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以以amazing與與amazed為例為例, 試著思考以試著思考以-ing結(jié)尾的形結(jié)尾的形容詞與以容詞與以-ed結(jié)尾的形容詞在意義上有何不同。并舉例。結(jié)尾的形容詞在意義上有何不同。并舉例。【思考提示【思考提示】以以-ed結(jié)尾的形容詞通常表示人的內(nèi)心感受或心理狀況結(jié)尾的形容詞通常表示人的內(nèi)心感受或心理狀況, 通通常譯作常譯作“感到感到的的”; 以以-ing結(jié)尾的形容詞通常用于描述結(jié)尾的形容詞通常用于描述人或事物的屬性和特點人或事物的屬性和特點, 通常譯作通常譯作“令人令人的的”。surprisesurprised(吃驚的吃驚的, 驚訝的驚訝的)surprising(令人吃驚令人吃驚的的)exciteexcited(興奮的興奮的, 激動的激動的)exciting(令人興奮的)(令人興奮的)interestinterested(感興趣的)(感興趣的)interesting(有趣的)(有趣的)tiretired(疲勞的)(疲勞的)tiring(令人疲勞的)(令人疲勞的)borebored(厭倦的)(厭倦的)boring(令人厭倦的)(令人厭倦的)worryworried(擔心的)(擔心的)worrying(令人擔心的)(令人擔心的)Whats your first impression of your senior high school? 【思考提示【思考提示】I fell in love with my senior high school when I first entered it. Its a beautiful place like a garden. The teachers are kind and enthusiastic. There are many activities that interest me. 1. enthusiastic adj. 熱心的熱心的; 熱情的熱情的【原句【原句】The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing. (P2)老師們熱情友好老師們熱情友好, 教室令人驚嘆。教室令人驚嘆。 He is an enthusiastic fan of Jay Chou. 他是周杰倫的熱情粉絲。他是周杰倫的熱情粉絲。 Mr Yang is enthusiastic about helping people in trouble. 楊先生熱情幫助有困難的人。楊先生熱情幫助有困難的人。 My mother is very kind and she treats every person with great enthusiasm. 我媽媽很善良我媽媽很善良, 對每個人都很熱情。對每個人都很熱情。 My teacher shows great enthusiasm in his work. 我的老師對工作表現(xiàn)出了極大的熱情。我的老師對工作表現(xiàn)出了極大的熱情。改正下面句子中的錯誤改正下面句子中的錯誤Few people are enthusiastic with the plan. The famous singer was met by his enthusiasm fans. 答案:答案:withabout/for/overenthusiasmenthusiastic2. amazing adj. 令人吃驚的令人吃驚的; 令人驚訝的令人驚訝的(P2) She has an amazing memory and can name all the people she meets. 她記憶力驚人她記憶力驚人, 能說出見過的所有人的名字。能說出見過的所有人的名字。 The world has seen the amazing achievements China has made. 世界見證了中國取得的驚人成就。世界見證了中國取得的驚人成就。 Her first act in the play amazed all the people. 她第一次出演戲劇就使所有人吃驚。她第一次出演戲劇就使所有人吃驚。 We were amazed at his strange behaviour. 我們對他的古怪行為感到驚訝。我們對他的古怪行為感到驚訝。 Much to my amazement, my English teacher called out my name when we met again after 20 years. 令我大為驚訝的是令我大為驚訝的是, 當我們二十年后再次相逢時當我們二十年后再次相逢時, 我的英語我的英語老師叫出了我的名字。老師叫出了我的名字。She is_ at the _ news. A. amazing; amazedB. amazed; amazedC. amazing; amazing D. amazed; amazing【解析【解析】選選D。 句意:她聽到這個令人吃驚的消息大為驚句意:她聽到這個令人吃驚的消息大為驚訝。訝。amazed驚訝的驚訝的, 表示人的心理感受表示人的心理感受; amazing令人驚訝令人驚訝的的, 說明事物的特征。說明事物的特征。3. nothing like 一點都不像一點都不像, 絲毫不像絲毫不像, 絕不是絕不是(P3) He is nothing like his twin brother. 他絲毫不像他的孿生兄弟。他絲毫不像他的孿生兄弟。 There is nothing like a hot bath after a day of climbing. 在爬了一天山后什么也比不上洗個熱水澡。在爬了一天山后什么也比不上洗個熱水澡。 This building is something like a castle. 這座建筑有點像城堡。這座建筑有點像城堡。 Something like 80% of the visitors were from other countries. 