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2019/11/29,1,英漢翻譯實用教程第十三講 漢語特殊句型的翻譯,13.1 漢語“是字句”的翻譯 “是”字句在漢語中占有相當?shù)谋壤?,但并非所有的”是”都是判定詞,因此不能機械地用英語的連系動詞be來翻譯,必須結合語境含義譯之。漢語中的”是”可表示等同、類屬、特征、存在等意義;”是的”含有被動意義;與”才”、”就”、”正”等連用表示強調;”是”還可以表示一種直觀表象或結果。,2019/11/29,2,1、譯為英語連系動詞 be 1)改革是振興中國的唯一出路,是人心所向,大勢所趨,不可逆轉。 Reform is the only process through which China can be revitalized,a process which is irreversible and which accords with the will of the people and the general trend of events.,2019/11/29,3,2)那年月,有錢人是天天過年。 In those years,the rich peoples extravagance was such that every day was a Spring Festival. 3)是黨和政府的正確方針和政策,促進了廣大農(nóng)村的經(jīng)濟繁榮。 It is the correct principles and policies of our Party and Government that have promoted the economic prosperity of Chinas vast rural areas。,2019/11/29,4,2、省略”是”字 1)武漢是長江中下游地區(qū)的特大城市,是湖北省的政治、經(jīng)濟、文化、科技中心。 Wuhan,a metropolis situated in the middle reaches of the Changjiang River,is the political,economic,cultural,scientific and technological center of Hubei Province。 (譯文利用同位語,將第一個”是”省略),2019/11/29,5,2)中國是世界上最大的發(fā)展中國家,社會生產(chǎn)力水平總的還比較低。 As the largest developing country in the world China has a relatively low level of productive forces on the whole。 3)工業(yè)企業(yè)效益差是當前許多矛盾的癥結所在。 All the contradictions existing in industrial enterprises today boil down to scanty economic returns。,2019/11/29,6,3、譯為被動語態(tài) 1)革命者是殺不完的。 Revolutionaries can never be wiped out。 2)這雙皮鞋是定做的。 This pair of leather shoes are custom-made。 3)這種裝置在機械表制造工業(yè)中是很需要的。This kind of device is much needed in the mechanical watch-making industry。,2019/11/29,7,4、根據(jù)”是”的實際意義翻譯 1)創(chuàng)新是一個民族進步的靈魂。Innovation sustains the progress of a nation。 2)這是大勢所趨,人心所向。 This represents the general trend of development and the common aspiration of the people. 3)澳門問題的圓滿解決,是中葡兩國關系史上的一個重要里程碑。 The successful settlement of the Macao question marks an important milestone in the annals of Sino-Portuguese relation. 4)這個增長速度是指導性的,是就全國來說的。 This growth rate serves as a guide which applies to the country as a whole。,2019/11/29,8,5)譯為but it is(was) 這個故事好是好,就是長了點。 It is a good story all right,but its a bit too long.,2019/11/29,9,6)用there be結構翻譯表示”凡是”的”是”字是重活,他都搶著干。 Whenever theres a tough job,he is always the first to do it.,2019/11/29,10,13.2 得”字句的翻譯,漢語結構助詞”得”一般用在動詞或形容詞之后,連接補語成分,表示能力、可能性、結果、程度等。漢語的”得”字,可根據(jù)其語法功能,利用英語的詞法或句法手段翻譯。,2019/11/29,11,13.2.1 表示能力或可能性的“得”字句,表示能力或可能性的“得”字句的英譯處理比較簡單,基本上可以采用下列四種途徑:,2019/11/29,12,1、用情態(tài)助動詞翻譯”得”字 英語的情態(tài)助動詞can,could,be able to可以表示能力;may,might,can,could表示可能性,因此可以利用它們來翻譯表示能力或可能性的”得”字。例如: 1)她的英語講得好。 