2019-2020年四年級英語上冊 Unit 1 This is my new friend教案1 人教版(精通).doc


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2019-2020年四年級英語上冊 Unit This is my new friend教案1 人教版精通 2019 2020 四年級 英語 上冊 friend 教案 人教版 精通
2019-2020年四年級英語上冊 Unit 1 This is my new friend教案1 人教版(精通) 課題 Lesson1 課型 新授課 教學 目標 1. Linguistic Factors :Letters: A a--apple, B b--banana, C c--cake, D d--doughnut, E e--egg 2. Task Activities: Learn to read and write the letters. 3. Intelligence Development: Develop the ability for fast response.   4. Moral Education: Get along well with others. 重 點 Letters, new vocabulary and target language. Language functions. 難 點   教 具  A tape recorder, pictures and some letter cards. 多媒體教具 PPT 教 學 過 程 預 設 環(huán)節(jié) 教師活動 學生活動 設計意圖 1、Warm-up 1.Play the game: Guess the animals. (cat, monkey, dog, duck) 2. Play the game: High and low voice.(To review the knowledge they’ve learned before. 3. Here I will say a word or a sentence in high voice, then the students should repeat it in low voice.But if I say a word or a sentence in low voice, they should repeat it in high voice. Words: this, my, etc Sentences: Nice to meet you. Glad to meet you. Good morning. Etc Words: cat dog, monkey, duck … Sentences: I’m Jim. etc T: I’m Jim. … S: … 2、Presentation 3. Practice (Write the new letters on the blackboard.) (Write the new words on the blackboard.) Ask the students to listen to the tape recorder, and repeat after it. Here the teacher will give the students some letter cards. Ask the students to say out some names of cities. Learn the letters: A a--apple, B b--banana, C c--cake, D d--doughnut, E e—egg. (Use the letter cards.) 2. Go on playing the game: High and low voice.   Learn the new vocabulary “friend, again, America, China, England” and the target language “Nice to see you again. This is my new friend. I’m from America.” in this game. (Use the word cards.) Learn the dialogue. 2. Let the students practice the dialogue in groups. 3. Get the students to act out the dialogue in role. Play a game: Where are you from? (A petition among the students.) 板 書 設 計 Unit 1 This is my new friend.    Lesson 1    A a B b C c D d E e 課 后 小 記 由于學生三年級有一定的口語基礎,老師自然而然的授課方式,讓學生很容易接受。本課所學的國家名稱學生基本上可以進行認讀,目標達成。 課題 Lesson 2 課型 新授課 教學 目標 1.Linguistic Factors: Letters: F f--fruit, G g--grapes, H h--hot dog, I i--ice cream ,J j—juice New Vocabulary: Singapore, Canada, friends (3 skills) panda, bear, pig, rabbit, bird, mouse 2. Target Language: Where are you from? I’m from ….Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night! 3. Task Activities: Learn to read and write the letters. Learn to read and say the new dialogue. 4. Intelligence Development: Develop the ability for fast response. 重 點 1. Letters, new vocabulary and target language. 