2020屆高考英語二輪復習 閱讀中的常見詞匯 妙招4 一詞多義對比記單詞學案

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2020屆高考英語二輪復習 閱讀中的常見詞匯 妙招4 一詞多義對比記單詞學案_第2頁
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2020屆高考英語二輪復習 閱讀中的常見詞匯 妙招4 一詞多義對比記單詞學案_第3頁
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《2020屆高考英語二輪復習 閱讀中的常見詞匯 妙招4 一詞多義對比記單詞學案》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《2020屆高考英語二輪復習 閱讀中的常見詞匯 妙招4 一詞多義對比記單詞學案(15頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、妙招4一詞多義對比記單詞1advance詞性詞義例句vi.前進;上漲vt.提出The water is advancing at a rate of 5cm a day. 水位正以每天5厘米的速度上升。n.提前;預先;增長;上漲;預付款It is a good idea to place your order well in advance. 提前下好訂單是個好主意。adj.預先的;先行的They have got advance information of the storms approach. 他們事先已得到將有暴風雨的消息。2advocate詞性詞義例句vt.提倡;擁護The sup

2、ermarket does not advocate the use of plastic bags. 該超市不支持使用塑料包裝袋。n.提倡者;擁護者He is an advocate of low carbon lifestyle. 他是一個低碳生活方式的擁護者。3average詞性詞義例句n.平均數(shù)His average for his high school course was 90.他高中功課的平均成績是90分。adj.平均的The average price of goods rose by just 2.2%.商品的平均價格僅上漲了2.2%。vi.平均vt.將平均分配The ch

3、ildren average seven years of age. 這些孩子的平均年齡為7歲。4bargain詞性詞義例句n.便宜貨She knows a bargain when she sees one. 她有辨別便宜貨的能力。vt.&vi.討價還價The salesman refused to bargain over price.推銷員拒絕討價還價。5benefit詞性詞義例句vt.&vi.受益;得益于The students have benefited a lot from their participation in various kinds of social activi

4、ties. 學生們參與各種社會活動,受益匪淺。n.益處,好處Many people find that regular physical activity gives them some unexpected benefits.很多人發(fā)現(xiàn)定期運動為他們帶來了一些意想不到的好處。6cheer詞性詞義例句vi.歡呼The crowd cheered loudly when Lang Lang went up the steps to the bandstand. 當郎朗走上演奏臺的臺階時,人群高聲歡呼起來。vt.為歡呼、加油We all cheered the runners on as they

5、 started the last lap.他們進入最后一圈時,我們都為運動員加油鼓勁。n.喝彩;歡呼All the students burst into cheers when he finished his speech on school reform. 當他做完關于學校改革的演講時,全體學生爆發(fā)出了歡呼聲。7content詞性詞義例句n.內(nèi)容The content of the textbook is quite beyond the childrens understanding. 教材的內(nèi)容大大超出了孩子們的理解力。adj.滿足的After a good meal, we wer

6、e all content. 美餐一頓之后,我們都感到心滿意足。8couple詞性詞義例句n.一對;一雙;一些;幾個There are a couple of books Id like you to read.有幾本書我想讓你讀讀。n.夫妻The young couple enjoy wandering around the streets at weekends. 這對小夫妻喜歡周末在街上閑逛。vt.連接The train will be ready to leave when all the carriages have been coupled.當所有車廂都連接好時列車就可以準備開出了

7、。9crowd詞性詞義例句n.人群;群眾There was a big crowd and we had trouble getting a taxi. 人群非常擁擠,我們很難打到出租車。vi.聚集;擁擠The eager audience crowded into the stadium.迫不及待的觀眾涌入體育場內(nèi)。vt.塞滿Dont crowd the bedroom with too much furniture.不要在臥室里擺放過多的家具。10express詞性詞義例句vt.表達I was too excited to express to you how grateful I am.

8、 我太激動而無法表達對你的深深感激。adj.明確的;迅速的He left express instructions to keep all doors locked.他明確指示要把門都鎖好。n.快車;快遞Where do I take the express to London?我在哪里能乘坐開往倫敦的快車?11fancy詞性詞義例句n.幻想;想象力The teachers story inspired the fancy of the pupils.老師的故事激發(fā)了學生們的想象力。adj.想象的;奇特的The birthday present was packaged in a fancy

9、case with attractive patterns. 生日禮物裝在一個有著漂亮圖案的別致的盒子里。vt.想象;喜歡Some little girls will fancy themselves as pretty princesses. 有些小女孩會把自己想象成漂亮的公主。12free詞性詞義例句adj.自由的;免費的;空閑的The teacher demanded that his students do some reading in their free time. 老師要求他的學生在空余時間閱讀書籍。vt.使自由;解放She freed herself from stress