She can speak English well. 2)你干得了這件事嗎? Can you do it? 3)這東西曬得曬不得? Can we dry it in the sun or not?,2019/11/29,13,4)這房子太貴了,但我還是買得起的。 The house is too expensive, but I still can afford it. 5)你到底拿得動還是拿不動? Can you carry this or not? 6)這件大衣,我想今年冬天還是能應付得過去。 I think I can make do with this coat for the winter.,2019/11/29,14,2、用詞法手段翻譯”得”字 英語的后綴ible,able構成的詞語可以表示能力或可能性,因此也可利用這類詞翻譯”得”字。例如: 1)有些星星肉眼都看得很清楚。 Some stars are quite visible to the unaided eye. 2)這個人靠得住嗎? Is the man reliable? 3)這個道理講得通。 The reason is acceptable.,2019/11/29,15,4)這種蘑菇吃得。 Mushrooms of this kind are edible. 5)他的字還過得去。 His handwriting is presentable. 6)房東太太毛病雖多,我還是忍得了。 The landlady is tolerable despite her many shortcomings. 7)他說得天花亂墜,其他人也覺得計劃行得通。 He shot his mouth off, and the other people also took it for granted that the plan was workable.,2019/11/29,16,3、采用英語短語“to be able to”和“to be capable of” 1)他看得出兩者的差別。 He was able to see the difference between the two. 2)他們什么事情都干得出來。 They are capable of anything. 3)他能擔得起大事情。 He is capable of great things.,2019/11/29,17,4、采用其他情態(tài)動詞或轉換成祈使句 1)這件事放松不得。 This matter must be paid close attention to. 2)要取得成績,就得努力學習。 One must study hard to achieve good results. 3)藍子里有雞蛋,壓不得。 There are eggs in the basket. Dont press it. 4)這太貴了,買不得。 Its sunlight robbery. Dont buy it.,2019/11/29,18,13.2.2表示程度或結果的“得”字句,表示程度或結果的“得”字句的英譯處理就相對要復雜一些,下面列舉一些常見的處理方法:,2019/11/29,19,1、采用“sothat”, “soas to”, “suchthat”等結構 1)這孩子玩電子游戲機玩得心都野了。 The child is so crazy about electronic games that he just cant take his mind off them. 2)這件事愁得他夜不安枕。 He was so worried about it that he hardly slept a wink at night. 3)他酒喝得太多了,一下子就醉了。 He drank so much that he soon got drunk.,2019/11/29,20,4)地板霉爛得有許多地方方不能再擦洗了。 The floors were in so rotten a condition that many of them could not be scrubbed. 5)不要興奮得忘乎所以。 Dont be so happy as to forget everything. 6)這個中年人壯實得像個小伙子似的。 The middle-aged man is so strong as to look like a young man.,2019/11/29,21,7)差別大得人人都看得出來。 It is such a great difference that all will perceive it. 8)他們要好得難舍難分。 They are such close friends that they are almost inseparable. 9)天氣悶熱得大家喘不過氣來。 It was such a hot and stuffy weather that people were out of breath.,2019/11/29,22,2、采用“tooto”, “toofor”, “enoughto”, “enoughfor”等結構 1)這事挺重要,千萬馬虎不得。 This business is too important to be handled casually. 2)我詳細地解釋過,可他就是糊涂得不懂這個理兒。 I have explained it in detail, but he is too stupid to understand such a truth. 3)這事他既已應允了,我也樂得順水推舟。 He has already agreed to it, and I am only too glad to follow suit.,2019/11/29,23,4)這廣告吹得太玄,使人不免半信半疑。 The advertisement sounds too boastful to be convincing. 5)這篇文章寫得太亂,不知所云。 