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2018-2019學年高二英語 寒假作業(yè) 第八天.doc

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2018-2019學年高二英語 寒假作業(yè) 第八天.doc

第八天單項選擇1、_ came that professor Wang would drop in on his way here to have _ with me.A.The word; a wordB.Words; wordsC.A word; the wordD.Word; a word2、The new teacher doesnt know all her _ names.A.studentsB.studentsC.studentsD.student3、Five chairs are not enough. Well need _ chairs.A.another twoB.two anotherC.more twoD.other two4、Weaskedeightleadingwriterswhatitemstheywoulddonatetothe museum _theirownlostloves.A.in honour ofB.in face ofC.in need ofD.in favour of5、In the last 40 years since reform and opening-up, our science and technology has grown along with the economy, _China an innovation powerhouse with global influence.A.madeB.to makeC.makingD.has made閱讀理解6、 As the Earth warms from the increase of carbon dioxide in its atmosphere, the oceans that cover 70 percent of its surface are warming too. This warming will likely benefit some sea species at the expense of others. A study in the May 20 issue of the journal Nature confirmed that there has been a warming trend in the worlds oceans since 1993, as the waters have absorbed much of the extra energy in the planets atmosphere. The warming that has already occurred, and is expected to continue in the ing decades, will likely spell bad news for many ocean species, such as corals and species that live in the cold waters of the planets poles. But some creatures beneath the ocean surface might actually have an advantage in the newly wanned waters. A 2008 study, for example, said that a warming of just a few degrees Fahrenheit in Antarctic waters could make them suitable to sharks,which havent lived in the area for about 40 million years. Its easier for sharks to keep their high metabolism in warmer waters. If sharks do move into the area,they could cause damage to the existing ecosystems of the oceans around Antarctica. A study of starfish found these typical ocean creatures grew faster in water at warmer temperatures and higher carbon dioxide levels ( another result of all the extra greenhouse gas in the atmosphere) than at normal conditionswhich is bad news for the shellfishes they live on. Work by Jeremy Jackson, a professor at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California at San Diego, suggests that ocean warmingalong with other threats such as overfishing and habitat destructioncould change once plex ocean ecosystems into ones that favor simpler species, such as microbes, toxic algal blooms and jellyfishes.1.How is Paragraph 3 developed?A.By giving examples.B.By analyzing causes.C.By making parisons.D.By making classifications.2.What can we know about sharks from the fourth paragraph?A.They are native to Antarctic waters.B.They do harm to the whole ecosystem.C.Theyre adaptable to warmer water conditions.D.They threaten simpler species in Antarctic waters.3.What will ocean warming likely bring about?A.Promoting the growth of starfish.B.An ecosystem of smaller creatures.C.Different food sources for sea creatures.D.Damaging