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1、焊接 butt-welding machine對焊機 capability of welding vertically upwards直上焊接能力 capacitor-discharge welding電容放電焊接 carbon arc welding碳弧焊; 碳極弧焊 carbon in materials for welding焊接用材料中的碳 carbon-dioxide arc welding二氧化碳保護焊 carriage of automatic welding machine自動焊機走架 cascade welding階梯式焊; 山形多層焊 cascade we

2、lding sequence串級疊置法 cast welding鑄焊 cement-welding金屬陶瓷焊接 centralized installation of welding machine多站焊接 chain intermittent fillet welding并列斷續(xù)角焊縫; 鏈式斷續(xù)角焊 chemical welding化學(xué)焊 circular seam welding環(huán)縫對接焊 circular seam-welding machine環(huán)形滾焊機 cleaning before welding焊接前的清理 cleaning of welding deposi

3、ts焊接沉積的清理 closed butt gas pressure welding閉式加壓氣焊 cold welding冷焊; 冷壓焊 cold-pressure welding冷壓焊 combined cutting and welding torch焊割兩用炬 combined cutting and-welding blow-pipe焊割兩用炬 combined thermit welding加壓鑄焊 complete penetraction and fusion in welding全焊透 condenser (discharge) spot-welding mac

4、hine電容器放電點焊機 condenser discharge spot welding電容儲能點焊; 電容貯能點焊 constant current welding machine恒流電焊機 constant energy welding machine恒功率電焊機 constant voltage welding machine恒壓電焊機 constant-current arc welding power source垂降特性弧焊電源 constant-current welding source恒流式焊接電源 constant-power welding source恒

5、功率式焊接電源 constant-pressure pressure welding恒壓壓力焊 constant-temperature pressure welding恒溫壓力焊 constant-voltage welding machine恒電壓焊機 constant-voltage welding source恒壓式焊接電源; 平特性焊接電源 consumable electrode welding熔化極電弧焊 consumable guide electroslag welding自耗定向電渣焊 contact welding接觸焊 continuous feed w

6、elding連續(xù)送絲電弧焊 continuous welding連續(xù)焊; 連續(xù)焊接 contour welding繞焊 controlled arc welding可控電弧焊接 controlled atmosohere arc welding充氣室電弧焊 controlled atmospere arc welding充氣式電弧焊 controlled tungsten-arc welding自動控制弧長的鎢極電弧焊 controlled-transfer welding可控過渡電弧焊 convex fillet welding凸面角焊縫 copper arc weldin

7、g electrode銅焊條 copper welding rod銅焊條 copper-alloy arc welding electrode銅合金焊條 copper-aluminium welding rod銅鋁焊條 copper-nickel welding rod銅鎳焊條 copper-silicon welding rod銅硅焊條 copper-tin welding rod銅錫焊條 copper-zinc welding rod銅鋅焊條 core welding-wire焊芯 core wire for welding rod焊條芯線 corrosion due

8、to welding焊接腐蝕 cosmetic welding蓋面焊 cover chain welding鏈節(jié)式藥皮包絲焊接 CO 2 arc welding machine二氧化碳弧焊機 cracking test for automatic welding自動焊抗裂試驗 crankshaft flashbutt welding曲軸電阻弧花壓焊 cross welding橫向焊縫 cyc-arc welding圓環(huán)電弧焊 deck welding重力焊 deep fillet welding深角焊 deep penetration welding深熔焊 deep pe

9、netration welding electrode深熔焊條 deep welding深焊 die welding模焊; 沖模堆焊 diesel engine driven DC arc welding machine柴油機驅(qū)動直流弧焊機 differential-excited welding generator差激電焊發(fā)電機 diffusion welding擴散焊接 direct spot welding雙面點焊 direct welding雙面點焊 direction of welding焊接方位; 焊接方向 discontinuous welding斷續(xù)焊 do

10、t welding點焊 double carbon-arc welding間接碳弧焊 double side welding雙面焊接 down-hand welding俯焊 downhand welding平焊 downward welding in the inclined position下坡焊 downward welding in the vertical position向下立焊 dual-arc welding雙弧焊 edge seam welding端面接頭滾焊 edge welding邊緣焊接 edgewise welding沿邊焊接 electric