大約大約80%的參觀者來自其他國家。的參觀者來自其他國家。完成句子完成句子The book is nothing like(絕不是)(絕不是)what I am looking for. He is something like thirty years old (大約大約30歲歲). Is the story anything like (有點像)(有點像)his own story? 4. have fun 過得快樂過得快樂; 玩得開心玩得開心【原句【原句】And we have fun. (P3)我們過得很快樂。)我們過得很快樂。 We are going for a picnic on Sunday. 我們星期天要去野餐。我們星期天要去野餐。Have fun! 祝你們玩得開心祝你們玩得開心! The children are having fun playing in the park. 孩子們正在公園里玩得開心。孩子們正在公園里玩得開心。 He took part in the match just for fun but won the first prize. 他參加比賽只是為了取樂卻獲得了一等獎。他參加比賽只是為了取樂卻獲得了一等獎。 It is great fun to swim in hot summer. 在炎熱的夏天游泳是很有趣的。在炎熱的夏天游泳是很有趣的。 What fun it is to play a game after work! 工作之后玩游戲多有趣啊工作之后玩游戲多有趣啊! This is not a match. Were playing chess just for_ . A. hobbyB. interestC. funD. love【解析【解析】選選C。句意為:這不是比賽。我們下棋只是為了開。句意為:這不是比賽。我們下棋只是為了開心。心。for fun“為了開心為了開心, 為了取樂為了取樂”, 符合句意。符合句意。5. boredadj. 厭倦的厭倦的; 厭煩的(厭煩的(P3) Most of the people felt bored with the history facts. 大部分人對歷史資料感到厭煩。大部分人對歷史資料感到厭煩。 Long and dull stories are always boring. 冗長枯燥的故事總是令人厭倦。冗長枯燥的故事總是令人厭倦。Tina became_ with the same work she does every day. A. boredB. angryC. pleasedD. amazed【解析【解析】選選A。句意為:。句意為:Tina厭倦了每天做相同的工作。厭倦了每天做相同的工作。become bored with “厭倦了厭倦了”。angry“氣憤的氣憤的”, pleased“高興的高興的”, amazed“驚訝的驚訝的”。It is the most _ movie I have seen. I will never see it again. A. interestingB. amazingC. boringD. exciting【解析【解析】選選C。句意為:這是我看過的最令人厭煩的影片。句意為:這是我看過的最令人厭煩的影片。我再也不會看它了。根據(jù)后一句可知影片令人厭倦我再也不會看它了。根據(jù)后一句可知影片令人厭倦, 故選故選boring。6. instruction n. (常作復數(shù))指示(常作復數(shù))指示; 說明說明【原句【原句】Ms Shen gave us instructions and then we worked by ourselves. (P3)沈老師給我們做了說明沈老師給我們做了說明, 然后我們自己做。然后我們自己做。 Follow the teachers instructions when you are doing an experiment. 在做實驗時你要遵照老師的指示做。在做實驗時你要遵照老師的指示做。 The artist gave us instructions in painting. 藝術(shù)家給予我們繪畫方面的指導。藝術(shù)家給予我們繪畫方面的指導。 Under my fathers instructions, I learned how to drive a car. 在父親的指導下在父親的指導下, 我學會了開車。我學會了開車。 The worker is instructing his sons to build the house. 工人正在指導他的兒子們建房子。工人正在指導他的兒子們建房子。Mr Brown knows little Japanese, so he cant understand the_ on the bottle of the pills. 2011哈爾濱高一檢測哈爾濱高一檢測A. explanationsB. instructions C. descriptions D. introductions【解析【解析】選選B。考查名詞辨析。句意為:布朗先生不太懂日語??疾槊~辨析。句意為:布朗先生不太懂日語, 所以他不懂藥瓶上的說明。所以他不懂藥瓶上的說明。instruction“指示指示, 說明說明”, 符合句意。符合句意。explanation“解釋解釋”; description“描寫描寫”; introduction “介紹介紹”; 均不合句意。均不合句意。7. look forward to doing 期盼期盼/盼望做盼望做【原句【原句】Im looking forward to doing it! (P3)我正盼望著做它呢我正盼望著做它呢! The fans are looking forward to the pop stars visit. 粉絲們正盼望著明星的來訪。粉絲們正盼望著明星的來訪。 I have been looking forward to meeting her again since we left. 