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外文資料 翻譯譯文 機(jī) 床 機(jī)床是用于切削金屬的機(jī)器。機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)制造及其自動化 車 床 車床主要是為了進(jìn)行車外圓、車端面和鏜孔等項(xiàng)工作而設(shè)計(jì)的機(jī)床。而且任何一種其他機(jī)床都不想車床那樣方便地進(jìn)行車削加工。在生產(chǎn)中使用的各種車床比任何種類的機(jī)床都多。


1、附錄 A 外文文獻(xiàn)及其翻譯 o in on as to be in is as a a In a is of in as be by a as a a be in a a to an at to to a to a is to is to a in as so 13MA a be MA on to is so it an of of a a to an a of by a to in in we a MA in we of MA of we D)EM)to of of we a of we we to a to it by at a of by MA is in a to MA MA is by an as it is to MA a of 5a s at in or in MAs be by on MA be in a of of a in of a MA a in a is MA is of of is by of of so of MA be in is a is an MA of MA in a so a on MA is in is by MA is in。

2、附錄 1: ow ou or T 1 or on T in T on To to a In o on o 3 To a In y on y of to 1 To do in it to or 2 To on 41212 T in to in 2 to is to be is in o 3 by o to As an is a 5 th is to be 360/25 = 25” as on o to 612124he of in to as as in to MM in T in T an on of a is as as or as as If to be be a T to by or T to be on of As a of T of in to is be 41212 on In be In of it to to or o be T is of of MM of an on be ll in of of MM to in of at on of in it is on or of on of in it is 612。

3、英文原文 of to be by to is of to is a In to in of on of in in by to to is a at be 1so on in be to be to 2at or 3 a in of in of in to to to or to is in of is to be to or to is to in in or on is 3 or is or so is to is of 2to in of in of in of to in is to to as In to in of to to In so so on is to in in to to to a is to to a to be to be 0 3he so on in to a is 5 a in be 2.5 to to in to in of in 。

4、 畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì) (論文 )外文資料翻譯 系 部: 機(jī)械工程系 專 業(yè): 機(jī)械工程及自動化 姓 名: 學(xué) 號: 外文出處: 附 件: 指導(dǎo)教師評語: 此翻譯文章簡單介紹了各機(jī)床的加工原理,并詳細(xì)介紹了各機(jī)床的構(gòu)造,并對方各機(jī)床的加工方法法進(jìn)行了詳細(xì)的描述,翻譯用詞比較準(zhǔn)確,文筆也較為通順,為在以后工作中接觸英文資料打下了基礎(chǔ)。 簽名: 年 月 日 注: 請將該封面與附件裝訂成冊。 (用外文寫 ) 附件 1:外文資料 翻譯譯文 機(jī) 床 機(jī)床是用于切削金屬的機(jī)器。工業(yè)上使用的機(jī)床要數(shù)車床、鉆床和銑床最為重要。其它類型的金屬切削機(jī)床在金屬切削。

5、附錄A:英文資料A is C C) N), C ),to NC In NC is in so as to C C is in NC is a is by C ) in In of i.e C be we by as C up as is a to of be it in as 1)(2 )(3)(4a))( c t c rN r r T N B l f f l= + - - + + N Bf l f f l= - + +1 1,) )t b= - =, , , , , ,( , , ) ( )t t t t t m m m m mx y z x y za b a b= ) ) )m x m m y m m m z m m mx bz l x l y l zb b a b a b= + - + - - - (4b), a)(5b)(6)(7)(8)( ) )y m m z m my l y l za a= - + ) ) )。

6、本科畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計(jì))相關(guān)中英文翻譯資料資料題目:銑削學(xué)生姓名:所在院系:機(jī)電學(xué)院所學(xué)專業(yè):機(jī)電技術(shù)教育is a in is by of of as it is a in a to of In is is to In is so is is in a of in is as a It of on 1 In or of it is of a in A a an of be of . In a is by in is of of be by of to of In is at to is of of of on of 2 of is of a of on is on be in by 16in up of in is in as As 16of is in In up c is at in a it in to of in of in a to so be In of on of to at to of in be is to be It be on of as in at of is to。

7、 2012 年 5 月 25 日 英文原文 1. is of be a of It to be of to of of of in to of is up a of is a of is a In of an of in It is of of is of is so is to is of of in of 5 of of so is by of a of of of of of to of of is at so on of a of is it to or at 6 is it is is of of on of of is in to of of is is in is in to up of is of be is to is in to a to of of is no so in s is 00 800 to of t it at of is So on of of up a is in is to is be of to of of of At in to of is in a 2. of is a is a is to of a 。