This piece of writing is too confused to be intelligible. 6)她半信半疑地對自己說,聲音低得差不多只有他自己才聽得見。 She said dubiously to herself, her voice too low for anyone else to hear.,2019/11/29,24,7)這些工具舊得不能再用了。 These tools are too old for further use 8)這些蘋果酸得不能吃。 These apples are too sour for eating.,2019/11/29,25,9)準備幾個菜招待一下也就過得去了。 It would be good enough to treat them to a few dishes. 10)他身體壯得可以干任何重活。 He is strong enough for any heavy work.,2019/11/29,26,3、采用and連接的并列結構 1)他的歌聲引起觀眾的哄笑,他便羞愧得趕忙離開了比賽。 His singing made the audience burst out laughing. He felt ashamed and left the competition hurriedly. 2)大伙兒笑得我怪不好意思的。 Everybody laughed and I felt rather embarrassed.,2019/11/29,27,4、采用“till (until)+狀語從句”的結構 1)她把我招惹得要發(fā)瘋了,她自己卻若無其事的樣子。 She provoked me till I felt quite frantic, yet she herself pretended to be indifferent and aloof. 2)他笑得肚子都疼了。 He laughed till his sides spilt. 3)這孩子跑得渾身是汗。 The boy ran here and there until he was wet with sweat. 4)這個孩子被打得青一塊紫一塊。 The boy was beaten until he was black and blue.,2019/11/29,28,5、采用“連系動詞或變得意義的動詞+(副詞)+形容詞表語”的結構 1)叫大家等這么久,我心里怎么過得去呢? I am terribly sorry to have kept you all waiting for so long. 2)他也在會上發(fā)了言,不過話說得比較隱晦。 He, too, spoke up at the meeting , but his remarks were rather obscure. 3)蔚藍色的天空把云朵般的降落傘映襯得分外鮮明。 The cloud-like parachutes looked extremely beautiful against the blue sky.,2019/11/29,29,4)看到兒子對這一問題無所謂的態(tài)度,他突然變得嚴肅了。 Seeing his sons “devil-may-care” sort of attitude towards the problem, he suddenly fell grave. 5)自從戰(zhàn)爭結束之后,日子過得無憂無慮。 Life has been free from anxieties ever since the end of the war.,2019/11/29,30,6、采用“動詞+后置狀語”的結構 1)他不住校,卻總是來得早,走得晚。 Though he was out a boarder, he always arrived early and left late. 2)經(jīng)過兩個星期的練習,她現(xiàn)在打字打得相當快了。 After two weeks practice, she can type quite fast now. 3)風刮得很大,多穿點衣服保暖。 The wind is blowing hard. Put on more clothes to keep warm.,2019/11/29,31,4)別看他們現(xiàn)在吵得厲害,用不了一會兒就和好了。 They may be quarreling furiously with each other, but they will make up in no time. 5)他說得陰陽怪氣的,肚子里不知畫的是啥道理。 He spoke enigmatically. Nobody knew what he had up his sleeve. 6)她們正說笑得起勁,見來了客人,便立即啞口了 They were talking and laughing away but they stopped as soon as a visitor appeared.,2019/11/29,32,7、采用“動詞+名詞/代詞+副詞”的結構 1)這病把人拖得要死不活的。 The illness has worn him out. 2)一把鑰匙開一把鎖,她最聽你的,只有你去才說得通。 A lock can be opened only by the right key. As she listens only to you, you are exactly the person to bring her round. 3)她聲音很低,大字眼咬得很清楚。 Although in a low voice, she enunciated every word clearly.,2019/11/29,33,4)母親把她兒子的信握在她柔軟的手里,握得很緊。 The mother took her sons letter in her soft hand and held it tightly. 