自從我們離開自從我們離開, 我一直盼望著再次遇到她。我一直盼望著再次遇到她。I look forward every day to_ . 2011德州高一檢測德州高一檢測A. hearing from youB. hear from you C. heard from youD. be heard from you【解析【解析】選選A。考查非謂語動詞。句意為:我每天都盼望??疾榉侵^語動詞。句意為:我每天都盼望著收到你的來信。著收到你的來信。look forward to“盼望盼望, 期盼期盼”, 后面接動后面接動詞詞-ing形式作賓語。形式作賓語。8. impress vt. 使印象深刻使印象深刻【原句【原句】Li Kang is very impressed with the teachers and the technology in his new school. (P4)李康對新學校里的老師和技術(shù)印象深刻。李康對新學校里的老師和技術(shù)印象深刻。 The trip impressed tourists with Shanghai. 這次旅行使游客們對上海印象深刻。這次旅行使游客們對上海印象深刻。 I am deeply impressed with the beautiful sight in the country. 我對鄉(xiāng)下的美麗景象印象深刻。我對鄉(xiāng)下的美麗景象印象深刻。 The clever child left a deep impression on all the guests at the party. 這個聰明的孩子給所有出席晚會的客人留下了深刻印象。這個聰明的孩子給所有出席晚會的客人留下了深刻印象。完成句子完成句子We were deeply impressed with (印象深刻印象深刻) the film made by Zhang Yimou. His words were forever impressed on my mind(永遠印(永遠印在我的腦海里)在我的腦海里). 1. . . . Ms Shens method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. (P3) 沈老師的教學方法不同于我初中老師的教學方法。沈老師的教學方法不同于我初中老師的教學方法。句中句中that是代詞是代詞, 表示特指表示特指, 替代替代the method of teaching, 后面通常有后置定語修飾。后面通常有后置定語修飾。 My book is different from that in your bag. 我的書不同于你書包中的那本。我的書不同于你書包中的那本。 The air in the country is fresher than that in the city. 鄉(xiāng)下鄉(xiāng)下的空氣比城市的空氣新鮮。的空氣比城市的空氣新鮮。 The electric bikes made in this factory last long than those made in that factory. 這家工廠生產(chǎn)的電動自行車比那家工廠生產(chǎn)的耐用。這家工廠生產(chǎn)的電動自行車比那家工廠生產(chǎn)的耐用。The cost of renting a house in central Xian is higher than _ in any other area of the city. 2010陜西陜西, 12A. thatB. thisC. itD. one 【解析【解析】選選A。句意為:在西安市中心租房子的費用高于在本。句意為:在西安市中心租房子的費用高于在本市其他地區(qū)的房租。本句是租房費用在市中心和其他地方的市其他地區(qū)的房租。本句是租房費用在市中心和其他地方的比較。比較。that是代詞是代詞, 替代替代the cost of renting a house, 表示特指。表示特指。The English spoken in the United States is only slightly different from _spoken in England. 2008全國卷全國卷I, 33A. which B. whatC. thatD. the one【解析【解析】選選C。句意為:美式英語與英式英語略有不同。句意為:美式英語與英式英語略有不同。that是代詞是代詞, 替代替代the English, 表示特指表示特指, the one替代特指的表示一替代特指的表示一類人或物的名詞。類人或物的名詞。2. In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys. (P3)換句話說)換句話說, 女生人數(shù)是男生的三倍。女生人數(shù)是男生的三倍。倍數(shù)的表示方法有以下四種:倍數(shù)的表示方法有以下四種:(1)“倍數(shù)倍數(shù)+形容詞比較級形容詞比較級+than+比較對象比較對象”表示表示“比比多多/大大/高高多少倍多少倍”(2)“倍數(shù)倍數(shù)+as+形容詞原級形容詞原級+as+比較對象比較對象”表示表示“是是的的多少倍多少倍”(3)“倍數(shù)倍數(shù)+the size ( length, depth, value, price, height等等) + of + 比較對象比較對象”表示表示“是是的多少倍的多少倍”(4)“倍數(shù)倍數(shù)+what從句從句”表示表示“是是的多少倍的多少倍” The price of the houses now is nearly three times as high as three years ago. 現(xiàn)在的房價幾乎是三年前的三倍。現(xiàn)在的房價幾乎是三年前的三倍。 Small as it is, the stamp is almost three times the value of that bigger ones. 