廣東省高中英語總復習 Module7 Unit19 Language(1)課件 北師大版

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1、Part 1 Of 2 請根據(jù)以下內容,寫一篇英語短文。 以下是一位幼兒教師關于肢體語言的心得: 根據(jù)我這幾年的幼兒教育經驗,我覺得對孩子適時使用肢體語言可以更直接地表達愛心。對年齡偏小的孩子來說尤其如此。肢體語言可以使他們柔弱的心靈接受莫大的安慰,使他們覺得在幼兒園像在家中一樣溫馨,在老師身邊像在媽媽懷里一樣安全。 【寫作要求寫作要求】 必須使用5個句子介紹全部所給信息。 參考詞匯:幼兒教育 early childhood education; 愛心 love and affection;安慰 comfort; 安全和溫暖 safe and warm Based on my past few

2、 years experience in early childhood education, I feel that timely use of body language can more directly express my love and affection. It is especially important for younger kids in the kindergarten. It can help kids to accept a great comfort, so that they feel themselves at home in kindergarten.T

3、hey feel safe with the teachers around them. In a word, they will feel at ease, as if they were staying in moms arms, safe and warm.1. 折疊 v. _2. 使興奮 v. _3. 自由 n. _4. 感謝的 adj. _5. 全國性地 adv. _6. 王室的 adj. _7. 精確度 n. _8. 流利度 n. _foldthrilllibertythankfulnationwideroyalaccuracyfluency9. (信息)輸出 n. _10. 不安

4、 n. _11. 十年 n. _12. 趨勢;傾向 n. _13. 不存在 n. _14. 理論 n. _15. 獲得 vt. _16. 環(huán)繞 vt. _outputunrestdecadetrendabsencetheoryattainsurround17. 充分的 adj. _18. 媒介物 n. _19. 確保 vt. _20. 加速 vt. & vi. _21. 目標 n. _22. 擴大 vt. _23. 保證 vt. _24. 調節(jié) vt. _adequatemediumensureacceleratetargetenlargeguaranteeadjust25. 告知 vt. _

5、26. 偷竊 n. _27. 僅僅;只 adv. _28. 老兄,老弟,伙計 n. _29. 親戚 n. _30. 贊成 n. _31. 冒犯 n. _32. 談判 vt. _informtheftmerelymaterelativeapprovaloffencenegotiate33. 購買 vt. _34. 與相似 vt. _35. 不知不覺的 adj. _36. 祝賀 vt. _37. 申請人 n. _38. 證書 n. _39. 能力 n. _40. 登記 vt. _purchaseresembleunconsciouscongratulateapplicantcertificatec

6、ompetenceregister41. 候選人 n. _42. 理發(fā)店 n. _43. 束緊 vt. _44. 理發(fā) n. _45. 規(guī)則 n. _46. 使窘迫 vt. _47. 準時的 adj. _48. 全體職員 n. _49. 學院 n. _50. 真誠地 adv. _candidatebarbershopfastenhaircutregulationembarrasspunctualpersonnelacademysincerely1. 取得進步 _2. 而且,再者 _3. 缺乏,不存在 _4. 提前 _5. 假如 _6. 朝方向 _7. 集中注意力于 _get ahead in

7、addition in the absence of in advance provided that head for focus on8. 故意地 _9. 與不同 _10. 另一方面 _11. 處于的狀態(tài) _12. 好像 _13. 假如 _14. 學會 _on purpose differ from on the other hand in a state ofas though in case catch on15. 的答案 _16. 以的形式出現(xiàn) _17. 記住 _18. 祝賀 _19. 杰出,突出 _20. 意識到 _the key to take a form ofkeep in

8、mind congratulate on stand out be aware of1. 眾所周知,臺灣是屬于中國的。 It is widely known that Taiwan Island belongs to China.2. 他剛才在會上所說的話言之有理。 What he said at the meeting just now is reasonable.3. 我不明白他為什么老是上課遲到。 I dont understand why he is always late for class.4. 你聽的英語越多,它就變得越容易。 The more you listen to Eng

9、lish, the easier it becomes.5. 不管是說還是寫,高質量的輸入確保高質量的 輸出。 Quality input ensures quality output, whether it is speaking or writing.1. get ahead 取得進步,獲得成功 He always tries to get ahead of others in everything. 他總是試圖處處領先他人。 Getting ahead at work is the most important thing to her at the moment. 目前,對她來說在工作

10、上取得成功是最重要的。 ahead adv. & prep. 在前面 He kept his gaze fixed on the car ahead. 他一直注視著前面的那輛汽車。ahead of sb. / sth. 在前面;將來;在之前;超過ahead of time 提前well ahead of比領先得多;遙遙領先Tom pointed to a tree ahead of them.湯姆指著他們前面的一棵樹。You should have warned me ahead of time.你本該提前警告我的。1. 很快,她就發(fā)現(xiàn)在影視業(yè)獲得成功不容易。 _ _2. 你可以提前準備這些色

11、拉的。 _She soon found that it wasnt easy to get ahead in the movie business.You can prepare these salads ahead.3. 在診所里,有4個人排在我前面。 _ _4. 如果你要來,能不能提前告訴我? _ _There were four people ahead of me at the doctors.Can you tell me ahead of time if you are coming?2. absence n. 缺乏,缺少,缺席 in the absence of (由于)缺乏,不

12、存在 We are in the absence of experience. 我們缺乏經驗。 Please look after my house during my absence. 我不在時,請幫我看房子。absent adj. 缺席的; v. 缺席How many students are absent today?今天有多少學生缺席? Professor Li is absent, and I will take the lesson in the place of him.李教授不在, 我替他上課。1. 我不在時,由格林先生負責。 _ _2. 由于缺乏證據(jù),警方只好把邁克放了。 _

13、 _Mr. Green will be in charge during my absence. In the absence of any evidence, the police had to let Mike go.3. 請告訴我你為什么缺席。 (一句多譯) _ _ _ _Please tell me the reason for your absence. / Please tell me the reason why you were absent. / Please tell me the reason for which you were absent.3. inform v.

