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economic adj. 經(jīng)濟(jì)的。2019-2020年高中英語 Module 5 Unit 1 復(fù)習(xí)學(xué)案 牛津版必修5 Teaching aims。


1、111江蘇省連云港灌云縣第一中學(xué)高中英語必修五:unit 1 Getting along with others Project Giving an oral report 學(xué)案By: Wei JianianStep One: ReadingAnswer the following questions:1) What puzzles Robert?2) Whats the difference between girls and boys in their attitudes towards friendship?3) What are boys and girls friendships each based on?Step Two: Giving an oral reportPlanning:n Work in small groups. Circle one of the topics below or write down one of your own.。

2、111江蘇省連云港灌云縣第一中學(xué)高中英語必修五:unit 1 Getting along with others Gramma 教案Teaching Aims:l To learn the basic form of the to-infinitive and the bare infinitive and learn how to use them in different situationsl To learn how to use the verb-ing form as a noun in various situations.l To summarize common and important verbs related to infinitive and verb-ing l To apply what they learn to practice by fulfilling some written mistakes.Teaching Key Points: The usages of persuade and disco。

3、111江蘇省連云港灌云縣第一中學(xué)高中英語必修五:unit 1 Getting along with others Grammar學(xué)案By: Wei JianianStep One: Leading-inTell the functions of the underlined parts in the sentences: subject, object, object complement, attributive, predicative, or adverbial1) Tom seemed excited when he heard the good news yesterday.2) My mother didnt allow him to go out, for he had lots of homework to do.3) In order to keep healthy, Jack takes exercise every morning.Step Two: To-infinitiveTell the functio。

4、111江蘇省連云港灌云縣第一中學(xué)高中英語必修五:unit 1 Getting along with others Word Power 學(xué)案By: Wei JianianStep One: Brainstorming1) What words will use to describe your friends?2) In your opinion, what kind of person is easy to get along with and make friends with?3) What characteristics would you like a friend to have?Step Two: Vocabulary Learning1) What is the meaning of synonym?2) What is the meaning of antonym?Step Three: Vocabulary ExtensionLook at。

5、111江蘇省連云港灌云縣第一中學(xué)高中英語必修五:unit 1 Getting along with others Task 教案Teaching Aim:l To learn and practise their listening, speaking, reading and writing skillsl To learn how to write down the answers, how to express agreement and disagreement, as well as how to write a letter.l To learn how to write a letter l To get some practical advice on making lasting friendshipTeaching Key Points: The usage of anxiousTeaching Difficulties: How to write a letterTeaching Proce。

6、111江蘇省連云港灌云縣第一中學(xué)高中英語必修五:unit 2 The Environment welcome 學(xué)案By: Wei Jianian一課前預(yù)習(xí)1 Learn and study the following words 111environmentenvironmentalistenvironmentally-friendlyatmosphere pollutionplastic bagspoisonous wasterubbishchimneyindustrybalance of natureforestchemicaldesertsandstormrecycledamage protectiondrinking waterfertilizer1112.List the natural disasters you know:hurricanevolcanoNatural disasterstsunami。

7、111江蘇省連云港灌云縣第一中學(xué)高中英語必修五:unit 1 Getting along with others Reading 學(xué)案By: Wei JianianStep One: Leading-in1. Could you tell me the proverbs in the last lesson and their Chinese meanings?2. Discuss the following questions in groups of four.1) Do you keep in touch with your friends?2) Have you ever argue with a good friend?3) If you had a quarrel with your friend, how would you deal with it? Would you feel embarrassed when you met them again?4) How would you mend a broken。

8、111江蘇省連云港灌云縣第一中學(xué)高中英語必修五:unit 1 Getting along with others Project Giving an oral report 教案Teaching Aims:l To learn the passage Teenagers friendshipsl To help students to learn and use English practicallyl To help students to understand about the differences between teenage boys and girls friendshipsl To apply what they have learnt to prepare an oral report to present to the classTeaching Key Points: The usages of the words like attitude, regardless etc.Teaching Diff。

9、111江蘇省連云港灌云縣第一中學(xué)高中英語必修五:unit 1 Getting along with others Welcome 學(xué)案By: Wei JianianStep One: Leading-in1. “Get along with” means ____________________________.2. Getting along with others will talk about__________________________.3. Do you like making friends?______________.4. How well do you get along with your classmates?How many good friends do you have?Do you think it is important to have a good relationship with others? Why? How do you understand the。

10、111江蘇省連云港灌云縣第一中學(xué)高中英語必修五:unit 2 The Environment project 導(dǎo)學(xué)案1Teaching aims write a report about other things that China is doing to protect the environment and how to prepare an oral report to present to the class.Teaching procedureStep 1 Have a free talk about the Yangtze River1)What are the three longest freshwater(淡水的) rivers in the world?2)How many provinces does the Yangtze River run cross? 3)What is the famous manmade project? 2.Show some pictures about the dest。

