小學劍橋英語Book3 Unit1教學設(shè)計

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《小學劍橋英語Book3 Unit1教學設(shè)計》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《小學劍橋英語Book3 Unit1教學設(shè)計(16頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、Book 3 Unit 1 A party 單元分析一、教學目標:A. 知識目標: 1、能說出10種中外食品的英語名稱。2、能說出5種飲料的英語名稱。3、能用Im going to 表達要做某事,如:購物、踢足球等。4、能用I can bring 表達自己能夠帶某東西來,如蛋糕、可樂、橙汁等。5、 能理解句型Some more (cake)?Its the Brysons kitchen. What shall we do?Lets hide behind the bushes矮樹叢.Thank you for helping. Pass the ball,(Mike).Oh, no, not

2、 again. A pretty girl.Trip over 絆倒(the cassette recorder).Laugh, blush臉紅.6、了解一般將來時態(tài)的各個人稱的表達。B. 技能目標:1、聽歌曲的細節(jié),填出歌詞中所缺的內(nèi)容。2、學唱歌曲:School party. 3、 執(zhí)行指令(動作故事)4、 聽音填序號 5、組織聚會,開展角色表演6、用鏡面書寫辨別課文的意思 7、完成對話8、理解卡通故事的含義 9、閱讀理解短文10、 調(diào)查自己的同學在周末的安排,填寫調(diào)查表。C、情感態(tài)度價值觀:1、 培養(yǎng)學生熱愛老師,尊敬老師的情感。2、 培養(yǎng)學生樂于與他人交往的情感。3、 訓練學生養(yǎng)成遇事

3、合理安排,井井有條的行為習慣。4、 培養(yǎng)學生做錯事應(yīng)勇于認錯,承擔責任的意識。5、 培養(yǎng)學生助人為樂的精神。二、過程與方法:1、 能在學習中善于利用簡筆畫、動作等非語言信息理解要學習得內(nèi)容。2、 通過游戲、角色扮演、唱歌等活動,充分發(fā)揮學生的主動性,讓學生再參與“做事”的體驗中,提高語言技能,豐富情感。3、 在英語學習活動中,把注意力集中在意思表達上,不因生詞等影響活動進行。三、教學重點:一類單詞:plums, pears, chewing gum, noodles, hot dogs二類單詞:,party, cool, wait, dance, sing一類句子:Im going to bu

4、y. What do we need? I can bring the (bread). I can bring a (cake).What are you doing on (Sunday)? He/She/Toby is going to .We/They/You are going to .二類句子:I cant wait till (Friday). (Friday) is so cool. Were having a party. What about (bananas)?Great idea. I think we also need1、運用不同人稱代詞使用句型be going t

5、o2、 用英語組織一場聚會。3、 能用英語寫簡短的邀請信。4、 談?wù)撝苣┥?四、學情分析:學生在學本單元之前已掌握的知識與技能有:1、學生已熟練掌握的單詞有:ice cream, apples, bananas, chocolates, bread, oranges, cola, cakes, orange juice2、 學生已掌握的短語有:play football, dance, sing ,draw a picture, watch TV, read.3、 學生已能熟練掌握現(xiàn)在進行時的用法,知道動詞后要加ing.了解現(xiàn)在進行時各種人稱的表達法,如我用am, 你用are, is 用于她

6、他它,復數(shù)都用are,為本單元講一般將來時做鋪墊。:五、課時劃分:分五課時第一課時:PART 1 第二課時:PART 2,3,5第三課時:PART 4,6Revision 1(1) 第四課時:PART 7第五課時:PART 8 Unit 1 A party(1)一、教學內(nèi)容:Part 1二、教學目標:A. 知識目標:1. Ss can say the words: plums, pears, chewing gum, chocolates.2. Ss can use the sentence: Im going to buy . Ss can sing the song “School par