這枚郵票雖小這枚郵票雖小, 價值卻幾乎是那些大郵票的三倍。價值卻幾乎是那些大郵票的三倍。 This book is three times longer than that one. 這本書比那本書長兩倍。這本書比那本書長兩倍。 As the boss, I earn three times what I did in that company. 作為老板作為老板, 我現(xiàn)在掙的錢是在那家公司時掙的三倍。我現(xiàn)在掙的錢是在那家公司時掙的三倍。 As a student, you should spend as much time as possible on your study. 作為學生作為學生, 你應該將盡可能多的時間用于學習。你應該將盡可能多的時間用于學習。 Six is twice/ double as big as three. 六是三的兩倍。六是三的兩倍。You paid 80 yuan for such an old basketball? Yes. I would even pay _. It has the signature of Yao Ming on it. A. as twice as muchB. twice as much asC. twice as muchD. twice much as【解析【解析】選選C??疾楸稊?shù)比較法。句意為:。考查倍數(shù)比較法。句意為:你花了你花了80元元買了這么一個舊籃球買了這么一個舊籃球? 是的是的, 我樂意花甚至兩倍的價錢。我樂意花甚至兩倍的價錢。上面有姚明的簽名。上面有姚明的簽名。twice as much as. . . “是是的兩倍價的兩倍價錢錢”, 句中省略了另一個比較對象句中省略了另一個比較對象, 因此因此, twice as much as. . . 結(jié)構(gòu)省略了結(jié)構(gòu)省略了as. . . 。1. academic adj. 學術(shù)的學術(shù)的; 學院的學院的; 學業(yè)成績優(yōu)秀的學業(yè)成績優(yōu)秀的【原句【原句】Which of them are not academic subjects? (P1)它們中哪些不是學術(shù)科目它們中哪些不是學術(shù)科目? She loves the university because of the heavy academic atmosphere there. 她喜歡這所大學是因為那里濃厚的學術(shù)氛圍。她喜歡這所大學是因為那里濃厚的學術(shù)氛圍。 He is a popular boy although he is not very academic. 盡管他的成績不是很優(yōu)秀盡管他的成績不是很優(yōu)秀, 但是他很討人喜歡。但是他很討人喜歡。 I love art and want to study in a famous art academy. 我酷愛藝術(shù)我酷愛藝術(shù), 想就讀一所著名的藝術(shù)學院。想就讀一所著名的藝術(shù)學院。完成句子完成句子The old professor is famous all over the world for his academic achievement (因為他的學術(shù)成就因為他的學術(shù)成就). The young man was_ successful and was named head of the college. A. academicB. academicallyC. academyD. academical【解析【解析】選選B。句意為:這個年輕人學術(shù)上很成功。句意為:這個年輕人學術(shù)上很成功, 被任命為被任命為大學校長。大學校長。academically 是副詞是副詞, 修飾形容詞修飾形容詞successful。 2. information n. 信息信息【原句【原句】The screens also show photographs, text and information from websites. (P2)屏幕還展示圖片屏幕還展示圖片, 文本和來自網(wǎng)站的信息。文本和來自網(wǎng)站的信息。 Please phone us for more information. 請給我們打電話來獲得更多信息。請給我們打電話來獲得更多信息。 Information technology is playing an important part in the information age. 在信息時代在信息時代, 信息技術(shù)起著重要作用。信息技術(shù)起著重要作用。When you talk with someone online, be careful not to let out your personal_. A. newsB. messageC. adviceD. information【解析【解析】選選D。 句意為句意為“在網(wǎng)上與人聊天時在網(wǎng)上與人聊天時, 小心不要泄露小心不要泄露個人信息。個人信息。”information 信息信息, 尤其指個人的隱私資料尤其指個人的隱私資料, 符符合句意。合句意。news新聞消息新聞消息, 與個人無關(guān)與個人無關(guān); message “消息消息, 口口信信”; advice “建議建議, 意見意見”, 均不合句意。均不合句意。3. attitude n. 態(tài)度態(tài)度【原句【原句】I like her attitude very much, and the behaviour of the other students shows that they like her, too. (P3)我非常喜歡她的態(tài)度我非常喜歡她的態(tài)度, 其他學生們的行為表明他們也喜歡她。其他學生們的行為表明他們也喜歡她。 I was moved by his enthusiastic attitude to his work. 