5)看問題要看得全面,不能以偏概全。 We should avoid a one-sided approach and look at problems all-sidedly. 6)人們說得繪聲繪色,仿佛都親自經(jīng)歷過一樣。 People talked about it vividly, as if they had all experienced it themselves.,2019/11/29,34,8、采用“動詞+表示原因的介詞短語”的結構 1)小孩疼得打哆嗦,但拒絕上床去躺一躺。 The child shivered with pain, but refused to go to bed. 2)氣得他連聲音都變了。 His voice changed with anger. 3)小時候看人家穿新衣服就眼饞得慌。 I always envied other children for their new clothes when I was a little child.,2019/11/29,35,4)老師的話使我的心歡喜得砰砰直跳。 The teachers words made my heart leap with joy. 5)他餓得發(fā)昏。 He fainted from hunger.,2019/11/29,36,9、采用“動詞+名詞+動詞作補語”的結構 1)莊稼人恨不得把一分錢掰成兩半使。 The peasants tried to make every cent do the work of two. 2)他的話說得使我想流淚。 What he said made me feel like weeping. 3)陽光把海水照得像鏡子一般。 Sunshine made the sea gleam like satin.,2019/11/29,37,10、采用“連系動詞+介詞短語”的結構 1)我們都忙得要死。 We are all up to our eyes in work. 2)春節(jié)期間擁政愛民的活動搞得熱火朝天。 During the Spring Festival, activities of supporting the government and cherishing the people were in full swing. 3)我的心亂得厲害。 My mind is in a turmoil. 4)他倆并肩走著,但靠得并不很近。 They walked side by side, but kept at arms length.,2019/11/29,38,11、采用“動詞+名詞”的結構 1)夕陽把湖水映得通紅。 The setting sun crimsoned the lake. 2)這事弄得我實在受不了了。 I can not stand this any more. 3)她的精彩表演肯定壓得住臺。 Her excellent performance will surely delight the audience. 4)他把這事忘得一干二凈。 He forgot all about this matter. 5)她長得跟她母親一個樣兒。 She takes after her mother.,2019/11/29,39,12、采用“動詞+形容詞+名詞+的結構 1)她的英語口語掌握得很熟練。 She has a perfect command of spoken English. 2)游客們玩得很開心。 The visitors had a wonderful time. 3)要把工作做得好一點。 You must do a better job. 4)我們事先做了充分準備,因此會議開得很成功。 The conference was a big success as a result of our meticulous preparations.,2019/11/29,40,13、采用被動結構 1)這一整天把人忙得腳丫子朝天。 I have been rushed off my feet all day. 2)街上車水馬龍,看得他眼花繚亂。 He was dazed by the sea of vehicles in the street. 3)院子每天頭打掃得干干凈凈的。 The courtyard is swept clean every day. 4)他被打得遍體鱗傷。 He was beaten black and blue. 5)這件事情做得非常出色。 Its exceedingly well done.,2019/11/29,41,14、省略”得”字。有時”得”字無需翻譯,只需翻譯”得”字位于其中的短語即可。例如: 1)他們倆人很合得來。 Both of them got well along with each other. 2)學生們聽課聽得很入神。 The students listened to the lecture attentively. 3)你來得正是時候。 You came in the nick of time.,2019/11/29,42,以上所述只是“得”字句的常見翻譯方法,在有些情況下,該句型的翻譯要視英語習慣表達方法而定。 看他嘴上說得娓娓動聽,實際上包藏禍心。 Despite his fine-sounding words, in actual fact, her harbors evil intentions at heart.,2019/11/29,43,13.3 把”字句的翻譯,漢語的“把”字句,在結構上用特殊介詞“把”字將賓語引出,放在謂語動詞之前形成漢語中一種特有的句型。“把”字句只用于主動句,目的是將賓語提前以突出賓語,賓語之后的主要動詞必須是及物動詞,并且不能另有賓語(能帶雙賓語的動詞除外)。 