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1、Innovation, the key is to play the leading role of innovation in the innovation of science and technology. We have placed at the core of the overall development of science and technology innovation Location and develop technology, branding, quality as the core competitive advantages of regional inno

2、vation, better use of the multiplier effect on economic development. To strengthen scientific and technological cooperation. Around the forest and mineral resources of the deep processing, exploitation of technical innovation to promote transfer, transformation, application and popularization of sci

3、entific and technological achievements. We should improve the system of science and technology. Thoroughly implement the Central stream of deepening the reform of science and technology programme and the province issued regulations on scientific and technological progress, promoting the regions scie

4、nce and technology enterprises three years action plan, optimize the allocation of scientific resources, maximum release innovation potential of science and technology, and strive to better enterprise in seed industry and beyond, and more new Board listing. Sought to improve science and technology p

5、rojects and administration. Strengthening science and technology innovation projects top design, and strive with national and provincial Thirteen-Five technology plans, actively seek national and provincial major science and technology projects, industrial projects and demonstration projects, suppor

6、ting science and technology enterprises to increase scientific and technological investment in research and development and technology, research and Development Center, forming a number of technologies and products with independent intellectual property rights. (Specific to the XX, we will continue

7、to do a good job in agricultural research and demonstration of County agriculture Park, rural agricultural demonstration base into full play the dual role of active counties to build cooperation with the provincial Agricultural University, introduction of advanced scientific research and experiments

8、 in promotion, promoting produce, learn, research development. Strengthening grass-roots agricultural technicians system construction and management to progressively increase the agricultural sensible quantities to build County XX County planting structure adjustment of agricultural technology-savvy

9、 experts. ), Third, we must strengthen human resources support. Talent is supporting the development of the first resource. Both the development of new industries, or corporate development requires talent as a lead. I was personnel structure characteristic of traditional forestry, professional and t

10、echnical personnel more than 85% for culture, education, health and forestry personnel, pure business managers is less than 12%, with the capability of research and development professionals is not enough 1%, talent as a whole cultural structure of structure and low level of development機修車間檢修工時管理考核辦

11、法 一、目的:為了充分體現(xiàn)了“按勞分配”的原則,使班組成員看到多勞多得,少勞少得,干好干壞不一樣,克服那種只扣不獎的考核辦法,及時表揚先進,鞭策落后,在班內(nèi)形成趕、幫、超的良好氛圍,激發(fā)了班組成員干好本職工作的主動性、積極性。充分體現(xiàn)績效分配的公平、公正、公開性。制訂機修車間檢修工時管理考核辦法。二、適用范圍:設備檢修一、二、三班和管焊班。三、工時運行管理: 1、以班組為單位,實行以工時為結算單位。 2、檢修工時依據(jù)大連石化編制的工時定額并結合甲醇廠機修車間實際。四、任務單管理: 1、檢修技術員在接到任務單后,按標準對任務單確認后,應盡快安排人員組織檢修,15分鐘內(nèi)到達檢修現(xiàn)場,任何人不得以任

12、何理由拒絕工作,否則按車間有關管理規(guī)定執(zhí)行。 2、各作業(yè)組在接到任務單后,應嚴格按照內(nèi)容要求進行檢修,如遇工況發(fā)生變化,需增減工作量時,必須通知主管技術員或班長到現(xiàn)場確認,此任務單方可有效,作業(yè)人員擅自變更工作內(nèi)容者此任務單無效。 3、對于轉(zhuǎn)動設備的檢修應按檢修規(guī)程和技術要求進行檢修,并寫清更換備件的名稱、規(guī)格、型號,同時附檢修數(shù)據(jù)表。轉(zhuǎn)動設備的檢修,應如實寫清工作量,以便現(xiàn)場復查、驗收。 4、各作業(yè)組在任務單上要求的檢修任務完成后必須盡快辦理各種驗收手續(xù)并簽字,于當日或第二天上午12:00前將此任務單交給班長。 5、夜間或節(jié)假日發(fā)生的檢修任務單,必須由工藝車間、機修車間值班領導簽字,在檢修任

13、務完成后無法及時交班長的,一律由車間值班收齊并記錄后,于當日早晨8:30以前交各班長,過期一律不承認。 6、各車間下發(fā)的任務單必須交給各班長或技術員安排,嚴禁作業(yè)人員未經(jīng)安排私接任務單,否則該任務單無效。7、各班長應將收齊的任務單及時交技術員,每周公布一次工時。8、各班任務單工時由對口技術員統(tǒng)一填寫工時并審核。9、各作業(yè)組應將任務單妥善保管,丟失、損壞的任務單一律不補。10、各任務單在交前,所有該填的項目必須填寫完整,對于因工藝原因無法驗收的任務單,由技術員和班長確認并注明原因后,可由技術員填寫工時。11、所有任務單必須由車間統(tǒng)一下發(fā),嚴禁個人向工藝車間索要任務單,一經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn)按虛假任務單論。12