10、by listening to some soft music. 她通過聽柔和的音樂使自己擺脫了壓力。13graduate詞性詞義例句vi.畢業(yè)I graduated from a teaching college 20 years ago.二十年前我從一所師范學校畢業(yè)。n.畢業(yè)生Although he was only a high school graduate, he achieved great success in his business.盡管他只是個高中畢業(yè)生,但他在自己的生意上取得了很大的成功。14guide詞性詞義例句n.指南Our 10page guide will hel

11、p you to change your life for the better. 我們這本十頁的指南會幫助你們改善生活。n.向導We have arranged for a guide to show you around our city. 我們安排了一名向導帶你參觀我們的城市。vt.帶領The local man will guide you to the top of the mountain.這位當?shù)厝藭ьI你們爬到山頂。15judge詞性詞義例句vt.判斷;評判Never judge a person by his appearance. 不要以貌取人。vt.判決The woman

12、 was finally judged guilty. 那個女人最終被判有罪。n.法官;裁判The judge postponed the hearing until next Tuesday.法官將聽證會延至下周二。16major詞性詞義例句n.攻讀某個專業(yè)的學生As English majors, they take great interest in the culture of Englishspeaking countries. 作為英語專業(yè)的學生,他們對說英語國家的文化很感興趣。vi.專攻;主修They are students majoring in Chemistry, who

13、 have to spend a lot of time in the lab doing experiments every day. 他們是主修化學的學生,每天都得花大量的時間在實驗室做實驗。adj. 主要的In some cities in North China, air pollution has become a major health hazard. 在中國北方的一些城市,空氣污染成了人們健康的主要威脅。17mask詞性詞義例句n.面具A man wearing a mask robbed the store last night.昨天晚上,一個戴面具的男人搶劫了這家商店。vt

14、.掩蓋They tried hard to mask their true intentions.他們努力掩蓋他們的真實意圖。18match詞性詞義例句n.比賽In the European countries many football fans will enjoy the matches in the pub during the World Cup.世界杯期間,很多歐洲國家的球迷喜歡在酒吧看比賽。n.火柴My younger brother collected a lot of car models which were as small as match boxes. 我弟弟收集了許

15、多像火柴盒一樣小的汽車模型。n.匹配All their friends regard the couple as a perfect match.所有朋友都認為他們是天生一對。vt.把嫁給The rich man refused to match his daughter with the poor clerk.這個有錢人拒絕把女兒嫁給那個貧窮的文員。vt.比得上It seemed that no one in the world could match the skill of the wellknown carver. 世界上似乎沒有人的技藝能比得上那位出名的雕刻師。vt.&vi.匹配Yo

16、ur white trousers match your shoes well. 你的白褲子和鞋很相配。19material詞性詞義例句n.材料The project was delayed because of the shortage of some materials. 由于某些材料的短缺工程被拖延了。adj.物質的;實質的People have to give up some material comfort to stop global warming.人們不得不放棄一些物質享受以阻止全球變暖。20mean詞性詞義例句adj.吝嗇的He was such a mean busines

17、sman that he would never lend a penny to his partners. 他是一位非常吝嗇的生意人,他從不借一分錢給合作者。vi.意欲What do you mean by buying so many books on economics at a time?你一次買那么多經(jīng)濟方面的書想要干什么?vt.意味著His promotion means a raise in salary. 他的升職意味著加薪。21measure詞性詞義例句n.措施;方法What measures will you take to improve your oral Englis

18、h?你會采取什么方法來提高你的英語口語水平?vt.衡量;測量Do you figure out some effective measures to measure the height of the cliff?你找到測量懸崖高度的有效方法了嗎?22mind詞性詞義例句vt.介意Do you mind my opening the window?你介意我開窗嗎?vt.照顧;照看My son can mind the store for me. 我兒子能幫我照看商店。vt.務必Mind you tell my father. 你別忘了告訴我父親。n.大腦Im trying to clear m

19、y mind of all this. 我試圖把這一切都從我腦子里清理出去。n.才智Studying stretched my mind and got me thinking about things. 學習擴展了我的才智,使我開始思考。23move詞性詞義例句n.移動;行動He is still thinking about his next move. 他仍在考慮他的下一步行動。vi.&vt.移動As his legs were hurt in the accident, he was unable to move himself.因為在事故中雙腿受傷,所以他無法讓自己挪動一步。vi.遷

20、移;離開Many young people move from countryside to the cities to seek more working opportunities.很多年輕人從鄉(xiāng)村來到城市,尋找更多的工作機會。vt.感動All the people in the neighbourhood were moved by the young man who saved three drowned children at the cost of his own life. 附近的所有人都被這個以犧牲自己的生命為代價救了三個溺水的孩子的年輕人感動了。24narrow詞性詞義例句v