7、ty”.B. 能力目標:1. Listen for details in a song.2. 注重傾聽細節(jié),鍛煉學生聽的能力及用英文做簡單的表演。情感態(tài)度:1. 培養(yǎng)學生熱愛老師、尊敬老師的情感,學會簡短用英語表達自己的情感。2. 融洽師生氛圍,培養(yǎng)良好的師生關(guān)系。三、教學重點:一類詞:plums, pears, chewing gum, chocolates,ice cream,apples.二類單詞:party, cool, wait, dance, sing ,till教學難點:理解并會唱這首英語歌,邊述說邊表演。四、教學準備:tape, recorder, word cards.五、教

8、學過程: Step 1 Warming up:1. Sing a song “The crazy join in rock”.2. Greetings and lead in. T: Good morning, boys and girls! What day is today? Ss: Thursday.Step 2 Learn new words and sentences.1介紹西方國家里開PARTY的背景知識。在上課開始,老師可以在黑板上寫下標語:party, 在講英語的國家里,人們常常舉辦聚會(party)。如:生日聚會,比薩餅聚會、舞會或電視晚會。當你被邀請參加一次“garden

9、party”(花園聚會)時,那就是說,這次聚會將在花園中舉行。School party當然就是在學校里舉辦的聚會。 2Listen to a song. Then get the idea when&where the party is . on Friday !教師運用身體語言及情態(tài)初步表現(xiàn)第一段歌詞內(nèi)容,讓生感受。3.引出新單詞chewing gum, plum and pear.(1) T: On school party, we need many foods. Look!Show some food pictures on P6 quickly.)T: We need.What ca

10、n you see?(教師出示圖片的一角讓生單詞)Ss: Ice cream?T:I s it an ice cream? T:It is .(2)相同方法復習 Ice-cream, apples, bananas(這3個單詞學生以前已學過,教師做稍微復習)(3) Let three Ss go to the Bb, and write down these three words.(4) T: Any more? Ss: (5)Show the pictures. Learn to say: plums, pears, chewing gum, chocolates.Read words f

11、or several times. Plums T: What is meaning of it? S:話梅!T:(師出示一個話梅的袋子,教讀單詞)I like plums. Do you like it? T:(點一條同學讀這個單詞)。PearT:(教師出示一個圖片)What is this? S:梨子!T: Who like pears? Please raise your hands!T: ear-ear-pear.T:(教師點一橫排同學讀這個單詞) chewing gumT:(讓學生聽聲音猜)告訴學生這個單詞可以簡稱做gum。4Show some pictures. (Play the

12、 missing game.)T: Look! Whats missing? (先抽調(diào)一張圖片)Ss: ice-cream and chocolates .T: Im going to buy ice-cream and chocolates. (板書)5Practice to say “Im going to buy” for several times. Ss say the things they want to buy.T:I f We are going to have a school party. What do you like?6.What are you going to

13、buy? S: Im going to buy. T: Practise in pairs.Step3 Learn to sing the song.1. Ss listen to the song twice. Answer the questions: What is Toby going to buy on school party?2. Listen again, fill in the numbers on P6.3. Complete the text.4. Learn to sing the song, follow the tape. Step 4作業(yè)設(shè)計: 1.Sing th

14、e song “School Party” 3 times. 2 .Draw yourself and say.Im going to buy Look,畫出你自己準備買來帶到學校party的食品。然后向同伴介紹你要買的東西。Step 5板書設(shè)計: Unit 1 A party Im going to buy.chewing gum pears plums教學反思:Unit 1 A party(2)一教學內(nèi)容:Jion In 3 Unit1 A party Parts 2,3,5二教學目標:A. 知識目標:1. Ss can mime the action story on P7.2學會理解:

15、Trip over 絆倒(the cassette recorder). Laugh, blush臉紅. A pretty girl.B. 能力目標:1 .執(zhí)行指令(動作故事)2 .聽音填序號 3.用鏡面書寫辨別課文的意思C.情感態(tài)度:培養(yǎng)學生樂于與他人交往的情感。三教學重點:1.理解每幅圖的含義,并能做出適當反應(yīng)。2.能夠用trip over ,get, carry to這些動詞拓展運用。3.學會認知“鏡子”里的邀請函,并朗讀、正確書寫下來。教學難點:每幅圖中動詞含義的理解和運用。四教學準備:老師準備一個蛋糕的模型和兩個老虎的頭飾是很重要的,創(chuàng)設(shè)情景更容易讓學生理解,學生也更樂于去模仿。五教

16、學過程:Step1 Warming up1. Sing the song “School party”.2. Greetings.Look, read and write.(教學設(shè)計說明:師生互致問候,既是能熱身,也能抓住學生的心,快速將學生帶入課堂,為后面的學習埋下伏筆。)Step2 Presentation 一1. Introduce some parties in foreign countries. 2.設(shè)置情境:Toby收到一張請?zhí)墒撬床欢?。Lets help him!3. Read the text without mirror, then answer the questi

17、ons.Who will invite Toby? When and what time?( 教學設(shè)計說明: 指導學生了解書信的規(guī)范形式。)4. Use a mirror to write the text. 二Mime the action story and fill in the numbers. 1. T: Toby現(xiàn)在正趕去參加Dina的party呢!Lets see what happened in the party?2. 教師在黑板上利用木偶和夸張的聲音及動作表演這個故事兩遍。You are going to a party:教師讓手中的TOBY邊走邊快樂的哼歌。Say Hel

18、lo t o your friends:教師邊搖手邊模仿TOBY和大家打招呼。You see a pretty girl:教師把一個漂亮的小母虎出示在黑板上,并發(fā)出驚嘆聲。Get her a big piece of cake:教師拿起一個蛋糕。Carry it to the girl:教師把蛋糕拿給小母虎。You trip over a cassette recorder.教師出示一個收錄機,假裝TOBY泮倒。The cake is on the floor.蛋糕掉在地上。The girl laughs.出示一張笑臉。You blush. TOBY蒙住雙眼,裝出臉紅的樣子。3Play the

19、 tape, listen to the story twice.教師邊放磁帶邊表演故事。點一個同學表演這個故事,教師說故事內(nèi)容。Mime the action story and try to say. follow the tape.4 教師依次說前三個指令,學生學動作。You are going to a party/Say hello to your friends/You see a pretty girl5 教師分組訓練前三個指令。6教師接著介紹四個指令。Get her a big piece of cake/Carry it to the girl/You trip over a

20、 cassette recorderThe cake is on the floor。(讓學生把鉛筆盒當做CAKE 放到地上)7 教師分排發(fā)指令,反應(yīng)最快的同學得分。8 教師介紹最后二個指令。The girl laughs./You blush.9 九個指令按順序來復習。10 打亂順序復習。11 Emphasizes the sentences: A pretty girl. Trip over the cassette recorder. Laugh, blush.Let Ss understand them by using body languages. Ss practice to s

21、ay them for several times.12 Listen and number the pictures.13 教讀這九個指令。14 T says the sentences in the jumbled order, Ss mime the actions according to the sentences.15. Listen again, check the answers. (教學設(shè)計說明:通過幽默,滑稽的動作進行示范,指導學生整體感知故事。)Step3 Practise:1 讓學生準備好道具,以小組為單位排演,請一個同學說詞,一個同學演TOBY,一個同學演母老虎。2

22、教師打亂順序,說出九副圖中任意的一副圖的指令,讓學生做動作,看誰反應(yīng)快,得分,然后請同學當小老師來發(fā)指令。(教學設(shè)計說明:學生的參入更能激發(fā)其他學生的興趣,將整個故事演變成教室里的一場現(xiàn)實版情景劇,不僅讓其樂于接受,聽起來更易懂,對整個故事的理解完整生動,效果也會非常好。)Step4 Homework 作業(yè)設(shè)計:1.Do the action story and try to say them 3 times.2.設(shè)計一份邀請函。如可以邀請你的好友參加你的生日聚會等。(教學設(shè)計說明:學生很喜歡將課本上的知識遷移到生活中來,樂此不疲。學生對于將英語生活化沒有概念,但這樣的作業(yè)和活動無形中幫他們實

