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1、Unit2I mcookinginthekitchen 第一課時 教學目標1 學習A部分中的新單詞 cook read sleep listen eat 2 能初步感知現(xiàn)在進行時概念 學習運用句型 Whatareyoudoing Iam 3 學生相互之間交流談論自己正在做的事情 4 通過本課學習 學會團結協(xié)作 并能利用句型達到良好的溝通 做飯 read 讀 閱讀 睡覺 聽 吃 猜猜小尾巴ing在這。

2、河北教育出版社四年級英語下冊,Lesson10 Rain and Sun,sun,cloud,wind,snow,rain,Rain and Sun,This is the sun. The sun is hot.,This is snow.,Snow is cold and white.,Sharp eyes !,coologhotnewarmislowhat coldyrusungrqieewindpk,Lets sing!,我們先不看歌詞,認真聽這首歌,然后告訴我你都聽到了什么?,Flowers bloom,Flowers bloom for us to look,beach,Practice:,關上門 把門打開 我喜歡和你一起玩! I like to play you. 我喜歡和你在雪地里一起玩。 I like to play the snow you.,Close the door,Open the door,with,in,with,。

3、課題Unit2 單元備課一、教材分析:1. 強調語言運用。本套教材體現(xiàn)了交際教學思想,注重學生語言應用能力的培養(yǎng)。2. 注重能力培養(yǎng)。本套教材力求用簡單生動、通俗易懂的方式滲透學習策略,鼓勵他們能動思考,主動做事,自動調整學習方式,發(fā)掘他們積極求知、努力進取的潛能。3.突出興趣激發(fā),讓學生易學樂學。4.重視雙向交流。了解我們國家是一個文明古國,有著5000年的歷史文。

4、Unit 2 It is time to get up(一 ) This is the way practice What time is it? Its get up brush (your) teeth wash (your) face have (your) breakfast maths class Wake up, Peter. Its time to get up. What tim。

5、Unit 2 Im Cooking in the Kitchen陜 旅 版 三 年 級 起 點 四 年 級 下 冊Part A Look and find Listen and do Lets learn WarmupRevision Wh。

6、Unit2 What time is it?,PartB Lets learn,學 習 目 標:,1. 我能聽懂、會說、認讀四個動詞短語 get up go to school go home go to bed 2. 我能正確說出非整點時間。 3. 我能聽懂、會說“Its time to +動詞” 這個句型。 4. 我能說出Its time for 和Its time to兩個句型的不同用法,會靈活運用這兩個句型敘述時間表。,1. 我會說數(shù)字 用數(shù)字1-60報數(shù),要求發(fā)音清晰準確,聲音響亮。,復習熱身,30,15,25,35,50,40,A: Where are you? B: Im in A: What time is it? B: Its . Its time for,Beijing New York London Sydney,2. 最佳拍檔。同桌。

7、綠色圃中小學教育http:/www.LSPJY.com 綠色圃中學資源網(wǎng)http:/cz.L,1,Module7Unit2 Grandma cooked fish.,綠色圃中小學教育http:/www.LSPJY.com 綠色圃中學資源網(wǎng)http:/cz.L,綠色圃中小學教育http:/www.LSPJY.com 綠色圃中學資源網(wǎng)http:/cz.L,綠色圃中小學教育http:/www.LSPJY.com 綠色圃中學資源網(wǎng)http:/cz.L,綠色圃中小學教育http:/www.LSPJY.com 綠色圃中學資源網(wǎng)http:/cz.L,2,Phone, phoned,phoned, Amy phoned Grandma. Cook, cooked,cooked, Amy cooked noodles. Help, helped, helped, she helped Mum. Wash,washed,washed, she wa。

8、Unit 2,What should I do?,You look worried. Whats the matter?,I often feel very tired. What should I do?,The car is dirty.,You should,If you are ill, you should,If you are thirsty, You should,If the。

9、綠色圃中小學教育http:/www.LSPJY.com 綠色圃中學資源網(wǎng)http:/cz.L,1,Module 2 Unit2 Its very old.,London Eye 倫敦眼,綠色圃中小學教育http:/www.LSPJY.com 綠色圃中學資源網(wǎng)http:/cz.L,綠色圃中小學教育http:/www.LSPJY.com 綠色圃中學資源網(wǎng)http:/cz.L,綠色圃中小學教育http:/www.LSPJY.com 綠色圃中學資源網(wǎng)http:/cz.L,綠色圃中小學教育http:/www.LSPJY.com 綠色圃中學資源網(wǎng)http:/cz.L,2,教學目標,1. 理解詞匯。 old famous Hyde Park Tower Bridge Big Ben 2. 能夠運用詞匯: old famous 3.能夠運用句型:This is Its,綠色圃中小學。

10、執(zhí)教者:薛家村小學 宋芳芳,Unit 2,What time is it?,PartB Lets talk,get up,Its 6:30. Its time to get up.,go to school,Its 7:30. Its time to go to school.,Its 6:30. Its time to get up. Its 7:30. Its time to go to school.,Its 8 oclock. Its time for English class.,Watch the video,Pairwork (可以小組進行練習),Lets talk,Mike: Oh, its .Its time to . Mum: Breakfast is ready. Mum: ! Its time to . Mike: OK. Miss White: What time is it? Students: Its . Its time f。

