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1、1BEC 初級口語電子講義第一課時BEC Preliminary 介紹 BP Introduction BEC 初級介紹()Why take BEC exams?* strong growth* rigorous quality control* wide suitability* wide business context* value for study and business career* international recognition for work and study() BP Content BP 包含的內(nèi)容 BP 考試主要是考學生的語言能力,包括聽、說、讀、寫四個方面。試卷所設計的語言文字基本上都與商務有關(guān)。另外,還考學生的英語語法、結(jié)構(gòu)等內(nèi)容。BP 考試分筆試和口試兩大部分。筆試包括閱讀、寫作和聽力。聽說讀寫聽力:電。

2、Module 11.1 Ways of working Part 2-Part5 (9 種工作方式的優(yōu)缺點對比+Part 5 中的 8 個短句) Find the perfect partner 理想搭檔 open your mind 敞開心胸 plan for disaster 有備無患 get organized 安排有序 set your limits 規(guī)定限度 put pen to paper 簽訂協(xié)議 dont feel guilty 勿感內(nèi)疚 two become one 合二為一 3 in 1 (功效)三合一1.2 Making contacts (part 1, part4, part 5,Part 11+ writing 中四種商務文書的區(qū)別+ Part 2)1)備忘錄(Memo)是商務信函的一種,主要用于公司內(nèi)部對公司的職員、部門通報信息,如會議安排。

3、商務英語( BEC)常用精選句型 100 句1 I want a package deal including airfare and hotel.我需要一個成套服務,包括機票和住宿2 Id like to change this ticket to the first class.我想把這張票換成頭等車。3 Id like to reserve a sleeper to Chicago.我要預訂去芝加哥的臥鋪。4 I wont check this baggage這件行李我不托運。5 Id like to sit in the front of the plane.我要坐在飛機前部。6 I missed my train.我未趕上火車。7 I havent nothing to declare.我沒有要申報的東西。8 Its all personal effects.這些東西都是我私人用。

4、www.TopSage.com 大家網(wǎng) 1 / 14更多精品在大家! http:/www.TopSage.com 大家網(wǎng),大家的!商務英語(BEC)考試高級閱讀真題及答案題目PART ONEQuestions 1 8Look at the statements below and at the five reports about companies on the opposite page from an article giving advice to self-employed consultants about negotiating fees for their services.Which book (A, B, C,D or E) dose each statement 1 8 refer to ?For each statement ! 8, make one letter (A, B, C,D or E) on your Answer Sheet .You will need to use som。

5、商務英語(上)效率技能第一課10 煉句Why dont you call Suzy? Shes a dab hand at organizing barbecues.你為什么不找蘇西呢?她是組織燒烤的行家。Ive got a month to reorganize the accounts department. I have my work cut out for me!我有一個月的時間重組財務部。這對我來說困難重重。The training course was very interesting but the acid test will come when I start my new job.培訓課程非常有意思,但當我開始新的工作時,就要面臨決定性的考驗了。By studying on the train on the way home, Claire kills two birds with。

6、Raising Finance-翻譯Raising Finance 融資 When a company is growing rapidly, for example whencontemplating investment in capital equipment or an acquisition, its currentfinancial resources may be inadequate. 當一家公司迅速成長時,例如考慮投資固定設備或進行收購時,它的資金流(current financialresources 翻譯不準)可能不夠充足。Few growing companies are ableto finance their expansion plans from cash flow alone.很少有成長中的公司能夠僅通過現(xiàn)金流為他們的擴張計劃融資。They will therefore need toconside。

7、5.1 International Supply Chain 5.1 國際供應鏈The latest in systems coordination involves the supply chain.在最新的系統(tǒng)協(xié)調(diào) 涉及 到供應鏈。The supply chain consists of all the organization that move goods(貨物流通) and services from the source of raw materials to the final customer. 包括所有的組織,將貨物從原料來源到最終客戶服務。The supply chain is longer than a channel of distribution because it includes suppliers to manufacturers, whereas the channel of distribution begins with manufacturers。

8、1ClaimWords and Expressionscomplaint n. 申訴,抱怨make (lodge, lay) a complaint againstcomplain vi. 訴苦,申訴,抱怨complain to sb. of sth.claim n. 索賠,賠償要求表示索賠的原因,接介詞 for , 如 claim for damage表示索賠的金額,接介詞 for, 如 claim for US $ 1000表示對某批貨物索賠,接介詞 on, 如 claim on the goods表示向某人提出索賠,接介詞 against 如 claim against the underwriters常用詞組:claim against a person 向某人索賠claim arising from a breach of contract 違約所引起的賠償要求claim arising fro。

商務英語自學5 常用宴會交流用語
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