living places of deep-sea species.4.What is the purpose of the passage?A.To explain why ocean warming benefit some species.B.To introduce how creatures survive in warmer oceans.C.To clarify some misunderstandings about ocean warming.D.To show which creatures will benefit from warmer oceans.7、 The Intelligent Transport team at Newcastle University have turned an electric car into a mobile laboratory named “DriveLAB” in order to understand the challenges faced by older drivers and to discover where the key stress points are. Research shows that giving up driving is one of the key reasons for a fall in health and well-being among older people, leading to them being more isolated(隔絕) and inactive. Led by Professor Phil Blythe, the Newcastle team are developing in-vehicle technologies for older drivers which they hope could help them to continue driving into later life. These include custom-made navigation(導航) tools, night vision systems and intelligent speed adaptations. Phil Blythe explains: “For many older people, particularly those living alone or in the country, driving is important for preserving their independence, giving them the freedom to get out and about without having to rely on others.” "But we all have to accept that as we get older our reactions slow down and this often results in people avoiding any potentially challenging driving conditions and losing confidence in their driving skills. The result is that people stop driving before they really need to." Dr Amy Guo, the leading researcher on the older driver study, explains, "The Drive LAB is helping us to understand what the key points and difficulties are for older drivers and how we might use technology to address these problems. "For example, most of us would expect older drivers always go slower than everyone else but surprisingly, we found that in 30mph zones they struggled to keep at a constant speed and so were more likely to break the speed limit and be at risk of getting fined. Were looking at the benefits of systems which control their speed as a way of preventing that. "We hope that our work will help with technological solutions(解決方案) to ensure that older drivers stay safer behind the wheel.”1.What is the purpose of the Drive LAB?A.To explore new means of transport.B.To design new types of cars.C.To find out older drivers problems.D.To teach people traffic rules.2.Why is driving important for older people according to Phil Blythe?A.It keeps them independent.B.It helps them save time.C.It builds up their strength.D.It cures their mental illnesses.3.What do researchers hope to do for older drivers?A.Improve their driving skills.B.Develop driver-assist technologles.C.Provide tips on repairing their cars.D.Organize regular physical checkups.4.What is the best title for the text?A.A new Model Electric CarB.A Solution to Traffic ProblemsC.Driving Services for EldersD.Keeping Older Drivers on the Road8、 When I was in fourth grade, I worked part-time as a paperboy. Mrs. Stanley was one of my customers. Shed watch me ing down her street, and by the time Id biked up to her doorstep, thered be