11、111江蘇省連云港灌云縣第一中學(xué)高中英語必修五:unit 1 Getting along with others New Words 學(xué)案一、詞形轉(zhuǎn)換1. cheerful (adj.)- _____ (v.) n 2. admit (v.) - _____(n.)3. truly (adv.) - ________ (adj.) 4. cruel (adj.) - ________ (n.)5. apologize (v.) - _________ (n.) 6.forgive (v.) - ________ (pp.過去分詞)7. argue (v.) - ________ (n.) 8.horrible (adj.) - ________ (adv.)9. sensitive(adj.) - ___________ (n.) 10. disagreement (n.) _________ (opp.反) ________ (v.。

12、111江蘇省連云港灌云縣第一中學(xué)高中英語必修五:unit 1 Getting along with others 詞匯 學(xué)案1. overcome (過去式_________ 過去分詞_________) vt. ______,________ 我們需要一個有信心的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者來克服這些困難。____________________________________愛情能夠戰(zhàn)勝一切。 Love will ____________________________.2. get through1). (電話等)打通,接通;給接通電話。 I called him, but_______________.(接不通)2). _________ The woman was so fat that she couldnt get through the doorway.3). (使)通過考試;(使)達(dá)到標(biāo)準(zhǔn):Joh。

13、111江蘇省連云港灌云縣第一中學(xué)高中英語必修五:unit 1 Getting along with others Welcome 教案Teaching Contents:l To introduce and develop the theme of how to get along with othersl To provide students with the opportunity to listen about getting along with othersl To help students to gain some insight into friendships and realize the problems friendship may bring aboutl To learn about understanding emotions in a textl To practice and reinforce the integrated skills of listening, speaking, reading, 。

14、111江蘇省連云港灌云縣第一中學(xué)高中英語必修五:unit 2 The Environment project 導(dǎo)學(xué)案2自主學(xué)習(xí) 1. 【原句回放】 As the third longest river in the world, the health of the Yangtze River has raised concern both in China and abroad.句中raise的意思是________, 詞性 ________。__ ___。

15、111江蘇省連云港灌云縣第一中學(xué)高中英語必修五:unit 2 The Environment words and phrases 學(xué)案1. economy n. 經(jīng)濟(jì)economical adj. 經(jīng)濟(jì)適用的,廉價的 an ____________car 節(jié)儉的,節(jié)約的 an economical womaneconomic adj. 經(jīng)濟(jì)的economic theory/environment/growth2.consult咨詢,請教 consult sb about sth商量,協(xié)議 consult with sb about sth查閱,參考(書,字典) consult a telephone bookconsult a dictionary = ____________sth in the dictionary=____________ to a dictionary3. open/close a ________開始/結(jié)束辯論be op。

16、111江蘇省連云港灌云縣第一中學(xué)高中英語必修五:unit 1 Getting along with others Word Power 教案Teaching Aims:l To learn more adjectives to describe personality and put them into different groups such as synonyms, antonyms and so onl To complete the relevant exercises to consolidate itTeaching Difficulties and Key points: the usages of the word sameTeaching procedure:Step One: BrainstormingT: We just have read two letters about friendship. In the two letters, Sarah and Andrew describe their f。

17、111江蘇省連云港灌云縣第一中學(xué)高中英語必修五:unit 2 The Environment Reading2學(xué)案&鞏固案【交流展示】1.economy _____ ______(adj.) ________ ____ (經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家) 2.environment___________ ____(adj.) ___________ __ ( 環(huán)境保護(hù)專家)3.preservation _______ _____(vt.) 4.poisonous _______________(n.)5.benefit ________ ______(adj.) 6.responsible _______ _____(n.)7.stable _______ _______(n.) 8.effective ___________(n.)________(vt.)9.destruction__________ __(vt.) 10.disappoint______。

18、111江蘇省連云港灌云縣第一中學(xué)高中英語必修五:unit 1 Getting along with others Reading 教案Teaching Aims: l To learn two letters written to an agony aunt of a teenage magazine and how to understand the feelings and emotions in a textl To learn how to get along with others and gain some insight into the problems that can exist between friends.l To improve their reading comprehension skill by fully participating in akk the activitiesTeaching Key Points:u How to improve their reading ability through。

19、111江蘇省連云港灌云縣第一中學(xué)高中英語必修五:unit 2 The Environment Reading 學(xué)案班級: 姓名: 【學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)】1.Check and enhance students reading abilities.2.Train students to gain an overall understanding of the article and learn to read a debate.【交流展示】1.What side does Mr Lin Shuiqing and Mr Qian Liwei each represent?2.By how many times has the worlds population increased since 1800?3.According to Mr Qian liwei,what should be don to factories that pollute t。

20、2019-2020年高中英語 Module5 Getting along with others學(xué)案集 牛津版必修5 Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with others I. Spelling 1. You have every right to feel b___________ by your friend if she did tel。

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