2021-2022年五年級英語下冊 Module 5 Unit1(4)教案 外研版

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1、2021-2022年五年級英語下冊 Module 5 Unit1(4)教案 外研版1.教學內容 新課標小學英語第六冊Module5 Decisions Module5 Unit1 Its big and light. 2.教學目標1 )語言知識目標:學會heavy,lightd,broken, pocket等單詞,并會使用。 學會用英語描述事物的特征。讓學生學會比較事物之間的不同,能夠根據(jù)描述指出說的是哪一個東西。2).語言技能目標:能用 Its big and light. Itll be easy for you.進行對話交流3) 情感態(tài)度目標:有興趣聽說英語,做游戲,樂于開口,敢于模仿4

2、)學習策略目標:積極與他人合作,共同完成學習任務,積極運用Its big and light. Itll be easy for you進行對話交流,能根據(jù)錄音模仿聽說英語。3.教學重點難點1.新授單詞:light broken heavy pocket2.新授句型:Its big and light. Its got two pockets. 3 難點:學會用英語描述事物的特征。 4.教學準備圖片,大包,錄音機,單詞卡5.教材分析:本課要解決的主要知識點是“Its big and light”和 “Its be easy for you”兩個句型。并通過一系列的課堂活動,創(chuàng)設語境鞏固、運用著

3、兩個句型。6.板書設計:Module 5Unit 1 Its big and light.This black bag is nice. Its big.This blue one is big and light.Itll be easy for her.在黑板上掛黑色大包 ,藍色小包7.教學過程Step Warming up Lets chan and act My eyes big, big ,bigMy mouth small, small, small My close nice,nice, nice My desk heavy ,heavy, heavy My pen light

4、,light, light設計意圖:有節(jié)奏的歌謠能很快把學生帶到學習氛圍中,同時導入新的單詞,為下面的教學做好了鋪墊。 Step Presentation 1,)T: (出示準備好的小包)What color is this ? What is this ? Ss: blue,包 T:yes,Its pocket 拿圖片教讀,繼而用一只手掂包教light,完后又教Its big and light. Ill be easy for me 扛課桌,裝作很吃力的樣Th,so heavy!(拿出單詞卡教讀) 出示剛才那個包復習pocket,把一支筆放進去,可筆掉出來了Th ,what happen

5、?(給學生看包爛的地方)Its broken.拿處單詞卡教讀同時出示爛包的卡片. Its broken Chant Boys and girls,lets have a chant . Heavy , heavy , the pocket, is small and light . Light , light , the desk is big and light . 設計意圖: 用實物形象直觀叫學生新單詞能讓學生容易理解,TPR教學方法能給學生真實語境學習英語.輕快的歌謠能鞏固新單詞句子. 2) 呈現(xiàn)課文 教師分段播放錄音,學生跟讀。 教師向學生講解“Well take it ,please

6、.”中take的意思為buy。 設計意圖: 讓學生聽錄音初步了解課文內容 Step Practice 模仿仿性操練活 再聽錄音 1. Listen to the tape and look at the book. Ask and answer the questions. 1) Why does Ms Smart want to buy Lingling a new bag? 2) How many bags do they see? 3) Why dont they choose (選擇) the black one?4) Which one do they choose?Why? 2.

7、Listen again and then answer the questions. 1) Why does Ms Smart want to buy Lingling a new bag?Because Linglings bag is broken. 2) How many bags do they see?Three. 3) Why dont they choose (選擇) the black one?Its (too) heavy. 4) Which one do they choose? Why?They choose the blue one. Because its big

8、and light, and its got four wheels. 3. Follow the tape to read the text. Ms Smart: Lingling, look at your bag! Its broken. You cant take it to China. Ill buy you a new one. Lingling: Thank you.(At the Department Store) Lingling: This black bag is nice. Its big!Ms Smart: But its heavy. This green one

9、 is light. And its got two pockets.Lingling: But its small. Ms Smart: Look at this blue one. Its big and light. Lingling: Oh yes! Sales assistant: And its got four wheels. Itll be easy for you. Ms Smart: Great! Well take it, please. Lingling: Thank you very much . 接龍游戲: Now , lets have another game