11、and pressure welding電壓力焊接 electric arc spot welding電弧點焊 electric arc welding generators電弧焊接發(fā)電機 electric arc welding machine電弧焊機 electric butt welding電阻接觸焊 electric resistance welding電阻焊接; 熱電阻焊 electric slag welding電渣焊 electric spot welding電點焊 electric welding電焊 electric welding cast copper

12、solder鑄銅電焊條 electric welding equipment電焊設(shè)備 electric welding generator電焊發(fā)電機 electric welding hammer電焊錘 electric welding machine電焊機 electric welding plant電焊廠 electric welding pliers電焊鉗 electric welding rod電焊條 electric welding strip電焊片 electric-arc welding電弧焊 electric-resistance seam-welding電

13、阻縫焊 electric-resistance seam-welding machine電阻縫焊機 electrical arc welding電弧焊接 electrical resistance welding tube電阻焊接管 electrically heated welding torch電熱焊槍 electro-beam welding電子束焊接 electro-gas (enclosed) welding氣電立焊 electro-slag welding電磁渣焊; 電渣焊 electro-slag welding with plate electrode板極電渣焊

14、 electro-welding電焊 electrode for arc welding電焊條; 電弧焊條 electrode for vertical down welding向下立焊條 electrode of vertical down welding立向下焊條 electrode welding電弧焊 electrogas welding氣電焊; 電氣焊 electromagnetic percussive welding電磁沖擊焊 electromagnetic stored energy welding電磁儲能焊 electron beam welding電子束焊

15、; 電子束焊接 electron beam welding machine電子束焊接機 electron-beam welding電子束焊接 electron-beam welding machine電子束焊機 electron-bombardment welding真空電子束焊 electrons leaves welding電子束焊接 electropercussive welding電沖擊焊; 沖擊焊; 儲能焊 electroslag welding電渣焊; 電阻焊 electroslag welding machine電渣焊機 electroslag welding

16、with consumable nozzle熔嘴電渣焊 electroslag welding with wire electrode絲極電渣焊 electrostatic (percussive) welding電能儲能焊接 electrostatic percussing welding靜電焊; 靜電焊; 沖擊焊; 儲能焊 electrostatic percussive welding靜電沖擊焊; 靜電沖擊焊 enclosed welding強制成形焊接 energy storage welding貯能焊; 儲能焊; 脈沖焊接 erecting welding裝配焊接 e

17、rection welding安裝焊接 eutectic welding低溫焊 exothermic welding鋁熱焊 expanding or welding of tube with tubesheet管子與管板的脹接或焊接 explosive welding (EW)爆炸焊 eyelet welding孔焊; 小孔熔焊 faster welding快速焊接 feed rate of welding wire焊絲送進速度 field of welding temperature焊接溫度場 field welding現(xiàn)場焊接; 工地焊接 Filler arc weld

18、ing菲拉電弧焊距 fillet welding (填角焊)貼角焊 fillet welding in the downhand position船形角焊 fillet welding in the flat position船形焊 fillet welding in the horizontal position橫角焊 fillet welding in the vertical position立角焊 fine welding精密焊接 fine wire welding細絲焊 fire cracker welding躺焊 fire welding鍛焊; 鍛接 fixed

19、 welding machine固定式焊機 fixed-position welding定位焊接 flame welding熔氣焊 flare welding喇叭形坡口焊接 flash butt welding閃光對焊; 閃光對接焊 wire welding 焊網(wǎng) flash welding閃光電弧焊; 閃光焊; 閃焊; 火花電弧焊; 火花對焊 flash-butt welding電阻閃光焊接 flashover welding閃光焊 flat position welding平焊; 頂面平臥焊 flat position welding of fillet we

20、ld角焊縫平焊; 船形角焊 flat welding平臥焊 flexible welding rod軟焊條 flexible wire for electric welding電焊軟線 flow welding流注焊接; 澆焊 fluid welding流焊 flux-cored welding包芯焊條焊接 fly-wheel type friction welding貯能摩擦焊; 儲能摩擦焊 flywheel friction welding慣性摩擦焊 forehand welding向前焊; 向左焊; 左焊法; 左向焊; 正手焊 forge welding鍛焊; 鍛接焊

21、 forward welding正手焊; 左焊法; 左向焊; 前進焊; 前傾焊; 向前焊 friction welding摩擦焊; 摩擦焊接 friction welding machine摩擦焊接機 frontal fillet welding正面角焊 full automatic welding全自動焊 full-automatic arc welding全自動電弧焊 full-fillet welding滿角焊 full-fusion thermit welding熱劑鑄焊 full-fusion welding全熔合焊 full-length welding滿焊