a cold drink waiting. Id sit and drink while she talked. Mrs. Stanley talked mostly about her dead husband, “Mr. Stanley and I went shopping this morning,” shed say. The first time she said that, soda went up my nose. I told my father how Mrs. Stanley talked as if Mr. Stanley were still alive. Dad said she was probably lonely, and that I ought to sit and listen and nod my head and smile, and maybe shed work it out of her system. So thats what I did, and it turned out Dad was right. After a while she seemed content to leave her husband over at the cemetery (墓地). I finally quit delivering newspapers and didnt see Mrs. Stanley for several years. Then we crossed paths at a church fund-raiser. She was spooning mashed potatoes and looking happy. Four years before, shed had to offer her paperboy a drink to have someone to talk with. Now she had friends. Her husband was gone, but life went on. I live in the city now, and my paperboy is a lady named Edna with three kids. She asks me how Im doing. When I dont say “fine,” she sticks around to hear my problems. Shes lived in the city most of her life, but she knows about munity. munity isnt so much a place as it is a state of mind. You find it whenever people ask how youre doing because they care, and not because theyre getting paid to do so. Sometimes its good to just smile, nod your head and listen.1.Why did soda go up the authors nose one time?A.He was talking fast.B.He was shocked.C.He was in a hurry.D.He was absent-minded.2.Why did the author sit and listen to Mrs. Stanley?A.He enjoyed the drink.B.He wanted to be helpful.C.He took the chance to rest.D.He tried to please his dad.3.Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase “work it out of her system” in Paragraph 2?A.Recover from her sadness.B.Move out of the neighborhood.C.Turn to her old friends.D.Speak out about her past.4.What does the author think people in a munity should do?A.Open up to others.B.Depend on each other.C.Pay for others help.D.Care about one another.完形填空9、閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C和D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。 Coffee shops are cool, but in Wilmington, North Carolina, Bitty & Beaus Coffee is known for its warmth. At the heart of the shops popularity is its 1 staff: Almost everyone who works there has an intellectual or developmental disability, ranging from Down syndrome(唐氏綜合征) to autism(自閉癥). For many 2 ,its their first job, and their3 fills the air. Its the vision(遠見) of Amy Wright,4 by two of her four children, Beau and Bitty, who have Down syndrome. When Wright and her husband5 that nearly 70% of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities do not have 6 , they decided to do something about it. “It 7 me like a lightning bolt(閃電): a coffee shop!” Wright said.