14、通知;告訴跟從句 He informed me that he was going to Europe on business. 他告訴我他因公出差去歐洲。跟of 或about引導的短語 He has not yet informed me of his plans for holidays. 他尚未把他的度假計劃告訴我。跟“疑問詞+不定式”結構 He will inform us where to go. 他將通知我們去哪里。跟名詞或代詞 If you saw the accident, please inform the police. 如果你目睹了這場事故,請告訴警察。 He went

15、to the police and informed against / on the criminals. 他去了警察局控告那些罪犯。inform against / on 控告,告密inform oneself of / about sth.了解,熟悉某事It is necessary for every member to inform himself of these rules. 每個會員都必須熟悉這些規(guī)則。information n. 信息1. 他被告知他通過了英語考試。 _ _2. 他把事情告訴你了嗎? _He was informed that he had passed th

16、e English exam.Did he inform you about it?3. 請告訴我如何解這道數(shù)學題吧。 _ _4. 他們認為最好通知警察。 _Please inform me how to solve this math problem.They thought it better to inform the police.4. surround vt. 包圍,圍繞 be surrounded by 被包圍 surround+反身代詞+with喜歡結交(某類人); 喜歡身邊總有(某類東西) Trees surround our house. 我們房子的四周都是樹。The hou

17、se was surrounded by high walls.房子的四周有高墻。Dole always likes to surround himself with young people.多爾總喜歡結交些年輕人。surrounding adj. 周圍的;附近的surroundings n. 環(huán)境,周圍的事物1. 警方包圍了這座大樓。 _2. 我們的處境危機四伏。 _The police surrounded the building. We are surrounded by dangers.用surround的適當形式填空3. There is a high wall that _ o

18、ur school.4. She sat in an armchair, _ by 12 dogs.5. The house is located in very pleasant _.6. We decided to explore the _ countryside.surroundssurroundedsurroundingssurrounding5. adequate adj. 足夠的,充分的;勝任的 該詞可用作定語和表語。用作表語時,常用 結構為: be adequate to / for sth. 某物足夠 be adequate to do sth. 足夠做某事 There is

19、 an adequate supply of hot water in the hotel. 賓館里有充足的熱水供應。I hope you will prove adequate to the job.我希望你能證明自己勝任這項工作。The supply is not adequate to / for the demand.供應無法滿足需求。同義詞:enoughinadequate adj. 不夠的,不充足的;不勝任的The food supplies are inadequate to meet the needs of the hungry. 食物供應還不足以應付饑民的需求。1. 作為母

20、親,我感到自己完全不合格。 _2. 他的工資足夠養(yǎng)活3個人。 _ _I felt totally inadequate as a mother.His wages are adequate to support three people.6. ensure v. 保證;擔保;保護跟名詞或代詞 The medicine will ensure you a good nights sleep. 這藥保證會讓你睡一夜好覺。 Come early to ensure a good seat. 早點來以保證有個好座位。跟從句 His wife ensured that he took all the p

21、ills every day. 他的妻子確保他每天都服下所有該服的藥片。ensureagainst / from 保護使不受 We should ensure ourselves against all possible dangers. 我們要保護自己,以防所有可能的危險。1. 已采取所有必要的措施以確保他們的安全。 _ _2. 夜間請務必保證所有的燈都關掉。 _ _All the necessary steps have been taken to ensure their safety.Please ensure that all the lights are turned off at

22、 night.3. 為了保證自行車不被偷走,我裝了一把新鎖。 (一句多譯) _ _ _ _ _To ensure the bicycle from being stolen, I fitted a new lock. / To ensure the bicycle against being stolen, I fitted a new lock. / To ensure that the bicycle would not be stolen, I fitted a new lock.7. effort n. 努力;艱難的嘗試;努力的成果 Your success lies upon you

23、r effort. 你成功與否取決于你的努力。 Your effort is bound to be successful. 你的努力一定會成功的。make an effort to do sth. 盡力做某事,勉為其難做某事make every effort to do sth. 盡一切努力做某事The workers are making effort to overfulfil this years plan.工人們正在努力超額完成今年的計劃。I know you dont like her, but you could make an effort to be polite.我知道你不

24、喜歡她,但你要盡量禮貌些。Every effort is being made to deal with the issues you raised at the last meeting.正盡一切努力處理你上次在會議上提出的問題。1. 他的一切努力都白費了。 _2. 拯救隊伍正在盡一切努力尋找那個失蹤的 男孩。 _ _All his efforts were fruitless / in vain.The rescue team are making every effort to find the missing boy.8. the key to 的答案;(干)的關鍵/秘訣 Do you

25、 know the key to the problem? 你知道這個問題的答案嗎? It affords the key to an understanding of the situation. 這提供了了解形勢的線索。 key adj. 主要的;關鍵的 He is a key witness in this case. 在這個案件中,他是一個主要見證人。1. 勤奮工作是成功的秘訣。 _2. 把最有經驗的選手放在關鍵位置上。 _ _Hard work is the key to success.Put the most experienced players in the key positions. ( )3. How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers? The key the problem is to meet the demand by the customers. A. to solving; making B. to solving; made C. to solve; making D. to solve; madeB

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