22、fusion pressure welding熔化壓接 fusion thermit welding熱劑熔焊; 熔化鋁熱焊 fusion type plasma arc welding熔透型等離子弧焊 fusion type welding熔透型焊接法 fusion welding熔焊接 fusion welding metal熔焊金屬 gas carbon-arc welding氣保護碳弧焊 gas electric welding氣電聯(lián)合焊接 gas metal arc welding氣體保護金屬極電弧焊 gas metal-arc welding氣保護金屬極電弧焊 g

23、as shield welding氣體保護弧焊 gas shielded arc welding氣體保護電弧焊; 氣體保護焊 gas shielded arc welding machine氣保護弧焊機 gas shielded arc-welding machine氣體保護弧焊機 gas shielded magnetic flux arc welding磁性焊劑氣體保護電弧焊 gas shielded metal-arc welding氣體保護金屬弧焊 gas shielded welding氣體保護焊 gas torch welding氣炬焊 gas tungsten a

24、rc welding氣體保護鎢極電弧焊 gas tungsten-arc welding氣保護鎢極電弧焊 gas tungstun arc welding鎢極氣體保護焊 gas welding氣焊; 乙炔焊 gas welding device氣焊設(shè)備 gas welding equipment氣焊設(shè)備 gas welding machine氣焊機 gas welding outfit氣焊機 gas welding rod氣焊焊絲 gas welding rubber hose氣焊橡膠管 gas welding technique氣焊工藝 gas welding torc

25、h butt氣焊進氣硬管 gas welding tube mill瓦斯焊接機 gas welding work氣焊工作 gas-arc welding氣電焊; 氣體保護電弧焊 gas-arc welding gun氣電焊焊嘴 gas-press welding氣壓焊 gas-pressure welding machine氣壓焊接機 gas-shielded stud welding氣保護柱釘焊接 girth welding環(huán)縫橫向焊接 gravity type arc welding重力焊 gravity type welding倚焊 gravity welding重

26、力焊; 重力式電弧焊 groove welding槽焊; 坡口焊; 開槽焊 guided automatic welding導(dǎo)向自動焊接 gun welding machine手提式點焊機; 點焊槍 hafnium welding wire鉿焊絲 hammer welding鍛焊; 鍛接; 錘焊 hammered resistance welding錘鍛電阻焊; 電阻加熱鍛焊 hand welding holdet手焊焊把 hard-welding硬質(zhì)合金熔焊 headless bolt for welding焊接單頭螺栓 heat-welding adhesive熱熔性膠

27、粘劑 heated-tool welding熱烙鐵焊接 heavy welding大斷面焊接 heavy welding electrode粗電焊條 heliarc welding氦電弧焊 Heliarc welding氦弧焊法 helium arc welding氦弧焊 HF welding magnetic bar高頻焊接磁棒 hidden arc welding埋弧焊; 潛弧焊 high current arc welding大電流弧焊 high frequency AC welding machine高頻交流電焊機 high frequency dielectri

28、c welding高頻介電焊 high frequency induction welding高頻感應(yīng)焊 high frequency welding高頻焊接 high grade energy welding高能焊 high tensile electric welding rod高強焊條 high-current plasma arc welding大電流等離子弧焊 high-frequency induction welding高頻感應(yīng)焊接; 高頻焊接 high-frequency resistance welding高頻接觸焊 high-frequency resist

29、ance welding (HFRW)高頻電阻焊 high-frequency welding高頻電焊 highspeed welding快速焊接 horizontal fillet welding橫角焊; 水平角焊 horizontal position welding水平焊接; 橫焊 horizontal welding橫焊; 水平焊 horizontal-position welding水平位置焊接 horizontal-rolledposition welding水平轉(zhuǎn)動焊接; 滾動水平焊 hot jet welding熱風(fēng)焊接 hot press welding熱壓

30、焊接 hot pressure welding預(yù)熱壓力焊 hot welding熱焊 hot wire welding熱絲焊 hot(-)gas welding熱氣焊接 hot-gas welding熱風(fēng)焊接; 熱空氣焊接 hot-pressure welding熱壓焊; 熱壓焊接 hydrogen-welding氫焊 impact spot welding沖擊點焊法 impregnated-tape metal-arc welding浸焊條金屬弧焊 impulse current automatic butt welding machine脈沖電流自動對焊機 impul