“I realized it would be the perfect environment for bringing people8 . In this place, taking9 and serving coffee, theyd realize how 10 they are.” The shop opened in January 2016 and immediately had 11 outside the door. National press attention 12 , and six months later, it had to move to a 13 space. Today, the Wilmington store employs 40 people with 14 , as well as two managers who have degrees in special education. The team works like a 15 machine. “Well, our 16 time is no longer than any of our petitors,” Wright said. “Theyve all gotten really good at their jobs and step up 17 somebody else needs help.” All the money made from the coffee shop goes to Wrights nonprofit, Able to Work USA. But shes most proud of the 18 its built in the munity. “Creating this has given people a way to municate with people with disabilities,” she said. “This is a place where people can realize how much more 19 we are than different. And thats20 its all about.”1.A.warm-heartedB.uniqueC.hard-workingD.innovative2.A.employeesB.managersC.crewD.assistants3.A.petitivenessB.coldnessC.joyD.loneliness4.A.taughtB.touchedC.inspiredD.invited5.A.discoveredB.assumedC.concludedD.pretended6.A.interestsB.talentsC.desiresD.jobs7.A.slidB.hitC.beatD.crossed8.A.roundB.upC.outD.together9.A.picturesB.billsC.ordersD.tips10.A.patientB.usefulC.gratefulD.friendly11.A.linesB.branchesC.bargainsD.cries12.A.returnedB.dividedC.advertisedD.followed13.A.largerB.quieterC.remoterD.safer14.A.experiencesB.disabilitiesC.degreesD.brains15.A.newly-designedB.time-consumingC.cost-savingD.well-oiled16.A.waitB.freeC.spareD.plan17.A.soB.sinceC.whenD.unless18.A.shopsB.bridgesC.modelsD.houses19.A.awakeB.aliveC.alikeD.alone20.A.becauseB.whyC.howD.what短文改錯10、假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。每處錯誤僅涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。增加:在缺詞處加一個漏字符號(),并在其下面寫出該加的詞。刪除:把多余的詞用斜線()劃掉。修改:在錯的詞下畫一橫線,并在該詞下面寫出修改后的詞。注意:1. 每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;2. 只允許修改10處,多者(從第11處起)不計分。 In the summer holiday following my eighteen birthday, I took driving lessons. I still remember how hard first day was. Before getting into the car, I thought I had learned the instructors orders, so once I started the car, my mind goes blank. I forgot what he had said to me altogether. The instructor kept repeating the word, “Speed up!” “Slow down!” “Turning left!” I was so much nervous that I could hardly tell which direction was left. A few minutes late, the instructor asked me to stop the car. It was a relief and I came to a suddenly stop just in the middle on the road. 答案以及解析1答案及解析:答案:D 2答案及解析:答案:A 3答案及解析:答案:A 4答案及解析:答案:A 5答案及解析:答案:C 6答案及解析:答案:1.C; 2.C; 3.A; 4.D解析:1.推理判斷題。根據(jù)第三段的內(nèi)容,尤其是“But”的轉(zhuǎn)折可知, 本段主要是通過對比海洋變暖對哪些生物有利,對哪些生物有害來行文的。故選C。2.細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第四段中的make them suitable to sharks以及 Its easier for sharks to keep their high metabolism in warmer waters可知,鯊魚能夠適應溫度更高的環(huán)境中的生活.故選C.3.細節(jié)理解題. 根據(jù)第五段可知,海星在水溫比較高的水域會生長得更快,即海洋變暖會促進海星的生長,故選A. 誤解分析:不能誤選B項。根據(jù)最后一段可知,諸多因素會將復雜的生態(tài)系統(tǒng)變?yōu)檫m應簡單生物的一些生態(tài)系統(tǒng)。這些因素中不只是氣候變暖.4.寫作意圖題. 縱觀全文可知,作者寫作本文主要是為了告訴我們哪些生物能在海洋變暖中繼續(xù)發(fā)展,即從中獲益。故選D。 7答案及解析:答案:1.C; 2.A; 3.B; 4.D解析:1.細節(jié)理解題。由第一段中的in order to understand the challenges faced by older drivers 和第六段中的 is helping us to understand what the key stress points and difficulties are for older drivers 可知,研究人員研究的目的是了解老年司機面臨的挑戰(zhàn)和發(fā)現(xiàn)關(guān)鍵的問題在哪里。