我被他熱情的工作態(tài)度感動了。我被他熱情的工作態(tài)度感動了。 Whats your attitude towards my work? 你對我的工作是什么態(tài)度你對我的工作是什么態(tài)度? In order to change peoples attitudes _employing women, the government is bringing in new laws. A. aboutB. withC. towardsD. on【解析【解析】選選C。 句意為:為了改變?nèi)藗儗陀脣D女的態(tài)度句意為:為了改變?nèi)藗儗陀脣D女的態(tài)度, 政府正在引進新法律。政府正在引進新法律。attitude作作“態(tài)度態(tài)度”講時講時, 如表示如表示“對對的態(tài)度的態(tài)度”, 后跟介詞后跟介詞to或或towards。4. behaviour n. 行為行為; 舉動舉動【原句【原句】I like her attitude very much, and the behaviour of the other students shows that they like her, too. (P3)我非常喜歡她的態(tài)度我非常喜歡她的態(tài)度, 其他學生們的行為表明他們也喜歡她。其他學生們的行為表明他們也喜歡她。 A person should mind his behaviour and be a polite man. 一個人要注意他的行為一個人要注意他的行為, 做個有禮貌的人。做個有禮貌的人。 Ones behaviour should agree with his words. 一個人應該言行一致。一個人應該言行一致。 He is a strange man and he behaves strangely. 他是個古怪的人他是個古怪的人, 舉止古怪。舉止古怪。 Please behave well at the party. 請在晚會上舉止文雅些。請在晚會上舉止文雅些。 How is your new car behaving? 你的新車性能如何你的新車性能如何? 完成句子完成句子I felt embarrassed with his rude behaviour(行為)(行為) at the party. Every person should behave well (舉止文雅舉止文雅) in public. 5. in other words 換句話說換句話說【原句【原句】In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys. (P3)換句話說)換句話說, 女生人數(shù)是男生的三倍。女生人數(shù)是男生的三倍。 We will go boating on the lake tomorrow. In other words, we will not go shopping. 我們明天去湖上劃船我們明天去湖上劃船, 換句話說換句話說, 我們不去購物了。我們不去購物了。I soon found that the work I was doing had already been done by someone else._ , I was wasting my time. 2011大慶高一檢測大慶高一檢測A. In a word B. In other words C. In one word D. In short【解析【解析】選選B??疾榻樵~短語辨析。句意為:不久我發(fā)現(xiàn)我。考查介詞短語辨析。句意為:不久我發(fā)現(xiàn)我正在做的工作別人已經(jīng)做了。換句話說正在做的工作別人已經(jīng)做了。換句話說, 我在浪費時間。我在浪費時間。in other words“換句話說換句話說”, 符合句意。符合句意。6. I dont think I will be bored in Ms Shens class! (P3)我認為我是不會對沈老師的課厭煩的我認為我是不會對沈老師的課厭煩的! 本句為否定轉(zhuǎn)移句本句為否定轉(zhuǎn)移句, dont think中的中的not實際上是否定實際上是否定賓語從句中的謂語。賓語從句中的謂語。 I dont think that you two have met before. 我想你們兩人以前沒見過面。我想你們兩人以前沒見過面。 I dont believe she knows it, does she? 我相信她不知道此事我相信她不知道此事, 對嗎對嗎? She doesnt think I know it, does she? 她沒想到我知道此事她沒想到我知道此事, 是嗎是嗎? (寫出下列句子的反意疑問句)(寫出下列句子的反意疑問句)I dont think anyone will be ready to do it, will they ? She didnt believe you were from Liaoning, did she ? 7. For our homework tonight, we have to write a description of the street where we live. (P3)我們今晚的作業(yè)是寫一篇描述我們居住的街道的文章。我們今晚的作業(yè)是寫一篇描述我們居住的街道的文章。句中句中where 引導定語從句修飾名詞引導定語從句修飾名詞the street; where在在從句中作地點狀語從句中作地點狀語, 相當于相當于in the street。 This is the place where I found the purse. 這就是我撿到錢包的地方。這就是我撿到錢包的地方。 I visited the village where my grandfather grew up. 我參觀了我祖父成長的村子。我參觀了我祖父成長的村子。 