31、se current seam welding machine脈沖電流縫焊機 impulse current semiautomatic butt welding machine脈沖電流半自動對焊機 impulse electromagnetic automatic welding machine電磁脈沖自動焊機 impulse plasma welding machine脈沖等離子焊機 impulse welding脈沖焊; 脈沖焊接 impulsed spot welding脈沖點焊 inclined position welding傾斜焊 indirect (spot) w

32、elding單面點焊 indirect welding單面點焊 induction welding感應(yīng)焊; 感應(yīng)焊接; 感應(yīng)熔焊 inert gas arc spot welding惰性氣體電弧點焊 inert gas arc welding惰性氣體電弧焊 inert gas spot welding惰性氣體保護電弧點焊 inert gas welding惰性氣體焊接法 inert-gas (inert gas) arc welding惰性氣體保護焊 inertia welding慣性焊接; 貯能摩擦焊; 儲能摩擦焊 inertial welding慣性焊接 infrare

33、d welding紅外線焊接 intermediate current plasma arc welding中電流等離子弧焊 intermittent fillet welding斷續(xù)角焊 intermittent point welding斷續(xù)點焊 intermittent welding斷續(xù)焊 International Institute of welding (IIW)國際焊接學(xué)會 inverted welding仰焊 joint welding搭焊 jump welding丁字形焊 keyhole-mode welding小孔型等離子弧焊; 穿透型焊接法 lap

34、fillet welding搭角焊; 搭接角焊 lap resistance welding搭接電阻焊 lap seam welding搭接縫焊; 搭接焊 lap welding搭焊; 搭接焊 laser welding激光焊接 laser welding chamber激光焊接室 laser welding head激光焊接頭 laser welding machine for orthodontics激光口腔矯形焊接機 laser welding system激光焊接系統(tǒng) laser-beam welding machine激光焊接機 laser-welding mac

35、hine激光焊接器 lead welding鉛焊 lefthand welding左焊法 leftward welding左向焊法 lever gun welding head杠桿式點焊鉗 light beam welding machine光束焊機 light continuous welding輕連續(xù)焊接 light gauge welding薄板焊接 light ray welding光束焊接 light welding輕焊接 Linde welding林德鋼管對焊法 line welding直線焊縫焊接 liquid metal welding澆注補焊 lon

36、gitudinal resistance seam welding縱向電阻縫焊 longitudinal seam welding縱縫焊接; 縱向縫焊 longitudinal welding縱縫焊接; 縱向焊接 low carbon steel welding electrode低碳鋼電焊條 low carbon welding wires低碳焊接線材 low idle voltage arc-welding power supply低空載電壓的弧焊電源 low temperature welding低溫焊接 low-alloy steel covered arc weldin

37、g electrode低合金鋼焊條 low-current plasma arc welding小電流等離子弧焊 low-hydrogen welding electrode低氫型電焊條 low-temperature welding低溫焊接 lowest permissible temperature for welding焊接允許的最低溫度 machine for magnetic welding磁力焊接機 machine welding機器焊接 machine welding torch機械焊接吹管 magnetic discharge welding電磁儲能焊; 電磁焊

38、 magnetic flux arc welding磁性焊劑電弧焊 magnetic flux gas shielded arc welding磁性焊劑氣體保護電弧焊 magnetic force welding machine磁力焊接機 magnetic-force welding磁力焊接法 manual arc welding手工電弧堆焊 manual electic arc pile up welding手工電弧堆焊 manual electric arc welding手工電弧堆焊 manual electro-slag welding手工電渣焊 manual gas

39、 welding手工氣焊 manual metal-arc welding手弧焊 manual TIG welding手工鎢極惰性氣體保護焊 manual welding手工焊接; 人工焊接 manual welding machine手工焊機 manually coating welding electrode手涂焊條 mash seam welding滾壓電阻縫焊 mash stitch welding多針縫式焊接 mask welding電焊眼罩 match assemble welding裝架焊接 metal arc welding金屬電弧焊 metal buri