8、附 a is a e in of a a at a of in a of up be an of he if of is it be to a he is is is of we we an in he is a of of be is a of an be by of or of a of or f0,as a as a of 969)We of a of of an of a of of an a of a be is of is to a in to to is a e be as of at s of in we of or a we of of we is of of of to to to a a as it is on on to to be a of is e is we as an of in to of 1987)to be in is to be of or of of a “a ”up”of o a of be in to be no a or of of on of an to be a to of as to to as to a。

9、調(diào)制 電磁能是電波和磁性波結(jié)合的領(lǐng)域 很象水波浪在包含很多個(gè)拍打戲水的孩子的一個(gè)大水池里 使通信不可能清楚的進(jìn)行 . 控制信號和保證它們以原計(jì)劃的形式到達(dá)它們意圖的目的地的一種方式是調(diào)制 這種包含你想要傳送的信號的波浪稱為信息波 信息波被強(qiáng)加給載波以便創(chuàng)造獨(dú)特的波動模式 . 舉個(gè)例子來說 ,在 臺情況下 ,被預(yù)先決定的載波也許有 率 總是能調(diào)整收音機(jī)到載波頻率和依靠收音機(jī)去解釋信息波信號 ,例如 ,早晨新聞 (信息波 ,例如傳送早晨新聞的那個(gè) ,被認(rèn)為是導(dǎo)波 .)在傳輸末端將信息強(qiáng)加給載波信號的設(shè)備是公認(rèn)的調(diào)制器 你可以從更加。

10、洛陽理工學(xué)院畢業(yè) 論文 第 頁 1 in an a C NC to of a to At as a in it or be in of of of in of is no as a of in as an to be AD AD AM to on a is to a be to of by of be is on AD to 陽理工學(xué)院畢業(yè) 論文 第 頁 2 AD in to to in of of be do or is a to an a of up a to in to on of a by a is or to a of is at AD to a If a of a be to a in 洛陽理工學(xué)院畢業(yè) 論文 第 頁 3 be or AD or it be by at in is to be of a so in on be to a of a as an to AM be to C is a is AD to to is to to or of of a of a is by In is a of to。

11、 文原文 be by of a a by of is to a of a is to in is is to to a as in a of a in a by or to be in a is it is in In of of in of of ,/10 /5; a on to by of in to to of to on to be to in to be to be to on or to be to of 1) mv is If is is in to 2) is in is in to of of of is . . to to of 3. , so 4. 5. 6. . . to to , is to be so on in in 2to 1) ) 2) (2) to 1) (2) 3) of of of 31) of as of a to r0 as In in or h;: of e. to be in be to in to at be of to be if is be as to as to in in to be so as to is 。

12、附錄 附錄 1 英文原文 he of a is as a) in to (b) (c) (d) (e) of a on of a is of of or is of be to of of on of of is to 00HV,in to 00It is to a of be a of is on of it is in to of as 0 of a of of he a of to be by be of or is of of on of as as of is by a A at is of a or to is in it is to by to a is to be to a is or to by as to a in a a 5mm in of in be or of of to of to of be on of of to of of to of in to of to of in to of of in as he or is o of is as A of a or is in a A or of a or as a of be of a on。

13、 本科畢業(yè)論文中英文翻譯 學(xué)生姓名: 所在院系: 機(jī)電學(xué)院 所學(xué)專業(yè): 機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)制造及其自動化 車 床 車床主要是為了進(jìn)行車外圓、車端面和鏜孔等項(xiàng)工作而設(shè)計(jì)的機(jī)床。車削很少在其他種類的機(jī)床上進(jìn)行,而且任何一種其他機(jī)床都不想車床那樣方便地進(jìn)行車削加工。由于車床還可以用來鉆孔和鉸孔,車床的多功能性可以使工件在一次裝夾中進(jìn)行幾種加工。因此,在生產(chǎn)中使用的各種車床比任何種類的機(jī)床都多。 普通車床:普通車床作為最早的金屬切削機(jī)床中的一種,目前仍然有許多有用的和人們所需要的特性?,F(xiàn)在,這些機(jī)床主要用在規(guī)模較小的工廠中。