14、、車間技術員負責檢修方案的制訂、質(zhì)量驗收、工作量的核實。13、所有任務單必須由班長和技術員簽字驗收。14、所有工作內(nèi)容必須由術員簽字確認,如發(fā)現(xiàn)造假,第一次扣技術員、班長200元,第二次扣全月獎金。15、工作內(nèi)容不準確一次扣班長、技術員20元。16、個人工時每周公布一次,每月5日前公布上月工時。17、每天檢修任務單應公開,工時公開,以方便職工查閱。18、各組在接到任務后,應根據(jù)工作性質(zhì)和內(nèi)容盡快作好相應的準備工作,在15分鐘之內(nèi)到達檢修現(xiàn)場,任務未完成者不得擅自撤離現(xiàn)場,早上 8:30開始工作,上午11:40收,中午14:50到達現(xiàn)場,下午18:10分收工,違反者,按車間有關規(guī)定執(zhí)行。 機修車



17、行檢查,檢查出來的問題以書面形式報車間考核檢查小組進行分類、匯總。2、車間考核檢查小組成員每周各班組工作進行檢查,對檢查出來的問題進行分類匯總并在每周間碰頭會上進行通報核實。3、安全員的考核形式向車間考核檢查小組提供詳實的工作記錄。4、對口技術員每周以書面形式檢查結果報車間考核檢查小組進 行分類、匯總。5、班組檢查的考核項目,由班長每周以書面形式報車間考核檢查小組備案。6、對于工藝車間尚未發(fā)現(xiàn)的設備隱患,維修人員一經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn),必須立即匯報對口技術員進行協(xié)調(diào)落實,并督促工藝車間下達檢修任務單及時檢修,由對口技術員每周以書面形式報車間考核檢查小組進行分類、匯總,當月兌現(xiàn)獎勵或處罰。四、車間考核檢查小組


19、案,根據(jù)各班組的工作情況及工藝車間對服務情況的滿意程度,提出班組綜合工作競賽獲獎班的初步提案。五、車間績效獎的分配方法: 一、 總則:1 本規(guī)定依據(jù)甲醇廠經(jīng)濟責任制考核辦法制定。2 本規(guī)定本著公平、公正、公開的原則。二、 考核績效獎分配辦法:額定工時(70%)+工作表現(xiàn)(30%)1 工時以班組為單位。2 個人月工時低于全班平均工時30%時,不得工作表現(xiàn)獎。3 工作表現(xiàn)內(nèi)容:(1) 勞動紀律:20分(2) 檢修質(zhì)量:30分(3) 搶修搶險(4) 安全行為:20分(5) 精神文明:10分(6) 檢修效率:20分三 檢修工時管理規(guī)定一、 檢修工時依據(jù)大連石化編制的工時定額為依據(jù)結合公司實際。二、 檢

20、修工時由技術員審定。三、 技術員填寫工時和現(xiàn)均實收相符合,如發(fā)現(xiàn)造假,第一次扣200元,第二次扣全月考核工資。四、 班長、技術員工作內(nèi)容不準確一次扣20元。五、 每天下發(fā)的檢修任務應及時完成,并將任務單簽寫后交班長,末及時交班長處視為一次不及時完成任務。六、 正常班最遲在第二天上午12:00前,夜間及節(jié)假日發(fā)生的檢修任務,應由生產(chǎn)車間及機修車間值班簽寫后,于第二天上午交班時交班長,過期一律作廢。七、 每天檢修任務單應公開,工時公開,以方便職工查閱。八、 每月5日前,由職能組公布全部工時,一周公布一次。九、 工作量的確定以任務單內(nèi)容為準,若根據(jù)需要須變更,必須經(jīng)技術員確認后方可有效。十、正常工作

21、期間工作需要延續(xù)或需要進廠加班的員工加班費執(zhí)行參照不同的時間段予以兌現(xiàn)。16:4020:30 10元、16:4022:30 20元、16:4024:00 30元、16:40次日 60元。周日周六加班計費標準8:0012:00 15元、8:0015:00 20元、8:0016:40 30元、8:0020:30 40元、8:3022:30 50元、8:3024:00 60元、8:00次日 90四、 去除加班工資及兩項專項獎后的考核工資為工時獎金,經(jīng)車間討論進行適當調(diào)整后,按各班系數(shù)發(fā)放到班組,由班長按職工有效工時及綜合考核進行分配。五、考核處罰金額:1、按公司員工獎罰暫行條例管理辦法執(zhí)行。2、車間