40、ed welding埋渣焊 metal inert gas arc welding (MIG)惰性氣體金屬電弧焊 metal inert-gas arc welding金屬極惰性氣體保護焊 metal inertia gas welding金屬焊條惰性氣體保護焊; 熔化極惰性氣體保護焊 metal rectifier welding set整流焊機 metal-arc gas-shielded welding氣保護金屬極電弧焊 metal-arc gas-shielded welding (MAGSW)金屬極氣保護焊 metal-arc welding金屬極電弧焊 micro

41、resistance welding顯微電阻焊 micro-gap welding微間隙焊接 micro-plasma arc welding微束等離子弧焊 micro-welding微型焊接; 顯微焊接 microgap welding微隙間隙焊 Miebach high efficiency flash welding machine米巴赫高效閃光對焊機 mild steel arc welding electrode低碳鋼焊條 mild steel welding rod低碳鋼焊絲 miter welding斜接頭焊接 mixed gas arc welding混合氣體

42、保護電弧焊 molten bath arc welding熔池電弧焊 molten-bath arc welding熔池焊 motor driven welding machine電動焊機; 電動機拖動式焊機 motor-driven welding machine電動旋轉(zhuǎn)式焊機 motor-generator welding unit電動直流發(fā)電焊接設(shè)備 multi-head automatic arc-welding machine多頭自動電弧焊機 multi-head automatic welding machine多頭自動焊機 multi-operator weldi

43、ng set多站電焊機 multi-pass (multiple pass) welding多道焊 multiarc welding多弧焊 multihead automatic arc welding machine多弧自動電焊機 multilayer welding多層焊 multioperator welding generator多工位焊接發(fā)電機 multioperator welding machine多站電焊機; 多站焊機 multioperator welding set多站焊機 multipass welding多道焊接 multiple arc weldin

44、g多弧焊 multiple operator arc welding machine復(fù)式弧焊機 multiple projection welding多點凸焊 multiple resistance welding多點電阻焊接; 復(fù)式電阻焊 multiple spot welding多點點焊 multiple spot welding machine多點點焊機 multiple-arc welding plant多弧焊接機 multiple-electrode spot welding machine多極點焊機 multiple-electrode welding多焊條焊接

45、multiple-impulse welding多脈沖焊; 多脈沖接觸焊 multiple-operator welding-unit多重操作焊接單元 multiple-spot welding多點焊 multiple-wire multiple-power submerged-arc welding多絲埋弧焊 multiple-wire submerged arc welding多絲埋弧焊 multiplewire submerged-arc welding多絲埋弧焊 nail head type welding釘頭式焊接 narrow gap one side welding

46、窄間隙單面焊 narrow gap one-side automatic welding窄間隙單面自動電弧焊 narrow gap welding窄間隙焊接; 狹間隙焊 negative polarity welding反極性焊接 neli-arc welding氦電弧焊 nickel bare welding filter metal鎳焊絲 nickel covered welding eleetrode鎳藥皮焊條 nickel steel gas welding rod鎳鋼氣焊條 nickel-base alloy bare welding filler metal鎳基合金

47、焊絲 nitrogen-arc welding氮弧焊 no-gas welding非氣焊 non gas shielded arc welding無氣體保護電弧焊 non shielded arc welding無保護電弧焊 non-pressure welding不加壓焊接 non-vacuum electron beam welding大氣壓電子束焊接 non-welding character不可焊接性 nonpressure thermit welding (NTW)熱劑鑄焊 oblique fillet welding斜角焊接縫 one head automati

48、c arc welding machine單弧自動電焊機 one side welding單面焊 one-body welding machine同體式焊機 one-body welding set同體式焊機; 單機體電焊機組 one-pass welding單道焊 open arc welding明弧焊 open butt gas pressure welding開式加壓氣焊 orbit welding環(huán)形軌道自動焊接 out-of-position welding焊位不當(dāng) overhead position welding仰焊 overhead welding仰焊 o

49、verlay welding堆焊 overlaying welding堆焊 oxy welding乙炔焊接 oxyacetylene welding氧炔焊 oxyacetylene welding outfit氧乙炔氣焊機 oxygen welding氧焊; 氧氣焊接 oxyhydrogen welding氫氧焊; 氫氧焰焊接 pad welding墊塊焊接 peg welding栓柱焊接 penetration fusion welding深熔焊接 percussion welding沖擊焊; 沖擊焊法; 儲能焊; 貯能焊; 鍛接 percussion welding