This is the shop which sells computers. 這是賣電腦的商店。這是賣電腦的商店。(句中句中which替代替代the shop作主語作主語) This is the shop where I bought a computer. 這是我買電腦的那家商店。這是我買電腦的那家商店。(句中句中where替代替代in the shop在從在從句中作地點狀語句中作地點狀語) Last weekend, we visited the house_ he wrote his famous book. A. thatB. whichC. whereD. there【解析【解析】選選C。句意為:上個周末。句意為:上個周末, 我們參觀了他創(chuàng)作名著我們參觀了他創(chuàng)作名著的房子。的房子。where 引導定語從句修飾名詞引導定語從句修飾名詞the house; where 替替代代in the house在從句中作地點狀語。在從句中作地點狀語。Do you remember the old town _ you visited last year? A. whereB. thatC. thereD. when【解析【解析】選選B。句意為:你還記得你去年參觀的古鎮(zhèn)嗎。句意為:你還記得你去年參觀的古鎮(zhèn)嗎? that或或which引導定語從句修飾名詞引導定語從句修飾名詞the old town, 替代替代the old town在從句中作賓語。在從句中作賓語。. 單詞拼寫單詞拼寫根據(jù)所給單詞的漢語意思寫出各單詞的正確形式。根據(jù)所給單詞的漢語意思寫出各單詞的正確形式。1. Most new comers are deeply impressed (印象)(印象)with the beautiful scenery in the mountain. 2. My mother is an enthusiastic (熱心的熱心的)woman who is ready to help other people. 3. When he is alone, he usually thinks of his previous(先前(先前的)的)friends. 4. At the bottom of the page, you will find instructions(指導)(指導)for making wine. 5. The students became bored(厭倦的)(厭倦的)with his long speech. 6. The Internet helps us a lot. It offers all kinds of information (信息信息). 7. Ones success depends on his attitude (態(tài)度)態(tài)度) to the work. 8. The young man has amazing (令人驚訝的令人驚訝的) ability. He can remember all the people he met. 9. I felt embarrassed (難堪的難堪的) when I realized I had taken his bag. 10. Most people dont like him because he behaves(舉止)(舉止) badly and always says bad words. . 選詞填空選詞填空用下列單詞的正確形式填空。用下列單詞的正確形式填空。description, previous, bored, information, impress, amazing, instruction, method, enthusiastic, embarrassed1. People at the party were amazed at his strange action. 2. He decided to visit his teacher who had previously taught him maths. 3. It is embarrassing to be told that I had mistaken Jack for his brother Tim. 4. Long speeches are always boring . 5. I will always remember my first English teacher because he has a different teaching method . 6. The pupils are operating the machine under the teachers instructions . 7. He is popular with his friends for his enthusiasm towards them. 8. Dont always believe in your first impression . It will sometimes fool you. 9. The area is so well described in the book that most tourists are eager to visit it. 10. The Internet is playing a most important part in the information age. . 單項填空單項填空1. I became_ that Diana got full marks in the English exam, which is really _ . A. amazed; amazed B. amazing; amazingC. amazing; amazedD. amazed; amazing【解析【解析】選選D。考查形容詞。句意為:我很驚訝戴安娜在英??疾樾稳菰~。句意為:我很驚訝戴安娜在英語考試中得了滿分語考試中得了滿分, 這的確令人吃驚。