21、.縮小The teacher asked the students to narrow down their topics before writing. 老師要求學生寫作前先把題目的范圍縮小。adj.窄的Its impossible for me to drive my car through such a narrow path.要我開車從那么窄的弄堂里穿過去是不可能的。25object詞性詞義例句n.目標;目的He told me the object of the activity is to raise money for the charity to help the childl

22、ess old people.他告訴我此次活動的目的是為慈善募捐來幫助那些無兒無女的老人。vi.反對We will not put it into practice if you object to the plan. 如果你反對這個計劃,我們就不實施了。26overlook詞性詞義例句vt.忽略Some successful businessmen were so busy that they overlooked some sorts of warning signals about their health. 一些成功的商人因為太忙而忽略了一些與他們健康有關的警告信號。vt.俯瞰In t

23、he new house we have three pretty and comfortable rooms overlooking a grassland. 在我們的新房子里有三個漂亮而舒適的房間可以俯瞰一片草地。27pack詞性詞義例句vt.包裝They offered the laidoff worker a job of packing boxes in a warehouse.他們?yōu)槟俏幌聧徆と颂峁┝艘环菰趥}庫打包的工作。vi.打點行李We are busy packing for a journey. 我們忙著為旅行打點行李。n.包裹;背包When you climb a mou

24、ntain, you should take everything unnecessary out of your pack.你爬山時應把所有不需要的東西從包里拿出去。n.一組;一伙A pack of wolves went ravening about in the forest.一群狼在森林中到處覓食。28power詞性詞義例句n.權力It is within my power. 那是在我的權力范圍之內(nèi)。n.能力;力量It seems that the Internet has the power to change the way we live. 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)似乎有能力改變我們的生活方式。v

25、t.促進A second Green Revolution will be powered by the wonder of genetic engineering. 基因工程將推動第二次綠色革命。29press詞性詞義例句n.壓力Now many young people feel the press of modern life.現(xiàn)在很多年輕人都感受到了現(xiàn)代生活的壓力。n.新聞;出版社He will announce something important at the press conference. 他會在記者招待會上宣布一些重要的事情。vt.壓;按;施加壓力Dont press y

26、our opinion on the younger generation.不要將你的想法強加給年輕的一代。30race詞性詞義例句n.種族In some countries, some white people have prejudice against the coloured races. 在一些國家,有些白人對有色人種有偏見。n.賽跑My son won the first prize in the race competition in school. 我兒子在學校的跑步比賽中獲得了第一名。vi.疾跑She jumped off her bicycle and raced to t

27、he library.她跳下自行車飛奔向圖書館。vt.和賽跑Ill race you to the bus stop. 我要和你比一比誰先跑到公交車站。31rank詞性詞義例句n.軍銜He eventually rose to the rank of captain in his forties. 在四十多歲的時候他最終升到了上尉軍銜。n.等級The wealthy man bought the masterpiece of a painter of the first rank. 這位有錢人買了一幅一流畫家的杰作。vt.把分等級Ma Long is ranked among the best

28、 pingpang players in the world.馬龍被列入世界上最優(yōu)秀的乒乓球運動員之列。vt.排列His books were tidily ranked on the shelf. 他的書都整齊地排列在書架上。32regard詞性詞義例句vt.認為;看待;考慮He was regarded as one of the greatest basketball players in the world. 他被認為是世界上最偉大的籃球運動員之一。She left the school without regarding her parents opinion. 她沒有考慮父母的意見

29、就離開了學校。n.尊重We have very high regard for him and what he has achieved. 我們很尊重他和他取得的成就。33ruin詞性詞義例句n.廢墟They hoped that they could find some critical evidence in the ruins, but in vain. 他們希望能在廢墟上找到關鍵的證據(jù),但是徒勞無功。vt.破壞;摧毀Their friendship over the years was ruined by misunderstanding. 他們多年的友誼被誤解所破壞。34score詞

30、性詞義例句vt.得分The middle school student scored an average of 146 on three separate IQ tests. 這名中學生在三個獨立的智商測試中得到了146分的平均分。n.分數(shù)He won the US Open Golf Tournament with a score of 287. 他以287分在美國高爾夫公開賽中奪冠。n.幾十There are scores of boxes in the warehouse.倉庫里有幾十個箱子。35sense詞性詞義例句vt.感覺到;感知She was disappointed and