10、. For example: T:The bag is light . S1:The bag is light and new. S2:The bag is light and new and nice . S3:The bag is light and new and nice and red . Do the praktice in groups . 其他鞏固想操練 .Now ,lets have a game . For example : Look here, I say “Its heavy .”and you say “Its the red bag .” 找一名同學到前面說。 同

11、桌練習 拓展性活動設計 給學生發(fā)以下紙條給小組填 The window is _ and _ . The door is _ . The blackboard is _ and _. The desk is _ and _ . The chair is _ and _ . The children are _ and _ . 設計意圖:整個操練中有交際操練也有錄音,有游戲有表,教學方法多樣豐富,既能活躍課堂氣氛有能是學生自主學習,讓學生樂于學習,互相交流合作,從而達到聽說交互英語。 作業(yè)布置。 1. Read the text. 2. Try to describe some things.

12、3. Do the exercises in Activity Book.附送:2021-2022年五年級英語下冊 Module 6 Unit 16(1)教案 廣州版 一、教學內容 本節(jié)課的教學內容為Module6 unit 16的dialogue,課文主要是談論天氣情況。二、教學對象分析五年級的學生經(jīng)過四年多的英語學習,已經(jīng)積累了一定的學習基礎和語音基礎, 對單詞的學習和記憶掌握了一定的規(guī)律,雖然本課的單詞較多,但由于學生對貼近生活的學習內容有強烈的興趣,所以他們對單詞的記憶應該可以較輕松達到學習目標。估計學生對于句子和天氣預報的表達比較難掌握。三、教學目標:1.語言知識目標: 學習以下單詞

13、:weather, wet, windy, sunny, cloudy, rain, raincoat, snowy, warm, rainy, foggy, cool, ski, sound, New Zealand, zero, yesterday, put on, temperature, degree, umbrella. 學習以下句型:Whats the weather like today? Its .What will the weather be like tomorrow? Itll be. The temperature will be. Tomorrow will be

14、than today.Put on .Whats the temperature? Its . 2.語言技能目標: 學生懂得運用英語談論天氣。3.情感態(tài)度目標:學生通過天氣預報的學習,養(yǎng)成善于觀察大自然的良好習慣。4.學習策略目標:任務型教學:以任務為主導,以活動為載體,以學生為主體。創(chuàng)設情景,設計游戲,用游戲突破重難點。四、教學重、難點:1.溫度的讀法。2.下列句型的表達:Whats the weather like today? Its .What will the weather be like tomorrow? Itll be. The temperature will be. To

15、morrow will be than today.Put on .Whats the temperature? Its .五、教學過程:Step 1: Leading-in1. Sing the song. Rain, Rain, Go Away2. Rhyme. Step 2: Pre-Task1. Free talk.What day is it today/tomorrow?What day is it yesterday? Whats the date yesterday?Whats the weather like today? Is it sunny/cloudy/rainy/?

16、2. Tell the aim of this lesson3. Show some pictures of the weather ( eg:sunny, windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy, foggy.)邊趁呈現(xiàn)邊教以上單詞。同時引出句子Whats the weather like today? Its . 其他的天氣現(xiàn)象以類似的方法呈現(xiàn),同時教新詞 warm, cool, wet。4.Play a game(玩轉盤游戲,把不同的天氣寫在轉盤):操練Whats the weather like today? Its .句型。5.Ask the pupils to lo

17、ok at the second picture of page 72,intrduce the words “umbrella” and “ raincoat” 及句型Whats the temperature? Its .degree. Put on . 6. 老師在黑板上根據(jù)不同的天氣現(xiàn)象標出大概的溫度,用以操練Whats the temperature? Its .degree. 并根據(jù)溫度與天氣發(fā)出指令Put on .或Take your. 7.學生根據(jù)表格或天氣預報的畫面小組操練以上句型,同時引導學生用What will the weather be like tomorrow?