這的確令人吃驚。amazed“驚訝的驚訝的, 吃驚吃驚的的”, 說明人的內(nèi)心感受說明人的內(nèi)心感受; amazing“令人驚訝的令人驚訝的”, 說明事件說明事件的特點。的特點。2. On National Day, a large number of people visited the World Expo, _500, 000. A. anything likeB. nothing butC. something like D. nothing like【解析【解析】選選C。考查介詞短語辨析。句意為:在國慶節(jié)那天??疾榻樵~短語辨析。句意為:在國慶節(jié)那天, 許多人參觀世博會許多人參觀世博會, 大約有大約有50萬人。萬人。something like “大約大約”, 符符合句意。合句意。nothing like“一點也不像一點也不像, 絲毫不像絲毫不像”; anything like “與與類似類似”; nothing but“只有只有, 只不過只不過”; 均不合句意。均不合句意。3. The actor says there are some differences between his performance and _of the previous actor. A. itB. oneC. those D. that【解析【解析】選選D。考查代詞。句意為:這位演員說他的表演與??疾榇~。句意為:這位演員說他的表演與以前的演員有些不同。以前的演員有些不同。that是代詞是代詞, 替代替代the performance, it替替代前文提到的事物代前文提到的事物; one替代表示泛指的單數(shù)名詞替代表示泛指的單數(shù)名詞; those替代替代復數(shù)名詞。復數(shù)名詞。4. Her dress looks the same as mine. But hers costs _ mine. A. twice as much asB. twice as many as C. as twice as muchD. as twice as many【解析【解析】選選A??疾楸稊?shù)的比較。句意為:她的裙子看起來。考查倍數(shù)的比較。句意為:她的裙子看起來和我的一樣和我的一樣, 但是她的裙子的價格是我的兩倍。但是她的裙子的價格是我的兩倍。twice as much as 是是的兩倍。金錢用的兩倍。金錢用much修飾。修飾。5. Tina has got _with office work and is looking forward to _ an exciting job. A. boring; findB. bored; findingC. bored; findD. boring; finding【解析【解析】選選B??疾榉侵^語動詞。句意為:。考查非謂語動詞。句意為:Tina厭倦了辦公室厭倦了辦公室的工作的工作, 盼望找到一份令人興奮的工作。盼望找到一份令人興奮的工作。bored“厭倦的厭倦的, 厭煩厭煩的的”, 說明人的心理狀態(tài)說明人的心理狀態(tài), look forward to doing sth. 盼望做某盼望做某事。事。6. There is a shop nearby the school _you can get what you need. A. thereB. whichC. whereD. so【解析【解析】選選C??疾槎ㄕZ從句。句意為:學校附近有一個商。考查定語從句。句意為:學校附近有一個商店店, 在那里你能買到你需要的東西。在那里你能買到你需要的東西。where引導定語從句引導定語從句, 修飾修飾名詞名詞shop。where替代替代in the shop, 在從句中作狀語。在從句中作狀語?!疽?guī)律方法【規(guī)律方法】在解答考查定語從句的題目時在解答考查定語從句的題目時, 首先確定首先確定先行詞先行詞, 然后將先行詞帶入從句然后將先行詞帶入從句, 將其放在從句中適當?shù)奈恢脤⑵浞旁趶木渲羞m當?shù)奈恢? 最后看其充當?shù)某煞肿詈罂雌涑洚數(shù)某煞? 確定選用的引導詞。確定選用的引導詞。7. The advice that Professor Xu gave is very useful for_. A. our students B. us studentsC. we studentsD. ourselves students【解析【解析】選選B??疾橥徽Z。句意為:徐教授給出的建議對于。考查同位語。句意為:徐教授給出的建議對于我們學生很有用。代詞我們學生很有用。代詞us作介詞作介詞for的賓語的賓語, 因此用賓格因此用賓格, students 是是us的同位語。的同位語。8. The boss told Tom that he neednt come to work the next day. _ , he was fired. A. In a word B. In a wayC. In other words D. In fact【解析【解析】選選C??疾榻樵~短語。句意為:老板告訴湯姆明天。考查介詞短語。句意為:老板告訴湯姆明天他不用來上班了。換句話說他不用來上班了。換句話說, 他被解雇了。他被解雇了。in other words換換句話說。句話說。9. _it is to go for a picnic on such a fine day! 2011吉安高一檢測吉安高一檢測A. What a funB. What fun C. How funnyD. How a fun【解析【解析】選選B。句意為:在這么好的天氣去野餐多么有趣啊。句意為:在這么好的天氣去野餐多么有趣啊! fun是不可數(shù)名詞是不可數(shù)名詞, 前不加不定冠詞前不加不定冠詞a, 構(gòu)成感嘆句時構(gòu)成感嘆句時, 用用what引引導。導。funny是形容詞是形容詞, 意為意為“滑稽的滑稽的, 可笑的可笑的”, 不合句意。不合句意。