than half of Products of crop photosynthesis exists in straw. Straw is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and organic matter. It is a kind of multi-purpose renewable biological resource. The first of the processes of animal's feedstuff is to crush or chop straw. The feeding, shredding and throwing all adopted automation equipment. It adopted electric motor as power source and delivered power to the axle through the belt to drive the knife of axle to chop. The feeding equipment worked through the gears operates and axle spurred throwing equipment through belt drives, thereby saving labor power. This project have several choice so that to suit the requirements of different livestock. Hold-down mechanism of feeding Device is a unique design to achieve no jam when feeding too much straw and no long straw when there are too little straw.
Key words Straw ?Chopper ?Automation