答案選C。2.細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第四段第二句中的preserving their independence可以得知開車對于保持老年人的獨立性是非常重要的,這也給了老年人不依賴于別人而出行的自由,因此A項正確。3.推理判斷題。根據(jù)第六段最后一句的use technology to address these problems. ” 和文章最后一句可知,研究人員這樣做是為了發(fā)明幫助老年人駕駛的技術(shù),因此B項正確。文章不是說老年人的駕駛技術(shù)不好,而是說老年人因為年齡問題在開車時會遇到一些困難,因此A項錯誤。4.主旨大意題。綜合全文可知,文章講述的是研究人員正在研究如何保證老年人開車安全的問題,因此D項是最佳答案。全文翻譯 紐卡斯爾大學的智能交通團隊已經(jīng)將一輛電動汽車變成了一個名為“ DriveLAB”的移動實驗室,以了解老齡司機所面臨的挑戰(zhàn),并發(fā)現(xiàn)關(guān)鍵的壓力點。 研究表明放棄駕駛導致他們變得更加孤立、不活躍,是老年人健康和福祉下降的關(guān)鍵原因之一。 在菲爾布萊斯教授的帶領(lǐng)下,紐卡斯爾團隊正在為老齡司機開發(fā)車載式汽車技術(shù),他們希望這些技術(shù)能幫助老年人一直到晚年也能繼續(xù)開車。 這些技術(shù)包括定制的導航工具、夜視系統(tǒng)和智能速度適應。菲爾布萊斯解釋說:“對于許多老年人, 尤其是那些獨自生活或在鄉(xiāng)村生活的老年人來說,開車對保持他們的獨立性以及不必依賴他人而出行的自由都很重要?!?“但我們都必須承認,隨著年齡的增長,我們的反應會慢下來,這往往會導致人們回避任何具有潛在挑戰(zhàn)性的駕駛狀況,并對駕駛技能失去信心。結(jié)果是,人們在真正需要之前就停止開車了?!?老年駕駛研究的首席研究員艾米郭博士解釋說:“DriveLAB正幫助我們了解老年駕駛者的主要壓力和困難,以及我們?nèi)绾卫眉夹g(shù)來解決這些問題?!?“例如,我們大多數(shù)人都認為老齡司機開車總是比其他人慢,但令人驚訝的是,我們發(fā)現(xiàn),在時速30英里的區(qū)域,他們很難保持恒定的速度,因此更有可能打破限速,并有面臨被罰款的風險。我們關(guān)注的是控制其速度的系統(tǒng)的好處,以防止這種情況的出現(xiàn)?!?“我們希望我們的工作將幫助找到技術(shù)解決方案,確保老齡司機行車更安全?!?8答案及解析:答案:1.B; 2.B; 3.A; 4.D解析:1.推理判斷題.根據(jù)第二段Mrs. Stanley talked mostly about her dead husband. "Mr. Stanley and I went shopping this morning,” shed say.可推測,作者第一次聽到Mrs. Stanley說這些話時是極為震驚的。 故選B。2.推理判斷題:根據(jù)第三段Dad said she was probably lonely, and that I ought to sit and listen and nod my head and smile 可知,作者傾聽Mrs. Stanley 說話是為了幫助她。故選B.3.詞義猜測題。根據(jù)第二段最后一句After a while she seemed content to leave her husband over at the cemetery(墓地)可知,Mrs. Stanley看來已從失去丈夫的悲痛中走了出來,說明畫線部分的意思“從悲傷中恢復過來”。故選A。4.推理判斷題。根據(jù)最后一段You find it whenever people ask how youre doing because they care,and not because theyre getting paid to do so,以及本文所講的故事作者以前關(guān)心Mrs. Stanley,后來又被自家的送報員所關(guān)心,由此可推斷作者想要表明的觀點:社區(qū)鄰里間應該相互關(guān)心。故選D。 誤解分析:不能誤選A項。open up to others意為 “對別人敞開心扉”。心扉指的是心的門扇,比喻人的內(nèi)心。敞開心扉是指在一個人面前把自己的心毫無隱瞞地表現(xiàn)出來,也指分享自己的心情,是一種樂觀開朗的表現(xiàn)。而文中作者通過自身的經(jīng)歷告訴我們要相互關(guān)心。全文翻譯 四年級的時候,我兼職做報童。斯坦利太太是我的顧客之一。她會看著我走到她所居住的大街,走到她家門前時,會給我準備一杯冷飲。她講話時我總會坐著喝冷飲。 斯坦利太太講述的內(nèi)容多是關(guān)于她死去的丈夫。 “今天早上斯坦利先生和我去購物了?!彼f道。她第一次這樣說時,我大為吃驚。我告訴父親,斯坦利太太說話的樣子似乎斯坦利先生還活著。爸爸說她可能很孤獨,我應該坐著聽, 還得不時地點頭微笑,這樣也許她會從失去丈夫的悲痛中恢復過來。于是我那樣做了,結(jié)果證明爸爸是對的。不久后,斯坦利太太似乎把丈夫遺忘在了墓地。 我終于不再送報紙了,幾年來也沒見過斯坦利太太。然后在一個教堂募捐活動的現(xiàn)場,斯坦利太太和我不期而遇。她正在舀土豆泥,看起來很高興。四年前,為了與人交談,她還不得已為報童提供一杯飲料。 現(xiàn)在,她有朋友了。她的丈夫去世了,但生活還得繼續(xù)。 現(xiàn)在,我住在城里,我的報童是一個叫埃德娜的女士,她有三個孩子。她問我近況怎樣。當我沒有說 “好”的時候,她就會堅持傾聽我的問題。她一生大部分時間都住在城市,但她了解社區(qū)。與其說社區(qū)是一個地方,倒不如說它是一種心境。每當有人因為關(guān)心而問你日子過得怎么樣而不是因為要得到報酬而做這些時,你會感到這一點。有時只是笑一笑,點點頭, 聽一聽就好了。 9答案及解析:答案:1.B; 2.A; 3.C; 4.C; 5.A; 6.D; 7.B; 8.D; 9.C; 10.B; 11.A; 12.D; 13.A; 14.B; 15.D; 16.A; 17.C; 18.B; 19.C; 20.D解析:1.根據(jù)本空后的Almost everyone who works there has an intellectual or developmental disability可知,該咖啡廳雇用的員工都很“特別(unique)”,無一例外都患有某種殘疾。2.根據(jù)its their first job可知,對于很多“員工(employees)”來說,這是他們的第一份工作,連空氣中都彌漫著他們的“喜悅(joy)”之情。3.解釋同上。4.根據(jù)本空后的two of her four children, Beau and Bitty, who have Down syndrome可知,Amy Wright兩個患有唐氏綜合征的孩子賦予她開這間咖啡店的靈感。inspire意為“賦予靈感”。5.Wright和丈夫“發(fā)現(xiàn)(discovered)”70%的成年殘疾人都沒有“工作(jobs)”,于是決定針對此事做點兒什么。