23、現(xiàn)了語言的價值:運用)板書設(shè)計: Unit 1 A partyDear (收信人)(信的內(nèi)容) Yours (寄信人) Join in 3 Unit 1 A party教學設(shè)計一、 教材內(nèi)容:Join in 3 Unit 1 A party Part 4二、教學目標:1、知識目標:a、孝生能說出10種中外食品的英語名稱。b、能說出幾種飲料的英語名稱。c、能用Im going to 表達要做某事,如:購物、踢足球等。d、能用I can bring 表達自己能夠帶某東西來,如蛋糕、可樂、橙汁等。e、了解一般將來時態(tài)的各個人稱的表達。 2、 能力目標:能用英語口頭組織聚會,開展角色表演。能運用將來時

24、表達意愿。 3、情感目標:增強學生團隊合作意識培養(yǎng)學生樂于與他人交往的情感。訓練學生養(yǎng)成遇事合理安排,井井有條的行為習慣。三、教學重難點:1、學生熟練掌握食物類單詞:plums, pears, chewing gum, noodles, hot dogs ,party, cool, wait, dance, sing2、準確運用句子:Im going to buy. What do we need? I can bring the (bread). I can bring a (cake). What about (bananas)? Great idea. I think we also n

25、eed3、根據(jù)上下文正確完成對話。4、 用英語組織一場聚會。5、 談?wù)撝苣┥?。四、教學準備:食物卡片 彩筆五、教學過程:Step 1 Warming up1、 Greetings A.、Sing “School party” B、Free talk. Review some words. (Focus on : plums, pears, chewing gum)Do you like? Whats your favourite food?【教學設(shè)計說明】教師利用“早餐車 ”與學生進行會話練習,學生反映熱烈,都很樂于參與,但應(yīng)提醒學生語言句型What about (juice)?的用法。它應(yīng)

26、當是前一個主題的延伸,當對象變換時,應(yīng)保持話題的延續(xù)性,即這個語言的使用必須是以前已詢問過一次的。Step 2Presentation1. Introduce the topic-A party.T: Today, lets discuss the party. What do we need? (板書)2 T(手推“早餐食品推車”)Good morning, boys and girls, I am a waitress of Tobys restaurant. Welcome to our restaurant. Therere all kinds of food for you. bre

27、ad, cola, cake, oranges, hot dogs, how delicious they are! Im hungry. What about you?S: Me, too.T:I need cake. What do you need?(教師從餐車中拿出蛋糕片進行 推銷品嘗,并將蛋糕貼在黑板畫的餐桌上)S:I need bread. (學生將面包的圖片貼在黑板畫的餐桌上)T:(教師從餐車中拿出一片面包給學生品嘗 )Here you are. S: Thank you. T: Thats OK.教讀bread若干遍,發(fā)音和apple相比較T: What do you need

28、? S:I need cola.(學生將cola卡片貼在黑板畫的餐桌上。)T:(教師從餐車中拿出cola給學生喝)T: What about juice? S: Great idea!【教學設(shè)計說明】通過對話的方式,調(diào)動學生學習單詞的積極性,同時也訓練了學生的口語表述能力。3、同樣方法教其他的單詞。Learn to say: What do we need? Explain “need” (We need water, sunshine and love) “we” (區(qū)別于our). T: We need But what we can bring? Explain “bring”; Lea

29、rn to use “I can bring ” “Can you bring ?”4. T: Susan, can you bring some orange juice? ( 板書Can you bring?) S1: Yes!T: OK! I think we also need (板書We also need )【教學設(shè)計說明】寓教于樂,讓學生在愉快的氛圍里輕松突破本節(jié)課的重難點。句型得到了操練與鞏固。5. Read the sentences on Bb.Step 3 Practice1. Make a dialogue in 4 students. Write down the p

