壓縮包內含有CAD圖紙和說明書,均可直接下載獲得文件,所見所得,電腦查看更方便。Q 197216396 或 11970985
第一章 綜合說明 1
1.1 工程特性表 1
1.2 建設目的和依據 2
1.3 建設的條件 3
1.4 建設的規(guī)模及綜合利用效益 3
1.4.1 建設規(guī)模 3
1.4.2 綜合利用效益 3
第二章 自然地理條件 4
2.1 地形條件 4
2.2 水文特性 4
2.3 工程地質條件 4
2.3.1庫區(qū)工程地質 4
2.3.2壩址工程地質 5
2.3.3 引水發(fā)電隧洞工程地質條件 8
2.4 氣象、地震及其他 8
2.4.1 氣象、地震 8
2.4.2 天然建筑材料 8
第三章 設計條件和設計依據 10
3.1 設計任務 10
3.2 設計依據 10
第四章 洪水調節(jié)計算 12
4.1 洪水調洪演算 12
4.1.1 洪水調洪演算原理 12
4.1.2洪水調洪演算方法 13
4.2 洪水標準分析 13
4.3 洪水建筑物的型式選擇 14
4.4 調洪演算及泄水建筑物尺寸(孔口尺寸/堰頂高程)的確定 15
4.4.1 調洪演算過程 15
4.4.2 洪水過程線的模擬 15
4.4.3 計算公式 16
4.4.4 計算結果 16
4.4.5 方案選擇 17
4.4.6 壩頂高程的確定 17
4.4.7 閘門設計 19
4.4.8 泄水建筑物的設計 19
第五章 主要建筑物型式選擇及樞紐布置 20
5.1 壩軸線確定 20
5.2 樞紐等別及組成建筑物級別 21
5.3 壩型選擇 22
5.3.1 定性分析 22
5.3.2 定量分析 26
5.4 泄水建筑物型式選擇 27
5.5 水電站建筑物 28
5.6 樞紐方案的綜合比較 29
5.6.1 擋水建筑物——復合土工膜防滲堆石壩 29
5.6.2 泄水建筑物——正槽溢洪道 29
5.6.3 水電站建筑物 29
第六章 第一主要建筑物設計 30
6.1 大壩輪廓尺寸及防浪墻設計 30
6.1.1 L型擋墻頂高程及壩頂高程、寬度 30
6.1.2 壩體分區(qū) 30
6.1.3 L型擋墻設計 31
6.2 堆石料設計 41
6.2.1 堆石料基本特性參數 41
6.2.2 主、次堆石料設計 41
6.2.3 墊層、過渡層設計 41
6.2.4 堆石體設計技術參數表 42
6.2.5 堆石體填筑技術參數表 42
6.3 復合土工膜設計 42
6.3.1 復合土工膜的選型和分區(qū) 42
6.3.2 土工膜強度及厚度校核 44
6.4 大壩穩(wěn)定分析 45
6.4.1 計算原理及方法 45
6.4.2 壩坡穩(wěn)定分析 47
6.4.3 壩坡面復合土工膜的穩(wěn)定分析 47
6.5 副壩設計 48
6.5.1 副壩及主壩的連接及副壩型式選擇 48
6.5.2 副壩的地基處理防滲設計 52
6.6 主副壩連接段設計 52
6.7 細部構造設計及地基處理 53
6.7.1 壩頂構造 53
6.7.2 護坡設計 53
6.7.3 分縫及止水 53
6.7.4 壩基處理 54
6.8趾板設計 (專題) 55
6.8.1 趾板的作用 55
6.8.2 趾板剖面設計 56
6.8.3 趾板配筋 60
6.8.4 趾板地基處理 60
6.9 溢洪道設計 61
6.9.1 溢洪道的總體布置 61
6.9.2 進水渠設計 61
6.9.3 控制段設計 61
6.9.4 泄槽設計 63
6.9.5 出口消能段設計 63
6.10 壩體沉降估算 63
第七章 施工組織設計 64
7.1 基本資料分析 64
7.1.1 工程概況 64
7.1.2 施工條件 64
7.1.3 有效工日分析 64
7.2 施工導流 65
7.2.1 導流標準 65
7.2.2 施工導流方案及大壩施工分期 65
7.2.3 導流建筑物規(guī)劃布置 66
7.3 主體工程施工 69
7.3.1 堆石體施工 69
7.3.2 混凝土施工 74
7.3.3 導流隧洞施工 76
7.4 施工交通運輸道路布置 79
7.5 施工總進度 80
參考文獻 81
摘 要
Design Background: The project is located in Wuyuan, Jiangxi Le'an Hsiaokang River water level upstream tributary about 160, more than control site drainage area 33. The upper reaches of the watershed for the low mountains, steep mountains, the middle and lower reaches for the hilly areas, mountain messy, gully development. Basin for many years the average temperature, average rainfall for many years an average of 2047.7. Formed mainly by the runoff of precipitation, over the average traffic flow for many years an average of 40.4 million total. Dam and reservoir area is located in a relatively stable block, the seismic intensity is 7 degrees Celsius. Dam site the oldest strata exposed, through a number of tectonic movement, fault fracture, rock crusher, rock and flexural folds common. Lithology former Sinian the fourth paragraph of Banxi Group 1000 Green clay sericite metamorphic rock inclusions of sandstone, loose Quaternary deposits and metamorphic gabbro, lithologic hard.
Design Method: Using a triangle to develop flood hydrograph method, in accordance with the requirements of flood control, flood regulation on the calculation of the reservoir to determine the crest elevation. The program may be analyzed to determine the form of the main components of buildings, the outline of the size and layout. Dam made a detailed design, preparation of detailed construction, calculated for static hydraulic, spillway and the themes and designs for the plinth. The design of general concrete faced rockfill dam and a number of composite geomembrane has been rock-fill dam built as a reference, pay attention to detail in the breakdown of the design of an independent at the same time, considering the unity of the overall project. Design elements: The concrete face rockfill dam, including the main elements of design flood calculation, L-type retaining wall, composite geomembrane design, slope stability analysis, auxiliary dam, spillway design, spatial arrangement of the plinth, engineering calculation, lead Construction of the design flow. The design we have a design method of rock-fill dam, rockfill dam and that some of the important characteristics and the design should be noted that the local, and plinth I am also the topics and spillway design, acquire the relevant knowledge . From the completion of the professional knowledge to the practical application of theoretical study of the transition, experienced workers, as a water responsibilities. Future work and laid a solid foundation.
Key Words: rockfill dam, composite geomembrane,slope protection design, toe board, construction of organizational design.