上文的its their first job提示了jobs。6.解釋同上。7.根據(jù)本空后的like a lightning bolt(閃電): a coffee shop可知,開咖啡店的念頭是Amy Wright靈光一現(xiàn)的結(jié)果。hit sb that. 意為“使某人突然想起”。類似的說話還有strike sb that.8.根據(jù)本空前的I realized it would be the perfect environment可知,Wright認為咖啡店提供了一處殘疾人士可以一起做事的絕佳場所。bring.round說服(某人);使恢復知覺; bring.up提出;教育;養(yǎng)育;嘔出; bring.out出版,生產(chǎn);使顯示;說出; bring . together集合;使團結(jié)起來。9.在咖啡店里“下單(taking orders)”,為顧客上咖啡,做這些事情會使得這些殘疾人士明白他們自己有多“能干(useful)”。10.解釋同上。11.根據(jù)The shop opened in January 2016 and immediately和National press attention及Today, the Wilmington store employs 40 people可知,該咖啡店2016年1月份開業(yè),很快,門外就排起了“長隊(lines)”,隨后,媒體報道紛至沓來,六個月后,咖啡店不得不搬到一個“更大的(larger)”地方。follow意為“跟隨,跟著”。12.解釋同上。13.解釋同上。其他幾個形容詞意思quieter(更安靜的), remoter(更偏遠的), safer(更安全的)在此均不符合語境。14.第二段中的Almost everyone who works there has an intellectual or developmental disability是本空的提示。15.根據(jù)下文的Theyve all gotten really good at their jobs可知,咖啡店的員工團隊工作勁頭十足,像一臺“上足了油的(well-oiled)”機器一樣。16.Wright說道:“我們店的等待(wait)時間與別家店相差無幾,員工們干起自己的工作來都游刃有余,當(when)有人有需要時,他們會上前幫忙?!?7.解釋同上。18.根據(jù)下文的Creating this has given people a way to municate with people with disabilities可知,Wright最引以為傲的是她的咖啡店在社區(qū)里起了“橋梁式(bridges)”的作用,使得身體健全者有機會與殘疾人士進行交流與溝通。19.Wright說道:“有了這間咖啡店,人們逐漸意識到,我們彼此之間同(alike)大于異,這也是這間咖啡店的全部意義所在?!?0.解釋同上。根據(jù)此句語法分析可知what為about的賓語。 10答案及解析:答案: In the summer holiday following my birthday, I took driving lessons. I still remember how hard first day was. Before getting into the car, I thought I had learned the instructors orders, once I started the car, my mind blank. I forgot what he had said to me altogether. The instructor kept repeating the , “Speed up!” “Slow down!” “ left!” I was so much nervous that I could hardly tell which direction was left. A few minutes , the instructor asked me to stop the car. It was a relief and I came to a stop just in the middle the road.解析:第一處:eighteen改為eighteenth,考查數(shù)次,句意:在我十八歲生日后的那個暑假,eighteen意思為“十八,十八個”,表示數(shù)量,eighteenth表示“第十八個的”,故將eighteen改為eighteenth。第二處:first前加the或my,考查冠詞。句意:我依然記得第一天使多么艱難。句中特指開始學駕照的第一天,所以在first前加the或my,my first day表示“我(學駕照)的第一天”。故在first前加the或my。第二處:so改為but 考查連詞。根據(jù)句意可知作者本以為自己已經(jīng)掌握了教練的話,結(jié)果一發(fā)動車,腦中一片空白。所以前后文為轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系。故將so改為but。第四處:goes改為went 考查時態(tài)。根據(jù)前文中的started可知時態(tài)為一般過去時,故將goes改為went。第五處:word改為words 考查單復數(shù)。句意教練一直喊“加速”,“減速”,“左轉(zhuǎn)”,word的意思主要是“單詞,消息”,words可以表示為word的復數(shù),也表示某人說的話。這里指教練說的那些話,故將word改為words。第六處:Turning改為Turn??疾榉侵^語動詞。分析語境可知教練的話“加速”,“減速”,“左轉(zhuǎn)”都是祈使句,根據(jù)前文“Speed up!”也可以看得出來。祈使句應該用動詞原形,故將Turning改為Turn。第七處:much去掉??疾楣潭ň湫?。句型:我如此緊張以至于無法分辨哪個方向是左。固定句型sothat表示“如此以至于”,much為多于成分。故將much去掉。第八處:late改為later 考查副詞。做形容詞的時候,later是late的比較級,如Their deadline is quite late.Ours is even later.(他們的截止日期很遲.我們的更遲.)做副詞的時候,late是遲的意思,later是稍后、隨后的意思。句意幾分鐘之后 故將late改為later。第九處:suddenly改為sudden 考查形容詞。句意我來了個緊急剎車。suddenly是副詞,表示“意外地,忽然地”。sudden為形容詞,表示“突然的;迅速的”。a sudden stop表示“急剎車”。故將suddenly改為sudden。第十處:on改為of 考查介詞。分析語境可知作者表示“在路中間急剎車”,on the road表示“在路上”,the middle of the road表示“路的中央”,強調(diào)的是“the middle”。故將on改為of。


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