14、攀枝花學(xué)院本科畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)(論文) 外語文翻譯攀枝花學(xué)院本科畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)(論文)外文譯文院 (系): 機(jī)電工程學(xué)院 專 業(yè): 機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)制造及其自動化 姓 名: 學(xué) 號: 指導(dǎo)教師評語:簽名: 年 月 日攀枝花學(xué)院本科畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)(論文) 外語文翻譯外語文獻(xiàn)翻譯原文:of in a I/O) In AD AD on a on of AD it a a or a In a do A up of is of a A to on AD is is to of a is A of is of a it is to on on is to a to a of AD in -D of -D a AD in a AD to in a 文) 。

15、英文原文 to of in a or a on of of or as 990s, of as an 00 of so f, on is in As in of no in or a of to be to be to be on to so be in of is up is is to is 1, up to a of 2, 3, 50 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 100% 10, 11, to 1, is a 00mm 2, of No be 3 20mm 4, by 5 a s In of is of is is in to is 300mm of 0% or A, to a in a a of up to be to at to to in of a to is is or of in of to an of is be of At on on to to in to be on in be in t to in of on in of to to to 。

16、 畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì) (論文 )外文資料翻譯 學(xué) 院: 機(jī)械工程學(xué)院 專 業(yè): 姓 名: 學(xué) 號: 外文出處: 英國皇家物理學(xué)會全文電子期刊 ( 用 外 文 寫 ) 件: 指導(dǎo)教師評語: 簽名: (手寫簽名) 年 月 日 注: 請將該封面與附件裝訂成冊。附 件 1:外文資料翻譯譯文 電梯 有三類電梯:乘客電梯主要設(shè)計(jì)客運(yùn)使用 ;載貨電梯主要用于貨物但可以有時(shí)載客 ;及服務(wù)電梯只用于貨物,乘客無法進(jìn)入這種電梯。電梯的速度是由到達(dá)的樓層數(shù)目和服務(wù)質(zhì)量決定的。在高層辦公大樓中電梯速度從 到 。 在決定電梯大小時(shí),我們可按每位乘客 計(jì)算;至于電梯載重,可按平。

17、 中國地質(zhì)大學(xué)長城學(xué)院 本科畢業(yè)論文外文資料翻譯 系 別: 工程技術(shù)系 專 業(yè): 機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)制造及其自動化 姓 名: 學(xué) 號: 2012 年 3 月 1 日 2 外文資料翻譯譯文 絞車又稱為卷揚(yáng)機(jī),主要運(yùn)用于建筑、水利工程、林業(yè)、礦山、碼頭等的物料升降或平拖。 是用 卷筒 纏繞 鋼絲繩 或 鏈條 以 提升 或 牽引 重物的輕小型起重設(shè)備 。 絞車具有以下特點(diǎn):通用性高、結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊、體積小、重量輕、起重大。使用轉(zhuǎn)移方便,被廣泛應(yīng)用于建筑、水利工程、林業(yè)、礦山、碼頭等的物料升降或平拖,還可作現(xiàn)代化電控自動作業(yè)線的配套設(shè)備。有 350噸,分為快速和。

18、沈陽理工大學(xué)學(xué)位論文 27 附錄 A 英文原文 of to as or is a or of of is is by of or a of of a If no be on of If or is of A- to a on of is by a or be to on on of s an of of it to or of is by is as it is by on V, or in or a is to of is to in of to As is or it is to 1. is As an of of 陽理工大學(xué)學(xué)位論文 28 a 6.5 to be .4 In of a of 0 lb of is of n of of 2). A of is is to a of up l)of 沈陽理工大學(xué)學(xué)位論文 29 a of on of to of is on is in of is to in s is by of by 3. is in a by a it to an be or is to as i。

19、 數(shù)控加工鍵槽的工裝設(shè)計(jì) of 英文翻譯 學(xué)生姓名: 所在院系:機(jī)電學(xué)院 所學(xué)專業(yè):機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)制造及其自動化 導(dǎo)師姓名: 完成時(shí)間: 安全 再操作任何一臺機(jī)床之前,請記住,沒有人想到他 /她自己會受傷,但是它發(fā)生了 !在你意想不到的時(shí)候它會瞬間發(fā)生,這場事故很可能影響你的余生,所以你必須要注意安全。在你操作機(jī)床的任何 一部分之前,必須去了解你的機(jī)床并請牢牢記住以下的安全措施: 們可能會掉進(jìn)機(jī)床中。 松的衣服,不要帶領(lǐng)帶或手套,因?yàn)檫@些東西很容易夾在運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)的主軸或者卡盤中而造成嚴(yán)重傷亡。 為許多嚴(yán)重的事故都是由于長發(fā)被卷。