2. Language functions. 難 點 Group work. 教 具 A tape recorder, pictures and some letter cards. 多媒體教具 教 學 過 程 預 設 環(huán)節(jié) 教師活動 學生活動 設計意圖 1.Warm-up 2.Presentation 1. Review the letters, words and drills they’ve learned last lesson. Use the letter cards. Use the word cards. Write the new words on the blackboard. 2. Act out the dialogues they’ve made in role. Learn the letters: F f--fruit, G g--grapes, H h--hot dog, I i--ice cream ,[ J j—juice. Learn the new vocabulary “Singapore, Canada, friends”. Learn some animals with ctions.(panda, bear, pig, rabbit, bird, mouse) Learn the target language “Where are you from? I’m from ….”. 3.practice Let’s sing. Where are you from? Ask the students to listen to the tape recorder, and repeat after it. Let the students practice the dialogue in groups. Get the students to act out the dialogue in role. 板 書 設 計 Unit 1 This is my new friend.    Lesson 2    Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj 課 后 小 記 老師課堂語言的自然導入,自我介紹,為學生示范,讓學生模仿去說,通過設定情景學習相關國家名稱,和問答練習。本課目標基本達成。 課題 Lesson 3 課型 新授課 教學 目標 Linguistic Factors: Letters: K k--kangaroo, L l--lion, M m--monkey, N n--nest,O o—owl New Vocabulary: boy, girl, student (3 skills) Target Language: Fun story Task Activities: Learn to read and write the letters. Learn to read ,write the words and say the new dialogue. Intelligence Development: Develop the ability for fast response. 重 點 1.Letters, new vocabulary and target language. 2. Dialogue. 難 點 Group work. 教 具 A tape recorder, pictures and some letter cards. 多媒體教具 教 學 過 程 預 設 環(huán)節(jié) 教師活動 學生活動 設計意圖 1.Warm-up 2. Presentation 1. Review the letters, words and drills they’ve learned last lesson. Use the letter cards. Write the new letters on the blackboard. Use the pictures. Write the new words on the blackboard. 2. Act out the dialogues they’ve made in role. Learn the letters: K k--kangaroo, L l--lion, M m--monkey, N n--nest, O o--owl. Learn the new vocabulary “boy, girl, student” Learn the target language “e on, boys. Have some fruit. Thank you.”. Learn the dialogue. 3. Practice Let’s play. Who’s this boy/girl? Ask the students to listen to the tape recorder, and repeat after it. Let the students practice the dialogue in groups. Get the students to act out the dialogue in role. 板 書 設 計 Unit 1 This is my new friend.    Lesson 3    K k L l M m N n O o 課 后 小 記 伴隨著“Where are you from?”的歌曲,開始了本課的教授,本課通過創(chuàng)設情境的方式,讓學生學會如何詢問人物。但He和She有個別同學還是不能很好地區(qū)分。還需鞏固。 課題 Lesson 4 課型 新授課 教學 目標 靈活使用Whats your father? 詢問職業(yè),并作簡單問答。 學習有關職業(yè)的詞driver,teacher,farmer,正確聽說認讀。 3. 學習字母:panda一Pp quail—Qq rabbit—Rr squirrel—Ss tiger—Tt,做到正確聽、說、讀、寫。 重 點 正確聽、說、讀、寫字母:Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt 難 點 正確聽、說、認讀新詞:driver,teacher,farm 教 具 錄音機、磁帶、圖片 多媒體教具 教 學 過 程 預 設 環(huán)節(jié) 教師活動 學生活動 設計意圖 1 Warm-up 2. Presentation 2.