30、arty plan.2. Act their dialogue out.Play a game “flying swater”【教學設(shè)計說明】學以致用。讓學生組織一次聚會,開展角色表演。激發(fā)學習英語的積極性,訓練學生養(yǎng)成遇事合理安排,井井有條的行為習慣,培養(yǎng)學生樂于與他人交往的情感。Step 3 Practice1Pair work:表演對話。Step 4 Homework1、反饋,練習,強調(diào)書寫要求。2做復習1第一題。3Read and complete the sentences.閱讀并將句子后面括號里的字母重新排序,拼成一個單詞填在空白處,使句子意思完整。(1) We are havin

31、g a _(yarpt)(2) I am going to _some hot dogs.(grinb)(3).I _we need some water.(hintk)(4). You can _some ice cream.(yub)Step 5 板書設(shè)計: Unit 1 A partyA party planS1 can bringS2 can bringS3 can bringS4 can bringWe need:Unit 1 A party一、教學內(nèi)容:Part 7二、教學目標:A. 知識目標: Learn to understand: Some more (cake)? / It

32、s in the Brysons kitchen. / What shall we do? / Lets hide behindthe bushes. / Thank you for helping. / Pass the ball. / Oh,no, not again.B. 能力目標:Decoding meaning from the language in acartoon story. C. 情感態(tài)度1.培養(yǎng)學生做錯事情應(yīng)勇于認錯,承擔責任. 2. 培養(yǎng)學生助人為樂的精神.三、教學重點: 1.Try to say the target sentences.2.The pronuncia

33、tions of Brysons.教學難點: 1.單詞:garden, Brysons, bushes.2. 句子:Some Some more (cake)? / Its in theBrysons kitchen. / What shall we do? / Lets hide behind the bushes. / Thank you for helping. / Pass the ball.四、教學準備: 1.CAI課件。2.食物圖片:cake, chocolates, icecream, chewing gum, apples, bananas.3.一個籃球。4.故事內(nèi)容錄音磁帶及

34、錄音機。五、教學過程:Step1 Warming up1Greetings.2Sing “School party”. 歌曲導入,激活感官Step 2 Prezentation 情景呈現(xiàn),突破難點1.T: Look, we have many delicious foods. Today, Lets have a party! OK? Ss: Yeah! 2.教師拿出一蛋糕卡片,走到一生前,說 Some more cake ? 3. 師叫一生:,can you help me?讓其代替老師招待其它學生:Some more?完成后對他說:Thank you for helping! (板書,帶讀

35、)4.Ss practise this sentence, being host or hostess. 5.T: You are so kind. So I want to play a game with you. Lets play basketball. Pass the ball. (板書,帶讀)老師把球傳給一個學生,示意讓他傳給另一同學,并說Pass the ball,.!進行幾遍,達到練說的目的。6再學生傳球練說句子時,師暗中播放打碎玻璃的聲音,并用驚恐的表情說:Oh, no! Something is broken. What shall we do ?(板書)并用動作使其明白

36、意思。帶讀若干遍。7教師提問,使生進行表演,帶出句子:T: What shall we do? Lets run. 、Lets hide behind the /Lets go over to the teachers. and then?/Well tell them8. 教師嚴肅地說:I think this is stupid!(板書)并用表情,動作幫助學生理解。帶讀若干遍?!驹O(shè)計意圖】用動作幫助學生理解此句,并引導該生作出反應(yīng):Yes, please. / No, thanks.9師:And then? What shall we say?引導學生回答:“We are very sor

37、ry.10T: Now, lets look, which is better? Step3 The Tonys garden party制造懸念,理解情節(jié)1 CAI出示garden party圖片,引出故事名字Tonys garden party.2 CAI出示一張本故事背景圖片,引出單詞Tonys house, garden, bushes, Brysons kitchen.3 學生猜測故事情節(jié)。4Listen to the tape and say what happened without looking at the books. 5Listen again and look at