50、(PEW)沖擊電阻焊接 percussion welding machine沖擊焊機 performances of test piece for welding焊接試板性能 pile-up welding堆焊 pincer spot welding head杠桿式點焊鉗 pinpoint welding點焊 pipe welding machine焊管機 pipe-welding machine鋼管焊接機 plasma arc welding等離子弧焊接 plasma arc welding (PAW)等離子弧焊 plasma argon arc welding mach

51、ine等離子氬弧焊接機 plasma MIG welding等離子熔化極氣體保護焊 plasma welding等離子焊 plasma welding torch等離子焊炬 plasma-arc welding等離子電弧焊接 plastic welding塑焊; 塑態(tài)焊接; 塑性焊接 plate-work and welding section鉚焊工段 pliers spot welding head點焊鉗; 鉗式點焊頭 plug welding塞焊 point welding machine點焊機 poke welding手點焊; 手動焊鉗點焊; 手推點焊; 鉗點焊; 壓

52、焊 portable arc welding machine便攜式弧焊機 position of welding焊接位置; 焊位 position welding定位焊 precautions before welding焊接前的預(yù)防措施 precision laser welding machine精密激光焊接機 precision welding精密焊接 precision welding machine精密焊機 prefabricated welding mo(u)ld預(yù)制焊模 preheated electric arc welding預(yù)熱電弧焊接 preparat

53、ion of base metal for welding焊接基體金屬的處理 preparation of plates for welding焊接板材的準備 press cold welding冷壓焊; 加壓冷焊 press welding壓焊; 加壓焊 pressure contact welding壓力接觸焊 pressure thermit welding加壓鋁熱劑焊接; 加壓熱劑焊; 加壓鑄焊 pressure thermit welding PTW加壓熱劑焊 pressure welding壓接; 壓力焊接; 加壓焊接 program welding程序點焊 pr

54、ogressive induction seam welding連續(xù)感應(yīng)滾焊 progressive welding前進焊; 分段焊接 projection welding凸出焊接; 凸焊 puddle welding堆焊 pulsation spot welding脈沖點焊 pulsation welding脈沖焊; 脈動焊接; 多脈沖接觸焊 pulsation welding timer脈沖焊接計時器 pulse arc welding脈沖電弧焊; 脈沖電弧焊接 pulse laser welding脈沖激光焊接 pulse welding interrupter脈沖焊接

55、斷續(xù)器 pulsed arc welding rectifier脈沖弧焊整流器 pulsed arc-welding power source脈沖弧焊電源 pulsed argon arc welding脈沖氬弧焊 pulsed GTA welding脈沖鎢極氣體保護焊 pulsed metal argon-arc-welding熔化極脈沖氬弧焊 pulsed plasma arc welding脈沖等離子弧焊 pulsed spot welding脈沖點焊 pulsed tungsten argon arc welding鎢極脈沖氬弧焊 pulsed tungsten in

56、ert gas arc welding脈沖鎢極惰性氣體保護電弧焊 pulsed-spray arc welding脈沖射流電弧焊 pure aluminium gas welding rod純鋁氣焊條 pure nickel welding electrode純鎳電焊條 push welding手點焊; 手壓點焊; 鉗點焊; 壓焊 qualification of welding procedure焊接工藝評定 qualification welding operator合格自動焊工 quasi-arc welding潛弧自動焊 radio-frequency welding射

57、頻熔接; 高頻焊接 rail-end welding軌端補焊 raised face welding neck flange凸面對焊法爛 raised welding method上升焊接法 ratio-frequency welding高頻焊 reciprocating welding electrode往復(fù)焊接電極 recrystallization welding再結(jié)晶焊接 rectifier welding machine整流焊機 rectifier welding set整流焊機 reduction welding還原焊接 reinforcing cage wel

58、ding machine鋼筋骨構(gòu)架焊接機 relief welding凸焊 repair by welding焊接修補 repair welding補焊; 焊補; 焊修 repairing welding修補焊; 補焊; 焊修 residual strain by welding焊接殘余應(yīng)變 residual stress by welding焊接殘余應(yīng)力 resistance butt welding對接接觸焊 resistance butt-seam welding電阻對縫焊接 resistance butt-welding電阻對焊 resistance electro