游戲Whats missing? 教師拿出幾張已學過的字母或單詞卡片, 教師拿走一張卡片 1.老師提問Who’s that boy?引導學生回答It’s me. 2.教學生形容某一人物的表達法: He’s cool.Cool一般用于口語中,表示某人打扮時髦或表示感嘆“棒極了”。 唱歌曲Where are you from? 學生仔細看10秒鐘然后閉上眼睛, 學生睜開眼辨認什么不見了。 表演第3課對話。 看圖片 引出對家庭成員的介紹This is my father 3. Practice 3.教師介紹人物、地點和情景 4.出示圖片學習新詞,老師在黑板上范寫學生認讀 5.玩I spy.游戲 1. 猜職業(yè)。 2.接龍游戲:What’s your father/mother? He/She is…. 3.看第8頁的圖 4.聽錄音兩遍,說出對話內(nèi)容。 5. 聽錄音跟讀,同位兩個學生分別充當—個角色,練習本課小對話。用Whats your father?造句練習,用所學過的詞匯做替換練習,以鞏固所學內(nèi)容。 6.學習字母:panda—Pp quail—Qq rabbit—Rr squirrel—Ss tiger—Tt 字母讀音:Pp/pi:/,Qq/kju:/,Rr/a:/,Ss/es/,n/ti:/,注意字母q中/ju:/的讀音。 學生分成小組,教師拿出一張職業(yè)圖片,各組輪流派兩名學生,一學生做與圖片上的職業(yè)相關的動作,另一學生問What is he/she?其他組學生猜,猜對得分。 練習Pp--Tt字母及包含這些字母的單詞 板 書 設 計 Unit 1 This is my new friend.    Lesson 4    Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt 課 后 小 記 通過練習上節(jié)課詢問人物名稱,引入到本課對職業(yè)的詢問,學生利用自己手中的圖片進行本課的問答練習,本課目標基本達成。 課題 Lesson 5 課型 新授課 教學 目標 靈活使用介紹他人及詢問職業(yè)的用語。 學習有關職業(yè)的詞:doctor,nurse,postman,做到正確 聽、說、認讀。 學習字母:uniform—Uu vest—Vv watch—Ww box—Xx yacht—Yy zebro—Zz,做到正確聽、說、讀、寫。 重 點 正確聽、說、讀、寫字母:Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 難 點 正確聽、說、認讀新詞:doctor,nurse,postman 教 具 錄音機、磁帶、圖片 多媒體教具 教 學 過 程 預 設 環(huán)節(jié) 教師活動 學生活動 設計意圖 Warm-up 2. Presentation 慢動作(Slow Motion)。教師把事先裝入信封里的字母卡片或職業(yè)圖片慢慢拿出,一次只讓學生看卡片或圖的一小部分。獎勵第一個說出字母或詞的學生。 1. 啟發(fā)學生:你長大了要當什么? (What will you be when you grow up?) 教師解釋各行各業(yè)同等重要。 復習第4課對話內(nèi)容。請學生將自己編好的對話表演給大家看。 學生給出各種職業(yè),已學過的職業(yè)要用英語回答。 3、Practice 2. 通過表演,導入單詞doctor,nurse與postman。如導入doctor一詞時,教師可以捂著肚子說:Im not very well today.走到一桌前坐下來,教師扮醫(yī)生做出給病人把脈、寫處方單等動作,然后說:Have two pills each time,twice a day. Youll be OK.做完后問學生:What am I? 鼓勵學生整體接受詞匯,并適當重復 3.看掛圖或投影,聽錄音,學習本課對話。模仿語音語調(diào)。 4.兩人一組,一學生拿人物及職業(yè)圖片與另一學生進行對話: SA:Look,this is my uncle. SB:He’s cool! Whats he? SA:Hes a postman. 5. 學習字母Uu—Zz,注意字母讀音 Uu/ju:/,Vv/vi:/,Ww/dablju:/,Xx/eks/Yy/wai/,Zz/zed/ 1.讓一位學生從備好的小盒中抽出一卡片,然后做動作表示卡片上的職業(yè),學生根據(jù)動作用英語猜職業(yè),猜對有獎。 2. 找朋友。學生分兩組,一組拿圖或字母大寫形式,一組拿單詞或字母小寫形式,以最快速度配對。 讓學生體驗英語單詞的正確讀音 板 書 設 計 Unit 1 This is my new friend.    Lesson 5   Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 課 后 小 記 本課三、四會單詞比較多,學生掌握起來有些難度,特別是doctor和driver特別容易混,在寫的環(huán)節(jié)中學生對于”’s”總是容易遺忘,在今后的學習中還有待于鞏固。 課題 Lesson 6 課型 新授課 教學 目標 靈活使用What’s your father?My mother is TV reporter, Your father is a policeman. 復習學過的表示職業(yè)的單詞。 根據(jù)標志物(動物,植物,人物,食物)的圖片,準確說出它們所代表的國家。 重 點 正確聽、說、讀、寫字母:Aa----Oo 難 點 正確聽、說、認讀三會單詞。 教 具 錄音機、磁帶、圖片 多媒體教具 教 學 過 程 預 設 環(huán)節(jié) 教師活動 學生活動 設計意圖 Warm-up 2. Presentation 教師提出問題:(A)Whats Gao Wei’s mother? B)Whats his father? 看圖片、做動作、說出表示職業(yè)的單詞:pupil、 teacher、doctor、policeman、farmer、nurse、postman、driver 用句型Im from China/America/England/Singapore/Canada 1.學生聽錄音 2.