22、每月檢查考核可參照公司獎罰辦法做適當處理如下:(1)、一類違紀每人次扣款100200元。(2)、二類違紀每人次扣款50100元。(3|)、三類違紀每人次扣款2050元。六、各班組工時獎金系數(shù):參照已定系數(shù) 班組考核系數(shù)對口工作范圍鉗工一班1.氣化鉗工二班1.水汽、動力鉗工三班1.合成、空分鉚焊班1技改項目、帶壓堵漏、七:大檢修獎的發(fā)放按工時計獎,同時根據(jù)檢修時綜合表現(xiàn)考核。周檢月評制一、 檢查周期: 每周不定期車間組織一次綜合檢查,每月不少于4次。二、 檢查內(nèi)容:1 勞動紀律2 安全行為3 檢修質(zhì)量、文明檢修,數(shù)據(jù)檢修。4 檢修效率(出工及收工時間)。5 精神文明6 各項規(guī)章制度執(zhí)行情況,會議

23、精神傳達情況7 完好崗位保持情況三、 檢查人員:1 由職能組牽頭。2 參加人員:主任1人、職能組3人、班長4人。3 每月底由職能組排出每次檢查人員名單。四、 檢修結果:每次檢查結果要總結,在周一會上進行講評并公布。每月20日前將檢查評比結果報主管主任并公布結果。綜合檢查人員名單安排表1, 周檢由負責人召集,并確定檢查時間和檢查內(nèi)容2, 檢查接果在次周生產(chǎn)會上由檢查負責人總結公布質(zhì)量檢查評級制一、 為提高檢修質(zhì)量、強化服務意識、提高報務水平,凡對于中修以上的檢修設備,應在一周以內(nèi)組織驗收評級。二、 驗收內(nèi)容:1振動 振動值應符合標準。2泄漏 無泄漏。3說明檢修4 檢修資料(1) 任務單填寫齊全、

24、真實。(2) 更換備件規(guī)格、數(shù)量,更換原因。(3) 檢修數(shù)據(jù)(修前、修后)。三、 評級標準:三星:4項全部合格二星:第3項不合格一星:第3項不合格,1、2項有一項超標值不影響使用。返工:第1項、2項同時超標。四、 參評人員: 由主管主任組織,職能組二人,班長四名,作業(yè)組長四名。五、 評比結果:將評比結果當場地公布并在任務單上簽字蓋章,并將個人任務打分,報職能組。勝利發(fā)電廠推行工時定額績效考核時間:2013-08-16 08:21:03來源:勝利日報作者:蒲創(chuàng)科 孫育濤 火紅 薄媛慧干多干少一個樣,干好干壞一個樣,個別單位員工工作積極性不高讓管理者頭疼。勝利發(fā)電廠打破常規(guī),通過推行工時定額績效考




28、臨時工應熟悉相應的設備系統(tǒng)工作環(huán)境,并且通過簡單的技能培訓合格,安規(guī)培訓考試合格。Without leads, my transition would be struggling. To improve the talent mechanism. Recently, the Central Government issued a circular on opinions on deepening the reform of talent development system aimed at stimulating innovation to create the maximum of ent

29、repreneurial activity. We to actual research developed implement views of implementation approach, further perfect prefectural last year introduced of 19 article talent policy, to through flexible introduced talent, and joint construction development center, and cooperation established focus laborat

30、ory, measures solution local talent short problem, implementation technology results pricing shares, and equity option incentive, and Division, award approach, guarantees talent to knowledge, and skills, and management, innovation elements participation interests distribution, in-depth implementatio

31、n students introduced engineering and local students return engineering, Reverse the shortage situation as soon as possible. To further optimize the allocation of talent. Establishing and perfecting the talent flow system, improving horizontal and vertical mobility, promoting talent in the orderly f

32、low of units with different properties and different areas, improve the wages, health benefits, job appraisal, pension policy, encouraging talent flows to the base first, production line, especially those business park, enterprise incubator . Policy, Tai Hing talent in the whole society, love, weigh

33、t, using only wind, talent innovation create profit, honor, status, efforts to create a social media environment to encourage innovation, failure tolerated. Four to foster the market. Vibrant market, it is an important foundation for economic transformation and development. Inspire creativity is to

34、enhance endogenous impetus for economic development. Padded short I industrial Panel, accelerating the pace of development, must be hard work on fostering market players. To activate the stock of State-owned enterprises. Through the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, reshape the

35、 industry chain and the supply chain, more soft values. (XX, to highlight the industrial development plan, lead cultivation and created on board the enterprise, in the Thirteen-Five period, added on board the Enterprise 4, on the regulation of industrial enterprises reached 5. While breakthrough cle

36、an energy into industrial development, optimizing the structure of XX energy play XX water rich in resources, important clean-energy base in Northern XX build XXX). Growth of non-public economy. Active encourages, and support and guide non-public economic development, around General Secretary pointe

37、d out that of development encountered of market of iceberg, and financing of Alpine, and transformation of volcano this three seat big mountain, developed has breakthrough of with to, and tax, and financial, support policy, to really helped really help, support Lin Gebei, and constant friends, and beyond, non-public enterprise put products do fine, and put

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