59、slag welding接觸電渣焊 resistance percussion welding接觸沖擊焊 resistance percussive-welding電阻鍛接 resistance roller-spot-welding電阻滾動點焊 resistance seam welding電阻縫焊; 電阻滾焊 resistance spot welding電阻點焊 resistance stitch welding電阻點縫焊接 resistance welding電阻焊接 resistance welding machine電阻焊機 resistance welding

60、time電阻焊通電時間 resistance-flash welding電阻弧花壓焊接; 電阻閃光焊接 resistance-welding time接觸焊通電時間 restraint welding約束下焊接; 抑制焊接 resurfacing welding堆焊 retrocession welding method后退焊接法 ridge welding筋狀凸焊 rightward welding右焊法 ring joint welding neck flange梯形槽式密封面對焊法蘭; 環(huán)槽式密封面對焊法蘭 ring welding滾焊 ripple projecti

61、on welding波紋狀凸焊 rivet welding電鉚焊 robot welding system自動焊接系統(tǒng) rocker-arm resistance welding machine搖臂接觸焊機 roll welding熱輥壓焊接 roll-spot welding滾點焊 roll-welding滾壓焊 roll-welding (RW)滾焊 roller spot-and-seam welding machine輥式點縫焊機 roller welding軋焊 roller-type seam welding machine輥式縫焊機 rotary weldi

62、ng set旋轉(zhuǎn)式焊機 rotary welding transformer旋轉(zhuǎn)式焊接變壓器; 可旋轉(zhuǎn)焊接變壓器 rotating arc pipe welding machine旋轉(zhuǎn)電弧焊管機 rotating arc welding旋轉(zhuǎn)電弧焊 rotating welding machine旋轉(zhuǎn)式弧焊機 saddle welding鞍形焊 sandwich welding夾緊冷焊 scarf welding兩端搭接焊 scraf welding嵌焊 seal by welding焊接連接密封 seal welding密封焊接 seam welding線焊接; 縫焊

63、seam welding electrode滾極 seam-welding machine縫焊機 self-adjusting arc welding自動調(diào)節(jié)電弧焊; 自調(diào)電弧焊 self-regulating arc welding transformer自調(diào)節(jié)弧焊變壓器 self-shielded arc welding自保護電弧焊 self-shielded welding wire自保護焊絲 semi-automatic arc welding半自動弧焊 semi-automatic arc welding machine半自動電弧焊機; 半自動弧焊機 semi-aut

64、omatic metal arc welding半自動金屬電弧焊 semi-automatic welding半自動焊接 semi-automatic welding machine半自動焊接機 semiautomatic welding半自動焊 sequence of welding焊接順序 sequential welding程序焊接; 連續(xù)焊 series arc welding串聯(lián)弧焊 series projection welding單邊多極凸焊 series seam welding串聯(lián)縫焊; 單邊多極滾焊; 單邊雙電極焊縫; 單面多極滾焊 series spot

65、 welding串點焊; 串聯(lián)點焊; 單邊多極點焊; 單面點焊; 單面多點點焊; 連續(xù)點焊 series submerged arc welding (SAW-S)橫列雙絲串聯(lián)埋弧焊 series welding串焊; 串聯(lián)焊; 單邊多電極焊接; 系列焊接 series-arc welding串聯(lián)電弧焊接 series-spot welding單面點焊 shape welding異形焊; 成形零件堆焊; 有型焊接 shielced carbon-arc welding氣保護碳弧焊 shield arc welding封閉電弧焊 shield inert gas metal ar

66、c welding惰性氣體保護金屬極弧焊 shield-arc welding掩護電孤焊接 shielded arc welding有保護的電弧焊; 保護電弧焊 shielded carbon arc welding碳弧保護焊 shielded metal (manual electric) arc welding手弧焊 shielded metal arc welding自動保護金屬極電弧焊; 熔化極自動保護電弧焊 shielded metal-arc welding掩護電孤焊接; 氣保護金屬極電弧焊; 保護式電弧焊 shielding arc welding盾護電焊; 盾護電弧焊 shop welding工廠焊接; 車間焊接; 車間中焊接 short arc welding短弧焊 short-circuiting arc welding短路過渡電弧焊 shot welding脈沖焊接 shrink welding預(yù)應(yīng)變焊接 side fillet welding側(cè)面角焊 side lap welding側(cè)搭焊; 側(cè)面搭接焊 sigma welding西

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