根據(jù)“把”字的意義、作用它可以有以下幾種類型的結構:,2019/11/29,44,1、含有“處置”意義的“把”字句 首先,可以采用英語“動詞+賓語+補語”這一句型處理,最常用的是“to have somebody/something done”,2019/11/29,45,1)如果他不規(guī)規(guī)矩矩,我就把他關在那個房子里。 If he wont behave himself, Ill havehim locked up in the room. 2)他每天把自己關在房子里看書。 He has himself confined in the room every day, reading books. 3)你最好在這個周末以前把我的自行車修好。 You had better have my bicycle repaired by the end of this week.,2019/11/29,46,其次,表示“處置”的“把”字句還可以采用英語中“動詞+賓語+狀語”的結構來翻譯。 4)為了實現(xiàn)武漢長遠的戰(zhàn)略目標,武漢市政府把科技放在首要位置,以提高科技水平,加強經(jīng)濟力量。 To fulfill the long range strategic goal in the development of Wuhan, the municipal governmentputsscience and technology in the first place in order to raise the scientific level and strengthen the economic power. 5)她把信揉成一團,塞在口袋里。 She crumpled the letter into a ball and then threw it into his pocket. 6)電腦把統(tǒng)計人員從繁雜的運算中解脫出來。 Computer can free statisticians from complicated calculations.,2019/11/29,47,有些句子還可以將“把”字省去,將賓語放回到動詞后面,轉換成“動詞+賓語”的結構。 7)房地產(chǎn)商人把沿海灘的空地全部搶購一空。 The real estate men took up all the land available along the beach. 8)她又把他的糖抓走四塊,還偷偷向他瞄了一眼。 She gave him a surreptitious look as she took four more of his sweets.,2019/11/29,48,2、帶有雙賓語的“把”字 漢語“把”字句中帶雙賓語的句型,通常是將直接賓語提到“把”字后面動詞的前面,譯成英語時通常要還原成“動詞+間接賓語+直接賓語”或者是“動詞+直接賓語+to+間接賓語”的結構,后者多半是因為間接賓語前有修飾成分(通常是定語)。,2019/11/29,49,1)他動身去美國前,給美國的一位朋友拍了封電報,把自己到達的時間告訴了他。 Before he left for the United States, he sent a telegram to a friend there, telling him the time of his arrival. 2)請把詞典遞給我。 Please pass me the dictionary. 3)做個順水人情,把這些用不著的東西送人吧! As it costs you nothing, do him a favor and give him all these things you have no use for.,2019/11/29,50,4)我把我的自行車借給了他。 I lent him my bicycle. or I lent my bicycle to him. 5)他們把消息告訴了他們所有遇到的每一個人。 They told the news to everybody they met. 6)我昨天把所有的照片都寄給她了。 I mailed all the photos to her yesterday.,2019/11/29,51,3、含有“致使”意義的“把”字句 這種類型的“把”字句后面常接“累”、“忙”、“氣”、“急”、“嚇”、“熱”、“感動”等從詞,在翻譯時通常被轉化成英語中含有“致使”意義的動詞。 1)光線太暗,看書會把眼睛累壞的。 Itll strain your eyes to read in such dim light.,2019/11/29,52,2)李向陽把日本鬼子嚇得屁滾尿流。 Li Xiangyang frightened the pants off the Japanese invaders. 3)這天氣把人熱得坐不住。 The heat of weather makes one unable to sit still.,2019/11/29,53,4、表示“把A當B”的“把”字句 該句型中的“當”可以表示“當做”、“作為”、“說成”、“看做”或“誤做”等概念,在翻譯的時候通常采用英語的“動詞+賓語+as (for)短語”的句型。 1)他一直把我當做知己。 He always regards me as his bosom friend. 2)我們應當把馬列主義理論當做行動的指南。 We should regard Marxist theory as a guide to action.,2019/11/29,54,3)她總把我們當做自家人。 She always considers us as the members of her family. 4)他們把我們當做貴賓來款待。 They treated us as distinguished guests. 5)他把我當成我的孿生兄弟了。 He mistook me for my twin brother.,2019/11/29,55,2、譯為被動句 1)他所做的一切把我感動得流下了眼淚。 