10. As he grew older, his _ towards his work changed greatly. A. idea B. thoughtC. opinionD. attitude【解析【解析】選選D。考查名詞辨析。句意為:隨著年齡的增長??疾槊~辨析。句意為:隨著年齡的增長, 他他對工作的態(tài)度有了極大的改變。對工作的態(tài)度有了極大的改變。attitude“態(tài)度態(tài)度”, 符合句意。符合句意。idea“主意主意, 念頭念頭”; thought“想法想法”; opinion“觀點觀點”, 均不合均不合句意。句意。11. My brother is so _ about the actor that he never misses a film acted by him. A. interestedB. friendlyC. enthusiasticD. careful【解析【解析】選選C。考查形容詞辨析。句意為:我弟弟對這位演??疾樾稳菰~辨析。句意為:我弟弟對這位演員太熱心了員太熱心了, 從沒錯過他演的任何一部電影。從沒錯過他演的任何一部電影。be enthusiastic about“對對熱心熱心”, 符合句意。符合句意。be interested in “對對感興感興趣趣”; be friendly to“對對友好友好”; be careful of“小心小心/當當心心”。12. I dont like the people who try to _you with how much money theyve got. 2011大慶高一檢測大慶高一檢測A. impress B. show C. press D. strengthen【解析【解析】選選A。句意為:我不喜歡那些試圖用自己有多少錢。句意為:我不喜歡那些試圖用自己有多少錢來給人留下印象的人們。來給人留下印象的人們。impress sb. with sth. “使某人對某事使某人對某事物印象深刻物印象深刻”, 符合句意。符合句意。13. Before going to the party, mother told the child to mind his _. A. way B. methodC. behaviour D. act【解析【解析】選選C??疾槊~辨析。句意為:在參加晚會前??疾槊~辨析。句意為:在參加晚會前, 媽媽媽媽告訴孩子要注意他的行為舉止。告訴孩子要注意他的行為舉止。behaviour“行為行為, 舉止舉止”, 符符合句意。合句意。way“方式方式, 方法方法”; method“方法方法”; act“行為行為”。14. Always read the _before you start taking the medicine. 2011棗莊高一檢測棗莊高一檢測A. notesB. instructionsC. explanationD. description【解析【解析】選選B。 考查名詞辨析。句意為:吃藥前總要先看看考查名詞辨析。句意為:吃藥前總要先看看說明。說明。instruction“說明說明, 指導指導”, 通常用復數(shù)形式。通常用復數(shù)形式。note“注注解解”; explanation“解釋解釋”; description“描述描述”。15. I will go to climb Mount Tai this Saturday. _. A. Thats all rightB. None of my businessC. Have great funD. Thank you【解析【解析】選選C??疾榍榫敖浑H。句意為:。考查情景交際。句意為:這個星期六我這個星期六我將去爬泰山。將去爬泰山。祝你玩得開心。祝你玩得開心。have great fun“玩得開心玩得開心”, 符合句意。符合句意。. 閱讀理解閱讀理解Almost a year after Michael Jacksons death, the spirit of the King of Pop appears to live on a 4-year-old Chinese boy, who is fast becoming internationally popular. Wang Yiming, who is known as Xiao Bao, has already been making waves across the world with his dance moves. A favorite of Chinese media, Xiao Bao draws curious crowds whenever he breaks into a dance routine, which his mother says happens almost every time he hears music. “When he was young, we just started playing music to him and he started moving round like this, ” his mother said. “When he was just a couple of months old, we would let him listen to music and he would immediately stop crying and calm down, ” she told Reuters Television. Xiao Bao was born prematurely (早產(chǎn)早產(chǎn)), and doctors suggested moving his body to music would do good to him, but his parents were surprised by how quickly and interestedly he took


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