學生很快聽到答案: A TV reporter。 3.在聽完最后錄音之前讓學生猜。學生可能說出Hes a teacher/doctor?等答案。 3、Practice 學生聽完最后一句后,就能給出正確答案His father is a policeman. 1.教師把本單元所學過的表示職業(yè)的單詞寫成卡片 2.教師提供某個國家標志性的圖片(食物、植物、動物、人物) 4.學生聽錄音,跟讀課文兩遍。 5.學生以小組為單位,大量操練本課的新句型。 6.分角色扮演該對話。 讓一個學生抽取一張,然后做動作。其他學生根據(jù)動作猜出該單詞。然后以小組為單位依次進行比賽,看誰說得最快最準。 學生猜出該國家 讓學生體驗英語單詞的正確讀音 板 書 設 計 Unit 1 This is my new friend.    Lesson 6 Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff  Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo 課 后 小 記 本課是本單元最后一課,通過這篇有趣的小故事,喚起了本單元學習的重點單詞和語句。學生通過本單元學習,能夠自主創(chuàng)編對話。 附送: 2019-2020年四年級英語上冊 Unit 1 This is my new friend教案2 人教版(精通) 一.Teaching aims (教學目的) 1.Train student’s ability of understanding simple dialogues in English. 2.Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends or others to the third person. 3.Learn and master the new words and sentences. 二.Teaching key points (教學重點) To master the following sentences Where are you from? (你從哪里來的?) I am from America (我來自美國) This is my new friend (這是我新朋友) 三.Teaching difficult points (教學難點) Let students know how to use these introductory sentences in their real life. 四.Class preparation (課前準備) 1. pictures (照片) 2. tape recorder and tape (錄音機和錄音磁帶) 3.a song(where are you from) (歌曲) 五.Teaching process (教學過程) 1. Warming up (熱身) Play a song; ask some questions from students’ .Thus can increase students’ interest about this lesson, and also let students have some point in their mind about this lesson. (放歌曲,從歌曲里提問題,提高學生學這節(jié)課的興趣.) 2.presentation (新課導入) 1)Play a game. (Show some pictures and let them to guess what is it in that picture).做游戲,通過做游戲?qū)W習這節(jié)課的新單詞. 2) Play a tape, let students follows it. Then I will explain the text to the students. Pick up new words and let students make sentences by using these new words. (讓學生聽錄音,學生跟讀。然后老師講解,講解過程中找出新單詞,引導學生造句) New words: America, England, China, friend Sentences: He is my new friend; he is from America/China/England. Give them two minutes for making new sentences. 3.practice (趣味操練) Role play: divide students into small groups and let the students introduce one of the group members as a new friend to the other group...(這個游戲主要練習有關本課的聽過學過的知識。) (角色扮演) S1: hi, Gao wei (你好,高偉) S2: hi, peter (你好,皮特) S1: nice to see you again. this is my new friend, Jim; (這是新朋友,吉米) S2: nice to meet you, Jim. Where are you from?(你從哪里來的?) S3: nice to meet you, I am from America (我來自美國). ……………………… 4. home work (作業(yè)) Write new words eight times Practice the dialogue with your friend Do exercise book 5. blackboard design (板書設計) Where are you from? I am from America This is my new friend 課后反思 本課的任務基本上完成了。上課過程中我覺得,全部用英語來講課對學生來說有點難,我還意識到有些學生對英語興趣不夠好,一部分學生的積極性很高,出現(xiàn)的問題可以解決,通過啟發(fā)方式來提高學生的興趣。
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