11、Unit2 What time is it?,B: Lets learn.,蘇浩欣,What time is it? Its ____________.,5:00,9:00,1:00,3:00,9:30,2:20,7:10,oclock,get up,Its time to get up.,6:30 a.m.,go to school,Its time to go to school.,7:25 a.m.,go home,Its time to go home.,5:10 p.m.,7:35p.m.,do homework,Its time to do homework.,go to bed,Its time to go to bed.,9:30 p.m.,get up,go to school,go home,go to bed,watch TV,do homework,5:30,8:25,12:00 noon,Its time for lunch.,Its time to have lunch.,It。

12、制作人:龍江城區(qū)中心小學 陳玉美,Unit 2 B Lets talk,What time is it?,A: B:Its ____ oclock.,Its time for,seven,Its time for breakfast.,12:00,9:00 a. m.,7:00 a.m.,2:00 p.m.,4:00 p.m.,6:00 p.m.,What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for,學習目標,6:30 ( six thirty ) get up hurry up ready go to school,Try to read,自主學習,自主學習,Its . Its time to get up.,Watch and say,Task 2: (任務2),2) Its 7:30. Its time to .,3) Its . Its time for English class.,6:30,go to school,8:00。

13、Unit2 What time is it?,巢湖市團結路小學周梅芳,B Lets talk,Lets sing,3:00,2:00,music class,dinner,lunch,go home,PE class,Its Its time ,Review,Find the different one 找出不同類的一個,dinner lunch music class go home PE class,Its time to + Its time for +,名詞,動詞,用 Its time for / to造句,go to school,read and write,go home,lunch,English class,homework,sing,go shopping,math class,sing,Play football,breakfast,Oral composition 口語練習,Xia Yongqing,Its time,6:30a.m.,to get up,Its time for bre。

14、B Lets talk,Unit2 What time is it?,人教PEP四年級下冊,學習目標的表述:,1.借助圖片,在語境中學習本節(jié)課詞匯thirty, hurry和句型。 2.借助圖片,錄音,多媒體資源,通過跟錄音讀,自讀,同桌互讀等方式,學生能夠用正確的語音、語調朗讀對話。 3.借助錄音或多媒體資源,結合語境,學生能使用“Its time to/for”等表達,就具體時間和活動進行簡單的交流。,Review,What time is it?,Its . Its time for ,class,bed,get up,go to school,go to bed,dinner,Its time for ,Its time to ,What time is it?,Its .,Its time for/to .,Lets tal。

15、PEP人 教 版四 年 級 下 冊英 語Unit 3 Weather 王 鳳 云 課 前 3分 鐘 Weather report Part ALets learn warm cold hot cool 找出下列單詞的對應詞。 warm ho。

16、Unit2,What time is it?,B L ets talk,之句型練習,Oclock,What time is it?,Its數(shù)字oclock.,What time is it?,Its 5 Oclock.,What time is it?,Its 7:30 oclock.,What time is it?,Its 9 oclock.,到XXXXX的時間了。,Its time for.(名詞),breakfast lunch dinner PE class music class English class,到XXXXX的時間了。,Its time to(動詞或動詞短語),get up go to school go home go to bed,用”Its time to”句型造句。,思考一分鐘,Its。

17、人教PEP)四年級英語下冊課件,執(zhí)教:劉冬梅,?,口語交際,唱一唱,猜一猜,學一學,玩一玩,對話操練,小結,動一動,展示時間表,編對話,小組操練,Lets sing.,Oral English,clock,-What time is it ?,-Its seven oclock.,12,6,3,9,1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,-What time is it ?,-Its ,12,6,3,9,1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,-What time is it ?,-Its ,12,6,3,9,1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,-What time is it ?,-Its ,12,6,3,9,1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,-What time is it ?,-Its ,12,6,3,9,1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,-What time is it ?,-Its ,- What time is it?,pair work,- Its_____。

四年級下冊英語課件-Unit2 what time is it A Let’s learn_人教PEP
四年級下冊英語課件-Unit2 What time is it_ _人教
四年級英語下冊 Unit2 I.ppt
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(人教新版)四年級英語下冊課件 unit2(1).ppt
四年級下冊英語課件-Unit2 What time is it Part B | 人教(PEP)(2014秋)(共19張PPT) (2)
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(外研版英語2012)四年級英語下冊課件 Unit2 It is very old
四年級下冊英語課件-Unit2 What time is it Part B | 人教(PEP)(2014秋)(共25張PPT) (2)
四年級下冊英語課件-Unit2 What time is it Part B | 人教(PEP)(2014秋)(共25張PPT)
四年級下冊英語課件-Unit2 What time is it Part B | 人教(PEP)(2014秋)(共19張PPT)
四年級下冊英語課件-Unit2 What time is it Part B | 人教(PEP)(2014秋)(共26張PPT)
四年級下冊英語課件-Unit2 What time is it Part B | 人教(PEP)(2014秋)(共13張PPT)
四年級下冊英語課件-Unit2 What time is it Part A | 人教(PEP)(2014秋) (共21張PPT)
四年級下冊英語課件-Unit2 What time is it Part B | 人教(PEP)(2014秋) (共24張PPT)
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四年級下冊英語課件-Unit2 What Time Is It第三課時_人教版PEP
四年級下冊英語課件-Unit2 I'mCookingintheKitchen|陜旅版
四年級下冊英語課件-Unit2 What Time Is It A|人教
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四年級下冊英語課件-Unit2 What Time Is It第三課時_人教版PEP (共20張PPT)
四年級下冊英語課件-Unit2 What Time Is It第一課時_人教版PEP (共24張PPT)
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