18、Itll be. The temperature will be. Tomorrow will be than today.預報將來的天氣狀況。Step3: While-Task and Post-Task1. Listen to the dialogue (1) and answer the questions. 1). Whats the weather like today?2). Whats the temperature?3). Is it raining? 4). What should Ben take?2. Listen to the dialogue (1) and take

19、 some key words out of the dialogue, eg; cold, wet, windy, coat, colder, rain, umbrella, raincoat. The pupils should listen to the dialogue and put these key words back into the dialogue. 3. Listen to the dialogue (2) and answer the questions. 1). Whats the weather like now in New Zealand? 2). Whats

20、 the temperature there now? 3). Is it much colder than in Guangzhou?4. Get the pupils to read the dialogue in different ways. (以小組、大組分角色讀或自讀、齊讀等)5. The pupils try to act the dialogue out.Step4: HomeworkRead the new words and the dialogue.Copy the new words and the dialogue.Do Page 65.Ex1, 4教學后記:本課要求

21、學生掌握中西方的食品及飲食習慣的不同。 Unit 16 Whats the Weather Like?Work with language第二課時 一、教學內容分析:本節(jié)課是Module 6 Unit16的第二課時,學生在第一課時中已經(jīng)初步掌握了如何描述天氣和氣候用語,以及溫度的表達,在本節(jié)課主要是學習和鞏固更多描述天氣和氣候的用語,并能準確對某些城市的天氣情況進行Weather report。二、教學對象分析:五年級的學生本身對自然環(huán)境已有所了解,而且有了第一課時作鋪墊,只要老師善于啟發(fā)點拔,學生便能在原有的基礎上順利掌握更多有關天氣和氣候的用語。另外大部分學生的自我表現(xiàn)欲很強,Weathe

22、r report為學生提供了很好的表現(xiàn)平臺。三、教學目標:1.語言知識:1)掌握“四會”新詞:cool。2)掌握主要句型:a. Whats the weather like in? Its b. What will the weather like in? Its will be c. Is it cool/warm/? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. d. The weather in Beijing is2.語言技能:1)能準確表達各種天氣狀況和溫度。2)能對某個城市的天氣情況進行Weather report.3.情感態(tài)度:1)通過本課談論天氣及氣候用語的學習,讓學生對

23、自己生存的環(huán)境有進一步的了解,從而培養(yǎng)學生愛護環(huán)境,改善環(huán)境的良好習慣,加強環(huán)保意識。2)在學習過程中學會與同學相互協(xié)作,友好相處。4.學習策略:1)運用活潑多樣的學習形式,讓學生在學中玩,玩中學。2)利用多媒體輔助教學,創(chuàng)設語言情景,讓學生更直觀地了解和學習天氣狀況。四、教學重、難點: 重點:句型 Whats the weather like in? Its難點:對某個城市或地區(qū)的天氣進行Weather report.五、教學媒體:圖片、課件、硬卡紙六、教學過程:(一)Warming-up and leading-in1.Sing a song “The Wind and the Rain”

24、。(To warm up and create a happy atmosphere of learning English.)2.Free talk.(二)Review and practice:1. Ask the questions about weather: T: Whats the weather like today? (示意學生看窗外的天氣) P: Its T: Is it cold/hot/wet? P: Yes, . / No, T: Whats the temperature now? (實物投影溫度計) P: Its about 22(提醒學生溫度的讀法)2.學生看電腦

25、課件復習和鞏固詢問天氣的句型,并學習單詞cool.(to review the sentence structures.)3.電腦出示北京的天氣圖T: Whats the weather like in Beijing? T: Is it cool?T: Whats the temperature there? 4.學生看圖談論各城市的天氣情況(To encourage teamwork.) 并抽查個別小組。(三)While-task電腦課件放(北京,廣州,重慶,上海,武漢)的圖片,make a weather reporter in groupsPlay a game. 教師準備幾幅城市的圖

26、(北京,廣州,重慶,上海,武漢) 分五個組抽簽描繪該城市的天氣預報. 并評選最佳weather reporter給予獎勵.Finish P75 E x.1.2.(四)Development:1.Make a weather report about Guangzhou (today, yesterday)根據(jù)天氣實際情況預報明天的天氣.2.Play a game:鼓勵學生上講臺進行weather report,讓其他學生猜是哪個城市的天氣. (五)Homework1. P66.Ex62. Recite the dialogue.3.看天氣預告節(jié)目,選一個城市用英語寫一份Weather Report.教學反思:五年級的學生本身對自然環(huán)境已有所了解,而且有了第一課時作鋪墊,只要老師善于啟發(fā)點拔,學生便能在原有的基礎上順利掌握更多有關天氣和氣候的用語。另外大部分學生的自我表現(xiàn)欲很強,Weather report為學生提供了很好的表現(xiàn)平臺

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