20、of a so It of an in 960s by oD to a to in of a as a If of or of to It of s 985, a of a to At to as as to CI to As of a on so be to in of is of by on eb,to is no to eb by So is eb of a to to of eb is as a is s it s to a to RL of in s s to it on s to of as on a eb is on eb to be so On of on at as or To eb on in a 990 It is as is by a of T&T, is to of eb by be to is IT in at in of eb on of by eb an to of to It to of of eb as a of on to in a to to a of a or on a is a to a to a 。

21、英文原文 1 is in 960s in LC is to of is is to as of is to of in to of In LC as a LC is no is a in It to in as of of or to a to is a be to a is 2 a . 968, in At LC or a 1999. C to to of to in to a on LC 1995, an of 5 of S of is of LC as a 5at in LC is on is or in a by If a LC to to of of is an in so be In in LC is to in to LC a of In of is LC In LC to of A a is in of is to a LC on as a of to a of is to a to in of is to of on of 3 is LC LC PU I/O a do LC PU I/O or a be to In a of PUs of of。

22、3 o: 02795878 o: of of A. K. n 5 1988 p 221988 ( A;(摘要 : 進(jìn)行了 理論與實(shí)驗(yàn)研究 , 確定了工藝參數(shù)對焊縫金屬的顯微組織 , 奧氏體不銹鋼中脈沖激光焊接。激光焊接上取得四奧氏體不銹鋼在不同功率水平和掃描速度進(jìn)行了審議。瞬態(tài)傳熱模型,考慮到流體流動熔池采用模擬熱循環(huán)和冷卻速度所經(jīng)歷的各種焊接材料的條件 , 焊縫熱循環(huán)和冷卻速度與凝固結(jié)構(gòu)的條件進(jìn)行調(diào)查,觀察熔合區(qū)結(jié)構(gòu)從全雙工奧氏體( ) ,另加鐵氧體(增量) ,有微觀結(jié)構(gòu)的證據(jù)重大結(jié)晶區(qū)結(jié)構(gòu)的融合,可解釋的基礎(chǔ)上的熱循環(huán)。本調(diào)查清楚地表明,潛在的計(jì)算模型,。

23、英文原文 of to a or to a to or a of on as as or or be is a (1) of a a of (2) a in (3) is is to or to by of is of in an of of a or to in a in a of to an to on so of of is be as It is or to as a to of of a It is in or a a at It at of be a be by of or or or be in be to of of to a of on a to of of is to of on of or is at of an in of or be at to be an or or In a of at is a in a is a of to a in as be or of in in to of is of or as on of or in in be in a in is to be in to A a to of 。

24、of of to to in is to of in a to is as of is of of of to of to be a of to of of to to Be to be a to of to is is of is is to is to in to to a by is to in a of to is is to a by is to is in a of is 0000 on of 0s of of & # by 4000 8226; 4000 72 ) to is to to is of by in to a is ea to be a a its to is to 2) a u a of to in to a at to to s (3 ) to to by To to to to a to 23to a of to on as to ea (1) a in to to be to of a be no a is in 2) by in a 30 8 6 。

25、 關(guān)于機(jī)械 機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)是一門通過設(shè)計(jì)新產(chǎn)品或者改進(jìn)老產(chǎn)品來滿足人類需求的應(yīng)用技術(shù)科學(xué)。它涉及工程技術(shù)的各個(gè)領(lǐng)域,主要研究產(chǎn)品尺寸、形狀和詳細(xì)結(jié)構(gòu)的基本構(gòu)思,還要研究產(chǎn)品在制造、銷售和使用等方面的問題。設(shè)計(jì)人員或者機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)工程師是指進(jìn)行各種機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)工作的人員。機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)是一項(xiàng)創(chuàng)造性的工作。他們不僅在工作上要有創(chuàng)造性,而且必須在機(jī)械制圖、運(yùn)動學(xué)、工程材料、材料力學(xué)和機(jī)械制造工藝學(xué)等方面具有深厚的基礎(chǔ)知識。 機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)的目的是生產(chǎn)能夠滿足人類需求的產(chǎn)品 。只有當(dāng)發(fā)明、發(fā)現(xiàn)和科技知識被應(yīng)用在產(chǎn)品上才能產(chǎn)生效益給人。

機(jī)械專業(yè)外文文獻(xiàn)翻譯-外文翻譯-- PLC概述
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