I was moved to tears by what he had done. 2)把這些救災物資送到洪災區(qū)是當前的第一要務。 It is currently the first and foremost thing that these disaster-relief supplies should be dispatched to the flood-stricken areas. 3)隆隆的大炮聲把傀儡軍嚇壞了。 The puppet soldiers were frightened to death by the rumbling of cannons.,2019/11/29,56,4)他的病還不見好轉,真把我急死了。 He is getting no better. I am worried to death about him. 5)他的好意把我感動得流下了眼淚。 I was moved to tears by her kindness. 6)這一整天把人忙得腳丫子朝天。 Ive been rushed off my feet all day. 7)真把我餓死了。 Im nearly starved to death. 8)你開玩笑不要緊,可把她嚇壞了。 Apparently, you were cracking a harmless joke, but she was terribly scared.,2019/11/29,57,13.4 “搞”字句的翻譯,”搞”字在漢語里的流行之勢,使有人發(fā)出”怎一個搞字了得”的感嘆。關于”搞”的妙用,作家孫紹振說:“搞字的功能可分為兩類:丑的則遮蔽,不丑的則美化;可謂有美皆備,無麗不臻?!辫b于”搞”在漢語中倍受青睞這一語言事實,其翻譯就成為繞不過去的問題?!备恪弊忠馑贾S富,用得之活,不是漢語的”做”所能望其背項的,假如不考慮風格和情感,倒有點像英語的do,幾乎是個”萬能”動詞?!备恪弊值姆g,應當具體問題具體分析,弄清其在具體語境中的具體含義,然后再選擇恰當?shù)脑~語譯之。,2019/11/29,58,1、譯為動詞或動詞短語 “搞”最常見的意義是”做”、”干”、”弄”、”從事”、”進行”等,因此可用do,get,make,work,practise,engage in,go in for等來翻譯。例如: 1)搞字對字的翻譯經(jīng)常是行不通的。 It is often unacceptable to do a word-to-word translation. 2)這事沒啥搞頭。 Theres no point in doing that. 3)中國現(xiàn)在實行對外開放、對內搞活的政策。 China is now implementing the policy of opening to the outside world and invigorating the domestic economy.,2019/11/29,59,4)他倆合起來搞我。 The two of them joined in making things difficult for me. 5)我們想搞水果蔬菜生意。 We are thinking of starting up in the fruit and vegetable trade. 6)他一心要把對手搞臭。 He is bent on discrediting his opponent.,2019/11/29,60,2、譯為其他詞類 1)你們在搞什么名堂? What are you up to? (“搞”譯為副詞短語up to) 2)我們的國家大,人口眾多,經(jīng)濟落后,農(nóng)業(yè)要搞上去,最重要的還是要調動農(nóng)民的積極性,自力更生,艱苦奮斗。 Agricultural advance in so vast a country,with such a large population and backward economy as in China,requires above all else mobilizing the initiative of peasants to work hard and self-reliantly. (“搞”譯為名詞advance),2019/11/29,61,3、省略“搞”字 1)我們確定搞兩個開放:一個是對內開放,一個是對外開放。 We have decided on an open policy in two respects:namely,to open up both externally and internally. 2)但我的事現(xiàn)在搞得滿城風雨,人人皆知了。 But there had been too much publicity about my case. 3)我們必須一心一意搞建設。 We must concentrate on economic development。 4)這工作不好搞。 This is a difficult job.,2019/11/29,62,4、譯為被動句 能不能盡快把科技搞上去,這是一個關系到社會主義全局,關系到我們國家命運與前途的大問題。 Whether science and technology can be pushed forward as quickly as possible is a question of vital importance for socialist construction as a whole and for the destiny and future of our country。,2019/11/29,63,總之,漢語非凡句型的翻譯,必須具體問題具體分析,要充分考慮英語的語文習慣,決不能生搬硬套,用所介紹的技巧死套某句原文。翻譯方法是人總結出來的,實踐中還有許多技巧需要我們摸索和總結。,


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