38、the books.Speak out the characters in the story: Tonys mother, Tony, mike, Emma, Mr.Brysons, Rita.Step4 Consolidation1、Ask some questions:(1)、Who breaks the kitchen window first?(2)、Who thinks its stupid to hide behind bushes?(3)、Who goes over to Mr Bryson?(4)、Who says “we are very sorry?”(5)、Who he

39、lps Mr Bryson the next weekend?(6)、Who breaks the kitchen window again?2、朗讀故事,提煉思想(指導學生展開討論并穿插思想教育。)(1)跟磁帶朗讀故事,體驗角色地內(nèi)心情感。(2)分角色朗讀故事Step5. Assessment評價項目 OkGoodGreat我今天在英語課上的表現(xiàn)我能積極參與今天的學習我學會了今天的單詞我能用英語談?wù)搱D形我對今天的英語課的評價Step5 Summary and homework請學生課下找搭檔練習表演故事,下節(jié)課開課前進行表演展示。Unit 1 Tonys garden partyWhat s

40、hall we do?Lets run. Lets hide behind the This is stupid.under the . Lets go over to the teachers.Were very sorry. This is honest.Well tell them板書設(shè)計Unit 1 A party一、教學內(nèi)容: Part 8二、教學目標:A.知識目標:1.Ss can know about how to use be going to.2.Ss can read and talk about the weekend.3.Ss can interview their c

41、lassmates about the weekend.B.能力目標:閱讀理解短文;調(diào)查自己的同學在周末的安排,填寫調(diào)查表。情感目標:1.學生樂于與他人用英語交流的情感。三、教學重點: 1.學會運用:What are you doing on (Sunday)? (Were) going to (a party) (in the evening).2.解一般將來時態(tài)在不同人稱情況下的基本結(jié)構(gòu)。教學難點: Sentence tape: be going to.四、教學準備: word and sentence cards, a calendar.五、教學過程:Step 1 Warm up. 1.

42、Greetings. 2.Sing a song School party.Step 2 Presentation. 1.Show a calendar.2.T: What day is today? Ss: Today is T: What is your favourite day in a week? And tell me why? Ss: (Ss answer freely)T: Can you guess what are my favourite days?Ss: (Ss guess freely)T: My favourite days are Saturday and Sun

43、day. Saturday and Sunday are weekend.(板書 The weekend)告訴學生這個單詞是個合成詞。Because I dont need work at the weekend. (板書 I dont work at the weekend.)3. Singing “I cant wait till the weekend. The weekend is so cool!I dont work at the weekend.舊曲新唱,能吸引學生的注意力,讓學生愉快地鞏固所學知識。Talk about the weekend:1.Show some pictu

44、res about weekend activities.2.Review the phrases of the weekend activities.3.Ask the question “What are you doing on Saturday / Sunday?”(板書What are you doing on Saturday / Sunday?)4.Ss learn to say it.5.Let the Ss ask teacher, T answers: Im going to (板書Im going to )6.Ss learn to say “Im going to ”7

45、.Learn to say the other sentences “He is going to ” “We are going to ” “They are going to ” “ is going to ”Step 3 Practice1.Talk about the weekend in the whole class.2.Ss talk about the weekend in groups and do a survey. 3. Say the survey in the whole class。Step 4 作業(yè)設(shè)計:1.用所給語詞,調(diào)查同學們周末經(jīng)常開展的體育活動。Play

46、football, play basketball, play table tennis, run, do high jump, do long jump, swim, ski, ride a bike, ride a horseNameOften do on Saturday and Sunday2有給自己帶來運氣的幸運物嗎?如果有,請下節(jié)課帶來。五、板書設(shè)計:Unit 1 A partyWhat are you doing on Saturday / Sunday?Im going to NAMESATURDAYSUNDAYMikeplay football, watch TV,go to Fangfangs party watch cartoons, do some reading, go to the park He is going toWe are going to They are going to

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