31、angry when she sensed that he didnt tell the truth to her. 當她發(fā)現(xiàn)他沒有告訴她真相時,她感到失望又生氣。vt.理解Most students cant sense the meaning of the sentence.多數(shù)學生都不懂這個句子的意思。n.道理;理智What my grandpa said always made sense. 我爺爺說的話總是很有道理。36sink詞性詞義例句vi.沉沒The ship hit the iceberg and sank fast. 船撞到冰山并迅速沉沒了。vt.使下沉;使低落In a b

32、attle at sea, we succeeded in sinking five enemys ships. 在一次海戰(zhàn)中,我們成功擊沉了五艘敵船。n.水槽The sink was full of dirty dishes. 水槽里滿是臟盤子。37spare詞性詞義例句adj.空余的;多余的Youd better read as many books as possible in your spare time. 你最好在空余時間盡量多讀書。vt.寬恕We should not pity nor spare our enemy. 我們既不應同情也不應寬恕我們的敵人。vt.緩解Your jo

33、ke spared her embarrassment. 你的笑話緩解了她的尷尬。vt.分出;分讓We spare no effort to keep the peace between the two parties. 我們不遺余力地使雙方保持和平。38stress詞性詞義例句n.壓力He suffered from insomnia because of the heavy stress from his work. 他因工作壓力大而患上了失眠癥。vt.強調(diào)The spokesman stressed the importance of fairness and harmony. 發(fā)言人強

34、調(diào)了公平、和諧的重要性。n.重音While pronouncing the word, put the stress in the second syllable. 讀這個單詞時,把重音放在第二個音節(jié)上。vt.重讀The nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs in the sentences should be stressed while reading.讀句子時,句子中的名詞、動詞、形容詞和副詞都應該重讀。39strike詞性詞義例句n.罷工The organizers of the strike are determined to press on u

35、ntil the employers agree to shorten their working time.罷工組織者決心將繼續(xù)罷工直到雇主同意縮短工作時間。vt.打擊He was struck by a heavy blow and lost consciousness. 他被重重地打了一下,失去了知覺。vt.撞擊To avoid hitting the passersby, she made a sudden turn and her car directly struck a tree.為了避免撞到行人,她一個急轉,她的車直接撞到了樹上。 40swallow詞性詞義例句n.吞咽He l

36、ifted his cup and took a swallow of coffee.他拿起杯子,喝了一口咖啡。n.燕子One swallow doesnt make a summer. 一燕不成夏。vt.吞咽;吞;吞并You should chew your food well before you swallow it.你應該細嚼食物后,再吞下去。Many small companies have been swallowed up by the huge multinational. 許多小公司被這家大型跨國企業(yè)吞并了。41switch詞性詞義例句n.開關;閘She put some d

37、irty dishes into the dishwasher, shut the door and pressed the switch. 她把那些臟盤子放入洗碗機,關上門后按了開始鍵。vt.轉換;關上He left the house without switching off the light.他離開了屋子,沒有關燈。vt.突然奪下;迅速移動He switched the letter from my hand and read it before class.他一把搶過我手里的信,在全班同學面前念了起來。42track詞性詞義例句vt.追蹤The policemen tracked

38、the criminal to his hideout.警察追蹤罪犯到了他的藏身之處。n.蹤跡They faded away in the darkness, leaving no tracks.他們消失在黑夜中,沒有留下一點蹤跡。n.小路They passed a muddy track through the forest.他們穿過森林的泥濘小路。43treasure詞性詞義例句n.珍寶The old castle was large and full of art treasures. 這座古老的城堡很大,里面滿是藝術珍寶。vt.珍惜She treasures her memories

39、of those joyous days living together with her best friend in the countryside.她很珍惜和最好的朋友一起在農(nóng)村度過的快樂歲月。44trick詞性詞義例句vt.欺騙The old lady was tricked into buying something expensive but useless. 這位老婦人被騙買了很貴且無用的東西。n.把戲;玩笑They are playing a trick on a man who keeps bothering me. 他們正在捉弄那個一直騷擾我的男人。45view詞性詞義例句

40、vt.看作;認為;考慮We can view the problems in many ways. 我們可以從多方面來考慮這些問題。n.觀點From my point of view, he is innocent although he appeared at scene.我的觀點是:盡管他出現(xiàn)在現(xiàn)場,但他是無辜的。n.景色Living in this room, you can go to bed with one view and wake up with another. 住在這個房間,你可以在一種景色的相伴中入眠,而在醒來時看到另一種景色。46witness詞性詞義例句vt.見證;目擊Over the past 20 years, the city has witnessed dramatic changes. 二十年來,這個城市見證了引人注目的變化。n.目擊者It was reported that the only witness of the accident was killed at home. 據(jù)報道,事故的唯一目擊者在家中被殺了。- 15 -

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